Tuesday, September 01, 2015

In The News (1)

नेताका सन्तान महंगा विश्वविद्यालय देखि सरकारी नियुक्तिमा, कार्यकर्ता सडकमा
यतिसम्म कि, प्रकाश र पूर्व युवराज पारस उस्तै भनी तुलना गरेर धेरै ठाउँमा आलोचना भयो । .... बाबुरामपुत्रि मानुषीले त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालयबाट राजनीति शाष्त्रमा स्नातकोत्तर उत्तिर्ण गरी हाल भारतको नयाँ दिल्लीस्थित जवाहरलाल नेहरु विश्वविद्यालयमा एमफिल अध्ययनरत छिन् । ..... त्रिविविमा छँदा उनी विद्यार्थी राजनीतिमा पनि सक्रिय थिइन् । त्यहाँको स्वतन्त्र विद्यार्थी युनियनको सचिव पदमा निर्वाचित मानुषी राजनीतिक रुपमा प्रशिक्षित हुन् । पढाइमा अब्बल मानुषी परिवारकै एक्लो सन्तान हुन् । ...... भट्राईपुत्रि मानुषीको सम्पूर्ण स्कुलिङ नै भारतमा भएको थियो । .... पौडेलका एक्लो छोरा चिन्तन पौडेल ‘गरिब घरपरिवार पहिचान तथा परिचय पत्र वितरण बोर्ड’को कार्यकारी प्रमुखमा नियुक्त छन् । ...अमेरिकामा अध्ययन सकेर नेपाल फर्केका चिन्तनलाई यस्तो आकर्षक सरकारी नियुक्ति गर्नुमा पनि नेता पौडेलकै हात रहेको भन्ने समाचार आइसकेको छ । ..... पौडेलले आफ्ना सम्धीलाई राजदूत बनाएकै बेला छोरालाई पनि सरकारी नियुक्तिमा छिराएका थिए । ..... सुशील कोइरालाले सम्हालेको गरिबी तथा सहकारी मन्त्रालय अन्तर्गत निकायमा चिन्तन कार्यरत छन् । यसअघि उनले बेलायतमा ब्रिटिस टेलिकम, जापानी कम्पनी कियोसेरा र अमेरिकी कम्पनी एरो इलोक्ट्रोनिक्स कम्पनीमा काम गरिसकेका छन् । ..... भारतबाट बिई तथा एमबिए गरेका उनले भारतीय दूतावासको छात्रवृतिमा विदेश पढ्ने सौभाग्य पनि पाएका थिए । ..... केहि महिनाअघि मात्रै लुम्विनिस्थित सिद्धार्थ विमानस्थल निर्माणको क्रममा ठेक्कापट्टामा खनालपुत्र निर्भिक पनि संलग्न रहेको कुरा सार्वजनिक भइसकेको थियो ।

मधेशी, थारु र जनजातीको माग पुरा गर्न प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई सुझावः एसडी मुनि
एसडी मुनीले प्रधानमन्त्री सुशील कोइरालालाई

जारी मधेशी, थारु, आदिवासी जनजातीको आन्दोलन माग पुरा गर्न सुझाव दिनु भएको छ ।

उहाँले व्यक्तिगत इगो र दलगत स्वार्थबाट माथि उठ्न समेत प्रधानमन्त्री कोइरालाई सुझाव दिनु भएको छ ।

मधेसबाट राजेन्द्र महतोको भारतीय गृहमन्त्री राजनाथलाई चुनौती
For Bihar's youth, traditional voting patterns won't work anymore
"When students know there is no link between what happens in the classroom and whether they will get a job, how will they get attracted?" ...... We have better roads and electricity under the Nitish government. But I have personally not benefited under any government scheme. ..... 'forwards' are with BJP; Yadavs are with Lalu and the EBCs are with Nitish. But BJP is making substantial inroads into both these constituencies. With Ram Vilas Paswan and Jitan Ram Manji, the BJP has an edge with Dalits; Muslims are with the Lalu-Nitish alliance. ..... "Caste is a factor but not the only factor." .... Fifty-six per cent of the electorate - 3.8 out of 6.6 crore voters - are in the 18-40 age bracket. Out of this, 1.8 crore voters are below the age of 30. There are 24.13 lakh first time voters, making up 3.5% of the electorate. Whether this vast constituency thinks as neatly in terms of caste, or whether there are other factors playing into their choices, is the big question. ....... Yeh Dil Maange more is the essence of their mood. But BJP does not have a monopoly over the aspirational voters. Look at our track record - and look at the track record of Modi in Delhi in the last 14 months. What have we not delivered on?" ...... "Modi has gone to 16 countries in 14 months, and by the end of the 5 years will hand over this country to bideshsis. Every good in India will be foreign-made." .......... Nitish, Kumar said with a smirk, 'is asthir, unstable'. "First, he breaks the alliance with BJP; then he resigns and makes Manjhi CM; then he removes Manji and comes back; then he allies with Lalu. Why is he so unstable? ..... Mohammed Salim, who ran a 'mobile downloading shop' in a bazaar in the vicinity .... Nitish may have improved the roads, but that has led to more accidents. "Every second day, there is an accident on the state highway." ..... "They should have also instilled more traffic sense and put in more policemen on these roads. Autos are filled to the brim, people run across the road when there is high-speeding cars." He was not too impressed with higher school enrollment figures either. "Schools are toys for kids. They go for khichdi (mid-day meals). There is no education that happens inside." ..... "Look, everyone is there to loot and make idiots of the janata. And if someone has to go up to Patna and loot, then it is better to have someone from your own community do it."

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