Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Limited Options

English: Leader of CPN U Maoist
English: Leader of CPN U Maoist (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Option 1: Revive The Constituent Assembly

I don't think that is an option. The Supreme Court made it clear a long time ago that the assembly will dissolve on its own after it has been around four years. Those four years are over, have been over for months.

Option 2: Elections To A New Constituent Assembly 

There is talk of holding elections to a parliament that works on a new constitution for the first six months or so, and then becomes a parliament after that work is over. The question is who should lead the government that takes the country through those elections. I only see two choices. Either the current government led by Baburam Bhattarai that might or might not include members from the NC and the UML, or a new caretaker government composed entirely of non political technocrats. The bottom line is all parties have to agree as to the outcome. But given the intransigence on the part of the NC and the UML, I think the Bhattarai government's push for change in election laws through ordinance might be the only choice.

थकित प्रधानमन्त्री, सक्रिय राष्ट्रपति
जनजातिको नयाँ पार्टी भोलि घोषणा गरिने
मधेसी मोर्चाको भावी यात्रा
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