Monday, July 16, 2007

मधेशी अान्दोलनको गन्तव्य: नभम्बर चुनाव

संिवधान सभाको चुनावबाट सबैभन्दा फाइदा कुनै समुदायलाई भने त्यो मधेशी समुदाय होबन्दुक उठाएकामधेशी समुहहरूसँग सत्तामा रहेका पहिरयाहरूले अादरपुर्वक शान्ित वार्ता गिरिदए हुन्थयो भन्ने मलाईनलागेको होइनपुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन गिरिदएको भए हुन्थ्यो भन्ने पिन मलाई लागेको होतरपहिरयाहरूको सद्बुद्िधमा नै मधेशी अान्दोलन िनर्भर रहने हो भने त्यो मधेशी अान्दोलन नै होइनमधेशीअान्दोलन सफल वा असफल पार्ने भनेको मधेशी जनताले होसडकमा उत्रन सक्ने मधेशी जनता, शहीद हुनसक्ने मधेशी जनताले भोट पिन खसाल्न सक्छत्यो सोंच्नुपर्यो

हरताल गर्ने, चक्का जाम गर्ने, तराई बन्द गर्ने मधेशी अान्दोलनको फेज समाप्त भयोअब संगठनिवस्तार गर्ने, कार्यकर्तालाई प्रिशक्षण िदने, अाम सभा गर्ने, चुनावकालािग मधेशी मोर्चा गठन गर्ने फेजशुरू भएको मधेशी अिधकार माग्न िगिरजा, रामचन्दर िसटौलाकोमा जाने सोंच मानिसक दासताको सोंचहोमधेशी अिधकारकालािग चेतना जगाउन मधेशी जनताकोमा जानुपर्छमधेशी शक्ितको स्रोत मधेशीमतदाता हो

१० वर्ष रक्तपात मच्चाए पिछ अािखर माअोवादी ब्यालट बक्सको राजनीितमा नै अाउनु पिररहेको स्रीलंकामा तिमल टाइगरले २५ वर्षको रक्तपातपिछ के पाएका छन्? युरोपमा फ्रान्स जर्मनी एक देशबन्न चाहन्छन्तराईलाई अलग देश बनाउने नाराले मधेशी शक्ितलाई फोकस हुनबाट रोक्छ मात्र, अनावश्यक रूपमा जनधनको क्षित मात्र हुन्छज्वाला, गोइत, िवस्फोट, टाइगर, कोब्रा, भाइरस अािदसमुहहरूले यो कुरा बुझ्नुपर्योअायरल्याण्डमा िसनफेनले जस्तो सेना राजनीितक पार्टी गरी दुई दुईसंगठन तयार गरेर चुनावमा जानुपर्योसीजफायर गर्नुपर्योिक सीजफायर गरेर फोरम सद्भावनालाईचुनावमा नैितक समर्थन िदनुपर्योचुनावमा िक सहभागी हुनुपर्यो, िक चुनाव सफल पार्ने कसरतगर्नुपर्योचुनाव िबथोल्ने कुरा सोंच्नै हुँदैन

बरु त्यो चुनाव न्यायपुर्ण हुने कुरा तर्फ ध्यान िदनुपर्योअिहलेको प्रधानमंत्री क्यािबनेट चुनाव पिछपिन कायम रहने कुरा उट्पट्याङ कुरा होचुनावपिछ जुन दलीय समीकरणको बहुमत अाउँछ उसले सरकारबनाउँछचुनाव अगािड नै को सत्तामा जाने कुराको िनर्णय लोकतान्त्िरक हुँदै होइनत्यो चुनावी अभ्यासकोउपहास हो

एमालेले पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन चाहेको होपुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन गरे कम्युिनष्ट भोट खेरजाँदैन, तयसैले त्यो ंमाअोवादीको पिन िहतमा देउवा काँग्रेससँग एकीकरण गर्ने मनसाय िगिरजाको किहलेपिन हुँदै भएको होइनएकीकरणको कुरा गिरराख्ने तािक देउवा काँग्रेस संगठन िवस्तारमा नलागोस् भन्नेसोंच हो िगिरजाकोपुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन देउवा काँग्रेसलाई पिन चािहने कुरा हो। नत्र भने एमालेबाट फुटेर गएको मालेको हाल होला। समयमै चेतना भया।

मानव अिधकारको घोषणापत्रमा भिनएको , शान्ितपूर्वक भेला हुने अिधकार भनेर, त्यो भनेको जनजाितपार्टी, दिलत पार्टी खोल्न पाइन्छ भनेकोपाइँदैन भनेर कानुन बनाउनै पाइँदैन

होइन यिद समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनमा गइँदैन, िमस्रीत चुनाव नै हुन्छ भने पिन मधेशी अान्दोलनलाई खासै बेफाइदा छैन। प्रत्यक्ष िनर्वािचत मध्ये अािध जित सीट तराईमा छ अब। २४० सीट समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनबाट अाउने कुरा छ। त्यसको फर्मुला भने हेर्दा उट्पट्याङ छ।

House approves CA bill proportional seats to women, Dalit, Madhesis, Janajatis and others for the 240 seats set aside for proportional representation-based elections during the CA. .... Of the total 497 seats of CA, 240 each have been set aside for first-past-the-post and PR based elections. The remaining 17 members will be nominated by the cabinet. ...... for Madhesi men and women, 15.6 percent each have been set aside. For Dalits men and women, 6.5 percent each have been allocated and for ethnic Janajatis men and women 18.9 percent each have been set aside. Two percent each have been allocated for men and women, respectively, of backward region and 15.1 percent each have been earmarked for men and women from 'other' category. The PR-based elections will follow the closed (list) system model. ..... a political party cannot field its candidates in less than 10 percent of seats. .... Nine districts have been named as backward region including Achham, Kalikot, Jajarkot, Jumla, Dolpa, Bajhang, Bajura, Mugu, and Humla.

31% Madhesi
13% Dalit
38% Janajati
4% Karnali
30% Bahun, Chhetri
Total = 116%

जम्मा १००% हुनुपर्ने होइन? मैले नबुझेको हो िक?

सद्भावना र फोरम जस्ता पार्टीले पहाडका जनजाित, बाहुन क्षेत्री, कर्णाली कहाँबाट ल्याउने कुरा उठेको छ। मलाई लाग्छ यस फरमुलाबाट फोरम र सद्भावनालाई पिन खासै बेफाइदा छैन। उदाहरण िलउँ। सद्भावना अानन्दीले २४० जनाको िलस्ट तयार पार्यो ह रे। पिहलो ७४ नाम उसले मधेशी मिहला र पुरुष राख्यो, अािध अािध। त्यसपिछ ३१ जना तराईका दिलत मिहला र पुरुष। तयसपिछ ९१ जना थारु, िधमाल, राजवंशी, चेपाङ अािद इत्यािद। कर्णालीबाट काठमाण्डु पढ्न अाएका प्रशस्त छन्, जागीर खाएर बसेकाहरू। तराईमै बाहुन क्षेत्री छन्। िलस्टमा अन्ितम ितर उनीहरूलाई रािखिदए पिन भयो।

तर सद्भावनाले १००% मत त ल्याउँदैन। उसले ३१% मत ल्याउँछ भने उसको िलस्टमा रहेका सबै मधेशीहरू संिवधान सभािभत्र िछर्ने भए र बाँकी निछर्ने भए। यो दलीय समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन जस्तै भयो। यही कुरा जनजाित र दिलत पार्टीलाई पिन लागु हुन्छ। बरू पहाडका दिलत र जनजाितलाई मधेशी नामहरू चािहए हामीले िदउँला।

मधेशी मोर्चा बनाउने कुरा छ। मोर्चा बने पिन ठीक, नबने पिन बेफाइदा छैन। पहाडीहरू मोर्चाबन्दी बेगर नै लड्न सक्छन् भने सद्भावना र फोरमबीच प्रितस्प्रधा िकन हुन सक्दैन? तर मोर्चा बन्न सके रामरो। एक मधेश, एक प्रदेशको नारा मुिन सबै मधेशी समुहहरू गोलबन्द हुन सके राम्रो।

त्यसैले बन्दुकधारी समुहहरूले एकतर्फी सीजफायर गर, सबै समुह संगठन िवस्तारमा लाग, एक मधेश, एक प्रदेशको नारा मुिन सबैले एउटा मधेशी मोर्चा बनाउ, तािक मधेशको पर्त्येक िनर्वाचन क्षेत्रमा मधेशी मोर्चाको एक मात्र उम्मेदवार होस्। समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनमा चािहं प्रितस्प्रधा नै होस्।

अप्िरल क्रान्ित अभूतपूर्व िथयो। मधेशी क्रान्ित अभूतपूर्व िथयो। तर नभम्बर चुनावले ती दुवैलाई मात गर्नेछ। अप्िरल क्रान्ित र मधेशी क्रान्ितमा भन्दा नभम्बर चुनावमा जनसहभािगता बढी रहनेछ। तयसकारण। दमजमकालािग यस्तो मौका पिहले किहले पिन अाएको िथएन। यो मौकाको भरपुर प्रयोग गरौं।

मधेशी मोर्चा बनाअो। देशका पहला राष्ट्रपित मुझे एक मधेशी दे दो।

In The News

UNMIN seeks immediate resumption of PLA verification NepalNews
Government to form common security mechanism for CA polls security mechanism for top Maoist leadership, whereby armed Maoist men will form an inner ring of security to top leaders while Nepal Police and Armed Police Force will form an outer ring of security for them.
Gaur probe panel submits report to govt the government would bring the culprits of the Gaur killings to justice. ... at least 27 Maoists were killed and over 50 others wounded in Rautahat district headquarters Gaur on March 21. ... The Maoists have been saying that their unarmed cadres were murdered in cold blood by armed MJF activists with the help of hired Indian criminals.
Use YCL to provide security for CA election, says Prachanda Prachanda has said that using only the Armed Police Force (APF) to provide security for the Constituent Assembly (CA) elections would be 'suicidal.' .... Prachanda claimed that even former US president Jimmy Carter – during his visit to Nepal last month – had suggested using YCL and police together. .... he suspects there is conspiracy not to integrate PLA into Nepali Army (NA).
JMCC meeting inconclusive
EC registers four more politcal parties Samajbadi Prajatantrik Janata Party Nepal with election symbol Moon, Nepal Rastriya Bikash Party (election symbol Radio), Samajbadi Party Nepal (election symbol Bicycle) and Rastriya Janamukti Party (election symbol House). .... List of the registered political parties and their election symbols would be declared gradually ... Nearly 100 political parties had filed application at the EC for contesting CA polls slated for November 22.
Kalyan Gurung elected NSU president Gurung secured a total of 449 votes beating his nearest rival Nrip Bista with a margin of 61 votes. Six candidates had contested the election for NSU presidency. .... Pratima Gautam has been elected general secretary and Top Bahadur Rawat, Roshan Shrestha, Rajesh Gyanwali, Shiva Kumar Shrestha and Nabaraj Bhatta have been elected joint general secretary. .... five vice-presidents: Dambar Khadka (eastern region), Ratna Karki (central region), Guru Baral (western region), Rishikesh Shah (mid-west) Nain Singh Mahara (far-west).
Tarun Dal general convention begins in Chitwan

Maoists engaged in strategic homework NepalNews Analysing that their role will be further minimised if the transitional period prolongs ..... prolonging transition has reduced their role in national politics. .... also pointed out that Nepali Congress (NC) has 'pressed' the party the most. "NC has pressed us everywhere ....... The party plenum will also take up the issue of its relations with the Revolutionary International Movement (RIM). The RIM has expressed dissatisfaction with the agenda of 'democratic republic' currently accepted by the Maoists.
EC proposes new ceiling for CA elections Rs 459,000.
“Diplomatic march” for reinstatement of democracy in Bhutan a ‘diplomatic march’ from regional and international agencies and missions based in New Delhi and Kathmandu .... NFD chairman Thinle Penjor
EC starts registering political parties; 'hammer & sickle' is Maoist election symbol Parties registered so far are Nepali Congress, CPN (UML), CPN (Maoist), Nepali Congress (Democratic), Nepal Workers and Peasants Party (NWPP), Nepal Sadbhawana Party (Anandi Devi), Rastriya Janamorcha, Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP), Rastriya Janashakti Party (RJP), CPN (United), CPN (Marxist, Leninist and Maoist Centre). ..... NSP-U 'sickle'.
MJF warns of fresh stir in Terai Madheshi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) has after a relative silence warned that it would again start a ‘peaceful movement’ in Terai. ..... In what was clearly a response to Home Minister Krishna Sitaula’s two weeks ultimatum to rebel groups active in Terai to come to the talks table, the MJF’s fiery speaker made it clear that his party would only come to the negotiating table after Sitaula tenders his resignation and government provides compensation to the families of those killed in recent Terai unrest and addresses the demand of the various armed groups in Terai. ..... Saying that it is beyond the Home Minister and senior minister Ram Chandra Poudel, who heads the government's talk team, to solve the Terai problem now, Biswas said that MJF would now hold direct talks with Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala.
UNMIN chief intensifies effort to resume PLA verification
Yami says ADB has given 'green signal' to proceed with Melamchi
Fistfights, vandalism spoil NSU election
New CA date: Reality or another farce?
Extra security in the Nepal-India border during elections
Terai extremists are terrorists: Maoist leader
Budget for palace is natural, says MK Nepal

Home Minister gives two-week talks deadline to rebel groups NepalNews Sitaula has asked various rebel groups active in Terai region to come to the negotiation table within the next two weeks. ..... if the armed groups did not come to the table within the given period, the government would dispatch the security forces against them. .... the government was set to massively beef up security in Terai in view of the upcoming elections. ..... Situala named two rebellion groups, Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM, led by Jaya Krishna Goit and Jwala Singh) against which the government might concentrate its action after the given time.
Construction of Syafrubesi-Rasuwagadhi highway to start within 3 months with 100 percent assistance from the government of China.... links Nepal with Tibet .... Estimated to cost 1.33 billion rupees ..... eight bridges
PLA deputy commander suspects UN intention "It is not the UNMIN but another UN agency, which we found has been advancing the application of DDR (Disarming, Demobilisation and Reintegration) model on our PLA." .... the Maoists are not satisfied with disqualification of some combatants during the process.

‘Terai problems not addressed in budget’ Kantipur Jagadish Prashad Rathi, central council member of Confederation of Nepalese Industries (CNI). .... Rathi expressed dissatisfaction that the budget lacks programs to solve problems facing business community in terai. He criticized the failure to include measures to compensate huge financial loss suffered by industries during the terai unrest. Months of unrest caused losses worth more than Rs 1 billion to industries based in terai, according to local businessmen. ..... Ashok Murarka, president of Morang Industry Association (MIA). Murarka flayed the budget for lacking a clear policy to bail ailing industries out of crisis. ... continuation of Value Added Tax (VAT) in ailing sugar mills would further erode their competitiveness.

Finance Minister says palace will get a purse NepalNews the palace will still get around Rs 45 million for the new Fiscal Year. .... The budget for the palace will be managed by the Office of the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers. ..... the King and the royal family would get Rs 25 million as allowances and Rs 20 million for repair and maintenance of the palace. However, the budget for the employees working in the palace has been transferred to the Ministry of General Administration. ..... Rs 80 million had been allocated for the palace employees, who would be brought fully under the civil service within the next Fiscal Year.
Stalling of verification of Maoist PLA is violation of agreement, says Moriarty "I am surprised that the Nepali society isn't outraged, civil society isn't screaming and the press not going after it vigorously." ..... it was critically important for Nepal to hold Constituent Assembly elections in November. "This country will be in serious trouble (if the elections do not happen then)" ..... The Maoists must start to adhere to their commitments under the peace agreement, reign in the YCL and begin to act like a real political party. The extremist Madhesi groups must stop their violence in the Terai and begin to use peaceful, political means to address the legitimate demands of the Madhesi people ....... On the issue of some Madhesi extremist groups making demands for disintegration of Nepal, ambassador Moriarty said his government disagreed with the fundamental philosophy of disintegration of Nepal. But again, they must pursue peaceful course of debate ....... Personally, my analysis is if King wanted to save the monarchy, he should have abdicated. ...... one blunder he committed during his tenure here was to "hold out hope that the King would reach out to political parties." He said that he had given benefit of doubt to the King for too long. "It was only five months after (the King took over power on February 1, 2005) that I realized he had no intention of restoring democracy." ....... On the issue of Maoist chairman Prachanda's accusations that royalists were plotting to assassinate American diplomats here, he said, "That was (it turned out) not true. It just destroys his credibility and makes it that much difficult for them (to gain international credibility)." Prachanda had vowed to provide proof of his accusations but he did not. ..... "It is good not to have policy of pelting stones at diplomats. It will also be good not to have policy to attack common Nepali citizens, not to extort them or intimidate them."
Sitaula briefs House committee on govt's security plan the government had planned four tiers of security arrangements- for registration phase, election campaign phase, vote counting phase and post-election scenario. .... the Armed Police Force (APF) would be stationed in all 240 constituencies with arrangements to extend the security presence in the areas of need. ..... the Nepal Police would be provided with more than 550 and the APF will be given 400 vehicles for patrolling during the election period. ..... Pointing out the lack of momentum for the CA polls, Situala asked the political parties to come up with campaigns to build confidence in the people for the election.
Martin meets PM; discusses stalled PLA verification Prachanda is also learnt to have proposed to defer the second-phase verification citing the current "fluid political situation" and the recent promotion of Nepal Army (NA) generals as well as the "politically motivated remarks" made by NA chief Rookmangud Katawal.
JTMM-Jwala kills two of a family in Saptari Bishnu Shrestha and his sister-in-law Basanti Shrestha, who were abducted by a group of JTMM cadres from their house at Siswabelhi-7 Thursday night, were found dead at Dhangadhi VDC, Saptari, Friday morning ...... Jwala Singh, the chief of this armed outfit, in an interview with Naya Patrika daily on Thursday said his group would intensify 'physical action' against people from the hills residing in the Terai region. .... Two factions of the JTMM - another led by Jaya Krishna Goit - have carried out series of targeted killings of local Maoist leaders, government employees and civilians in Terai districts in recent weeks.
Sushila Koirala is no more
NRNA Australia elects new committee Nepali organisations, business communities, patrons, advisors, NRN ICC members, key community leaders and Nepali intellectuals in Australia NRNA International Coordination Committee, president Dr. Upendra Mahato, NRNA vice president for East Asia D. M. Hirachan, vice president for Australia region Indra Ban, and the Charge D'affaires of Nepali Embassy Shanker D. Bairagi attended the conference. ...... snapshot of the proposed NRN Bill, dual citizenship issues ..... leadership of Goba Katuwal. Dr. Ashok Shrestha and Yuba Raj Bhattarai are elected vice presidents, Dhurba Raj as National Coordinator, Bhoma SubediLimbu as Joint National Coordinator and Ramji Bista as Treasurer
Maoists grab land belonging to Thapa In Dhankuta, farmers affiliated with the Maoists have seized 1100 ropanis of land belonging to former prime minister and president of Rastriya Janashakti Party (RJP) Surya Bahadur Thapa. The activists of pro-Maoist peasant organisation descended on Thapa's land located at Uttarpani-Hile road section and hoisted their flags, say reports. The land-grabbers have accused Thapa of hoarding land beyond ceiling.

PM meets with Prachanda and Nepal NepalNews
Second phase PLA verification hits a snag yet again the Maoist leadership refusing to continue with the verification process. ..... citing the current “fluid political situation” and the recent promotion of Nepal Army (NA) generals as well as the “politically motivated remarks” made by NA chief Rukmangad Katawal. ....... Prachanda’s Naya Bazaar residence. UNMIN refutes media report on PLA verification refuted media reports that around 400 combatants of the Maoist army failed in the second round of verification that concluded recently at the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) cantonment in Chulachuli, Ilam district. ...... there are three categories of Maoist army personnel that will be disqualified through the verification process such as those who registered earlier in the year, but did not report for the verification process, those who joined the Maoist army after May 26, 2006 and those born after May 25, 1988.
Maoist ministers give thumbs down to interim cabinet's performance went on to blame Nepali Congress (NC) for the failure of the interim government. .... "Although the interim constitution clearly stipulates that decisions have to be taken based on political consent, NC works as if this is a one-party government," Gurung said.

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g]kfnsf] ;fdflhs ljlzi6tfsf cfwf/df hfltx¿sf] P]ltxfl;s k[i7e"ld, eflifs tyf ;f+:s[lts ljz]iftf / ;femf dgf]lj1fgsf] cfwf/df :jfoQ u0f/fHox¿sf] u7g ul/g' k5{ / To;cGtu{t hftLo cfTdlg0f{osf] clwsf/;lxt lnDa'jfg :jfoQ u0f/fHosf] :yfkgf ul/g' k5{ eGg] d'Vo dfusf ;fy ;+3Lo lnDa'jfg /fHo kl/ifb\ cfGbf]lnt eO{/x]sf] s'/f ;Dk"0f{ lnDa'jfgaf;L bfh'efO{ lbbLalxgLx¿df huhfx]/} 5 . d'b|f, j}b]lzs ;DaGw / /Iff afx]s ;Dk"0f{ clwsf/ lnDa'jfg ;/sf/sf] dftxtdf /xg'kb{5 . lnDa'jfg :jfoQ u0f/fHo xfdL ;Dk"0f{ lnDa'jfgaf;Lx¿sf] xs lxt, Gofo / ;dfgtfsf] nflu xf] . oxfFsf] ljsf; / pGgltsf] nflu xf] / o;sf] k|ltkmn xfdL ;a}n] ;dfg x}l;otdf pkef]u ug{ kfpg' kb{5 . g]kfnsf] ;'b'/k"j{df cjl:yt kNnf]ls/ft lnDa'jfg k|b]zsf] l;dfgf c?0f k"j{, l6:6f klZrd -xfn d]rL_, lxdfn blIf0f / e'F8]l;dn pQ/ kb{5 eGg] s'/f Oltxf;df k|i6 pNn]v 5 . lj=;+= @)!( ;Dd o; If]qnfO{ kNnf]ls/ft lnDa'jfg g} elgGYof] . lj=;+= @)!*÷!( ;fndf lg/+s'z /fhf dx]Gb| / p;n] nfb]sf] k+rfotL Joj:yfn] g]kfnnfO{ !$ c~rn &% lhNnfdf ljefhg ubf{ kNnf]ls/ft lnDa'jfg eGg] df}lns tyf P]ltxfl;s gfdnfO{ ;dfKt kf/]/ o; If]qsf] c~rnsf] gfdfs/0f gbLaf6 /fv]/ d]rL / sf]zL c~rn elgof] . lnDa'jfg eGg] zAb lnDa"x¿sf] P]ltxfl;s a;f]af;sf] cfwf/df gfdfs/0f ePsf] e"uf]nsf] gfd eP tfklg cfh lnDa'jfg k|b]z xfdL ;Dk"0f{ lnDa'jfgaf;L hgtfsf] ;femf 3/ xf] . lg/+s'z ;fdfGtL /fHo;Qfn] /fHozlQmsf] cf8df lnDa'jfgsf] P]ltxfl;stf tyf df}lnstfnfO{ lgdf]7]/ o;sf] klxrfg / :jtGq cl:tTjnfO{ ;dfKt kfg]{ if8oGq u/]sf] xf] .

oxL P]ltxfl;s df}lns gfdsf cfwf/df lnDa'jfg :jfoQ u0f/fHo :yfkgf ul/g' k5{ eGg] Goflos / hfoh dfu lnP/ lnDa'jfgaf;L hgtf zflGtk"0f{ ?kdf cfGbf]lnt e}/xFbf klg hgcfGbf]ngsf] anaf6 l;+xb/af/ l5/]sf] ;/sf/af6 s'g} ;'g'jfO{ gx'g' nf]stGqsf] pkxf; xf] ls xf]Og <>

cflbaf;L hghfltx¿ ;a}eGbf a9L /fhtGqaf6 zf]lift lkl8t 5g\ . ;+ljwfg;efsf] r'gfjsf] cfjZostf ;a}eGbf a9L log} ju{nfO{ 5 . t/ ;+ljwfg;efn] pgLx¿sf] ;d:of / rfxgfnfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{ ;s]g eg] To;sf] s'g} cf}lrTo /xFb}g . ;+ljwfg;efdf log} lkl8t ju{nfO{ k|ltlglwTj u/fpg ;/sf/ rflx/x]sf] 5}g . ;+ljwfg;efdf hftLo hg;+Vofsf] cfwf/df ;dfg'kflts k|ltlglwTj x'g'k5{ . hftLo, jlu{o, lnËLo, If]qLo plTk8gnfO{ ;dli6df cGTo ug{ hfltx¿sf] P]ltxfl;s ynf], eflifs tyf ;f+:s[lts ljz]iftfsf cfwf/df d'n'snfO{ ;+3Lo 9fFrfdf k'gu{7g ug{ v; cx+sf/jfbL ;+sL0f{ hftLo cltjfbL zfifsx¿ k6Ss} rflx/x]sf 5}gg\ . t/ ef]lnsf] ;+efljt ljb|f]xnfO{ /f]Sgsf nflu of]eGbf csf]{ ljsNk 5}g . d'n'ssf] ;fdflhs ;+/rgfsf] cfwf/df lnDa'jfg, vDa'jfg, tfDafzflnª, du/ft, td'jfg, v;fg cflb u0f/fHox¿ :yfkgf ul/g'k5{ . log} ljz]iftfsf cfwf/df cfTdlg0f{osf] clwsf/;lxt lnDa'jfg :jfoQ u0f/fHo ;+ljwfg;efsf] r'gfj cufj} cGtl/d ;+ljwfgdf pNn]v u/]/ lnDa'jfgsf] eljZonfO{ ;'lglZrt u/fpg bjfjd'ns cfGbf]ng sfo{qmdsf] 3f]if0ff ul/Psf] 5 . pQm sfo{qmd cg';f/ oxL @)^$ ;fpg ! ut] a]n'sL dzfn h'n';, ;fpg @ ut] ljxfg % ah]b]lv ck/fGx % ah];Dd ;f+s]lts lnDa'jfg aGb / ;fpg @@ ut]b]lv clglZrtsfnLg lnDa'jfg aGb sfo{qmdsf] 3f]if0ff ul/Psf] 5 . ;fpg @ ut]sf] ;f+s]lts lnDa'jfg aGbdf oftfoft, z}lIfs ;+:yf, ;/sf/L tyf u}x|;/sf/L sfof{no, ahf/, snsf/vfgf tyf pBf]uwGbfx¿ aGb x'g]5 eg] cf}iflw k;n, c:ktfn, PDa'n]G;, zjjfxg, bdsn, s'6g}lts lgof]usf ;jf/L ;fwg, b'Uwjfxg, k|];, ljjfxsf] uf8LnfO{ cfjfudgdf /f]s nufOg] 5}g .

To;sf/0f ;Dk"0f{ cfb/l0fo lnDa'jfgaf;L kfGy/sf hg;d'bfo, oftfoft Joj;foL, Jofkf/L, pBf]uklt, z}lIfs ;+:yf, ;/sf/L tyf u}x| ;/sf/L sfof{nox¿ aGb u/L lnDa'jfg :jfoQ u0f/fHo :yfkgfsf] Goflos d'lQm cfGbf]ngnfO{ ;dy{g, ;xof]u ug{ / cfGbf]bngdf ;dflxt x'g xflb{s cfJxfg ub{5f}+ . ho lnDa'jfg .

ldltM @)^$÷#÷#)

-h'nfO{ !$, @))&_

;+3Lo lnDa'jfg /fHo kl/ifb\

kfGy/, lnDa'jfg

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