For the past few years the international community has harbored this fear that the Maoists might turn Nepal into a Cambodia. This revolution will prevent that from happening. This revolution will guarantee that Nepal will not be turned into a Cambodia. There will be no genocide, instead there will be democracy. And that is a huge reason right there as to why the intenational community should rally behind this revolution. The time to get behind is now, before the victory. Victory is near. But we need you now, before it has happened.
Six martyrs are six too many. We don't want any more martyrs. The more strongly you support us now, the more openly you support us now, faster will the police and the army switch sides. And lesser the chance of this revolution having to sacrifice more lives. Each martyr is a son a mother will no longer have, a daughter a mother will no longer have. A martyr might be a husband, a father. A student. This revolution does not want any more martyrs, if it ever wanted any. Help us by supporting us openly and overwhelmingly. All of you have tried over months to try and talk sense into a dictator. And you have failed, and the Nepali people have watched you fail. The revolution is the final weapon at the people's disposal, and they have taken it out. In their hearts they supported you in your efforts. Now you need to pay back. You need to support the Nepali people as they brave the streets.
They brave the streets not because the outcome is smooth and clear and painless. They just don't care anymore. They have been pushed to the edge. And they have decided, no more, no more.
You need to support their desperation, their idealism, their foolhardiness, their bravery, their recklessness, their abandon. You need to support their song of freedom.
For your support you will be remembered. One person's memory might last only a lifetime. But a people, a country will remember you forever. And so support with all you can. Speak up. Speak your mind. Reveal your heart. Don't stay silent.
We want to give this regime one big, decisive blow, so there is least possible disruption, so there is least possible violence. The more openly you support us now, greater the chance that this revolution will be peaceful. We are not after Gyanendra Shaha's life, we are just after the institution of monarchy.
China does not have a monarchy, India does not have one, America does not have one. And each of you know why. The people of Nepal do not feel the need to explain to you as to why the monarchy in Nepal has to be ended also.
Khmer Rouge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
communist organization that ruledCambodia from 1975 to 1979....... The Khmer Rouge regime is remembered mainly for the deaths of an estimated 1.7 million people (from an estimated 1972 population of 7.1 million), through execution, starvation and forced labor. In terms of the number of people killed as a proportion of the population of the country it ruled, it was one of the most lethal regimes of the 20th century — on par with the regimes of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. The Khmer Rouge regime was removed from power in 1979 as a result of an invasion by Vietnam. It survived into the 1990s as a resistance movement operating in western Cambodia from bases in Thailand. In 1996, following a peace agreement, the Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot formally dissolved the organisation. By February 2006, only three of the Khmer Rouge leaders had been brought to trial and imprisoned.
The Khmer Rouge Years
Last chance to try the Khmer Rouge - Editorials & Commentary ...
Khmer Rouge to face trial soon - Asia - Pacific - International ...
Yale > Cambodian Genocide Project > The CGP, 1994-2004
Khmer Rouge on Encyclopedia.com
VOA News - US Ambassador Comments on Khmer Rouge Trial
VOA News - Khmer Rouge Trial Procedure is Progressing
The Khmer Rouge
The revolution is going to declare a government formed, and when that happens, all foreign powers have to immediately recognize that government, as the interim, legitimate government of Nepal. There can be absolutely no delay. If you delay, you will give reason to leftover elements, pockets of armed gangsters in either the police or the army or both, to engage in some sporadic, last ditch violence. We want to prevent that. And your help will be crucial at that stage. So write up your statements now. Stand at the ready.
Then there will be a massive jubilation. And we would like for you to celebrate with us.
And then the seven party government will hold peace talks with the Maoists. At that point we will need lots of help. You have invested tens of millions of dollars in military aid for peace. Maybe you will invest half that amount for peace.
Maybe the two armies will be integrated. Likely both will be dismantled. And if both be dismantled, the transition for all the armed soldiers will have to be made smooth. They should not suddenly become jobless. Instead they should find a smooth transition into the private sector of the economy. At that point you will hopefully help.
A lot of money will come just from selling all the weaponry. But that will not be enough. And it is hoped you will help. You will stay engaged in each stage of the peace process. And you will invest in peace if investment be asked for.
You are participating in history being made. This is fortunate.
Stand by. The people are on.
Can't you just smell it? It is the smell of victory.
The Art Of War, Bruce Lee
End Of Ceausescu
30 Minutes With Amrit Bohra
Monarchy's End: A Few Scenarios
Henry Shepherd: Open Source
Gongabu Massacre
Brian Cobb, Brave Man
UN Rally
No Room For Monarchy In The 21st Century: King
Mike Veer: Has Nepal's Orange Revolution Begun?
Shoot At Sight Order: Dead End For The King
Constituent Assembly: 300 Seats Of Roughly Equal Population
Crime, Organized Crime, Terrorism, State Terrorism
BBC Calls
Himal Survey
Write To Bush, Condi Before Possible Clampdown
Leahy Amendment Says No Arms To Nepal
Kamal Thapa Is A Nazi
Deuba Off To DC
Dinesh Tripathi, Your Worst Nightmare
This Movement Is About The Nepali People, Not Foreign Powers
Democracy Spreading Mechanism
Pin Plan
Sushil Pyakurel In Brussels
Sari Sansar At The UN
Moriarty In The Soup
Kanak Mani Dixit, Rhoderick Chalmers
Baburam Moriarty Debate
India, Europe, US For A Constituent Assembly
Moriarty Deserves Your Ears
The Demosphere Manifesto
Narayan Singh Pun, I Want Your Number
Mary Joyce
Lenin, Mao
"Robin Hood Im Internet"
Nepal: One Year Of Royal Anarchy
German Journalist Lena Brochhagen Inquires
Leahy, Lion
February 1 New York Rally Photos
ICG: Electing Chaos
How The Blogosphere Can Help The Democracy Movement In Nepal
India, EU, US, Japan, UN Should Be Thinking Economic Sactions
Symposium At Columbia
Dinesh Tripathi, "Arthur Kinoy Of Nepal"
RPP Split Shows Monarchy Will End
Janakpur Rally, Biggest In Nepal Since 1990
What We Are Up Against
Anand Bist, Troublemaker
Nepal Needs To Be Hitting The World Headlines: Write To The Media
Advisors, Doers, Donors, Supporters, Cheerleaders, Spectators, Whiners
Forget Constituent Assembly, Head Straight For A Republic
A Militarist King And A Wasted Ceasefire
Flickr Tag: NepalDemocracy
Proposed Republican Constitution
Googlebombing An Autocrat King
Trent Lott And Gyanendra Shaha
Robert Kaplan Is An American Cowboy
Senator Patrick Leahy
Phone Talk With Girija Koirala: Meeting History Itself
Write A Thank You Email To Congressman Walsh
The King In Dhaka, Tunis
December 11 Sunday 11 AM Union Square
NAC Goes Proactive
200 Brown Shirts
Nepali Bloggers At The Forefront Of The Movement
Nelson Mandela Can Smell Fish
ICG Report On The New Alliance
Lilamani Pokharel For Continuous Movement
Phone Talk With Madhav Nepal, Hridayesh Tripathy
198 Methods Of Non Violent Action
Every Sunday 11 AM Union Square
India-US-EU Need To Provide Logistical Support To The Democracy Movement
40 Reasons Why The Three Forces Should Come Ar0und To My Proposed Constitution
Movement Taken To Online Video
Senator Patrick Leahy, Democrat, Vermont
40 Royalists Write To Bush
Moriarty's Irresponsible Mainstream
China, Japan, Afghanistan In
Enter The Dragon
Indian Support For Democrat-Maoist Alliance A Must
Maoist, Moriarty, Madhav, Manmohan: Get Behind The 3 Point Program
A Plant Looking At An Animal
Rajeev Goyal Talks Up Caste
Krishna Pahadi At New York University
Gagan's Talk In New York
US Congress Writes To Secretary Rice
Seven Party Forum In Jackson Heights
ICG Report On Maoists
Noorani: King Gyanendra and Henry VIII
Tanka Goebbels Dhakal
Dean 2008, China, Pakistan, Russia, North Korea, Cuba And Nepal
A Day In The Life Of Gagan Thapa
Sage Radachowsky Interviews Anil Jha
Gagan Thapa October 22 Saturday 2 PM Columbia University
A Day In The Life Of Charlie Szrom
The King Is Intent On Visiting France And Russia
Gagan Thapa Talk In Boston: Two Hours Audio
Anil Jha, Bimal Nidhi, Jimmy Carter
Anil Jha, Bimal Nidhi US Tour Logistics
The Foreign Powers Need To Come Clean On The Constituent Assembly Question
Sadbhavana Meets In Janakpur
Bimalendra Nidhi US Tour
Gagan Thapa US Tour
For The First Time In A Decade, Permanent Peace Feels Possible
Tom Pain Has Praise For This Blog
Email From Madhav Kumar Nepal
September 16 Protest Rally
Beyond Royal Rule: An ICG Report
Sharad Chandra Shaha Is A Dazzling Person
Bharat Mohan Adhikari Is In Town
Dear Charlie
King Cancels UN Visit
RNA, Declare Your Own Ceasefire, You Have No Choice
Power Woman Protest
To: Dr. Baburam Bhattarai
Supreme Court, Revive House, Save Country, Hurry
Somnath Ghimire: King G Is Pinochet
Messenger Chat With Purandar Ghimire
KC Pralhad: A Misled And Misleading Monarchist
Major Fermentations In The NC And The UML
China: 5000 Years, America: 200 Years
September 16: Sajha Buzz
Opposition To The Idea Of Meeting With The King
Between Drinking Water And Helicopters
5 Steps To Democracy
Renaming The Blog In Honor Of Gagan's Release
Caste Discrimination Leads To War
Email To Charlie Szrom
Email From Charlie Szrom
Moriarty Going The Bloomfield Route
Alliance Gathering At Queens Bridge Park
Amnestry International Report: Nepali Children Caught In Conflict
United We Blog Hacked!
No, Ambassador, Municipality Polls Are Not An Option
Senator Leahy To US Congress On Nepal
Chitra Tiwari eInterview With Dr. Baburam Bhattarai
BP Koirala: Hoping Against Hope At Sundarijal
Gagan Thapa Feels Unsafe In Jail
Keith Bloomfield
Gagan Thapa Case Taken To The United Nations
The Asian Development Bank Report
2005 Young Republican National Convention (US) Resolution 1 On Nepal
Tom Daschle
UN Security Council Needs To Enforce Human Rights On A War Footing
Shambhu Thapa On Radio Dovaan
Possible Framework For A Maoist-Democrat Alliance (July 24, 2005)
Kunda Dixit In Jackson Heights
What Has Narayan Gopal Got To Do With It?
Bush's War On Terror And King G
Adding Video Clips To This Blog
Democrats, Drop Your Buckets
The Road To The White House Goes Through Nepal
From Li Onesto
INSN And Samudaya Blocked In Nepal
Getting Interviewed By A Cornell University Student
40% Of Americans Can't Point Out The Pacific On A Map
Op-Ed Piece Sent To The New York Times
Make It Official: International Conference In Delhi
Nepali Maoists, Bihari Maoists
CPI (M), CPN (M)
Constituent Assembly Will Still Be A Lot Of Work In The Form Of Political Dialogue
Sangram Morcha: A New Political Party (1993)
ICG Report: Lasting Peace
From The Blogosphere
Girija Koirala, Bamdev Gautam In Delhi
The Hardliner Democrat Approach
The Bombing Of A Bus
Power Does Not Necessarily Flow Through The Barrel Of A Gun: Maoists
Rabindra Mishra, An Unprofessional, Disrespectful Journalist
Reorganized UN, Proposed Constitution, Methods
The Lake Freezes At 32 Degrees Fahrenheit Like Magic
The Emotional Structure Of The Conflict
Phone Talk With Hridayesh Tripathy
Comrade Gonzalo Of Peru: A Profile
The Maoists Have Been Reading My Emails, Blog Entries
Dinesh Prasain Tour: Report
Baburam: Prachanda's Best Bet, Litmust Test, And Only Option
Email From Arzu Rana Deuba
India's U-Turn: Nuanced As Predicted
India's U-Turn: Are Proponents Of Democracy Strong Enough?
The King Will Only Respond To Internal Pressure
"Urgent: Disappearance Of My Father" by Sarahana Shrestha
Prachanda: A Profile
How To Move Towards A Common Minimum Program?
Hindu International (HI)
The Dinesh Prasain US Speaking Tour
Uttar Ram Tamata
Nepali Maoists And The US Perspective
To: Benazir Bhutto
This Inadequate, Improper, Insufficient 1990 Constitution
Phone Marathon II
To: George Soros
Phone Marathon: Called Up Delhi
The Monarchists, Not The Maoists, Are Like The Al Qaeda
King Gyanendra: A Profile
Online Coverage Of The Maoists
The ICG Report
To: Prachanda, Baburam, Mahara, Badal And The Rest Of The Maoist Leadership
The Junta Is Defiant: Is It The Burma Option They Have In Mind?
Prime Minister-Elect Prasain: "You Have The Power!"
Doing Business With Baburam Bhattarai
Nepali Times: Managing To Stay In Print
Shaubhagya Shah: Autocracy 101 At Harvard
Baburam Bhattarai On A Democratic Republic
Time For The Nepali Congress To Take A Stand On The Constituent Assembly Question
Indo-US-EU Alliance Needs To Do A US-In-Haiti In Nepal
Are The Democracies All Talk And No Action?
Ideological Overture To The Nepali Maoists (2)
International Intervention: The Only Way Out
Dinesh Prasain, Condi Rice, and the Indian Parliament
Phone Interview With Rajendra Mahato
Comrade Ramesh Nath Pandey And World Revolution
Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka: Lessons For Nepal
Democracy: The Third Wave
Dinesh Prasain's Possible US Tour In April
Deputy Prime Minister Bharat Mohan Adhikari's Daughter Speaks Out
Some Basic Acts Of Co-Ordination
Human Rights ----> Political Platform ----> Full-Fledged Movement
Non-Violent Militancy, Concerted Global Action
Major Indian Support For Democracy In Nepal
Ideological Overture To The Nepali Maoists
Sought eDialogue with Dr. Baburam Bhattarai
Indo-US Alliance For Democracy In Nepal Needed
Burma Option Or Pakistan Option
Hridayesh Tripathy In Delhi: Good News
Towards a Democratic Republic of Nepal
The SEBS Thread That Got Self-Censored
My Sajha Thread: Of Models And SuperModels
Mary Joyce, Demologue
Chat with Madhav NepalMarch 1
8:29 AM Madhav: How are You ?me: oho kata bata?tapain ghar main?Madhav: Ma yahi chhu .8:30 AM me: amma maMadhav: Ho.me: thank you so much for reaching outtapain ko swastha kasto chha?Madhav: Kasto hudae chame: dherai chinta na garnu hola ---- hamee yata pani gear change garne phirak ma chhaun8:31 AM Madhav: smart sanction ko lagi prayas hosme: moral support matra diyera pugena, lobbying matra garera pugena, arthik support pani dina paryo bhanera Hamro Nepal naam ko naya sangathan darta garne phirak ma chhaunbhai rakheko chha8:32 AM afnai party ka neta haroo sanga ke kati samparka bhayeko chha?Madhav: Ma bhitra bhayer garho bhae rakheko chha8:33 AM me: phone ta chhaina hola ---- yasari chat bata bhaye pani bamdevji, KP ji adi sanga guff bhako chha ki chhaina?Madhav: chhaename: tyaso bhaye ma lucky manchhe parein8:34 AM tapain sanga yasari guff garna paunuthank you so much for reaching outMadhav: pahilo patak tapaae sang gardae chhume: message jati dinus --- i will try to send aroundchat na bhaye pani email ta bhai rakheko hola8:35 AM ohointernet pani cut off garidiyeko? phone sangai?Madhav: Thanks for your initiativeme: desh ka lagi yati jabo pani na gare ke kura?Madhav: Yo Bisesh system ho8:36 AM me: hamee le yata bata je gare pani, very little compared to what you and your friends dothik chhayas lai gopya nai rakhnu holayo internet, email, chat adi ko bharpoor prayog garna parchhaMadhav: Lau pheri pachhi kura garaulame: telephone ta sarkar le tap garchha ---- email tap garna sakdaina8:37 AM hunchha ----- kehi chha bhane sutukka email garnu hola ---- we are working hard at this end alsoMadhav: Hunchha lau ta bida haume: hunchha ta --- thank you -- stay healthy ---- victory hunchha naiokMadhav: bya8:38 AM me: bye -- namasteMadhav: good nightme: you tooonline hunu hunchha bhane news pani padhnus ---8:39 AM tyo ta garnu bhayeko hola naiMadhav: Okme: stay healthy --- stay in good spirits ----- phikar not !! :-)

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