The government says it will consider imposing emergency rule if the situation does not improve.Monarchy's End: A Few Scenarios
17 April 2006
Somnath Ghimire: King G Is Pinochet
BBC ON THIS DAY | 25 | 1989: Romania's 'first couple' executed shot by a firing squad after a secret military tribunal found them both guilty of crimes against the state. .... charged and convicted of genocide and undermining the national economy among a series of other offences ...... News of their death was announced to the people of Romania on national television amid reports the couple had been found smuggling large amounts of money out of the country...... A stunned reaction from the public gave way to scenes of delight and a public outpouring on the streets to celebrate....... there was some unrest from troops who supported the former leader....... he suppressed all opposition using brutal force ..... America and the Soviet Union have recognised the new government...... the White House said it was "regrettable" the trial had not been held in public...... free speech, free thought and free enterprise ..... The executions come after 10 tumultuous days of violence and an upsurge of mass protests against Ceausescu's regime...... the backlash from Ceausescu's armed forces led to accusations many people were massacred........ Demonstrators stormed Ceausescu's palace and he and his wife tried to flee Bucharest but they were captured by military forces who had turned against them.
BBC NEWS | Europe | Tough rebirth for Romania
Ceausescu; From the End to the Beginnings; Pavel Campeanu
Amazon.com: Israeli-Romanian Relations at the End of the Ceausescu ...
The Romanian Revolution Ceausescu, since he assumed ”de facto” power in 1965, treated Romania and its citizens as resources to be used in the furtherance of his dynasty. He placed thirty of his relatives in positions of power within Romania and built a personal fortune estimated in the millions of dollars. Along with Elena, his wife, he instituted several repressive policies which dehumanized the Romanian citizenry....... the Ceausescus relied on the fanatical loyalty of their Securitate internal police to suppress dissent, leading to rumors of government massacres in the thousands. ....... the Securitate's repression which triggered the revolution. ...... Protestant pastor Laszlo Tokes who had criticized the Ceausescu regime for mistreatment of his fellow ethnic Hungarians was ordered deported. ..... moving in with tanks and helicopter gunships and opening fire on the crowds. Several hundred casualties were reported in this first clash. ...... his immediate response was to declare a state of emergency ..... The Securitate were active later in the day, firing on demonstrators and using armored vehicles to disperse them. Similar armed clashes occurred in Arad, Brasov, Cluj, Sibiu, and Timisoara...... On December 22, it all fell apart. Ceausescu declared a national state of emergency and ordered the army to use force to disperse the demonstrators. Defence minister Colonel-General Vasile Milea refused, and was killed by one of Ceausescu's bodyguards. After a last attempt to address the hostile crowd outside the Communist Party Central Committee building, Ceausescu and his wife fled the building by helicopter, leaving it to the demonstrators.......The Securitate, however, remained loyal to Ceausescu and counterattacked in a campaign of terrorism intended to frighten the Romanian people into submission. Heavy fighting took place in Bucharest, Sibiu, and Timisoara around hospitals, media buildings, and key government facilities...... The Securitate threat had been largely neutralized by Army and National Salvation Front militia, although small pockets of resistance remained.
Human Rights Internet - The Human Rights Databank
RFHI Country Information
Death of the Father: Ceausescu & Romania
Why Ceausescu Fell Literally scared out of office by an angry population that no longer feared his bullets, the fleeing tyrant and his wife were eventually captured, arrested, and executed after a secret trial....... Less than two weeks ago Ceausescu's dictatorship seemed immune to Eastern Europe's political upheaval....... Ceausescu again cloaked his policies in the guise of defending Romania's sovereignty....... Ceausescu's ruling clan continued to live like modern-day Roman emperors, awash in luxury and decadence. The autocrat also kept his dreaded security police well paid so they would be willing to crush dissent wherever it arose........Ceausescu ordered the Timisoara massacre. What were another 4,000 dead to a tyrant who had already sacrificed 20 times that amount?.......when the security troops fought on like desperate gangsters after the regime's collapse, they were well aware of the people's deep anger over their long history of oppression........ Romanians were ready to choose death over Ceausescu ........ The turning point of the popular uprising occurred when military leaders realized that the people could be pushed no further........ An orderly and fully disclosed trial for Ceausescu would have gone a long way in releasing some of this pressure........ Ceausescu subjected his people to any sacrifice necessary to maintain his absolute power. The end result was a nation isolated abroad and economically crippled at home. ......
Wikipedia:Cafenea/Role of mass media in Romanian politics before ...
[PDF] Church-State Relations and Civil Society in Former Communist Countries
Nick Denton: Ceausescus 'lost their dignity near the end' He stood rapt by the television as it replayed the trial and execution of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu. "The satisfaction of the execution is immense. You cannot imagine it." ....... Brucan has played a leading role in the Romanian Revolution of the last week. He is a member of the Council of the Front of National Salvation. He describes himself as its mastermind. .......He then remained under virtual house arrest until Ceausescu was overthrown.........He explained the dignity and defiance of the Ceausescu couple on the screen. The time between their capture and the trial was short, he said. They were well fed. "They didn't have time to adjust. They still acted as if they were in power." But, he added - and this no broadcast has shown - "they lost their dignity towards the end; they were scared." not impressed by the occasional tenderness Nicolae and Elena showed for each other as the charges were read. "It was a great love affair. At $ 1 billion, what do you expect?" ..... the insistence by all the soldiers guarding Ceausescu that they, too, should be allowed to execute Romania's former dictator........He had 100 bullets in him.....
Ceausescu.org - Why Ceausescu Fell
The New Leader: End of an era. (overthrow of Nicolae Ceausescu ...
Nicolae Ceausescu was a True-Life Vampire!
Aid Floods into Romania after Fall of Ceausescu
The Hungarian Minority's Situation in Ceausescu's Romania
Leafpile in Bucharest: Revolution
Republic Socialista Romania; Communism, Ceausescu and the 1989 ...
Tiananmen Square, 1989: The Declassified History : Documents
Nicolae Ceausescu - Romania's Dark Age under Communism
Nicolae Ceauşescu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nicolae Ceausescu killer file
Nicolae Ceausescu, 1918-1989
Ceausescu's Trial - transcript Romanian Revolution December 1989 ...
Nicolae Ceausescu quotes
Nicolae Ceausescu in Exile
Nicolae Ceausescu -- Encyclopædia Britannica
Research for Vampire Nation, Nicolae Ceausescu, Communism, and Dracula
The King of Communism: The Pomp & Pageantry of Nicolae Ceausescu ...
TIME Magazine Cover: Nicolae Ceausescu - Mar. 18, 1966 - Romania ...
MSN Encarta - Ceausescu
Letter from Richard M. Nixon to Nicolae Ceausescu. [Regarding US ...
The New York Review of Books: Nicolae Ceausescu by David Levine
Find A Grave - Millions of Cemetery Records and Online Memorials
Google Directory - Regional > Europe > Romania > Society and ...
Life under Ceausescu
Films Media Group - When Propaganda Ruled: Nicolae Ceausescu ...
Romania's dictator Nicolae Ceausescu's final speech (executed 12 ...
BBC - BBC Four Documentaries - The King Of Communism: Four Facts
Trial of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu
Execution of Nicolae Ceausescu ! [Archive] - Ogrish.com Forums
Amazon.co.uk: The Life and Evil Times of Nicolae Ceausescu: Books
Overplanned Parenthood: Ceausescu's cruel law
Ferdinand Marcos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Imelda Marcos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ferdinand Marcos killer file
BBC News | ASIA-PACIFIC | Homage to Imelda's shoes
Imelda Marcos: A Who2 Profile
Ferdinand Marcos Biography / Biography of Ferdinand Marcos Biographies
The Wit and Wisdom of Imelda Marcos
MSN Encarta - Ferdinand Marcos
The Biography Channel - Imelda Marcos Biography
Imelda Marcos
Ferdinand Marcos
Ferdinand Marcos
Ferdinand Marcos
Ferdinand E. Marcos -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia
CNN - Imelda Marcos runs for Philippines presidency - Feb. 8, 1998
BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Fatboy Slim makes Marcos musical
The Story of the jewelry of Imelda Marcos-Roumeloites Collecton of ...
Learn About Ferdinand Marcos, former Philippine dictator, and his ...
Imelda Marcos, in her own words - Asia - Pacific - International ...
Ferdinand Marcos quotes
TIME Asia Magazine: Her Greatest Admirer -- Jul. 12, 2004
Ferdinand Marcos - Wikiquote
BBC News | ASIA-PACIFIC | The day I met Imelda Marcos
The Philippines Under Ferdinand Marcos Regime
My Role In The Downfall of Ferdinand Marcos By Robert Brady
HOT MANILA -- What Martial Law was like
September 11 Birthdays: Ferdinand Marcos
Augusto Pinochet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Crimes of Augusto Pinochet
Augusto Pinochet killer file
Augusto Pinochet
The Pinochet File
Gen. Augusto Pinochet,
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Special report: Augusto ...
CBC News Indepth: Chile
Augusto Pinochet and the Conservative Threat to America
Amnesty International - Pinochet page
BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Profile: Augusto Pinochet
BBC NEWS | Special Report | 1998 | 10/98 | The Pinochet file ...
Augusto Pinochet - Wikimedia Commons
Augusto Pinochet
On the Damning Evidence Against Augusto Pinochet
The Old New Thing : Augusto Pinochet's beverage preferences are a ...
Augusto Pinochet quotes
Dead or Alive? - Augusto Pinochet
Policymakers on torture take note -- remember Pinochet
Former Chilean president Augusto Pinochet fingerprinted - Wikinews
Scotsman.com News - Latest News - Pinochet loses his immunity
Remember-Chile: General Pinochet and human rights abuses - News
Brain-Juice | Biography of Augusto Pinochet
The Case Against Pinochet
Money-Laundering Scandal Involving Former Chilean Dictator Unfolds ...
Power Line: Amnesty Over the Edge
The Chile Coup The US Hand
The long and lethal reach of Gen. Pinochet / Declassified memos ...
Augusto Pinochet Report
human rights watch | the pinochet prosecution: the end of impunity?
augusto pinochet - Wonkette
Reporters sans frontières - Nepal
Samudaya.org: The Ascendancy of Gyanendra Shah
Samudaya.org: Gyanendra Shah's Death
Gyanendra of Nepal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nepalese in Europe call for end to rule of "Gyanendra Shah"
Radio Free Nepal: Student Leader's Appeal II
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