Quick question: As I mentioned in a comment on your blog, I have been trying to work on a couple of international issues, mainly going through the blogsphere. I have been finding that people are curious about them, but don't always DO anything. I am thinking of writing a diary discussing the general blogsphere attitude towards international issues. If you can write up a couple of paragraphs (not much more) on what you are trying to get done for Nepal and how people in the blogsphere can help, I might be able to include it depending on how it fits with the general gestalt of the piece. I haven't begun writing it so I don't know a.) when I will get around to it, b.) what exactly it will say or c.) whether it will ever come together. But, if it does come together, it might be a way for me to include your efforts as well as mine. Any thoughts?
David Michaelson, DFNYC