Madhesi Rights 1
Madhesi Rights 2
Madhesi Rights 3
Sajha: Madhesi Rights
The House curtailed the powers of the king, and brought the army under the parliament. That was for democracy.
The House declared Nepal a secular state. That was for the Janajati.
The House reserved 33% of the seats at all levels of government for women.
The House has now declared Nepal untouchability free. This has been for the Dalit.
Madhesi, Dalit, Mahila, Janajati.
What has this revolutionary House done for the Madhesi? Nothing.
This House needs to bring forth a proclamation that will declare all those on the voters list of 2036 as citizens to be duly awarded citizenship certificates. The very fact no such thing has been done yet goes on to prove my point that the Madhesi rights issue is the number one social issue in Nepal. And that cancer spreads all the way to the Nepali diaspora. The lack of political power for the Madhesi has major social implications. Every Madhesi is aware of the humiliation one feels when some Pahadi utters the hate word "madisey." That is but the tip of the iceberg.
Aitabare Mela 7
Somnath Ghimire 4 (00:41:29)
Democracy Diwali 10
My Role In The April Revolution
I got myself elected student government president at the number one liberal arts college in the US South within six months of landing in the country. I have not heard of another Nepali, or Indian, or Chinese, or African, or Hispanic, or European, or Australian who did that. That is the quality of my offer. Also I don't know of another Nepali involved in local New York City politics. And, by the way, Howard Dean knows me. As does his brother. Dean and Leahy are from the same state.
As for quantity, I don't know of another Nepali in America or in Europe or in Australia, who has been doing full time Nepal work, more than full time, overtime, for a year now.
As for those who talk dismissive of my blog, Howard Dean organized his presidential campaign in 2004 around a blog. A blog is a powerful political tool. It has helped me penetrate the seven party alliance leadership and the Maoist leadership without being intrusive. My most famous reader is Madhav Nepal.
I am the founding president of Hamro Nepal, the "world's first digital democracy organization."
My involvement has not abated after April.
I am part of the Top 10.
Dr. Binay Shah
Nepal Janajati Statement From NYC
Nepal As A Cutting Edge Democracy
Bidya Bhandari: Power Woman
Hamro Nepal Has Three Goals
Adivasi Janajati Talk At Harvard: Photos
Hindus, Chill
What's Wrong With The ANA Convention
Janajati Sammelan At The New School
Dixit, Lawoti, Tamrat At Asia Society
A New Nepal Has Been Born
Dr. Ram Krishna Shah
One Central Committee Member For Every Million Nepali
Top Dangi
मधेशीसँग संख्या छ, शिक्त छैन
Prakash Bom For Strong Districts
Internalized Racism Among Nepalis In NYC
The April Revolution Asks For A New Political Party
No Short Cuts: Madhesis Will Have To March
To: The Kathmandu Media
Chitralekha Yadav: Speaker
Madhesi Rights: Total Equality
18 Days Of April Revolution: Victory
My Most Controversial Blog Post To Date: On Madhesi Issue
Solidarity Rally DC
Why The International Community Needs To Get Behind This Revolution
April 20: March Onto The Palace, End The Monarchy
Aire Gaire Natthu Khaire Pahadis
First ANTA NYC Event, Times Square Marriott
Malaria, Polio, Monarchy
ये तो क्रान्ित है
Constituent Assembly: 300 Seats Of Roughly Equal Population
Hridayesh Tripathy Released
Dinesh Tripathi, Your Worst Nightmare
Democracy Spreading Mechanism
Dinesh Tripathi Raising Dust
हृदयेश त्रिपाठी: मधेसी समस्या र राज्यको पुनर्संरचना
Govind Shah: Social Inclusion Of Madheshi Community In Nation Building
संघीय गणतन्त्र
"Robin Hood Im Internet"
German Journalist Lena Brochhagen Inquires
Leahy, Lion
Not Journalism But Politics At The Speed Of Thought
मधेशी अधिकारको कुरामा पहाडीहरुको सहभागीता
Hridayesh Tripathi Arrested
मधेशी पहचान
अइ आन्दोलनमें मधेशी अधिकारके बात
Dinesh Tripathi, "Arthur Kinoy Of Nepal"
Janakpur Rally, Biggest In Nepal Since 1990
Dinesh Tripathi In New York
Nepal Needs To Be Hitting The World Headlines: Write To The Media (January 8, 2006)
Dinesh Tripathi: In Person
PCP: Pahadi Chauvinist Pig
Googlebombing An Autocrat King
Robert Kaplan Is An American Cowboy
Isolating The Monarchy
Phone Talk With Girija Koirala: Meeting History Itself
Write A Thank You Email To Congressman Walsh
January 12 Janakpur, January 20 Kathmandu
December 11 Sunday 11 AM Union Square
Umesh, Turn It Into A Business (December 5, 2005)
200 Brown Shirts
Lilamani Pokharel For Continuous Movement
Phone Talk With Madhav Nepal, Hridayesh Tripathy (November 28, 2005)
Prachanda Audio Interview, A First
198 Methods Of Non Violent Action
Logistics To Bring Down The Regime
To: ND Group, c/o Puru Subedi
Every Sunday 11 AM Union Square
Nepalese Americas Council Welcomes Maoist-Democrat Accord
This Movement Also Against Rana Rule: Satchit Is So Much B.S.
Nepal Democracy Google Group Does Not Believe In Free Speech
Fast Developments
Movement Taken To Online Video
Senator Patrick Leahy, Democrat, Vermont
40 Royalists Write To Bush
Moriarty's Irresponsible Mainstream
The Ball Might Finally Be Rolling In
Indian Support For Democrat-Maoist Alliance A Must (November 13, 2005)
A Plant Looking At An Animal
3 Scenarios
Rajeev Goyal Talks Up Caste
Krishna Pahadi At New York University
Krishna Pahadi November 6 Sunday 5 PM
Seven Party Forum In Jackson Heights
Democratic Options
A Day In The Life Of Gagan Thapa
Sage Radachowsky Interviews Anil Jha
The Army Rank And File Need To Be For The People And Democracy (October 21, 2005)
A Day In The Life Of Charlie Szrom
The Maoists Need To Come Clean Or They Go Down With The King
Homework For Another Round Of Civil War
Militarists Attempting A Doramba Repeat To End Ceasefire
Anil Jha, Bimal Nidhi US Tour Logistics
100,000 Unarmed Maoist Cadres
The Maoists Could Do More
The RNA Could Be Disbanded
Pyar Jung's Jumbo Size Love For The King
The Foreign Powers Need To Come Clean On The Constituent Assembly Question
Sadbhavana Meets In Janakpur
Bimalendra Nidhi US Tour
Gagan Thapa US Tour
For The First Time In A Decade, Permanent Peace Feels Possible (September 21, 2005)
Email From Madhav Kumar Nepal
Options For The Maoists And The Democrats (September 18, 2005)
September 16 Protest Rally
The King In Janakpur
Sharad Chandra Shaha Is A Dazzling Person
Bharat Mohan Adhikari Is In Town
Alliance Of Steel (September 10, 2005)
Prachanda, Do Not Break The Ceasefire
King Cancels UN Visit
To: Dr. Baburam Bhattarai
Baburam Bhattarai, Pramod Aryal, Ram Chandra Poudel
Supreme Court, Revive House, Save Country, Hurry
Messenger Chat With Purandar Ghimire
Major Fermentations In The NC And The UML
NC, UML And A Democratic Republic
Prachanda, Order Your Cadres To Live
Hridayesh Tripathy
The Kathmandu Media Ignores The Sadbhavana
Email From Charlie Szrom
Gagan Thapa Released
Chargesheeting Gagan: This Regime Has Gone Berserk
Alliance Gathering At Queens Bridge Park
No, Ambassador, Municipality Polls Are Not An Option
Senator Leahy To US Congress On Nepal
2005 Young Republican National Convention (US) Resolution 1 On Nepal
Possible Framework For A Maoist-Democrat Alliance (July 24, 2005)
Political And Military Stalemate: Democrats Stand To Tip The Balance (July 17, 2005)
Seize The Moment: Match The Maoists
Loktantra: A Magazine In The Offing
INSN And Samudaya Blocked In Nepal
Op-Ed Piece Sent To The New York Times
CPI (M), CPN (M)
Sangram Morcha: A New Political Party (1993)
Activist Judges Could Save The Day
Seeking Common Ground (June 17, 2005)
The Hardliner Democrat Approach
Power Does Not Necessarily Flow Through The Barrel Of A Gun: Maoists
Prachanda Press Statement
Common Minimum Program: Constituent Assembly (May 29, 2005)
Baburam Bhattarai Press Statement
The Lake Freezes At 32 Degrees Fahrenheit Like Magic (May 26, 2005)
Phone Talk With Hridayesh Tripathy
The Maoists Have Been Reading My Emails, Blog Entries
Baburam: Prachanda's Best Bet, Litmust Test, And Only Option (May 12, 2005)
Prachanda's Letter Bomb Of 5/1
Email From Arzu Rana Deuba
This Is Huge: Emergency Over (April 30, 2005)
The King Will Only Respond To Internal Pressure (April 22, 2005)
"Urgent: Disappearance Of My Father" by Sarahana Shrestha (April 21, 2005)
Prachanda: A Profile (April 20, 2005)
How To Move Towards A Common Minimum Program? (April 20, 2005)
Phone Marathon II (April 2, 2005)
Phone Marathon: Called Up Delhi (Apirl 2, 2005)
Doing Business With Baburam Bhattarai (March 20, 2005)
Baburam Bhattarai On A Democratic Republic (March 19, 2005)
Time For The Nepali Congress To Take A Stand On The Constituent Assembly Question (March 19, 2005)
If The Basic Rights Were Restored (March 10, 2005)
Human Rights ----> Political Platform ----> Full-Fledged Movement (March 3, 2005)
Ideological Overture To The Nepali Maoists (February 27, 2005)
Sought eDialogue with Dr. Baburam Bhattarai (February 25, 2005)
Towards a Democratic Republic of Nepal (February 21, 2005)
In The News
Ex-ministers Thapa, Dhakal move SC for release NepalNews
NRNs demand right to vote in Constituent Assembly elections
HOR declares Nepal “untouchability free” country
Dissolve people's government: Pandey
UML-PFN cadres scuffle
Cabinet rejects proposal to reinstate local bodies
Govt releases three ex-ministers after court order
Second round of govt-Maoist talks next week
PLA ready to obey orders of PM Koirala: Prabhaker
Nepali peacekeepers released in Congo
Rights activists, civil society leaders ask for UN role
Nepal declared untouchability, discrimination free country People's Daily Online, China
Nepal decleared untouchability, discrimination free country
PM Koirala's India visit to focus on economic agenda
Dacoits loot again in capital, Suspicious death in Teku
All Nabil Bank robbers identified: Police
Nepal decleared untouchability, discrimination free country
Govt declares 21 people killed during movement as martyrs
Ex-VDC chairman shot dead in Saptari
Koirala to seek special economic assistance
Maoists ‘patrol’ district HQ
Maoists invite bid from contractors
छुवाछूत मुक्त राष्ट्र घोषणा
विद्युतीय रेलमार्गमा शाही नातेदारलाई अनुमति
क्षेत्रीय र अञ्चल प्रशासकका निर्णयहरू खारेज
मुक्ति खोज्दै राजधानीमा हलिया
माओवादीले पनि जनसरकार भंग गर्नुपर्छ’
जनआन्दोलन दबाउनेमाथि कारबाही माग
जिल्ला अदालत भवनमा सेना
मारिएकाले अझै क्षतिपूर्ति पाएनन्
आधुनिक आरनमा व्यस्त छन् पुराना दलित
बृहत्तर चक्रपथ निर्माण अवरुद्ध
संक्रमणकालीन व्यवस्थापन
जलस्रोत सम्झौताको डर
लोकतन्त्र, शान्ति र मानवअधिकार सञ्जाल धनुषाद्वारा बुधबार जनकपुरमा आयोजित कार्यशाला गोष्ठीका सहभागीहरुले मधेशी समस्या समाधानका लागि राज्यले अझै ठोस पहल नगरे मुलुक अर्को भीषण युद्धको चपेटामा पर्ने चेतावनी पनि दिए।
गोष्ठीमा कार्यपत्र प्रस्तुत गर्दै नेपाल पत्रकार महासंघ धनुषाका सचिव राजशेकुमार कर्णले मुलुकमा रहेका २ सय ५ संसदीय क्षेत्रलाई संविधानसभाको लागि बढाएर ५ सय पुर्याउनु पर्ने तर्क दिंदै ५० हजारको जनसंख्यामा १ जना सदस्यको व्यवस्था हुनुपर्ने धारणा व्यक्त गर्नुभयो। उहाँले सेना, प्रहरी, सशस्त्र प्रहरी, निजामती क्षेत्र लगायतमा मधेशीहरुको संख्या न्यून रहेको उल्लेख गर्दै ४० लाख मधेसीलाई नागरिकताबाट वञ्चित गरेको आरोप लगाउनुभयो।
माओवादीका धनुषा सेक्रेटरी राजेशले शोसक र सामन्तविरुद्ध सशक्तरुपमा आन्दोलन नभएसम्म मधेशी, दलित तथा अन्य पिछडिएका जनजातिहरुले अधिकार नपाउने धारणा व्यक्त गर्नुभयो।
चिकित्सक डा. विजयकुमार सिंहले मधेशीले लोकतन्त्रको पक्षमा निर्णायक भूमिका निर्वाह गर्दै आए पनि अहिलेसम्मका सरकारले उपेक्षा गर्दै आइरहेको आरोप लगाउनुभयो।
नेकपा एमाले जनकपुर अञ्चल समन्वय समितिका सदस्य शीतल झाले मधेशको बाहुल्यताबाट मधेशी मात्र निर्वाचित हुने वातावरण बनाउनुपर्नेमा जोड दिनुभयो।
गोष्ठीमा नेपाली कांग्रेस धनुषाका उपसभापति केशव ढुङ्गेल, नेपाल सदभावना पार्टी (आनन्दीदेवी) धनुषाका अध्यक्ष रामगोविन्द यादव, जनमोर्चा नेपालका गौतम ढुङ्गेल, अधिवक्ता जयकिशोर लाभ लगायतले बोल्नुभएको स्वतन्त्र समाचार सेवाले जनाएको छ। www.parewa.com 7 June 2006 (1750 NST)