Saturday, October 01, 2005

The Maoists Could Do More

The Foreign Powers Need To Come Clean On The Constituent Assembly Question
The Maoist Ceasefire: The Devil In The Details
The Royal Court
Madhav Nepal, Commander Of The Movement
For The First Time In A Decade, Permanent Peace Feels Possible
Ahobhagya Shaubhagya: Confusion InThe Monarchist Camp
Email From Madhav Kumar Nepal
Tulsi Giri Is Beyond Redemption
Options For The Maoists And The Democrats
The King, The Army, The Ceasefire
The Democrats are doing their very best, although they still have some clarifying to do. The international community is staunchly with the democrats. The Nepali diaspora is strongly with the democrats. The movement is making progress.The Maoists have declared a military ceasefire. But they also need to declare a political ceasefire. It was the RNA that benefitted the most from the military ceasefire. But acts of abductions and extortions send the wrong signals. One, that the Maoists are only preparing for another round of fighting. Two, they do not have faith in the democracy movement that is underway. Three, they might do the Lenin thing and step back from the democratic republic tune and still gun for a communist republic.The abductions are in the hundreds. I don't see how those are helping them in any form or fashion.So if the Maoists are serious about their democratic republic tune, they need to provide total space to the seven party coalition so the movement can take off faster. This is not going to be a Kathmandu only movement, although Kathmandu will be key. This is going to be a nationwide movement.I don't think the Maoists are attempting a Lenin here. I think they are just not thinking clearly enough. Intellectually they have moved to a democratic republic from a communist republic, but their habits are still old. To go for a democratic republic means to work to win the hearts and minds of the people.The movement will still succeed with or without the Maoists. The constituent assembly elections are going to take place, with or without the Maoists. My point being, the Maoists hurt their political future by not transforming themselves more.The ceasefire was a great move. Now they need to make another great move and bring abductions and extortions to a total halt so as to further strengthen the Maoist-Democrat alliance. The Monarchists will not do business with them, the democrats are willing to.If the Maoists do that, the seven party alliance as a whole might come clearly for a democratic republic.If the Maoists stop the abductions and extortions, the seven party alliance will come under tremendous pressure to come for a simple program of an interim government and a constituent assembly.That is what the Maoists said they wanted. And now they are about to get it. So they need to measure up. They need to do their part.Bring a total halt to all abductions and extortions, so the country can get a constituent assembly sooner.The ceasefire was a brilliant move. This move would be even more brilliant. This would really earn them a lot of popularity among the people. Beyond Royal Rule: An ICG Report
Alliance Of Steel

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