From: "Dr. R.K. Shah"One month of work into Madhesi rights before the constituent assembly elections is equivalent of five years of work afer that. And so we have to work with added zeal now. We have to work hard, and we have to work smart. Our approach has to be sophisticated, effective.
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 09:27:06 +0545Dear Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav ji,
Your proposal of "Submitting Madhesi Issues to United Nations" is well conceived and will be a most timely action in the direction of fighting for 'Madhesi Cause' in Nepal.
Let us all be discussing it and we should come to a common consensus before finalising the draft.
In my opinion Dr Shri Govind Shah, Dr Ram Prakash Yadav and Surendra Mahato should work together to make a suitable legal 'Draft Proposal' for this purpose.
This is the high time that we all must work together make a consensus concept for future action plan.
Prof. Dr R K Shah, MS, MCh-Orth(L'Pool)
Head, Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery
Nepal Medical College, Jorpati
PO Box. 13344, Fax. +01 4473118
Kathmandu, Nepal----- Original Message -----
From: Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 11:06 PMSubject: Re: Police brutality to Madhesis at Dhanusha/ MADHESIS ISSUES TO UNITED NATIONS
Mr Vijay
Hopefully my response did not reach to you. May be your email address was one among some addresses I removed, because hotmail does not accept more than 50 email address. Again I have to delete some address ,naturally they will miss. please share with all.
Please allow me to ask
1. Are Madhesis ready to sacrifice and fight for right?
"Brutality to Madhesis" are very old act; and is still going on. Not only by police, not only for citizenship issue. It has several dimensions and several facets.
Presently honourable Prime Minister has requested United Nations to involve in Nepal to resolve long going problem; and United Nation has started its activity in Nepal. It is unfortunate that Madhesis problem is not recorded in the Office of United Nations. United Nations Office is completely unaware that RACIAL DISCRIMINATION is also a giant problem in Nepal ; and over 40 percent, over 10,000,000 population of terai Nepal, "Madhesis" are victim of Nepal administrative and political systems, in one or other way. Internationally it is completely unknown problem.
Would you all like to get Madhesis problem registered with United Nations Office. If Yes: Let me suggest the steps:
1. Get a draft paper prepared by an intelligent lawyer or judge (if possible, take advice of Human Right specialist).
2. File an application with the Nepal Country Office of Human Right, United Nations in Kathmandu.
3. If you find any difficulty filing application with Nepal country office in Kathmandu, please email the draft to me. We find a way to get it done.
4. It will be nice if you share the draft with me and some other interested people,before filing to Office of the Human Right , United Nations in Kathmandu.
May God bless Madhesis with justice. May God bless Nepal with peace.
Best of luck. Looking forward for brave steps.
Dr Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav/ August 3; 2006/ Port of Spain
There are two broad areas we need work in: message and organization.
The message has to be a simple five or 10 point program that all or most Madhesi organizations can agree on. It would be something akin to a Madhesi Manifesto.
On the organization front, I feel an urgent need for two things: a Madhesi Caucus in the parliament, and a Madhesi umbrella organization.
Madhesi Caucus
The political parties are the most mass based organizations in the country by definition. An there are Madhesis in prominent positions in most major parties. And there is no one party that can claim to be the sole voice for all Madhesis. And the Madhesi leaders in all political parties have a direct obligation to represent the Madhesis on the ground.
And so we need a Madhesi Caucus in the parliament. Every MP who is a Madhesi would be a member. And once they get together like that, they should hash out their version of a Madhesi Manifesto, a proposed five or 10 point program all Madhesis should get around.
Madhesi Mahasangh
By now there are tens of Madhesi organizations based just out of Kathmandu. Many have district chapters. Some organizations exist solely at the district levels.
A few attempts have been made. Loktantric Madhesi Samaj is one such attempt. Democratic Madhesi Alliance is another. Or are both the same organization? I don't know. I think not.
I propose we build a Nepal Madhesi Mahasangh. It would have a central chapter in Kathamandu, and district chapters in all 16 Terai districts. All Madhesi organizations would get invited to become members. Only organizations can join, not individual Madhesis. And elect a president and an executive committee.
Madhesi Manifesto
Both the Caucus and the Mahasangh would work independent of each other to start with to come up with a Madhesi Manifesto. As a second step they would get together and put forth a joint document. This has to be a simple document that we would hope all the 13 million Madhesis in Nepal can come around. If I were to write that manifesto, it would look like this.
- Citizenship papers before the constituent assembly for the 6 million Madhesis denied the same.
- Federal Republic.
- Language Rights.
- Reserved Madhesi constituencies for the constituent assembly elections, 25% of the Madhesi population.
- Dismantle the army.
Human Rights
The April Revolution has not earned equality yet for the Madhesi community, but it sure has earned human rights for all Nepalis. The Maoists or the Nepal Army or the Nepal Police will simply have to get that basic point. Right to peacefully protest is one of those rights.
Any violation should have national political repurcussions. Legal options have to be sought in Nepal. And they can also be sought at the global level. The UN can be involved. International courts can come into play.
We earned the right to assembly and the right to peacefully protest in April. Now we have to use those rights to the max to attain total equality on behalf of the 13 million Madhesis.
Madhesi Hall Of Fame
In The News
Loktantrik Madheshi Samaj warns of strike for rights of Madhesi Nepalnews.com, Nepal
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Media groups condemn burning of newspapers Nepalnews.com, Nepal Media groups including the Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ) have condemned the act of burning copies of newspapers and magazines by a terai-based group in the southern town of Janakpur on Friday. .... president of FNJ, Bishnu Nisthuri, said newspapers couldn’t be discriminatory in disseminating news. "Any thing that has news value or any good event intended for social development is always covered by the newspapers" ....... a group of about 15 youths associated with Nepali Madhesi Students' Front, affiliated to Madheshi People's Rights Forum, burnt copies of The Kathmandu Post, Kantipur daily, weekly Saptahik and other newspapers and magazines in Janakpur on Friday morning....... As soon as a vehicle carrying newspapers reached the market, youths with their heads covered with red bands, seized the newspapers and burnt them, reports said. The youths even vandalized a shop of a newspaper vendor and smashed the glasses of the vehicle........ The daily quoted chairman of the Front, Keshav Jha, as saying that they burnt down the publications as these papers gave little space to the issues concerning Madhesis and warned to repeat such action in the future.......
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Aire Gaire Natthu Khaire Pahadis
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ये तो क्रान्ित है
Proposed Constitution
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