It is fuelled in part by perceived grievances among Sunnis, who make up roughly 20 percent of Iraq's 26 million population, that they are being marginalised in post-Saddam Iraq.
I think the Bahuns and Chhetris in Nepal have a lot of readjusting to do. They have been this abject minority in Nepal that has been ruling the country forever. And that has to change. That will change and soon. And they are just going to have to adjust to that new reality.
Sunnis are 20% of Iraq. The Bahuns and Chhetris in Nepal also have been 20% or thereabouts.
I think the most famous example I can think of is the end of segregation in America with Martin Luther King leading the efforts. Because segregation was ended, are the whites in America less well off? Not at all. They are actually much better off. Ending segregation was good for both blacks and whites.
Similarly creating equality for the DaMaJaMa will be good also for the Bahun, Chhetri men in Nepal. A country that practices equality will grow much faster as an economy. America is the richest country because it is the most diverse country. The pie will grow bigger, and there will be more to share. Most of the wealth that Nepal will end up with has never been created to date. That is in the future. And most of it will be done in the private sector.
Democracy makes sense for all ethnic groups. Social justice makes sense for all ethnic groups, not just the oppressed. The Bahuns who have taken some of the lead on democracy should not get defensive on the social justice question. Democracy and social justice are not opposing trends. They both go in the same direction: towards the future.
Nepal should set an example. The country should handle ethnic diversity better than Sri Lanka has, for example. Just like Nepalis all over the world got united on the democracy question, there is a need for a repeat performance on the social justice question. We did the hard part together. Now let's also do the relatively easy part. Let's engage in some productive, inclusive dialogue. Let's ignite the dialogue. Let's manage the dialogue. Geography is no boundary. The Nepali diaspora has a very important role to play if only because the diaspora can afford a greater detachment due to the distance. And the diaspora Nepalis are better educated, comparatively speaking.
Wealth is created out of thin air, literally. When Bill Gates becomes worth $50 billion, it is not like he stole the money from the Chinese central bank. That money did not exist before he came along. And he created it. It is new money, if you will have it.
Similarly expanding the political and social space is about creating new space. And so you end up with more room for everybody and all groups. This is no zero sum game. Creating equality for the DaMaJaMa is about creating new, extra political and social space. The Bahuns and Chhetris should get happy about it.
On The Web
Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr.
The King Center
Martin Luther King - Biography
I Have A Dream
Timeline of the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Letter from a Birmingham Jail [King, Jr.]
TIME 100: Leaders & Revolutionaries - Martin Luther King
Life Magazine
Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on the Net - Welcome
Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Biographical Sketch
Martin Luther King, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. - I Have a Dream
Martin Luther King, Jr. - EnchantedLearning.com
Infoplease - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Martin Luther King - Letter from Birmingham Jail
MLK Papers Project - About King
Martin Luther King, Jr. - American Civil-Rights Leader
Martin Luther King Day of Service
Washington, DC, Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial
Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Biographical Sketch
Martin Luther King Jr. Day at FamilyEducation.com
Kids Domain - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: An Overview
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - 1929 by Marcelo & David B.
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Civil Rights Movement Timeline
The Civil Rights Movement 1955-1965: Introduction
American Civil Rights Movement (1955-1968) - Wikipedia, the free ...
Civil Rights Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We Shall Overcome; Historic Places of the Civil Rights Movement ...
African American Odyssey: The Civil Rights Era (Part 1)
CNN -The Civil Rights Movement
Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement
Encyclopaedia of USA History: The Struggle for Civil Rights
The Greensboro Sit-ins - Launch of a Civil Rights Movement
Martin Luther King Jr.
Timeline of the American Civil Rights Movement
Moore, Charles
Civil Rights Movement
Yahooligans! - Around the World:Countries:United States:History ...
Psychedelic 60s: The Civil Rights Movement
Voices of Civil Rights
The National Civil Rights Museum
Civil Rights Movement Heroes
Free At Last: The Civil Rights Movement
African American World . Timeline | PBS
Civil Rights Movement: March on Washington 1963
National Civil Rights Movement
Putting the Movement Back into Civil Rights Teaching
TIME Newsfile: Civil Rights Movement
Dept. of State: International Information Programs: Publications ...
Immigrant Civil Rights Movement | Z
The Civil Rights Movement--US History lesson plan (grades 6-8 ...
Atlanta in the Civil Rights Movement
Mt. Zion Albany Civil Rights Movement Museum
American Women in the Civil Rights Movement
A Hispanic Civil Rights Movement
Civil Rights Movement Timeline
A Photographic History of The Civil Rights Movement
Civil Right and Civil Right Movement
BBC - History - War and Conflict - Northern Ireland Civil Rights ...
The Civil Rights Movement (A Web Project) Social Studies Lesson ...
SparkNotes: The Civil Rights Era (1865–1970)
At This Blog
Jay Prakash Gupta
June 7 Madhesi Rally In Janakpur
Nepal Janajati Statement From NYC
Nepal As A Cutting Edge Democracy
Bidya Bhandari: Power Woman
Adivasi Janajati Talk At Harvard: Photos
Hindus, Chill
What's Wrong With The ANA Convention
Democracy Diwali At The Nepali Mandir
Janajati Sammelan At The New School
A New Nepal Has Been Born
Dr. Ram Krishna Shah
Revolution Has Moved From Sadak To Sansad, It Has Not Stopped
Land Reform, Truth And Reconciliation
मधेशीसँग संख्या छ, शिक्त छैन
Internalized Racism Among Nepalis In NYC
No Short Cuts: Madhesis Will Have To March
Chitralekha Yadav: Speaker
Madhesi Rights: Total Equality
ितमीले देखाइ िदयौ
18 Days Of April Revolution: Victory
My Most Controversial Blog Post To Date: On Madhesi Issue
Why The International Community Needs To Get Behind This Revolution
Aire Gaire Natthu Khaire Pahadis
First ANTA NYC Event, Times Square Marriott
Malaria, Polio, Monarchy
Sunnis are 20% of Iraq. The Bahuns and Chhetris in Nepal also have been 20% or thereabouts.
I think the most famous example I can think of is the end of segregation in America with Martin Luther King leading the efforts. Because segregation was ended, are the whites in America less well off? Not at all. They are actually much better off. Ending segregation was good for both blacks and whites.
Similarly creating equality for the DaMaJaMa will be good also for the Bahun, Chhetri men in Nepal. A country that practices equality will grow much faster as an economy. America is the richest country because it is the most diverse country. The pie will grow bigger, and there will be more to share. Most of the wealth that Nepal will end up with has never been created to date. That is in the future. And most of it will be done in the private sector.
Democracy makes sense for all ethnic groups. Social justice makes sense for all ethnic groups, not just the oppressed. The Bahuns who have taken some of the lead on democracy should not get defensive on the social justice question. Democracy and social justice are not opposing trends. They both go in the same direction: towards the future.
Nepal should set an example. The country should handle ethnic diversity better than Sri Lanka has, for example. Just like Nepalis all over the world got united on the democracy question, there is a need for a repeat performance on the social justice question. We did the hard part together. Now let's also do the relatively easy part. Let's engage in some productive, inclusive dialogue. Let's ignite the dialogue. Let's manage the dialogue. Geography is no boundary. The Nepali diaspora has a very important role to play if only because the diaspora can afford a greater detachment due to the distance. And the diaspora Nepalis are better educated, comparatively speaking.
Wealth is created out of thin air, literally. When Bill Gates becomes worth $50 billion, it is not like he stole the money from the Chinese central bank. That money did not exist before he came along. And he created it. It is new money, if you will have it.
Similarly expanding the political and social space is about creating new space. And so you end up with more room for everybody and all groups. This is no zero sum game. Creating equality for the DaMaJaMa is about creating new, extra political and social space. The Bahuns and Chhetris should get happy about it.
On The Web
Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr.
The King Center
Martin Luther King - Biography
I Have A Dream
Timeline of the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Letter from a Birmingham Jail [King, Jr.]
TIME 100: Leaders & Revolutionaries - Martin Luther King
Life Magazine
Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on the Net - Welcome
Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Biographical Sketch
Martin Luther King, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. - I Have a Dream
Martin Luther King, Jr. - EnchantedLearning.com
Infoplease - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Martin Luther King - Letter from Birmingham Jail
MLK Papers Project - About King
Martin Luther King, Jr. - American Civil-Rights Leader
Martin Luther King Day of Service
Washington, DC, Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial
Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Biographical Sketch
Martin Luther King Jr. Day at FamilyEducation.com
Kids Domain - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: An Overview
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - 1929 by Marcelo & David B.
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Civil Rights Movement Timeline
The Civil Rights Movement 1955-1965: Introduction
American Civil Rights Movement (1955-1968) - Wikipedia, the free ...
Civil Rights Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We Shall Overcome; Historic Places of the Civil Rights Movement ...
African American Odyssey: The Civil Rights Era (Part 1)
CNN -The Civil Rights Movement
Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement
Encyclopaedia of USA History: The Struggle for Civil Rights
The Greensboro Sit-ins - Launch of a Civil Rights Movement
Martin Luther King Jr.
Timeline of the American Civil Rights Movement
Moore, Charles
Civil Rights Movement
Yahooligans! - Around the World:Countries:United States:History ...
Psychedelic 60s: The Civil Rights Movement
Voices of Civil Rights
The National Civil Rights Museum
Civil Rights Movement Heroes
Free At Last: The Civil Rights Movement
African American World . Timeline | PBS
Civil Rights Movement: March on Washington 1963
National Civil Rights Movement
Putting the Movement Back into Civil Rights Teaching
TIME Newsfile: Civil Rights Movement
Dept. of State: International Information Programs: Publications ...
Immigrant Civil Rights Movement | Z
The Civil Rights Movement--US History lesson plan (grades 6-8 ...
Atlanta in the Civil Rights Movement
Mt. Zion Albany Civil Rights Movement Museum
American Women in the Civil Rights Movement
A Hispanic Civil Rights Movement
Civil Rights Movement Timeline
A Photographic History of The Civil Rights Movement
Civil Right and Civil Right Movement
BBC - History - War and Conflict - Northern Ireland Civil Rights ...
The Civil Rights Movement (A Web Project) Social Studies Lesson ...
SparkNotes: The Civil Rights Era (1865–1970)
At This Blog
Jay Prakash Gupta
June 7 Madhesi Rally In Janakpur
Nepal Janajati Statement From NYC
Nepal As A Cutting Edge Democracy
Bidya Bhandari: Power Woman
Adivasi Janajati Talk At Harvard: Photos
Hindus, Chill
What's Wrong With The ANA Convention
Democracy Diwali At The Nepali Mandir
Janajati Sammelan At The New School
A New Nepal Has Been Born
Dr. Ram Krishna Shah
Revolution Has Moved From Sadak To Sansad, It Has Not Stopped
Land Reform, Truth And Reconciliation
मधेशीसँग संख्या छ, शिक्त छैन
Internalized Racism Among Nepalis In NYC
No Short Cuts: Madhesis Will Have To March
Chitralekha Yadav: Speaker
Madhesi Rights: Total Equality
ितमीले देखाइ िदयौ
18 Days Of April Revolution: Victory
My Most Controversial Blog Post To Date: On Madhesi Issue
Why The International Community Needs To Get Behind This Revolution
Aire Gaire Natthu Khaire Pahadis
First ANTA NYC Event, Times Square Marriott
Malaria, Polio, Monarchy
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