Primarily this is a business venture. It is a festival. We have seen it done the non profit way. Our claim is we can do it better and cheaper as a business venture. But then Chandra Prakash and I are different. We are both entrepreneurial, but he has a music background, I have a political background. And my personality is going to show on the political aspects of the convention. I am going to personally convene a forum where I invite political activists in New York City from countries that are not yet democracies.
Exporting The April Revolution
Exporting Revolution
Democracy Spreading Mechanism
The Demosphere Manifesto
Everest, Buddha, April Revolution. You can put the three in the same category. You do not have to be a Buddhist Nepali to be proud of Buddha. You don't have to be political to take pride in the magic that happened in Nepal in April.
A Festival
April Convention: Emerging Picture
April Revolution, April Convention
You pay $35, and you have fun. That is the primary thrust of the convention.
Social Justice In The Mini Nepal In America, And In Nepal
Indigenous Nationalities Peace Commission Nepal: Interim Constitution
In Solidarity With The Kamaiya Movement
Direct Elections, One Seat For Every 100,000 People, Reservations, Primaries
C.K. Lal: NRIs In Nepal
Janajati Angst
Madhesis, Social Justice, And The DaMaJaMa Equation In Nepal
Why Were The Women Beat Up?
Reform The Nepali Organizations In America
Don't put up with Pahadi chauvinism, don't put up with Bahun chauvinism, don't put up with male chauvinism. That is the message. Enough is enough. Pahadi Bahuns rule in Nepal, but then they also have ruled in the Mini Nepal of America. That is about to change. The events, conventions and organizations have been ramroaded by them. That will not fly no more. One of the great things about the Nepali community in New York City is there are so many Janajatis here. We have to harness the political potential of that crowd. We also have to take the lead on social justice on behalf of Nepal. Countries have gone to civil war on these issues that we grapple with. We have to show we can attain social justice without disrupting the peace. And we are going to take the lead on it from New York City.
The Thing About Racist Comments
Cloud, Pyramid, Glass
Leecia Eve: It’s Time to Reclaim Our Voter Power
August 16
Barack The Glass Walls, Ceilings, Smash 'Em
Three Pillars, Draft 2
Immigration, Duh
Race, A Few Different Angles
Dean, DFNYC, Daily Kos, Justin, Brooklyn, Nepal
Immigrant Power
The First Major Revolution Of The 21st Century Happened In Nepal
Bridge Activists
2008 Countdown: Hillary-Obama
Immigration Makes Economy Sense, Democracy, Justice, Family Sense
Bill Frist's Ancestors Came From The Moon
Can't Take Back Congress Without Strong On Defense
Long War
The French Revolution And DFNYC
Race, Gender, Progressive, Conservative Divides
The Spectrum On Gender
Pan American Desi Caucus: Brown Is Beautiful
Nepal Message To Top Democrats
Michelle Bachelet: Yet Another Woman
Politics At The Speed Of Thought
Social Progress: Show Me The Money
Blacks, Hispanics At The Core Of The Democrat Rainbow Coalition
The Spectrum/Dialogue Concept Is Key To Power
There is a tendency among the Nepalis in America to look down upon the Nepalis in Nepal. I don't feel sorry for the Nepalis in Nepal. They already earned their voting rights. I feel sorry for the Nepalis in America. Blacks did it half a century ago, Nepalis have not done it yet. They have not even started to start to think along those lines. There is an utter lack of political consciousness on the part of the Nepalis in America.
Professionals who hit the glass walls and ceilings in mainstream America seek social recognition in Mini Nepal by erecting organizations that are not mass based, that are not democratic, not transparent. We have to work to change that. Organizations have to go mass based. Before Nepalis can vote in America, they are going to have to start voting in their own organizations in large numbers.
Nepal is a small country. The Nepali diaspora in America is small. But if we can offer quality in terms of how we organize ourselves, we could become the glowing core of the Blac identity. We could lead by example. That is why I insist on blogging everything. That transparency helps us reach out far and wide. It is called politics at the speed of thought. It is called leadership at lightning speed.
Micro Investment
There is an urgent need to cultivate an entrepreneurial culture among the Nepalis in America. That will be a clear undertone of this convention. Make money.
On The Web
[PDF] FW 2006
Index of Economic Freedom 2006
Freedom in the World 2006 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Freedom House Global Survey report found that 'the people of ...
[PDF] Freedom of Information Around the World 2006
Democracy Is Spreading, Freedom House Finds - December 20, 2005 ...
World Press Freedom Day 2006 - 3 May: UNESCO-CI
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