MPRF: A Few Scenarios
We did not refuse to hold talks with the Maoists until they had ceased their violent ways and laid down their weapons. We addressed their political concerns first. And the military aspects came in second. And that has been working.
Girija has not shown half that respect to the Madhesi Janajati Movement. Just look at some of the demands. Take the Home Minister's resignation. A new interim government is to be formed soon. The Nepali Congress is the largest party in the country. To say there is noone else in that party who can replace Sitaula is ridiculous. The UML is about to bring in a whole news team into the interim government on its part. Why can't the Nepali Congress change its Home Minister? This is Girija's way of showing disrespect to the Madhesis.
MPRF: A Few Scenarios
75 districts, 19 days, 21 martyrs = April Revolution = End of a regime, end of the monarchy
22 districts, 21 days, 38 martyrs = Madhesi Movement = Home Minister resign
MPRF: A Few Scenarios
A democratic party should be trying to lead the aspirations of the people. Here the Nepali Congress is busy destroying its mass base in the Madhesh. Used to be the Congress party in India ruled both Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. Today it is nowhere to be seen in those two states. I get the impression the Congress in Nepal is about to get wiped out of the Madhesh and Tharuwan. It deserves to.
If a probe commission were to be formed, it would put out a report that might read something like this: Dipendra Jha: The Real Picture Of The Madhesi Movement.
This is a very done thing. This is so basic. I am flabbergasted Girija is not doing it.
MPRF: A Few Scenarios
And then there are the modalities to the constituent assembly elections.
Not long after the April Revolution, the country passed a law that said women will be one third of the parliament, among other state bodies. So, according to that law, at least one third of the members of the constituent assembly have to be female. If the constituent assembly will be 500 strong, 166 of those will have to be female. How do you ensure that? Easy math says have 1/3rd of the constituencies reserved for women, and make sure every third name on the lists put forth by the parties for the proportional election part is female, or something to that effect. But I don't see either being done. Girija and the Bahuns in power are about to do something that is actually illegal.
But if you do try to comply by the law, as you must, then, by extension, you also have to think in terms of the other marginalized groups besides women, namely the Dalit, Madhesi, Janajati. And the only way to do that is by treating the Madhesi Janajati Movement with respect and addressing its concerns. And you start that by getting the Home Minister to resign, and forming a probe commission. And then you talk about the modalities to the constituent assembly elections. And that is going to be a completely proportional election to the constituent assembly. The Madhesi Movement wants that. The Janajati Movement wants that. The UML wants that. The RPP wants that. The Sadbhavana (Anandi) wants that. The Jana Morcha wants that. The Deuba Congress wants that. Girija is the only opposed, and in classic Girija fashin, he does not feel the need to explain his position or defend it, he just states it and stands by it like there were not tomorrow.
The arrangement will also make life easier for the Election Commission. There is so little time left. One constituency is less work than 250 constituencies, although both might have a similar number of polling booths.
Hello, anyone home upstairs?
MPRF: A Few Scenarios
No Guns, Explosives, Weapons Outside Cantonments
MPRF: A Few Scenarios
It Is Tough For The Madhesi
New MJF Strategy: Hit The State, Not The People
Krishna Sitaula: Appeaser, Not Peacemaker
A Federal Republic Electoral Alliance Against The Maoists Needed
Sadist Koirala, Kans Sitaula, Pol Pot Prachanda
Further Compromise: Mixed Election With Reservations
5 Point Demand: Compromise Formula So Elections Can Be Held In June
MJF And NEFIN Must Become Political Parties
The Economist: Nepal's Ethnic Politics: The New Battlefront
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आन्दोलनका दोषीले चुनाव लड्न नपाउने प्रस्ताव
भेलामा आक्रमण
कांग्रेस मान्यतामा परिवर्तन’
थारू भेला हुने
बोक्सी आरोपमा कुटपिट
गैर-सरकारी संस्थाद्वारा दलित ठगिए
वीरगन्जमा फोरम र प्रहरीबीच झडप
चुनाव नभए प्रधानमन्त्री जिम्मेवार’
ऋण नतिर्न माओवादी चेतावनी
संघीय राज्यव्यवस्थाका र्सत
जातीय संस्थाहरूको समझदारी
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A Tharu leader walks away from Maoists, forms new front Laxman Tharu alias Roshan, who was the head of the Maoists' people's government in Kailali, has formed Samyukta Tharu Rastriya Morcha including his 14 aides who also revolted from the Maoists. ...... the Maoist party has neglected over 3.5 million Tharus in the country. .... They have also announced boycotting the Maoists' mass meeting to be organised in Dhangadi on March 19 if the party continued to ignore the concerns of the community. Radio reports quoted him as saying that wider Tharu community supported his separation from the main party. ..... Manoj Tharu (former Kailali district secretary of the Maoists' people's government), Kiran Tharu (central member of All Nepal Peasants' Association–Revolutionary), Asha Tharu (central member of Jana Sanskritik Manch), Hari Charan Tharu (Maoists' Kailali district president), Mahan Tharu, Bali Tharu, Pratikshya Tharu, Milan Tharu, Abhishek Tharu, Santosh Tharu, Sitaram Tharu, Abhagi Tharu, Ramsammat tharu, Prakash Tharu, and Minram Tharu.
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Ethnic Federalism in Nepal is a Recipe for Disaster United We Blog, Nepal 13,000 Nepalese people lost their lives as a direct result of the so called people’s war started by the Maoists insurgents. Another 26,000 committed suicide because they could not bear the pain and suffering caused by the war. Over a million people were internally displaced. Many more people left the country in total despair without any hope for themselves and for their children. Today, there are hundreds of thousands of Nepalese people working as laborers (often doing the most dangerous and life threatening jobs which nobody else would do) in many Gulf countries as well as in Malaysia and South Korea.... Several millions if not billions of dollars of worth infrastructure including government offices, schools, transmission towers, bridges, roads, etc have been destroyed. ...... They continue to extort money and threaten the villagers. ..... 1 CHHETRI 15.80 2 BRAHMAN - HILL 12.74 .... The recent revolts by the Terai residents and the various ethnic groups from the mountains have been claiming the fair representation in administration, army, police, etc. There is no question that their demands are appropriate and justified. However, these demands cannot be addressed by CA election or the introduction of Federalism. ....... there are only 164 Kusundas in Nepal and these people are no where else in the world. ......
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