- Home Minister resign.
- Form a probe commission.
5 Point Demand: Compromise Formula So Elections Can Be Held In June
Then we can talk about the modalities to the elections to the constituent assembly elections. Let's say we are going to retain the mixed system, which is fine by me. The decision has been made that the existing constituecies in the hills and mountains will stay intact, but that the Terai will have half of all constituencies. The arithmetic is easy. You add 45 constituencies to the Terai.
Compromise: Add 45 Constituencies To The Terai
But then the Janajati are worried there might not be enough Janajatis in the constituent assembly. That is a valid concern and that has to be addressed.
250 directly elected.
250 elected through proportional representation.
We necessarily are looking at reservations. Free competition will not give us the desired ethnic and gender composition. Let's say the following is the desired outcome we want.
30% Khas
30% Madhesi
30% Janajati
10% Dalit
50% women in each category.
But it would not be right to have reservations in more than 50% of the seats. So how do we go about it?
I propose reservations in both categories.
250 directly elected.
1/3rd constituencies reserved for women = 83
2/3rds of those for Madhesi, Janajati, Dalit women, rest free competition = 56
11 Dalit, 22 Janajati, 23 Madhesi
An additional 17% reserved for Dalit, Madhesi, Janajati = 43
9 Dalit, 17 Janajati, 17 Madhesi
83 + 43 are reserved constituencies. Total = 126
124 are for free competition. For those seats, parties might still field DaMaJaMa candidates.
250 elected through proportional representation.
30% Khas, 30% Madhesi, 30% Janajati, 10% Dalit
1/3rd women in each category.
This would be a minimum. If a party wishes to nominate all Dalit women, it would be free to do so.
If the eight parties can agree to a formula like this one, then the Madhesi Janajati Movement can be laid to rest. And we can all head on to the constituent assembly elections to be held in June.
But all this still begins with the two steps.
- Home Minister resign.
- Form a probe commission.
All Members To The Constituent Assembly Must Be Directly Elected
Constituent Assembly: 300 Seats Of Roughly Equal Population
Direct Elections, One Seat For Every 100,000 People, Reservations, Primaries
One Central Committee Member For Every Million Nepali
In The News
PM Koirala urges Maoists to ‘behave’ before joining govt NepalNews
US worried by continuing Maoist violence and growing ethnic unrest
UK minister postpones Nepal tour
Moriarty stunned by Prachanda's assertions Moriarty termed the statements as malicious and dangerous if Prachanda had made them without evidence.
Curfew re-imposed in Banke extended the curfew for the next 12 hours in four VDCs on Saturday as well. .... re-imposed curfew from 7 am till 7 pm in Bageshwori, Indrapur, Khurdapur and Khajurapur VDCs . .... The curfew has been imposed along the highway and areas 1km from the highway in Nepalgunj-Gulariya section.
EC may not be able to hold polls: CEC if the parties fail to decide on the election system ..... the EC had informed top leaders of all parties that the time limit for preparation for the election is getting over, but the leaders have not taken it seriously. ..... The political parties are yet to decide the number of constituencies to be added in the Terai region
Give us chance to rule the country: Prachanda Explaining that political revolution would ensure success in all other areas, he said that the country was lagging behind because of the failure to realise a full revolution. ...... “Construction of infrastructure, development of hydel power projects, tourism, education drive and herbs-processing are the Maoists' main economic agenda,” he said. ... Prachanda said that his party has no choice but to collect funds from the public as it failed to get enough funds from the government. ...... after businessmen complained that the extortion spree is ongoing even after signing of the comprehensive peace accord and joining the parliamentary politics. ...... peace was yet to return to the country.
Nepalese Politics: It’s Time for Generation Next In most countries where transition to democracy takes place, the country also witnesses the end of gerontocratic rule – and the political elite gets younger. When Kenya was passing through the transition to democracy, the only hope for the Kenyan people was the new generation of people who entered the parliament. The people were hopeful and it was the only way to root out the inept and regressive parliamentary culture. Similarly in Serbia, after it came out of the conflict and was passing through a transitional phase the country’s political elite also became young; 68% of its political elite were below 36 years of age. Likewise, in Estonian election in 2002 over 50% of the MP were selected for the first time in the parliament and the country has a Prime Minster who is just 37, Minster of Finance and Justice who are 29 years old. ....... In India’s 14th Lok Sabha, 175 MPs were young political leaders, the largest in number and many of them were the first timers in their thirties. ..... the senior and old party leaders holding authoritarian principle and conservative views have an immense leverage in the political party the young political leaders who differ from their line of thinking find it difficult to get a meaningful space in the party
Nepal changes into federal state BBC News, UK The amendment was passed overwhelmingly, by 278 votes to five. ..... a response to protests from the Madheshi people in southern Nepal ..... amendment will also increase the number of constituencies in the troubled southern plains so that for the first time this region, with half the country's population, will have half its parliamentary seats. ..... Apart from federalism, it also promises to give disadvantaged groups like women, ethnic minorities and low castes proportionate representation in all state bodies. ..... the Madheshi Forum leaders say these changes are not enough. ..... They want what they call "full autonomy" for southern Nepal and the resignation of the home affairs minister.
Restructuring of Nepal Nepalnews.com, Nepal
Nepal: US Embassy promptly reacts to Prachanda’s statement PeaceJournalism.com, Nepal
US Concerned Over Alleged Assassination Plot Of Its Officials In Nepal
US Embassy in Nepal takes a serious view of Prachanda's claim
Nepal Administration Clamps A 13-Hour Curfew PeaceJournalism.com, Nepal
Curfew in Nepalgunj; strike affects life in southern Nepal
Arms verification report submitted to the government
The new battlefront
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Dear Paramendra Jee, Namaskar.
Your concerns are genuine but have potentially ill-fated outcomes. I don't believe that noble-class people from any ethnicity can truely represent a Proletariat poor. For example, in the name of Newar, can Padma Jyoti (one of the richest industralists in Nepal) represent the people like Bekhaman Jyapu(a poor peasant)? In the name of Madheshi, can Paramendra Bhagat (an elite who has world access for everything) can represent Panchalal Rishidev (a peasant from Mahadeva, Morang, who was originally landless and became a petty land-holder after he learned improved vegetable farming with the help of Agri-technicians; I have dug his kitchen- garden to demonstrate how to prepare vegetable nursery)? There are thousands examples like these, but hope it will suffice for perspective.
Unfortunately, the ones who are talking a lot about ethnicity and ethnic-centred representation in the governance are noble-class people eager to reap benefit in the name of caste and ethnicity. The poor are always in want of some relief through socio-economic reform, not the racial/ethnic fight for their noble representatives. Ethnicity-based strategy can not reflect a fair concern about inclusive good governance, but only the neo-feudalistic strategy. Lets' not substitute a vice for an evil if we know the real Nepal and if we can come down to the reality of the poor.
Thanks and regards
Nityananda Khanal
There is so many links in your blog that I was just afraid of surfing.
Anyways, nice blog with relevant information.
I hope you'll find time to drop by
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