- Home Minister resign.
- Form a probe commission.
- Proportional elections to the constituent assembly.
- Every third name has to be female. Two of every three such names have to be Dalit, Madhesi, Janajati, with two Madhesi and Janajati names for every Dalit name.
- Five out of every 10 names have to be DaMaJaMa with two Madhesi and Janajati names for every Dalit name. There can be more.
On the other hand, the Nepali Congress has the option to bring in another Congress person to become Home Minister. So there is no loss of seat to the party in the cabinet.
The probe commission has to be formed. I don't see how you can escape this part. The commission will also report on the acts of vandalism by the mob, it will also report on that one policeman killed by the JTMM.
Having the entire country as one constituency will make things simpler for the elections. The formula for reservations will also ensure that all parties will truly compete, and there will be a level playing field. This also means the MJF and NEFIN will not compete for power with the eight plus parties in the parliament now. This formula will mean the Maoist claim to ethnic and gender representation will get neutralized since all parties will offer similar ethnic and gender representation. Take away the republican agenda and their claimed high ground on ethnic and gender representation, and the Maoists are just another political party. You have eaten their lunch.
The eight plus parties will retain their power bases at the national level. The formula is one to transform the parties, not displace them, not diminish their sizes.
I think the parties in power should grab this formula of compromise so we can all head towards the Mahasangram of the Sambidhan Sabha slated for June. Elections do have to be held in June. 1999 was the last time we had it. I am feeling itchy.
On the other hand, if the Home Minister does not resign, and the probe commission is not formed, and a commitment is not made to hold proportional elections, then the Madhesi Janajati Movement will not allow the holding of elections to the constituent assembly, simple as that.
The soldiers of democracy made null and void the king's municipality elections. The soldiers of social justice will make null and void the Khas elections to the constituent assembly.
Or we could all agree to these five basic points and happily head on to the elections to the constituent assembly in June.
- Home Minister resign.
- Form a probe commission.
- Proportional elections to the constituent assembly.
- Every third name has to be female. Two of every three such names have to be Dalit, Madhesi, Janajati, with two Madhesi and Janajati names for every Dalit name.
- Five out of every 10 names have to be DaMaJaMa with two Madhesi and Janajati names for every Dalit name. There can be more.
Atheist Ethicist: Michael Shermer: The Art of Political Compromise
Evangelical Political Compromise -NRA
JSTOR: Compromise and Political Action: Political Morality in ...
JSTOR: The Art of Compromise and the Right of Self-Creation
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Patton Boggs | News | Congress' Lost Art of Compromise
Althouse: Is a routine political compromise a crime?
Political Compromise -- TIME
The Politics of PACS and the Art of Compromise | January 2005 ...
The Art of Compromise - Baldoni On Leadership - Leadership RC - CIO
[PDF] The 1998 Directive: A Political Compromise
The Quest for Compromise - Cambridge University Press
The Partial Observer - The Art of Compromise
William Duiker Interview: Sun Tzu The Art of War and Strategy Site ...
The Ugly Art of Excessive Compromise | Phil Kerpen
True unification needs more dialog and compromise (KurdishMedia.com)
OUELI Courage and Compromise in Public Leadership Faculty
Literature: Compromise and Commitment
Political 'Center' and Compromise Text - Physics Forums Library
Allen must perfect art of compromise
Bendomenech.com: The Essence of American Politics
[PDF] The art of compromise The founding of the National Gallery of ...
Amy Mullin - Feminist Art and the Political Imagination - Hypatia 18:4
TIME: Citizen Ben's Great Virtues
A Glimpse of Iraq: Art of Compromise
ADEPT : Publications : Parties. Elections. Compromise.
Minorities protection: between legal framework and political ...
ForUm :: Ukraine's Chief of Staff wants compromise in 2007
Transforming Seminarian: The Art of Compromise
"Deadly Compromise" by Joshua Green
Social justice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Social Justice :: Narrowing the gap in income, wealth and power.
Office for Social Justice, Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
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Social Justice and Peace - Resources for Catholic Educators
Main Page - Social Justice Wiki
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UUA: Social Justice Statements
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1 comment:
Now you are a real piece of sh**T...
How many times did I tell you not to send me your sh**T? And still you are sending it?
Shameless Bas*ard....Sk your own B***s...
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