MJF calls off general strike Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) has called off its indefinite general strike in Terai region. ..... considering the crippling effect on normal life and education institutions. ...... the strike in customs offices and lock-out of government offices and public gatherings will continue ..... The Forum said it would call upon Madhesi people not to pay tax to the government unless their demands were met. ..... it had taken positively the recent amendment in the interim constitution which guarantees federal system after the constituent assembly election and mixed-proportional electoral system and reconstitution of election constituencies in Terai based on increased population. ....... The three-point demand including Home Minister’s resignation remains unchanged ...... demanding proportional representation in the CA polls ..... The announcement to call off the general strike came as violent protests continued in some Teai districts. Over two dozen people were injured in clashes during a MJF protest in Nepalgunj of Banke district this afternoon. Nepalgunj and Inaruwa Municipality in Sunsari where violence has been reported are under curfew.I am glad the MJF indefinite strike has been called off. The MJF has a three point demand. The MJF now has to move ahead in a way that hits not the Madhesi people but the state. The tactical flexibility that the MJF has exhibited is commendable.
- Home Minister resign.
- Form probe commission.
- Hold proportional elections to the constituent assembly.
But the fact that the Sadbhavana (Anandi) is not asking for the Home Minister's resignation also tells us that Sadbhavana (Anandi) were largely mia - missing in action - during the 21 day long Madhesi Movement. The Madhesi MPs came late to the table during the 21 glory days. The MJF was a small outfit before the 21 day movement. It has now swelled.
The MJF now has to get off the streets and become sophisticated. The ultimate act of sophistication will be to become a political party.
To me it is plain inconceivable that the Home Minister will not resign. I strongly disagree with Sadbhavana (Anandi) on this one. How can they not see this? Have they become so detached from the Madhesi sentiment on the ground? They spent the 1990s saying the Madhesi masses are way behind them. Now that has been reversed. The Madhesi masses are way ahead of Sadbhavana (Anandi) leaders.
The new MJF strategy is to wage a movement like was waged for democracy in 1990.
Girija is close to fulfilling the first demand: "Asked about the Home Minister’s resignation as demanded by the agitating Madhesi Janadhikar Forum, the Prime Minister said the resignation would not be obstacle for peace."
He said that in Biratnagar. But he is still acting like the MJF does not exist. He is being disrespectful. "On the Terai unrest, Koirala said he had no idea whom to approach for talks to resolve the Terai unrest."
He wants to act like the MJF does not exist, and that Upendra Yadav is a nobody. As long as he fulfills the first two demands, it is not necessary that he talk to the MJF or Upendra Yadav. After that Yadav's challenge would be to turn the MJF into a political party and go to the people. In a democracy, it is the people who matter, it is not the Prime Minister.
You go to the people and tell them. Look how disrespectful they were of the Madhesi Movement. Power flows through the ballot box. You go to the people, you go to the ballot box. It is called people power. It is called democracy. It all really boils down to one person, one vote. That is the atom, the building block of all the wonderful things you can do in the political sphere.
On The Phone With Upendra Yadav
By the way, I was on the phone with him last night. It was a great conversation.
Re: Upendraji, it was great talking to you on the phone
On 3/11/07, Paramendra Bhagat
> I hope we can stay in regular touch. I will call you on a regular basis.
> I launched this: http://madhesiinternational.blogspot.com ANTA was
> the only that existed before this was launched.
> I am also Convenor, Coordinating Committee, Nepali Organizations In
> New York City
> http://www.geocities.com/paramendra/nycnepali.html
> My number one thing is www.madhesi.net
> I read Nepal news on a daily basis for hours. So I have a pretty good
> idea of what is going on on a daily basis.
> (1) Home Minister resign.
> (2) Form probe commission.
> (3) Proportional elections.
> Turn MJF into a political party as soon as three demands are met. You
> will sweep the Madhesi vote. And work on NEFIN to do the same. They
> should also become a political party. And the Madhesi Janajati
> alliance will rule the constituent assembly.
> Aur bhi kaam ho raha hai.
> http://www.geocities.com/paramendra/mamo3.html
> Howard Dean is president of the Democratic Party in America. He knows
> me. New York State Democratic Party CoChair David Pollak who is one of
> the closest people of Governor Eliot Spitzer is a friend of mine. No
> Pahadi in America is in a position to say things like that.
> Aap Madhesi ke Martin Luther King hain. Hum logo ko is movement ki
> sari jindagi intajar rahi hai.
> We will stay in touch.
> If possible, download and install this. http://www.google.com/talk I
> just invited you to Gmail. Please accept the invite. If you can get
> all the leaders of MJF and its youth wing onto this system, this will
> really help unify the Global Madhesi Movement. Let's all get on Google
> Talk. All of us leaders worldwide.
> You can use this from any internet cafe in any Terai town or in Kathmandu.
> Viva Madhesh
> Long Live Madhesh
> Long Live Madhesi Movement
> Madhesh rajya lenge.
> --
> http://www.myspace.com/paramendra
> http://www.paramendra.com
> http://www.madhesi.net
Paras: A Republican
Looks like the father son duo are not done with it yet. Right now the country is set to be republican. But if they act up, they are not even going to find civilian space for themselves in that new republican country. The choice is theirs to make.
In The News
MJF call off strike, announce willful disobedience NepalVibe they will continue to observe indefinite civil disobedience in terai from tomorrow. .... our demands for a proportional representation system in the constituent assembly polls and federal system of governance with the right to self-determination .... The MJF said, it will gherao Singha Durbar on March 29, not pay government taxes and padlock all the customs points in the Nepal-India borders, and district-based government offices in the terai.
Prachanda's emotional moment at his birth place Kantipur "Oh, you still have that stud on your nose?" He had noticed the stud of his aunt when he was a child. "You must have heard about the news about a price being fixed for our heads….. Many things happened in the last 10 years," he told his relatives.
Palace paying gangs Rs 600m to assassinate leaders: Maoists
MPRF withdraws strike
King misunderstood my call for "space for all": PM
Students MPRF clash in Inaruwa, indefinite curfew clamped scuffle ensued in Inaruwa between cadres of the Madhesi People's Rights Forum (MPRF) and students demanding educational institutions be reopened for good. .... student unions affiliated to Nepali Congress (NC), NC-D, Janamorcha Nepal and CPN-M .... 40 goods carrier and passenger carrier vehicles, which were being escorted to Koshi barrage with the help of security forces, were vandalized in Sunsari today. ..... Protesters, meanwhile, torched and vandalized a medicine shop belonging to the forum's Sunsari chairman Satya Narayan Mehta in Baluwa, Sunsari. ...... the forum cadres have proclaimed their "boundary" in Bihibare marketplace area and declared it their territory. .... student in-charge of the forum Kapileshwore Yadav, meanwhile, maintained that the students had attacked the cadres with communal slogans under the pretext of peace rally, and claimed that forum cadres had used violence in "self-defense". ...... a signature campaign has been started in Jhumka, Sunsari against the banda from today under the initiative of the local Jaycees. .... Chairman of Jhumka Jaycees Dilli Pokharel
Khajura sees no respite from curfew for fourth day the administration has also started collecting details regarding the total loss incurred due to the arson and vandalism. .... those displaced from the friction-ridden areas to neighbouring villages are yet to return to their homes. ..... a large number of Nepal Police and Armed Police personnel have been deployed in the area. ..... the forum's district chairman Sarwa Dev Ojha
Situala directs police administration to remain alert for disruptive forces
गोइतद्वारा हतियारविराम
झुप्रो घर, पक्की शौचालय
बजेट अभावले बाहिरी चक्रपथ तत्काल नबन्ने बाहिरी चक्रपथ बन्ने खबरस“गै उपत्यकाका ग्रामीण भेगमा जग्गाको कारोबार र मूल्य बढेको थियो । .... करिब ७२ किलोमिटर लामो उक्त चक्रपथको लागत करिब ९ अर्ब रुपैया“ हुने .... प्रस्तावित सडक ५० मिटर चौडा हुने र चक्रपथ निर्माणस“गै सडकको दुवैतर्फ२ सय ५० मिटर आसपासमा विशेष सहरी विकास कार्यक्रम लागू गर्ने योजना थियो । ....... सडकमात्र थप्नुभन्दा व्यवस्थित बसोवास र योजनाबद्ध सहर बनाउने परिकल्पनाका साथ बाहिरी चक्रपथ निर्माण गर्ने भनिएको हो । यसले उक्त दूरीमा ४ लाख ५० हजार जनसंख्या अट्ने व्यवस्थित सहरसमेत निर्माण गर्ने योजना पनि परियोजनाको छ ।
जन्मथलोमा छविलाल
अमेरिकी नागरिकको सुरक्षा सरकारको जिम्मा ः कोइराला
'तत्काल सम्बोधन नगरे विखण्डन' राष्ट्रिय जनशक्ति पार्टर्ीी अध्यक्ष र्सर्ूयबहादुर थापाले आठ दलले आन्दोलनरत आदिवासी/जनजाति र मधेसी समुदायका मागलाई सम्बोधन गर्न ढिलाइ गरे विखण्डन निम्तिन सक्ने चेतावनी दिएका छन् । निवासमा आइतबार पत्रकारहरूसित कुराकानी गर्दै पर्ूवप्रधानमन्त्रीले आठ दलबाट जनजाति र मधेसी समुदायका मागलाई उचित सम्बोधन नगरिएका कारण स्थिति झन् खराब हु“दै गएको दाबी गरे । 'आन्दोलनरत समुदायका माग र प्रधानमन्त्रीको दोस्रो सम्बोधनबीच त्यति ठूलो अन्तर छैन,' थापाले भने- 'आठ दलका नेताले उनीहरूलाई बोलाएर वार्ता नगरिदिएकाले समस्या जटिल हु“दै गएको हो ।' उनले आफूले प्रधानमन्त्री, एमाले महासचिव माधवकुमार नेपाल, कांग्रेसका सुशील कोइराला र रामचन्द्र पौडेललाई संविधान संशोधन गर्नुभन्दा पहिला जनजाति र मधेसीसित वार्ता गर्न आग्रह गरे पनि सुनुवाइ नभएको बताए । 'माओवादी अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डले भगौडा भनेर आलोचना गरेको र सरकारले बेवास्ता गरी संविधान संशोधन गरेपछि जनजाति र मधेसीले आफ्नो अहम्मा चोट पुगेको महसुस गरेका छन्', थापाले भने । संशोधन गर्दा उनीहरूको आग्रहलाई सुनुवाइ नगरिएकाले संविधानलाई जलाउन थालिएको बताए । समस्या अंकुराउन थाल्नासाथ समाधान खोज्नुपर्ने उल्लेख गर्दै उनले झांगिएपछि जटिल हुने बताए ।
प्रहरीलाई गृहमन्त्रीको निर्देशन
अधिकांश परीक्षा केन्द्र सदरमुकाम बाहिर
बन्दको विरोधमा पर््रदर्शन सुनसरी, दुहबी, सोनापुर र खनार क्षेत्रका आदिवासी तथा मुसहरले हातमा थाल, कचौरा र झोला लिएर बन्दको विरोधमा पर््रदर्शन गरेका छन् । बन्द आह्वानकर्ताको ढोकामा पुगेर 'कि खान देऊ होइन भने बन्द सधंैका लागि बन्द गर' भन्दै उनीहरूले धर्ना पनि दिए । चार-पा“च दिनदेखि भोकै छौं भनेर आएपछि मेरो आ“खाबाट आ“सु खस्यो' सोनापुरका मोहम्बद हुसेनले भने- 'बन्दको असर एउटा गरिब र ज्यालादारीमा कति परेको रहेछ, थाहा भयो ।' ..... 'जहिले पनि बन्द गरेर हुन्छ -' हुसेनले भने- 'भोकाएका मुसहरलाई एकत्रित गरेर आन्दोलनरत मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरमका नेताको घर र्घर्ेन पठायांै ।' फोरमका नेता बद्रीनारायण विश्वासले श्रमजीवीका हकमा उनीहरूको आयस्रोत मार्ने गरी बन्द गर्ने आफ्नो नियत नभएको प्रष्ट पारे । ..... मुसहर समुदायका ४ सयभन्दा बढीले नेताको सुनसरी दुहबीस्थित घर घन्टांै घेराउ गरेका थिए । 'काम गर्न दिइएन' आक्रोशित सोनापुरका मर्ुम ऋषिदेवले भनिन्- 'खान दिनुपर्यो नि ।' भीडलाई शान्त पार्न नेता विश्वासले घरमै टेन्ट लगाए । '१५ बोरा चिउरा खाएर उनीहरू सा“झपख बाटो लागे' उनले भने- 'सा“झतिर त शान्ति र्यालीमै सहभागी भएका थिए ।' ..... पर्ूर्वी तर्राईको रैथाने मानिने मुसहर, दुहबी, सोनापुर र खनार क्षेत्र ३ हजारभन्दा बढी संख्यामा बसोवास गर्छन् । उनीहरूको पेसा भनेको रिक्स्ाा, ठेला चलाउनु हो ।
बन्दको अवज्ञा गर्दै यातायात सञ्चालन
फोरमको कार्यक्रममा सहभागी भए ँकारबाही’ परासी, फागुन २७ - नेपाल सदभावना पार्टर्ीीआ) ले मधेसी फोरमको कार्यक्रममा आफ्ना कार्यकर्ता सहभागी भए कारबाही गर्ने भएको छ । आइतबार विज्ञप्ति जारी गर्दै फोरमको कार्यक्रममा कुनै पनि मधेसी कार्यकर्तालाई सहभागी नहुन आग्रह गरेको छ । पार्टर्ीीजल्ला अध्यक्ष्ँ सत्राजीत यादवले विज्ञप्तिमा फोरमले अनावश्यक कलह सिर्जना गरेको र अन्तरिम विधायिकाले संविधान संशोधन गरी मधेसका माग सम्बोधन गर्ने प्रतिबद्धता जाहेर गरिसकेकाले आफ्ना माग पूरा भएको भन्दै आफ्ना कार्यकर्तालाई सहभागी नहुन आग्रह गरेका छन् । फोरमको जुलुस, धर्ना विरोध कार्यक्रममा सहभागी हुने कार्यकर्तालाई पार्टर्ीीीति विपरीत काम गरेको सरह कारबाही गरिने विज्ञप्तिमा उल्लेख छ । पाल्ही बहुमुखी क्याम्पसका विद्यार्थीले सोमबारदेखि बन्दको अवज्ञा गर्दै पठनपाठन सुचारु गर्ने जनाएका छन् । परीक्ष्ँा नजिकिइरहेको समयमा लामो समयदेखि शिक्ष्ँण संस्था हडतालले पठनपाठन प्रक्रिया अवरुद्ध भएको भन्दै विद्यार्थीले नारा जुलुस सिहन बेलाटारी बजार परिक्रमा गरेका थिए । विद्यार्थीले फोरमस“ग विद्यार्थीको समस्यालाई बुझेर तुरुन्त शिक्ष्ँण संस्था हडताल फिर्ता लिन माग गरेका छन् । पर््रदर्शनमा आठ दल निकट विद्यार्थी संगठनको सहभागिता थियो । बारा समाचारदाताका अनुसार सदभावना -आ) बाराले आइतबार कलैयामा विजय जुलुस निकालेको छ । अन्तरिम सविधानमा संंशोधन भएको खुसियालीमा विजय जुलुस निकालिएको हो ।
सरकारी दुस्साहस
सरकारी दुस्साहस
Palace conspiring to assassinate top leaders: Mahara; 'Plot CD' tabled at parliament NepalNews conspiring to assassinate the top 8-party leaders. ..... the CD, which was obtained through a Nepal Army (NA) source, had been "circulated to different NA barracks by Crown Prince Paras". The CD that contains documents, news reports and the palace's strategy against the Maoists will be made public within a few days ...... Gyanendra had allocated 600 million rupees to execute his plot. ..... the palace had formed a committee headed by Crown Prince Paras to disrupt the constituent assembly elections. ..... the CD, prepared by the pro-palace elements led by Crown Prince Paras .... In the face of this exposure, there is no reason why the King should not face action
PM's pro-republic statement based on understanding: Prachanda “Koirala had agreed to give a pro-republic statement as soon as I would issue directive to our party workers (to stop forceful activities)” ..... Koirala said that King Gyanendra’s recent activities had paved the way for republican system. He said the first meeting of the constituent assembly would declare Nepal a republican state. ..... The Maoist chairman, who had to end his speech in five minute due to rain
King’s behaviour has paved the way for republic: PM Koirala said he was in favour of providing some space to the King in the past but the recent activities of the King and his Democracy Day statement paved the way for republican set up. ..... termed the recent statement of Maoist chairman Prachanda that some of the PLA weapons were swept away by the rivers as 'irresponsible'. He said that he was surprised by Prachanda’s statement. ...... On the Terai unrest, Koirala said he had no idea whom to approach for talks to resolve the Terai unrest. ...... Asked about the Home Minister’s resignation as demanded by the agitating Madhesi Janadhikar Forum, the Prime Minister said the resignation would not be obstacle for peace.
MJF calls off general strike Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) has called off its indefinite general strike in Terai region. ..... considering the crippling effect on normal life and education institutions. ...... the strike in customs offices and lock-out of government offices and public gatherings will continue ..... The Forum said it would call upon Madhesi people not to pay tax to the government unless their demands were met. ..... it had taken positively the recent amendment in the interim constitution which guarantees federal system after the constituent assembly election and mixed-proportional electoral system and reconstitution of election constituencies in Terai based on increased population. ....... The three-point demand including Home Minister’s resignation remains unchanged ...... demanding proportional representation in the CA polls ..... The announcement to call off the general strike came as violent protests continued in some Teai districts. Over two dozen people were injured in clashes during a MJF protest in Nepalgunj of Banke district this afternoon. Nepalgunj and Inaruwa Municipality in Sunsari where violence has been reported are under curfew.
Indefinite curfew in Inaruwa
No chance of another Royal Takeover: Former PM Thapa Thapa, who was the longest serving Prime Minister during the active monarchial system said that the King has no hold in any force, be it the army, people, political forces or international community ..... six-time Prime Minister ..... "The way the world community is throwing its weight behind the changes that took place following Jana Andolan (People’s Movement) II ...... the army has always supported the new establishment, be it at the time of Jung Bahadur Rana’s takeover in 1846 or establishment of a democratic system in 1951. ...... “The army was loyal to the King because none of the governments since 1950 tried to snap its ties with the King, ” Thapa said ...... warned that the country might get bogged in a quagmire if the political parties, especially the eight political parties, decided to go to the constituent assembly election ignoring the voices raised by the Madheis, Janajatis, Dalits and women. ...... had suggested to the Prime Minister, UML general secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal, Nepali Congress leaders Ram Chandra Poudel and Sushil Koirala to meet the agitating groups informally before tabling the constituent amendment bill so as to calm down their ego. ..... the "climate" for holding the constituent assembly had not developed, as militia men were still holding arms in the villages. ...... “Attack of Maoists on other parties’ functions is still hindering the election campaign”
Curfew continues in Banke
Rana visits home district
Re: A Madhesi As "Distinguished Guest" At Magar Event on Saturday
Binod Shah
On 3/12/07, Paramendra Bhagat
> Fellow NYC Madhesis.
> We are few in town, less than 10 obvious names in a sea of maybe
> 35,000 Nepalis in the city. We are maybe 200 in a sea of 120,000
> Nepalis in all of America.
> The first major Madhesi event in town was at the New School that most
> of your missed due to your prior plans that took you elsewhere, but
> you might want to listen to the audio of the question answer session.
> http://demrepubnepal.blogspot.com/2007/02/new-school-event-madhesi-question_11.html
> This event on Saturday might be the first time a Madhesi is being
> honored. The Janajatis have been key to my ascendance attempts at
> leadership among the Nepalis in the city, although what will really
> cement it is my stated goal that all green card holding Nepalis should
> be able to vote in the city elections.
> People stay very busy in this city, and travel is cumbersome. But if
> you can, see if you can make it to this event. You don't have to stay
> the entire time. Although it is great fun. The event will probably
> along this line:
> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2614904307558020024
> Also mark your calendars for the April event at Columbia. Jasmine
> prepared the list of invitees from this
> http://www.geocities.com/paramendra/nycnepali.html and I have been
> pleased to help her. Last year Deuba was the Chief Guest at such an
> event. I have been pushing Jasmine's boss to get Upendra Yadav and Om
> Gurung to come over for a future Columbia event. By the way, I was on
> the phone with Upendra Yadav a few hours back. He says hello.
> http://www.geocities.com/paramendra/mamo3.html
> Do all you can. This is our liberation struggle.
> Collect and send me as many Madhesi email addresses as you can. I want
> 500 per Terai town.
> Your digital democrat,
> Paramendra Bhagat
> www.madhesi.net
> http://madhesiaawaz.blogspot.com
> http://madhesiinternational.blogspot.com
> PS. I would like to commend ANTA for its ongoing work. And I would
> like to thank Divita Mehta for this wonderful project she has
> launched. http://ehmwall.blogspot.com
> ________________________________________________________________________
> http://www.lausa.org/
> To mark its 3rd Anniversary, Langhali Association USA, Inc is
> organizing the Cultural Program featuring popular LANGHALI DOHORI
> GEET. Everyone is cordially invited to be a part of this great event!
> Ticket/Entrance Fee: $35 each
> ($5 will be refunded to those, who come wearing their traditional /
> cultural dress, while checking in).
> For more info, please contact:
> Mr. Rajesh Thapa Magar – 917-414-5249 (New York)
> Mr. Tika K Pun Magar – 707-342-8885 (Virginia)
> Mr. Dal B Budhathoki Magar – 347-806-2272 (New Jersey)
> Mr. Rudra Pun Magar – 646-508-4014 (New York)
> Mr. Lab K Budhamagar - 646-912-0745 (New York)
> __________________________________________________________________________
> http://www.geocities.com/paramendra/nycnepali.html
> Reg. No. 040830001182
> Tax ID No. 84-1655629
> Langhali Association USA, Inc.
> (Creating a Sense of Shared Responsibilities towards the Magar Community!)
> Central Office
> New York
> March 7, 2007
> To,
> Mr. Paramendra Bhagat,
> President,
> Hamro Nepal,
> New York.
> Sub: Invitation to Langhali Dohori Sanjh 2007
> Dear Sir,
> We are pleased to inform you that Langhali Association USA, Inc will
> host Cultural Program featuring DOHORI SANJH 2007 on Saturday, March
> 17 at Dhaka Club, Woodside, New York. This event is organized to mark
> the 3rd anniversary of its establishment. We are privileged indeed to
> extend a very warm invitation to you to attend as the Distinguished
> Guest of this fascinating event. For your convenience, we have
> enclosed complimentary ticket for you.
> In the meantime, we look forward to welcoming you at the event.
> Sincerely,
> Lab K Budhamagar
> General Secretary
> Tel: 347-806-2272, 646-912-0745, 571-334-7939
> E-mail: magars2004@gmail.com, Website: www.lausa.org
> Mailing Address: PO Box 3620324, New York, NY 10129 - 0015, USA
> _________________________________________________________________
> Dhaka Club, USA · 59-15 37th Avenue. Woodside, New York 11377
> www.dhakaclubusa.com
> 7.30 PM to 2 AM Saturday
> http://www.google.com/maps?q=59-15+37th+Ave,+Queens,+New+York+11377
> Nearest subway stops: 7 train 61st St/Woodside
> 65th St + Northern Blvd on V, R lines
Source: http://www.blog.com.np/united-we-blog/2007/03/26/mprf-hired-professional-killers-in-gaur/
MPRF Hired Professional Killers in Gaur’
Dr Mathura Shrestha, a prominent human rights activist, visited Gaur a day after the carnage, in which 28 persons died. Dr Shrestha served as Health Minister in the post-1990 interim government. He attended a meeting of MPRF in Delhi and met also Chief of Janatantrik Mukti Morcha, Jaya Krishan Goit, a couple of times. Dr Shrestha out-rightly rejects Prachanda’s view of outlawing MPRF. He suggests that addressing the Madhesi problems and implementing the decisions taken by the SPA plus Maoists, thus far, help restore peace and democracy in this country. Dr Shrestha shares his opinion and recounts eyewitnesses’ count on the Gaur carnage with Puran P Bista and Ghanashyam Ojha of the Kathmandu Post.
Q: How do you recount the gory incident of Gaur after your recent visit?
Dr Mathura Shrestha: Madhesi People’s Rights Forum (MPRF) had made an announcement through mikes five days ago for holding a public meeting in Gaur at 11 pm on last Wednesday. Madhesi Mukti Morcha (MMM) set up the stage for the carnage after it, too, decided to hold the public meeting on the same ground at the same time on the same day.
The locals feared of something. As a result, president Deo Padayar Gupta of Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Rautahat branch, invited the MPRF and MMM cadres to attend the meeting on Wednesday morning at around 8:00 am.
But none of them attended the meeting. At around 10 am, rallies of both the parties began. Some of the participants in the rallies had come from adjoining VDCs. The rallies, organized by both the parties, met near the district court. The participants in the rallies waved, clapped their hands and welcomed each other’s rally, showing an understanding on the holding of Wednesday’s public meeting. The locals took this incident as a good gesture that MPRF would hold its meeting first, and then MMM would do so, on the same ground but at different time. Then, the Maoist rally passed through Gaur, while MPRF’s rally converted into a public meeting at the Rice Mill ground.
The ground is near the district court. First, the MPRF cadres dismantled the MMM stage built for the public meeting. A few MMM cadres present there were beaten up. These MMM cadres left the ground to inform their leaders of the incident. Chairing MPRF’s meeting was Ram Prasad Biswas. No sooner had Biswas taken his chair as a chief guest, than the MMM cadres entered the field and began to disrupt MPRF’s meeting. Then, from the southern and western sides, some people fired shots at MMM cadres. Later, some MPRF cadres fired from within the stage at MMM cadres.
According to eye witnesses, MPRF cadres used socket bombs and small fire arms, besides sharp weapons and cleft bamboo sticks. I think MPRF had hired notorious higher killers.
Q: How can you claim so when you were not present there?
Dr Shrestha: Within two minutes, over a dozen MMM cadres were killed. Then, the MPRF-hired professional killers chased the MMM cadres. Some of the MMM cadres not acquainted with Gaur entered into nearby houses for safety. They were dragged out of these houses and killed. Some of the MMM cadres were chased as far as eight kilometers and killed. Some of the dead bodies were buried in a water canal.
I was told by eyewitnesses that eight of the killers were local Nepalis and 25 others were Indians. The three locals are Balru, Hafij Mukhiya and Binda Hasin Sahani. The eyewitnesses recounted that “the police force could do nothing”. But local police contradicted this statement saying that “they blank-fired to stop the killings”. Some local people even claimed that Upendra Yadav was staying at the house next to Dr Tayab and the superintendent of police escorted him up to Barganiya near Nepal-India border.
What was heinous was that five of the women were raped in public. Two people caught their legs and other MPRF cadres raped them in public. Later their breasts were chopped off and burnt to deface their identity. Gagan Singh, Bhusan Singh, Baban and Guddu Jha were involved in raping and chopping-off-activities. Two local Muslim girls were taken away and their whereabouts are still unknown.
Q: Are these rapists local or Indian criminals?
Dr Shrestha: They should be local people because the local residents knew them well and everyone could pronounce their names clearly. Twelve of the MMM cadres were killed at Hajmonia, some 12 kilometers away from Gaur. They included three women and nine men.
Q: According to your assessment, what was the police force doing at that time?
Dr Shrestha: Police could do nothing when government offices were set on fire by the MPRF cadres some weeks ago. The police force has been unable to wipe the sign boards written Madesh Sarkar in government offices. What can you expect from them?
Secondly, you must understand that King Gynendra conducted municipality polls. All the political parties boycotted the polls except Kamal Thapa’s. And you must have learnt that the highest turn out in the country was at Gaur - almost 72 percent of the voters cast their votes in Gaur municipality polls. And Kamal Thapa’s candidate got 92 percent of the votes polled. Now you can think of the situation there. Recently, all the government offices have been set on fire. By whom?
A girl of late 20s raised a question. She asked me, “Dr Sahab, is political change meant for criminals or the people?” I was shocked to hear such a question from a girl who I think was forced to leave her studies. Then, I asked a few more questions. Her response was: “there is none who supports MPRF at Gaur and I do not know other places. But whatever MPRF wants, it happens here. We can do nothing in the presence of MPRF because of criminalization of politics, culture and religion”.
Until the restoration of democracy 1990, there had been a mafia group operating in Gaur. This mafia used to smuggle hashish, gold and idols, and traffic women. But the restoration of democracy led to an emergence of another mafia group. This group killed the leader of the Panchayat mafia in Janakpur. The locals say that the democratic parties have given this mafia group a political protection. Whenever they are arrested, the parties ask the police force to release them. The NC, UML and other political cadres feed and pay them. During the early 1990s, there had been clashes between these two mafia groups. Today, they have joined their hands and the dacoits across the border have also been working in tandem with these two mafia groups.
So, it looks that these groups have been very active in Gaur and its adjoining districts. The locals say that MPRF is a mere mask. These two mafia groups are active in the name of MPRF. Even human rights activists cannot release any report on these mafia leaders as they threaten to kill them.
Q: How could these mafias be hired by MPRF to the extent of butchering so many MMM cadres?
Dr Shrestha: MPRF hired professional killers. They paid them money. Eight of them were Nepali criminals and over 25 were Indian professional killers. I am talking about only those who fired gunshots. Today, the cost to hire the professional killer groups comes to 15 million rupees.
These killers are used during the elections in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh states also. You do not have to campaign if you pay 15 million rupees to these professional killers. You win the elections. I was shocked to hear such stories from a girl who was forced to leave her studies by these local mafias.
I was further told that a girl cannot get married to a man of her or her family’s choice in Gaur. These mafias come and ask the girl to get married to their choice. If she refuses, she is threatened to be taken to a nearby mango tree and raped to be left a prostitute. Such incidents are common in Gaur. These mafias have been very active since King Gyanendra’s regime conducted municipal elections. Now they are being used by MPRF.
These are the tips of the iceberg. In fact Gaur is ruled by criminals and the SPA government, until recently, considered them its allies. Apart from eight Nepalis and 25 Indian professional killers, some MPRF cadres hit with cleft bamboo sticks. Each MMM cadre killed and injured had deep cuts in their heads. You see a cleft bamboo stick is as sharp as khukuri. And you can’t survive if you are hit with a cleft bamboo stick on your head. They used other sharp weapons too. All the hospitalized had head injuries. One MMM cadre, who left the hospital after a doctor advised her to leave, was later caught and hit by a cleft bamboo stick. Now that girl is on her death bed. I was shocked to learn that MPRF hired professional killers to kill unarmed MMM cadres.
Q: Whom do you blame for the carnage?
Dr Shrestha: What I have been advocating for the past several months is that we should not have opposed MPRF-organized protest programs. The main reason that let the Maoists oppose the MPRF organized protest movement is that the SPA gave up its stance on addressing the Madhesi problems. First, the SPA gave up its stance on federalism in the interim constitution. Second, it gave up its stance on proportional representation. Third, it raised the issue of public opinion and later it gave it up. All this disappointed the Madhesis and other ethnic groups in the hill and mountain.
Now we must realize that democracy did generate hope but doubts are undermining our hope for democracy. I see this is the emergence of people’s resentment. It is there in Madhes, hill and mountain. The movement in Madhes was not started by MPRF but by Nepal Sadhbhawana Party (Anandi Devi). MPRF shot into the fame only.
I agree there are politicians in MPRF. I met Upendra Yadav personally and informed him of SPA’s stance on the demands. I advised him to give up the political demands since the SPA government was preparing to address his demands. Secondly, I told him to use peace as a weapon to raise the demands. His response was “we have been put behind bars, now all our cadres are out of our control”, adding that “it will be a peaceful movement.” He had assured me that he would even hold talks with the janjati groups, which he did not do so. Let us not talk of him now. He is not the right kind of politician. He was just a village level leader though he may claim himself a national leader.
Second, the primary concern is that the second revolt (April uprising, even if you call it a people’s movement) brought the eight parties into a single platform. If these leaders of eight parties continue with leg-pulling politics, then the Gaur carnage is the beginning. These leaders take decisions but fail to implement them. What is the reason behind the failure to implement or delay in implementing and blaming one another? This is not the way of playing politics.
Q: But the SPA continues to insist on arms registration before the formation of eight-party government. Isn’t it?
Dr Shrestha: Arms registration is not a big deal, nor is it the problem. The Nepali Congress did raise arms against the establishment, not once but twice. If we add the incident of Okhaldhunga, it raised arms thrice. When the NC reached an agreement with the then government, it did not surrender all the weapons; so did the Marxists after the Jhapa killing. The Marxist and NC did not surrender all the weapons they had in their possession.
So, history clearly tells us that registration of weapons is not the primary concern. The Maoists have agreed to join mainstream politics. Why can’t the SPA be accommodative now? The Gaur carnage is an outcome of Maoist pride and the anarchy let loose in the country. There are several counter-Maoist groups unleashing anarchy. Unless the eight parties come together and build trust among themselves, the country will continue to reel under violence.
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