All seven parties are going to have to face a few facts. One is, do they want to retain the monarchy or not. Another is federalism. Yet another is land reform. Do they want it? How do they hope to accomplish it? They are simply going to have to spell out before they go to the people for the constituent assembly.
I think the center piece of the idea of land reform in Nepal has to be about getting as many people as possible off the land! There simply is not enough land to go around. If you take all the arable land and divide it equally among the population, the amount of land per person is tiny. And so it is not productive to simply divide. The agricultural productivity would go down drastically. And you are looking at possible famine.
So we have to do land reform the smart way. Put a major focus on education, health and micro credit to reach out to all. Then put a cap on the amount of land any one person or family may keep. Then pay for and claim the extra for redistribution among those who do not have it. And when the landless get the land, it should not be free. It should be a zero interest loan to be paid off in perhaps a decade or two. Perhaps at below market price.
This is the broad outline I offer. But this is a big issue. A lot of heads will have to be banged before we can come up with something workable. Something just as well as productive.
And we have to go for rural industrialization. We have to divide the country into three states - Kosi, Gandaki, Karnali - and focus on Udaypur, Chitwan and Surkhet valleys. Maybe Chitwan can become the Shanghai of Nepal. That unlike Kathmandu could emerge an urban center to soak limitless urbanization.
As you see, I think land reform is about getting people off the land and rapidly expanding the industrial and service sectors. And for this FDI is key. You could export Nepalis to Malaysia and Arabia and wherever, or you could invite in FDI - Foreign Direct Investment - and create those jobs locally.
The Chinese experience has been that the Chinese diaspora has been the primary source of FDI. I think the same will happen for Nepal as well. I think it is because investors like to know what they are getting into. The Nepalis abroad already know. All the political leadership in Nepal has to do is put in place the right policy framework.
Land reform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Liberation Theology and Land Reform
FAO : SD Dimensions : Institutions : Land tenure
Land Reform
United Nations - OCHA IRIN | Web Special | Land reform in Southern ...
allAfrica.com: South Africa: Land Reform No Cure for SA Poor - OECD
DEVELOPMENT: Agrarian Reform Takes a Low Profile
Land reform: SA should 'learn from Zimbabwe' : Mail & Guardian Online
Venezuela: Land Reform Battle Deepens - Worldpress.org
Scotsman.com News - Land reform
BBC NEWS | Africa | Mbeki may speed up SA land reform
Land Reform in the Philippines
Zimbabwe Land Reform
Department of Agrarian Reform Official Website
Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003
Lisa Viscidi: Land Reform and Conflict in Guatemala
Seth DeLong: Land Reform in Venezuela
foodfirst.org: Tides Shift on Agrarian Reform
World Bank Group | Land Policy and Administration | Land Reform
Land Research Action Network
Venezuela's Agrarian Land Reform: More like Lincoln than Lenin
land reform: Definition and Much More From Answers.com
Land Reform | Metropolis Magazine
Agrarian Reform | Land Reapportioning | Farmland Redistribution ...
agrarian reform on Encyclopedia.com
History News Network
World Forum on Agrarian Reform
Landless Workers' Movement (MST) : Land Reform From Below
Simon World :: China rural land reform
agrarian reform. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05
Amazon.com: The Peasant Betrayed: Agriculture and Land Reform in ...
Chavez's Land Grab
Caledonia's Land Programme
Act 3 of 1996: Land Reform (Labour tenants) Act
Fair price for land reform - SouthAfrica.info
Michigan State University Newsroom - In China’s land reform ...
Agrarian Reform in Latin America Books and Articles - Research ...
Providence Urban Land Reform
[PDF] Agrarian Reform in Venezuela
SARPN activities
The Legal Resources Centre : Projects: Land Reform Project
DAR - Land Reform in Phil. History
Chief Directorate Land Reform
Truth And Reconciliation

Those who wronged the April Revolution can not be granted amnesty. That is plain and simple.
But the decade long civil war is trickier. There a political decision will have to be taken. It will be a package of amnesty and justice. South Africa is a great example where Mandela decided on forgiveness as opposed to vengeance. Sometimes amnesty is a great price to pay for lasting peace. But that would be a decision for the political leadership to take.
There might be compensation involved for the victims.
Like Kul Chandraji at the UN likes to say, Ian Martin happens to be the top dog on this topic on the entire planet, and he happens to be in Nepal. We should put him to use!
Truth and Reconciliation Commission Home Page
Truth and Reconciliation Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
BBC NEWS | Special Report | 1998 | 10/98 | Truth and ...
The Greensboro Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Truth Commissions Digital Collection: Library and Links: Jeannette ...
Pakistan Link
Burundi Approves Truth and Reconciliation Commission Plan
Comisión de la verdad y Reconciliación
Minister weighs up truth and reconciliation commission for ...
TRC Documents - Sierra Leone Web
Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation
Greensboro Truth and Community Reconciliation Project - gtcrp.org
Official Website of the Sierra Leone Truth & Reconciliation (TRC ...
Peru: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission - a first step ...
Greensboro Truth & Reconciliation Commission
Conflict Research Consortium ARTICLE SUMMARY
SPP: Truth & Reconciliation Commission for Stonehenge
South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission - Simpson & van Zyl
Truth Commissions
The Chilean Truth and Reconciliation Commission
WOLA: Peru's Truth Commission
Truth and Reconciliation Commission: Information From Answers.com
Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall April 26, 2006 03:30 PM
Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa --- Chuck Gillies
The Effectiveness of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation ...
Truth and Reconciliation
Online NewsHour: Facing the Past -- March 5, 1999
Race Matters - Truth & Reconciliation Commission
Truth and Reconciliation Commission fully clears the ICRC
Crimes of War > On The News
President Mandela's Address at Service for Truth and ...
[PDF] Children and The Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Sierra Leone
International IDEA | Peruvian Truth and Reconciliation Commission ...
Bibliography: War Crimes/Truth and Reconciliation Commissions
INCORE: Conflict Data Service: Thematic Guides
Truth and Reconciliation Commission - a Christian Response
The Effectiveness of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation ...
Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly . COVER STORY . Sierra Leone: Truth ...
International Crisis Group - Sierra Leone’s Truth and Recon
Truth and Reconciliation Commission, South Africa: final report
Truth and Reconciliation Commission@Everything2.com
Progressio - East Timor: Truth and Reconciliation Commission ...
nistudents.org: Truth & Reconciliation Commission Expert to Speak ...
ZNet |Activism | Creation of First Truth and Reconciliation ...
Greensboro Truth & Reconciliation Commission: Reflections from the ...
Human Rights Watch: Commentary: Justice: The First Casualty of Truth?
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