Is this guy something, or is he something? Look at how he intends to handle the Madhesi Janajati kranti. He is going to create more mayhem. He is going to spill blood. He is going to give birth to more and more martyrs. 40 are not enough.
He wants to treat the Madhesi Janajati kranti as a law and order problem. He wants to find a police/military solution to a movement that is inherently political in nature.
Girija Koirala is the father of the military solution to the Maoist insurgency idea. That backfired big time. Ultimately it is a political solution that has been working. And the Maoist thing was armed from day one.
The Madhesi Janajati kranti is no armed insurgency. But Girija is intent on pushing it and pushing it until it does turn into an armed insurgency.
Girija is a dumass, plain and simple. Girija is a Bahun Baje. That pretty much sums up his ideology. He sees a Bahun in power in Nepal as far as the eyes can see. He is scared he might be the last Bahun to hold the top office in Nepal. And so he wants to prevent the inevitable any which way he can. This Bahun Baje is in panic mode.
He tried to outorganize the MJF strike first. That did not work. He has sent security forces to the Nepal India border, supposedly to check Hindu supremacist infiltration.
Girija obviously can't see straight.
This guy took a strong stand against the constituent assembly idea for as long as he could. And so thousands of lives were unnecessarily lost. But finally he did come around to it. He does not lead. He takes his pigheaded stands to which he offers no logic. And finally he has to be pushed into moving a few inches to making sense. This guy is an albatross around your neck. He prevents progress. That is his primary political skill.
People say he has done much for democracy in Nepal. I say the Koirala brothers are the reason why democracy got delayed in Nepal by half a century. BP Koirala took the army from the Rana prime minister and instead of keeping it with the civilian leadership handed it over on a platter to the feudal king. That has been the biggest blunder of the democracy movement in Nepal. As a result numerous people suffered, BP Koirala among them.
It was Girija's lack of performance in the 1990s that put the country through the subsequent chaos.
The thing is Girija is wedded to the 1990 constitution. He never gave up on it. He never understood why the 1990 document was inadequate. That is still his position.
And today he stands against social progress. The Bahun Baje wants to make no room for the hitherto marginalized groups.
The Madhesh has been the backbone of Girija Koirala's party. Now that party is going to get wiped out of the Madhesh. He is going to have to go graze elsewhere. If he mishandles this Madhesi Janajati kranti, he is going to have to bid farewell to the Madhesh for a long time to come, if not forever.
Girija is obviously not driven by democratic instincts, he is not obviously driven by political instincts of self interest on behalf of his party, or he would try to lead the aspirations of the Madhesi movement, and cater to it. What is Girija is driven by is his Bahun prejudice. He feels the wind of tens of thousands of years behind his back. And so he is not going to let go easy.
Girija is nuts. In getting ready to produce martyrs, he is playing with fire. He has the option to fulfill the three basic demands of the Madhesi Janajati Movement, and hold elections in June. Or there is no telling which way the politics in the country will go. If the Madhesi Janajati Movement goes on for weeks like the April Revolution, and the Maghe Kranti, Girija is gone. He will lose power. He will be pushed into retirement. He might end up facing trial.
Bhagwan unko sadbuddhi de.
Madhesi Janajati Kranti: Victory Scenarios
Ensuring Ethnic And Gender Representation In The Constituent Assembly
Madhesi Janajati Kranti: Confusion, Clarity
Madhesi Janajati Kranti: A Few Scenarios
Mantra For An Economic Revolution In Nepal
Elections In November
Why Will Girija Not Seek A Common Sense Solution?
Bill On Political Parties
पुरे देशको प्यारालाइज कर दो
Nepalgunj II: This Is A Repeat
Eighth State: Khasan
Arato: Well Meaning But Away From Ground Realities
माअोवादी तानाशाही मुर्दाबाद
A Nepali Diaspora Milestone
िगिरजाको कुर्सी से हटा दो, सेरेमोिनयल बना दो
Federalism As A Formula
Janakpur Madhesis Demand Federal Republic Nepal
In The News
Nepal to step up security on India border Assam Tribune, India
1200 APF personnel to man Nepal-India border
Telegraphnepal.com, Nepal
Fuck you indian agent
See, in an attempt to defend the actions of one group of people (the Madhesis), you are taking the very same approach (ethnic prejudice) that the Madhesis are supposedly fighting against.
Read your headline - Girija Bahun Baje Dumbass. What is the connotation there? Are all Bahuns dumb asses? Or are all Bahun Bajes dumb asses? And, if your true intention was to write against "bahun bad," the headline does NOT convey that.
Later on in the article, you go on to say, "Girija is a dumass, plain and simple. Girija is a Bahun Baje. That pretty much sums up his ideology." Again, same thing. The connotation is a prejudiced view of the entire Bahun community. Very poor choice of words (or poor choice of reasoning, if the premise of your argument is to put all Bahuns in one blanket category).
With regards to the Maoist insurgency, you say, "Ultimately it is a political solution that has been working." Don't be too sure, yet. Maoists may be killing less than before, but their extortions, kidnappings and other egrigious behaviors are continuing unabated.
So, the bottom line is, be careful when making blanket statements. Or else, you run the risk of being perceived as a biased nobody.
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