Immediate Victory
The eight party government meets the three basic demands right away. (1) The Home Minister resigns. (2) A high level probe commission is formed. (3) Proportional representation election system is adopted. That third is also the demand of the UML and the RPP.
Victory In A Few Weeks
The Madhesi Movement shuts the country down for a few weeks. The Janajati Movement enforces the same in its strongholds in the hills. And then the eight parties agree to meet the three demands.
Major Victory At The Polls
Madhesi Janadhikar Forum, MJF, that would be a great name for a political party. Adibasi Janajati Mahasangh, AJM, that would be a great name for a political party.
Unless the three demands are met, there will be no constituent assembly elections, period, come high or low water.
But if the three demands are met, we all have to head towards the Mahasangram of the constituent assembly elections. The Madhesi and the Janajati together have to end up at least 2/3rds of the composition of the constituent assembly.
The first president of Nepal has to be a Madhesi. That has to be secured with the combined votes of the Madhesi and the Janajati.
Even if the Congress is unified, it is going to be wiped out of the Madhesh. The Maoists are going to get wiped out of the Janajati strongholds.
Revolution To Organization
Right now is the time for a revolution. And it is going on. Once victory is achieved, the work of organization will beging. We Madhesis have to sweep the polls in the Madhesh. We have to do that to create the Madhesh state.
Dharti balidan mangti hai.
In The News
NC, CPN (Maoist) agree to form interim govt before mid-March NepalNews Final decision on the make-up of the interim cabinet would be taken by an all-party meeting slated for March 10 .... the Maoist leaders agreed to return the properties seized by them during the insurgency ..... Prachanda assured to issue a formal order to party workers within two days, asking them not to brandish weapons in public ..... the NC team comprised of general secretary Poudel, vice-president Sushil Koirala, Home Minister K.P Situala and central leader Dr Shekhar Koirala
Norway ready to assist in holding CA polls: Solheim
Anti-trafficking strategy should incorporate rights-based approach, says Sundh
Demark pledges Rs 600 million for Nepal peace
‘Federalism based on linguistic specialty is a better option’ each state government will have to ensure that people get their primary education in their mother tongue whereas Nepali, which is irreversible as a national language, or any other dominating language around as the second language and English as the foreign language for international communication, should also be taught in schools. ..... There should not be more than one language taught to primary level students ..... President of Maithil Mahasnagh, Amresh Narayan Jha, also claims linguistic federalism is the most suitable option ...... 7 to 9 states ..... the number of languages spoken by more than one percent of the population is 12. About 95 percent of the total population speaks these 12 languages ....... "The demands for linguistic federalism have already reached the zenith and the state can not suppress this voice. Attempts to suppress these voices will bring disaster," he warns. Jha sees little possibility of the ongoing movement for right to self-determination based on linguistic identity dying down. ....... 90 percent of the languages have no script. They exist only in speech, whereas community, Rai for instance, can be multi-lingual. ...... Though the political parties have agreed to go for federalism homework on how to divide the nation into federal governing units is yet to start.
ICRC calls for special attention to mothers/wives of missing persons
MJF bandh continues to hit normal life; protestors vandalise ambulance Sunsari, Sarlahi, Mahotttari, Dhanusha, Siraha, Bara, Parsa, Rautahat, Nawalparasi, Kapilvastu, Banke and Bardiya districts are affected by the general strike. ..... Activists of MJF have also obstructed roads in Kothapur area of Nepalgunj to enforce bandh.
UML in a fix; fumbles over statute amendment episode desperation overtaking acumen .... senior leaders of Nepali Congress (NC) and Maoists were united in jeering the UML. ....... At the end, the volley of criticism proved too much for the party. ..... He accused the NC and Maoists of hobnobbing to corner plum portfolios in the interim government. ...... threatened that his party would pull out of the current government if the interim government is not formed within mid-March. He also warned that any delay in forming the interim government and announcement of date for Constituent Assembly (CA) will inevitably lead to break up of the ruling Seven Party Alliance (SPA). ...... UML's growing desperation borne out of its continued sidelining by the NC-Maoist. ..... "We can neither laugh nor cry. Our words go unheard and if we speak out in public, we are termed irresponsible," wailed Nepal
Dozen policemen injured in attack during Terai bandh
Terai out to defy second day of Madhesi strike Kantipur Online, Nepal the forum's strike which had begun yesterday in 22 Terai districts .... last month's violent unrest spearheaded by the MPRF. ..... The Police last night escorted a convoy of some 50 long distance bus, trucks and private vehicles up to Koshi barrage. ...... Locals in Bardiya today defied the forum's strike announcement with markets remaining open in district headquarters Gulariya, Ghoregaun, Sanoshree and Rajapur. Likewise, education institutions in the area too remained open. ......... long-distance buses and trucks remained grounded because of the barricades put up by the protestors in Banke ....... life in Nawalparasi and Kapilvastu was affected due to the banda ....... Nepalgunj was also affected by the strike with market places shut down ....... market and transport in headquarters Kalaiya closed. ..... Traffic and markets remained closed in regions with the forum's clout including Sunsari's Inaruwa and Duhabi, Morang's Biratnagar, Rangeli, Mader, Siraha, Lahan, Saptari's Hanumannagar and Rajbiraj. ..... 10 persons were injured in Mahottari's Mahendra chowk after a scuffle ensued between forum members and entrepreneurs defying the strike. ...... Jaleshwor office of the MPRF ..... locals in Bargachi chowk of Biratnagar today chased off forum activists enforcing the strike announcement by brandishing swords and sticks.
Nepal to deploy paramilitary forces along Indian border Islamic Republic News Agency, Iran in light of the increasing violence and political upheavals in the country's Terai plains. ..... Nepalese government decided to deploy its Armed Police Force (paramilitary forces) along its border with India after a cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala ..... the government has decided to set up 16 border security posts and deploy paramilitary forces from Jhapa in the east to Kanchanpur in the west.
S Nepal strike enters second day BBC News, UK An indefinite general strike called by a regional group in Nepal has crippled life across the southern Terai plains for the second straight day. .... as the indefinite strike entered its second day, many farmers, industrialists and transporters have come out in defiance of the strike. ..... most public transport has remained off the roads and the effects of the strike have been felt in most of the 22 Terai districts. ..... Talks between the government and representatives of the Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities failed to make progress last week.
Terai out to defy second day of MPRF strike Kantipur Online, Nepal
MJF bandh continues to hit normal life; protestors vandalise ambulance Nepalnews.com, Nepal
६० हजार शरणार्थी अमेरिका लैजान प्रक्रिया सुरु Kantipur
संविधान दर्ुइ चरणमा संशोधन गर्ने सहमति पहिलो चरणमा प्रधानमन्त्रीको सम्बोधनअनुरूप राखिएको संशोधन प्रस्तावलाई तत्काल पारित गर्ने र दोस्रो चरणमा मधेस, आदिवासी/जनजाति तथा विभिन्न पार्टर्ीी राखेका प्रस्ताव अनुरूप संशोधन गर्ने सहमति भएको हो । ...... छलफलमा कांग्रेस, एमाले, माओवादी, कांग्रेस -प्रजातान्त्रिक) र सद्भावना -आनन्दीदेवी) का दोस्रो वरियताक्रमका नेताहरू र सरकारका तर्फाट गृहमन्त्री कृष्ण सिटौला सहभागी थिए । .... विधेयकमा मधेसी आन्दोलनका मागलाई प्रधानमन्त्रीले दोस्रोपटकको सम्बोधनमा उल्लेख गरेअनुसार संविधान संशोधन गरी मुलुकलाई संघीय स्वरूपमा लाने, जनसंख्या वृद्धिका आधारमा तर्राईमा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र बढाउने र निर्वाचन क्षेत्र निर्धारण आयोग गठन गर्ने प्रस्ताव गरिएको छ । ...... आगामी शुक्रबार र्सवसम्मत रूपमा संविधान संशोधन हुने विश्वास ....... 'दलहरूले उठाएको संशोधन र आन्दोलनकारीस“गको वार्ताका आधारमा एकमुष्ट सम्बोधनको अर्को विधेयक ल्याउन सकिन्छ,' कांग्रेस सहमहामन्त्री डा. रामवरण यादवले भने- 'यस -सरकारी विधेयक) ले तर्राईको समस्यालाई राजनीतिक समाधान गरेको छ । अन्य विषयमा आठ दलमा थप छलफल गर्न केही समय लाग्छ ।' ...... माओवादीले भने आठ दलको सहमतिअनुरूप चल्न आफूहरूले गणतन्त्रको प्रस्ताव नराखेको बताएको छ । 'को बढी क्रान्तिकारी देखिने भन्ने होइन, सहमतिअनुसार चलौं भन्ने हाम्रो अडान हो,' माओवादी सचेतक दीनानाथ शर्माले भने । ...... सद्भावना -आनन्दीदेवी) का महासचिव राजेन्द्र महतोले सरकारी संशोधन विधेयक तत्काल पारित गर्न आठ दलभित्र सहमति भइसकेको उल्लेख गर्दै केही प्रविधिक कारणले मात्र मंगलबार पारित हुन नसकेको बताए । 'यो छलफलको प्रक्रिया हो,' उनले कान्तिपुरस“ग भने- 'पारित गर्ने प्रक्रियामा गइसकेकाले यसबाट तर्राईमा नकारात्मक असर पर्दैन ।' ..... यसअघि आनन्दीदेवीले प्रधानमन्त्रीको सम्बोधनअनुरूप तत्काल संविधान संशोधन प्रस्ताव पारित नभए आन्दोलनमा उत्रने चेतावनी दिएको थियो । विधेयक पारित भएपछि तर्राईको आन्दोलन रोकेर संविधानसभामा जाने ढोका खुल्ने बताए । ...... 'जनसंख्याका आधारमा समानुपातिक प्रतिनिधित्व सुनिश्चित भएपछि हामी संविधानसभालाई महासंग्रामका रूपमा स्वीकार गर्छर्ाा,' र्सवदलीय बैठकपछि महतोले भने । ..... गाईको सट्टा गंैडालाई राष्ट्रिय जनावर बनाउनुपर्न ...... राप्रपाले समानुपातिक निर्वाचन, अन्तरिम संसद्मा विपक्षी दलको व्यवस्था, कार्यपालिकाको हस्तक्षेपमुक्त संवैधानिक परिषद् र न्यायपरिषदको व्यवस्था गर्न प्रस्ताव गरेको छ ।
महिलाको विशेष प्रतिनिधित्व माग
बन्दले तर्राई प्रभावित
संविधानसभाको वातावरण बनेन’
माओवादीद्वारा कुटपिट
संविधानसभाअघि गणतन्त्र घोषणाले प्रतिगमनलाई सघाउ“छ’
माओवादीले सम्पत्ति फिर्ता गरेनन्
संसदीय अभ्यासको चुरो
राजतन्त्रको छिनोफानो अहिले होइन
बन्दविरुद्ध कार्यदल गठन
Prachanda, Koirala Agree to Form Interim Govt by Mid-March Himalayan Times
One Injured in Accidental Firing in Birgunj
General Strike Affects Life in Terai Districts
8 Injured as MJF Activists, Police Clash in Nepalgunj
MJF Activists Vandalise Ambulance in Biratnagar
NC, NC (D) Unification Soon: Poudel "Unity is for sure and that too in a respectable manner, within a few weeks" ..... Poudel said NC and NC (D) unification was inevitable to save the country from the hands of those who want to see Nepal disintegrated. ....... NC (D) vice president Prakash Man Singh, however, insisted on unification that is respectable to both the parties. "There are technical as well as theoretical aspects that have to be addressed ranging from the central level to village level structures and sister organisations of both the parties," he said.
Smuggling of Goods on Rise Due to MJF Bandh
Government Cautioned on Global Fund Proposal
Bhutanese Refugees Barred from Working Outside Camps
MJF bandh hits life in Tarai Normal life in different Tarai districts remained crippled today .... The MJF has been demanding the resignation of Home Minister KP Sitaula and a high-level probe team to probe the damage incurred during the Tarai unrest. ...... In Rautahat, MJF activists padlocked government offices including the DAO. ...... In Morang, academic institutions, factories and business houses remained shut. MJF activists staged a rally in Biratnagar today. MJF district secretary Jay Ram Yadav said the strike would be enforced more strictly from tomorrow. Regular flights to and from Biratnagar were conducted despite the MJF’s pressure to halt air services ....... The MJF strike had no effect in Itahari, Jhumka, Tarhara and Dharan. In Siraha, peaceful demonstrations were held throughout the day. A report from Bara said shops and academic institutions in district headquarters Kalaiya remained shut. .... In Sarlahi, shops, factories and academic institutions remained shut. In Kapilvastu, MJF supporters padlocked six government offices. Shops at Tribhuvan Chowk, Eklaini and Sadarline of Nepalgunj were shut. ...... In Birgunj, the custom points, bazaars, academic institutions and factories remained shut while vehicular movement was also halted. ...... Over 100 industries in Morang and Sunsari were operated on Tuesday defying the MJF strike, secretary of the Nepal Trade Union Congress (Sunsari), Ayup Hussein, said. ..... Some 540 industries in Morang-Sunsari industrial area were closed ..... a five-member talks team was formed on Tuesday under Babu Nandan Yadav, the Morang district chairman of Nepal Sadbhawana Party, to hold dialogue with MJF at the local level. An all-party meeting held in District Administration Office Morang on Tuesday formed the talks team
MPs want bill on political parties amended several provisions in the bill are “unrealistic” ..... criticised the provision demanding a political party to produce 10,000 voters’ signature before the Election Commission while registering the party ...... criticised the provision that demands political parties to seek permission of the Chief District Office (CDO) to organise rallies, assembly and other programmes ...... “The provision of providing grant to only those political parties which have received one per cent of the total votes in general election is unrealistic. Virtually very few parties would remain to receive less than the one per cent vote; why not provide aid to them as well,” said Khatiwada. ........ MP Khim Lal Devkota said that many provisions in the bill were “idealistic” and cannot be implemented in reality. ...... “The office bearers of the parties should not be expected to record their property detail twice, at the party office as well as in the annual report which is submitted to the Election Commission,” said Dahal.
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