This is the first time in history an Indian Home Minister has spoken for the Madhesis of Nepal, and we are so very thankful.
The Tamils Of Sri Lanka And Me
Genocide/Ethnic Cleansing Of Sri Lanka Tamils
The Tamils Of Sri Lanka And The Federalism Question
Rohingya: India's Responsibility
Making Peace With Pakistan
भारतका २४० ट्रिलियन डॉलर वाला अर्थतंत्र बनने का फोर्मुला इजराइल के पास है
ब्रिटेन का Cyber Colonization संभव है
नरेन्द्र मोदी और "काला धन"
A Fan Of Israel
Lalit And Vyapam: Time Waste "Scams"
Hardik Patel Is Not A Movement
Labor Bill पर एक दो बातें
लालु यादव: मौसम वैज्ञानिक
आजादी के बाद के ४० साल
Barack Obama Is Biologically Superior
Political Reform For China
न्यु यर्क मेरा होमटाउन
Modi: A Force Of Nature
भारतको १५% ग्रोथ रेट चाहिए
मोदी और सौर्य उर्जा
Indians would be protected in Nepal: Rajnath Singh
Home Ministry fears for Madhesis in Nepal after alleged atrocities against the community
The Tamils Of Sri Lanka And Me
Genocide/Ethnic Cleansing Of Sri Lanka Tamils
The Tamils Of Sri Lanka And The Federalism Question
Rohingya: India's Responsibility
Making Peace With Pakistan
भारतका २४० ट्रिलियन डॉलर वाला अर्थतंत्र बनने का फोर्मुला इजराइल के पास है
ब्रिटेन का Cyber Colonization संभव है
नरेन्द्र मोदी और "काला धन"
A Fan Of Israel
Lalit And Vyapam: Time Waste "Scams"
Hardik Patel Is Not A Movement
Labor Bill पर एक दो बातें
लालु यादव: मौसम वैज्ञानिक
आजादी के बाद के ४० साल
Barack Obama Is Biologically Superior
Political Reform For China
न्यु यर्क मेरा होमटाउन
Modi: A Force Of Nature
भारतको १५% ग्रोथ रेट चाहिए
मोदी और सौर्य उर्जा
Indians would be protected in Nepal: Rajnath Singh
Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh has said that the Indian government is concerned about Indians living in Nepal, considering its present political situation. ..... "Although the Madhesi problem is an internal issue of Nepal, the Indian government will protect the interests of the one crore Indians living there," Singh said, during his visit to Maharajganj on Sunday. ..... He was there to unveil an outpost of the Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) and lay the foundation stone of its proposed new building.
The home minister's visit is being considered crucial at this point of time because the entire Terai area along the UP-Nepal border is caught in violent clashes between the natives and Madhesis.
....... Madhesis are Indians who had migrated to Nepal years ago. While many have received Nepali citizenship, majority of them are still without a nationality. The Madhesis have alleged that several political and militant organisations have been targeting them and inflicting atrocities to force them to leave Nepal. However, the BJP has been supporting the Madhesis for long. ..... Yogi Adityanath, BJP MP from Gorakhpur and Mahant of Gorakshnath Temple, has often been alleged for providing logistic support to the movement of the Madhesis against the Nepal government. ..... The southern region of Nepal, running along UP, Bihar and West Bengal, is known as Madhes. Madhesis, who constitute 30 per cent of Nepal's population live in the Terai area. But 40 per cent of these Madhesis still don't have a citizenship or the right to vote. They claim that the Nepal government deliberately ignores the Terai area to relegate them....... Large-scale violence has erupted along areas of Maharajganj and Siddharthnagar.
Home Ministry fears for Madhesis in Nepal after alleged atrocities against the community

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