एक मधेस, एक प्रदेशको नारा मधेसी अान्दोलनको मुल नारा हो। त्यो माग पुरा नभएसम्म मधेसी अान्दोलन जारी रहन्छ। यो त िसद्धान्तको कुरा हो। िसद्धान्तमा न छलफल हुन्छ, न कुनै िकिसमको compromise हुन्छ।
अप्िरल क्रान्ितले लोकतन्त्रको मुद्दामा compromise गरेन। मधेसी अान्दोलनले एक मधेस, एक प्रदेशको मुद्दामा compromise गर्नेवाला छैन। माअोवादीले गणतन्त्रको मुद्दामा compromise गरेन। त्यो अडान सही िथयो।
नेपालमा ४०% जनसंख्या रहेको मधेसी समुदाय नेपालिभत्र बस्न सक्छ भने भोिलको मधेस राज्यमा त्यहाँ ४०% जनसंख्या रहेको पहाडी समुदाय त्यस राज्यमा िकन बस्न सक्दैन?
मधेस राज्यको अवधारणाप्रित सत्तामा रहेका सात वटै पार्टी सहमित देखाउने गरी अगािड अाउनुपर्यो। त्यो कदम निलने हो भने िगिरजाको चुनवाको पिन त्यही हाल हुन्छ जुन िक राजाको नगर िनर्वाचनको भएथ्यो। िगिरजाले गर्न लागेको िनर्वाचन होइन नौटंकी हो।
िनर्वाचन ६०० सीटकालािग पिन हुन्छ कहीं नेपाल जस्तो सानोे देशमा? ३०० सीटकालािग दलीय पुर्णसमानुपाितक िनर्वाचनमा जाने।
मधेसी जनजाित अान्दोलनकालािग दलीय पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनको अावश्यकता
चार राज्य: कोशी, गण्डकी, कर्णाली, मधेस
नेपालमा ४०% मधेशी, मधेशमा ४०% पहाडी
In The News
PM Koirala’s role ineffective: UML Kantipur
Govt invites UDMF for talks
Indefinite Terai strikes enters day two United Democratic Madhesi Front (UDMF) and Federal Republican National Front (FRNF) called the indefinite strike ...... The strike across the Terai has hit the capital hard, as the Terai is the only route to bring in petrol, diesel, cooking gas and kerosene to the country from sole supplier India. ...... the three major Madhesi parties called the indefinite strike aimed at blocking roads to Kathmandu and other hilly areas of landlocked Nepal. ....... The agitating FRNF comprises of Madhesi Peoples Rights Forum Bhagyanath Gupta faction, Khumbuwan, Limbuwan, Tamsaling, Madhes Dalit Indigenous Party, Joint Tharu National Front, among others, called the indefinite strike putting forth its 3-point demands.
YCL to be mobilised to avert “Bihari style” elections
People’s faith in police eroding: Report
Black marketeers, profiteers make merry while consumers panic
मधेसी नेताहरूलाई चुनावमा आउन आग्रह
मधेस कब्जा गर्छर्ाांः यादव
मधेस आन्दोलनमा १० करोडको क्षति
मधेस आन्दोलनका र्सत
Govt formally invites UMDF for talks NepalNews
NC starts homework on election candidacies February 20, the date set by the Election Commission for submitting the closed list of candidates to be elected under the proportional representation system. ..... The EC has said each political party will have to submit at least 10 percent of 335 PR seats.
Second day of indefinite bandh cripples life in Terai the East-West Mahendra Highway that traverses a number of eastern and central Terai districts has been virtually deserted while educational institutions and industries have stopped operation since yesterday. ....... Birgunj, Biratnagar, Rajbiraj, Itahari, Lahan, Kalaiya and Gaur remain closed ..... The bandh has partially affected districts like Jhapa, Rupendhi, Kapilvastu, Nawalparasi and Banke.
Mahara urges agitating groups to participate in polls The Maoist party has announced that at least 200 YCL cadres will be mobilised in each polling booth.
Yadav warns of Madhes capture Upendra Yadav, chief of Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF), has warned of Madhes capture as a counter to Maoist strategy of capturing central state power. Reacting to Maoist chairman Prachanda's statement of capturing state, Yadav said his party will capture Madhes if that happens. .... an autonomous Madhes with right to self determination
Strike hits terai and eastern hills The organisers termed this strike as their 'final battle' to get their demands met before the constituent assembly election scheduled for April 10.
Thapa doubts timely polls Thapa warned that seed of disintegration would be sown in the country if the government ignored the demands raised by the agitating groups across the country.
Strike hits terai and eastern hills The organisers termed this strike as their 'final battle' to get their demands met before the constituent assembly election scheduled for April 10.
Thapa doubts timely polls Thapa warned that seed of disintegration would be sown in the country if the government ignored the demands raised by the agitating groups across the country.
RJP lawmaker quits parliament NepalNews Rastriya Janashakti Party (RJP) lawmaker Renu Kumari Yadav quit the interim parliament on Sunday, pledging her support to the ongoing agitation in Terai. She also resigned from her position in the RJP. In the past weeks, a number of MPs from different parties including the Nepali Congress and CPN (UML) had resigned from the parliament as well as their respective parties and have been waging a protest movement in Terai.
Gachhadar warns of disintegration if Madhes issues not resolved the country will head to disintegration if anyone tries to push the election through without resolving issues raised by Madhes first ..... it would be a folly to try to hold the election in Terai at this juncture without addressing various demands raised by Madhesis.
CEC asks govt to settle political and security issues within three days
Cabinet decides to ensure reservation for marginalised communities
Madhesis want a guarantee of autonomous province, says Mahato NepalNews decisive agitation from February 11.
Three Madhesi parties form new alliance; announce stir six demands, which include guarantee of an autonomous Terai state with right to self-determination, and proportional representation of Madhesis, Janajatis, Dalits and other marginalised groups in state organs including the Nepal Army. ...... protest rallies across Terai on February 11 and 12 while an indefinite strike will be imposed from February 13 throughout the country followed by a shutdown strike in government offices on February 16 and blockade and non-cooperation protest from the next day.
RJP chief asks govt to resolve Terai problem within a week to make election possible the people would not accept the results of the CA election if it is conducted with the backing of security forces and without the bringing armed Terai groups to the negotiating table. .... deployment of army there would bring terrible results .... Thapa warned that conducting election in the hills and Terai in two different phases would practically thrust the nation into the path of disintegration.
UML divided over electoral alliance with the Maoists
Madhesi Front forces administrative offices in Terai to close down NepalNews padlocked more than a dozen District Administration Offices including Dhanusha, Siraha and Saptari ..... the Front and Mahantha-Thakur led Terai Madhesh Loktantrik Party (TMLP) have forged a working alliance to push the Madhes agitation. The decision was taken at a meeting held recently between the two parties in Kathmandu after the Front agreed to the 11-ponit demand put forth by TMLP
Ethnic groups warn of protests from mid-February United Republican Front (URF), the alliance of seven ethno-political groups ..... After a meeting in Birgunj Friday, leaders of the agitating ethno-political groups forwarded their four-point demands to be fulfilled before the constituent assembly polls. ..... The Front has called for a political conference involving all the agitating groups in Terai and the hills, amendment of the interim constitution, formation of an interim government before going to the CA election. It said the fourth amendment in the interim constitution should guarantee “right to self-determination” for ethnic groups in federal Nepal and adopt fully proportional election system for the upcoming polls. ....... The Front includes Limbuwan, Khumbuwan, Tharuwan, Tamsaling, Bhagyanath Gupta-led Madhesi Janadhikar Forum, Karnali Mukti Morcha, among others.
Govt preparing to come up with toothless TRC since responsible political leaders, high-level officials, and army officials could be implicated for war crimes and crimes related with forced disappearances, the Ministry has inserted provisions to provide them with amnesty.
Limbuwan strike hits eastern hills Public transport in Ilam, Pachthar and Fidim has come to halt.
Silence is also (an) action: King Gyanendra
Dark forces rising Nepali Times
Another window Sushil Koirala said that if he only knew how to get in touch with Goit and Jwala Singh, he would talk. ..... Sujata Koirala establishing separate contact with some madhesi groups through an aide. ...... no one trusts Sujata after she ruined Upendra Yadav by encouraging him to go for a second phase of the movement so she could get at arch-foe, Home Minister Krishna Prasad Sitaula. ....... The government’s failure to implement the Upendra Yadav deal scares madhesi groups about going into negotiations. ...... Madhesi politicians do not see any point in talking to Poudel, whose ability to deliver has only diminished with Sujata’s ascendance. ...... Lainchaur also told Mahant Thakur to override objections within his party, especially from Hridayesh Tripathi, to ally with other madhesi groups. ...... Some editorials in the capital have called for deployment of the army to quell tarai troubles. Do that, and madhesi extremists will be thrilled. After that, not even Pashupatinath can save this country from the rise of an armed separatist movement.
Holiday in Kenya’s tarai the Kikuyus’ political and economic domination. ..... Strident demands for equality between Kenya’s 42 tribes ...... Coast Province is the local tarai, with a long list of grievances against highland domination.
Sitaula the survivor
Violence spurts after new poll date Kantipur Killings, abductions and other criminal activity by politically motivated armed groups in the tarai and other parts of the country have risen markedly since the announcement of a fresh poll date.
Janakpur tense on eve of SPA rally
Indefinite Terai banda cripples life on 2nd day Normal life in Terai has been crippled on Friday, the second consecutive day of the indefinite transport strike in Terai called by several Madhesi parties since Thursday. .... The traffic movement in Janakpur has come to a grinding halt. ..... 11-point demands including proportional representation in the upcoming Constituent Assembly polls slated for April 10. ...... The TMDP and UMF had called separate two-week long protest programmes in Terai from Sunday demanding right to self-determinism and autonomy in Terai.
Supposed talks between govt-TMDP put off
मधेसका सशस्त्र-निःशस्त्र समूहबीच सहमति
आमसभा बिथोल्न बन्द आह्वान
सेना परिचालन हुन सक्छ’
Security tightened ahead of Janakpur mass meeting NepalNews Parties like Nepal Sadbhavana Party (NSP) led by Rajendra Mahato, and Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) led by Upendra Yadav have imposed bandh in several districts of the region – which have also been supported by armed outfits.
Armed and unarmed Terai outfits reach their own pact of cooperation the groups, on Friday, reached a 23-point agreement at an undisclosed location. ..... Manoj Mukti, Dhanusha district chief of the Madhes Raksha Bahini – a militant youth wing of Rajendra Mahato-led Nepal Sadbhavana Party – revealed that they have agreed to jointly resist the joint meetings of seven parties. .... they also agreed not to abduct, or demand extortion from people of Madhesi origin. They have also agreed to carry out their agitations jointly. ...... The agreement is said to have been reached among the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum led by Upendra Yadav, Raksha Bahini as well as armed groups such as Jwala Singh’s Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha, Terai Mukti Morcha and Madhesi Mukti Tigers. ...... concluded the deployment of police in Terai as non-political and unconstitutional move
Seven-party taskforce still undecided over formation of local bodies the Maoists want all-party mechanism that would also involve political parties not represented in the parliament
Nidhi says some Madhesi parties are trying to subvert democracy NepalNews
Terai tense as strike continues in several districts
Row erupts again in NSP-A
Three Madhesi parties join forces NepalNews In a joint meeting in Janakpur, Upendra Yadav-led Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF), Mahantha Thakur’s newly formed Terai-Madhesh Loktantrik Party (TMLP) and Sadbhawana Party (SP) led by Rajendra Mahato agreed to tie up. The meeting attended by the heads of the three parties formed a taskforce to devise the strategies and the structure of the new alliance. MJF leader Jaya Prakash Gupta said the alliance would be formally announced within a week. ....... saying that elections are not possible without first addressing the demands of Madhesi people
Civil war might erupt if election forced on Madhesi people: MJF chief NepalNews would also not let the election take place. Madhesi groups announce protests Samyukta Madhesi Morcha and Madhesh Terai Loktantrik Party have announced protest programmes in the Terai .... beginning January 23 to press for the right to self-determination and an autonomous region. ...... constituent assembly polls are impossible to be held in the scheduled date without first addressing the demands of the Madhesi people. ...... all education offices in Terai districts would be closed for a day on January 23, protest rallies would be held in Bara and Kapilvastu districts on January 24, vehicular strike will be held in headquarters of Terai districts on January 25 and protest rallies will be held in Rangeli of Morang district and Gulariya of Bardiya district on January 26. On January 27, the front will organise strike throughout the Terai. ..... Mahanta Thakur-led Terai Madhes Loktantrik Party announced its protest programmes effective from Sunday. Announcing the agitation programmes in Janakpur, Thakur said the seven parties in government had ignored Madhesi issues and there was no choice before his party but to launch a Madhes agitation. .... The agitation will be intensified from February 5 if the government continues to ignore the demands put forward by his party.
Stubborn Koirala and NC’s Impending Downfall the desire of the leadership to not listen to the voice from Tarai.
Thakur steps up tirade against election; to start Madhes agitation from Saturday there cannot be any election without resolving Madhesi issues first. ..... Thakur asked the government to hold talks with armed Madhesi outfits to create environment for election. ..... He also asked the government to stop what he called as ‘suppression of Madhesi people through the deployment of armed police.’
कुरा आँफैमा बाझेको छ । पहिलो कुरा, एक मधेस एक प्रदेश हुनै सक्दैन , किनकि तराई मा मधेसी मात्र छैनन् । ५० % मधेसी छन् तराइमा, थारु पनि मधेसी मा पर्दैनन्,साथै अरु जातीहरु पनि पर्दैनन्। ..........नेपालमा ४०% जनसंख्या रहेको मधेसी समुदाय नेपालिभत्र बस्न सक्छ भने भोिलको मधेस राज्यमा त्यहाँ ४०% जनसंख्या रहेको पहाडी समुदाय त्यस राज्यमा िकन बस्न सक्दैन?............यो हाँसो उठ्दो कुरो हो, यहाँ नेपाल को हौवा देखाएर ४०% पहाडि किन बस्न सक्दैनन् भनिएको छ , के नेपाल र तराई एकै किसिम का हुन् र ? नेपाल त देश हो, ४०% कुरा ले छुट्टै देश को छनक दिएको छ ,अन्यथा यो त बेतुक को तर्क हो ।........गिरिजा ले गर्ने चुनाव नौटंकी भए कसले गरेको चुनाव मान्ने ? के चुनाव पनि बाहिरका ले गरे भने गर्ने कि क्या हो ???
Tharule "Dhoti" lagaune, tar dhoti bhanda uslai na bhanikan madhesilai bhaneko jasto bhayo. You are not a real tharu, a real Tharu is a real madhesi. Ask your heart and a real madhesi is a real tharu.'Desi' bhanda uslai kaha bhaneko ho ra, u ta pahadma po baschha ta !
hahaha..........anyway, i don't know U.......... but i'm nor tharu neither madhesi......... haha. but i'm of sarlahi ..... that's all. Infact, I hate all political parties and dal, including madhesi party too.....Bcoz, all are trying to factured my country.
You are not a Nepali either.As far as me is concerned am first a Madhesi then a Nepali,you may ask me to say other way round but thats right at present,My advise to is have a definite idea(sidhant) fisrt and think what you can give to our Nepal.You are are indulging in all takin everything from all.
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