Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Nepali Convention 2007 Shifted To Last Weekend In May

Your feedback requested: Management Team Digital Office

Originally it was talked about for the July 4 weekend. Then it was shifted to the April 6 weekend. Now it has been finalized for the last weekend in May, the Memorial Day weekend.

Memorial Day 2006
Memorial Day Weekend 2005
Memorial Day History
Memorial Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Memorial Day Weekend outbreak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Memorial Day Facts - Date History Reason for Memorial Day
Academic Calendar 2006-2007

The primary reason for this shift that was made today is that tens of Nepali students in the Mid-West talked to Chandra Prakash Sharma about it during his recent swing through the region. They said April will be during their Spring semester. They will not be able to come. But if the convention were to be held at the beginning of summer, that would be the best time for them. They could be done with their studies, and come to the convention before they go off for their summer jobs.

There are several advantages to this shift.

(1) It will be warmer at the end of May. That is officially the first weekend of summer.
(2) School will be over. School facilities become possible venue options.
(3) The young crowd is the largest at any convention. It is only right that they are being listened to. They are the ones who flock to the concert in large numbers, for example.
(4) It was the youth that drove the April Revolution in Nepal. They were at the forefront. They did all the strategic thinking. They took care of the logistics.
(5) Nepal is a young country. More than 40% of the people are less than 14 years old.
(6) You do not better honor the April Revolution by holding the convention in April. You honor through the guests you invite from Nepal. You honor it through the programs you do. You honor it by reenacting the April Revolution on a small scale at the convention.
(7) But this is not a political convention. It is designed to be a festival. We are going to do extensive market research to cater to the different groups of people.
(8) If the constituent assembly elections were to be held "before May 2006," we might not have been able to get many of the guests from Nepal. Now chances are the convention date is for after the elections.

We are also zeroing in on the venue options. Right now we are looking at a cluster of three places.

LaGuardia Community College (Virtual Tour)
LaGuardia Community College - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LaGuardia Community College

Long Island City YMCA
YMCA of Greater New York
[PDF] Long Island City YMCA

Upcoming.org: Venue: Queensbridge Park
Queensbridge, Queens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Queensbridge Park on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

The official decision on the venue has not been made yet. We are just looking. And we are still open to other options.

April Convention Venue Options 1
April Convention Market Research 1
1000 House Parties
Nepali Convention: Venue Options, Website, Core 200
Community Center Idea: A Few Options
Nepali Community Center
Alliance, GFIPN: Audio, Video
Business Ideas
Chandra Prakash Sharma 2
April Convention: Creating A Glowing Core
April Convention: Emerging Picture
Chicago Convention September 2-4
April Revolution, April Convention
ANA Convention: Reflections
ANA Convention 2006: Photos

Face Time, Screen Time

Chandra Prakash tells me work on this convention is going to refine me in the face time department. I look forward to it.


The initial idea was to have a flat fee of $35. Then the idea was to have a fee of $25, and charge separate for the concert and so on. Then we went back to the flat fee idea.

Now I am looking at the facilites, and looks to me like we might not be able to do the flat fee thing.

LaGuardia Community College (Virtual Tour)

There is a large hall, 790 capacity, and a small hall, 200 capacity. And we will be looking at rooms for 100-150 for the forums. You can not push the 790 limit or the Fire Marshall gets mad at you. So even to follow that law, we have to sell separate tickets for the three evening events.

How about this?

$35 registration gets you the button. You need that to buy any or all of the following. (5,000 max)

$10 for Inauguration Ceremony (790 max)
$15 Cultural Show (790 max)
$20 Concert (790 max)

We would also need to look for a dance club in the area.

LaGuardia is 10 minutes from Times Square.

In The News

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Govt conspiring against Maoists: Mahara by trying to disarm the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) before the constituent assembly elections. ...... “Since we are a political force with arms and a parallel state power. Only constituent assembly election can lead to disarmament of the Maoists” ...... “The government has this illusion that the Maoists have joined the dialogue process for a safe-landing and it is trying to assimilate us in the existing political system.” ...... Maoist chairman Prachanda, who was supposed to inaugurate the programme, could not come due to security concerns. He said the government had started mobilizing its security forces in the capital city since Sunday.
Palace refutes allegations on arms deal
PM assures of autonomy to state-run media Koirala has expressed his commitment to give autonomy to the government-owned media as part of democratisation process in the country. .... democratising the government media and making it free from state interference.
'Buddha belonged to Tharu community!' "The Great Sons of the Tharus: Sakyamuni Buddha and Asoka the Great", written by Subodh Kumar Singh ....
some of the Nepalese who attacked them said they were Maoists. Kantipur Publications the government's move is in "reaction to the mass meet in the capital today of the Maoist soldiers injured during the "people's revolution". .... "In an unexpected meeting of the security heads at the prime minister's residence yesterday it was concluded that Maoist soldiers were entering Kathmandu to launch an armed revolution," Mahara said संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघका महासचिव कोफी अन्नानले दुई सातापछि सुरु हुने ६१औं राष्ट्रसंघीय महासभा बैठकमा पहिलोपटक मानव अधिकार तथा शान्ति प्रक्रियाबारे अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय समुदायलाई सम्बोधन गर्ने भएका छन् । मुलुक संकटको चौबाटोमा उभिएको उल्लेख गर्दै उनले अराजकताको आगो दन्किन खोजेको र समयमै नियन्त्रण नभए त्यसले खरानी पार्न सक्ने चेतावनी दिए । .... पार्टीका सहअध्यक्ष डा. प्रकाशचन्द्र लोहनीले दाबी गरे । माओवादी र सरकारबाट जिम्मेवार भूमिका निर्वाह हुन नसकेको उल्लेख गर्दै बताए । दुई दिनसम्म चल्ने भेलामा सुदूर पश्चिम क्षेत्रका नौवटै जिल्लाका कार्यकर्ताको सहभागिता छ ।400 Indian workers flee Nepal

Dozens injured as Nepal police disperse sit-in Raw Story, MA
Maoist threats affect tourism industry in Nepal NDTV.com, India

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Maoists collect tax at Gaddachauki
अन्नानले नेपालबारे सम्बोधन गर्नेनेपाल मामिलालाई केन्द्रविन्दु बनाएर
प्रचण्ड सार्वजनिक कार्यक्रममा अनुपस्थित
माओवादीभित्र हतियार मोह'
ँसरकारी सञ्चारमाध्यम निजीकरण हुन्छ’
खाँदबारीमा एफएम
माओवादीद्वारा एमाले कार्यकर्ता कुटपिट
प्रधानमन्त्री राजनीतिक समस्यामै व्यस्त’सात दल एक ढिक्का भएर शान्ति प्रकृयामा कसरी जाने भनेर सहमत नभएसम्म शान्ति प्रकृया अघि नबढने उनले अहिलको सरकार कसको हो भन्ने नै ठेगान नभएको
एक सातासम्म चलेको नेकपा -माओवादी) केन्द्रीय कमिटीको बैठक शहर केन्दि्रत आन्दोलन गर्ने निर्णयका साथ टुङ्गिएको छ माओवादीहरूले शान्तिपूर्ण तवरमा सत्ता हत्याउने सम्भावना नदेखेपछि शहरी विद्रोह गराउने 'अपि्रल थेसिस' तयार गरेका छन् ...... 'राजनीतिक प्याकेज' पछि मात्र अस् थायी क्याम्पमा बस् ने निर्णय गरेको छ । राजनीतिक प्याकेजमा अन्तरमि संविधान, अन्तरमि सरकार, संविधानसभाको चुनावी प्रक्रियाबाहेक अन्तरमि कालमा अन्तरमि सुरक्षा संयन्त्र ............. महिनाबारीमा अब घरभित्रै
ँअपि्रल थेसिस’ को तयारी
बनाउने योजनासमेत रहेको छ । ....... केही उत्तेजक नारा अघि सारे पनि माओवादी तत्काल वार्ता प्रक्रियाबाट अलग भने हुनेछैन । ....... बैठकले घोषित रूपमा वार्ताबाटै निकास खोज्ने बाह्य रणनीति तय गरेको छ भने भित्रभित्र आफ्ना कार्यकर्तालाई 'शहरी विद्रोह' को तयारी गर्न प्रशिक्षण अभियान चलाइरहेको छ । विभिन्न जनवर्गीय सङ्गठनहरूको सम्मेलन कात्तिक तेस्रो सातासम्म राजधानीमै गर्ने घोषणा गरएिको छ ........ स् वीटजरल्याण्डबाट रुस आउने क्रममा रेलमै लेनिनले फेब्रुअरी क्रान्तिले राजतन्त्र फ्याँके पनि असली जनवाद ल्याउन 'शहरी विद्रोह' आवश्यक भएको संक्षिप्त रणनीतिक टिपोट तयार गरे । अपि्रल महिनामा लेखिएकाले त्यही टिपोटलाई कालान्तरमा 'अपि्रल थेसिस' भन्न थालियो, जसका आधारमा रुसमा अक्टोबर क्रान्ति सफल भयो । ....... नेपालका माओवादीहरूले भने गत वैशाख २४ देखि २७ गतेसम्म भारतको पञ्जावमा बसेको विशेष बैठकमा अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डले प्रस्तुत गरेको शहरी विद्रोहको छबुँदे योजनालाई 'अपि्रल थेसिस' को रूपमा परभिाषित गरेका छन् । रोचक कुरा के हो भनेयो अपि्रल थेसिसको पूर्ण विवरण पार्टीका केन्द्रीय सदस्यबाहेक अरू कसैलाई दिइएको छैन । 'जनमुक्ति सेना' को भरणपोषणमा समस्या भएको, क्याम्पिङ् गर्दा बटालियनभन्दा माथि गर्न कठिनाइ भएको तथा सेनाका लागि विशेष योजना नभएको जस्ता समस्या .... सातबुँदे प्रतिबद्धताको तेस्रो बुँदामा भनिएको छ, 'एकपटक हतियार उठाएपछि त्यसलाई अन्तसम्म लैजाने दृढताबिना सशस्त्र सङ्घर्षको थालनी गर्नु सर्व्ाहारावर्ग एवम् आमजनताप्रति अपराध हुने कुरामा हामी दृढ छौँ । यो सङ्घर्ष जनताको स् िथतिमा आंशिक सुधार गर्ने, प्रतिक्रियावादी वर्गलाई दबाब दिई सामान्य सम्झौतामा टुङ् ग्याउने साधन बन्न कदापि दिइने छैन ।' ...... सात दल र माओवादीबीच मतभिन्नता अझ बढ्ने भएको छ । ......... निःशर्त संविधानसभा भएमा मुलुकमा गणतन्त्र आउँछ भन्ने कुरामा माओवादी ढुक्क छन् तर त्यसबेला नेपाली सेनाको एउटा तप्काबाट विद्रोह हुनसक्ने खतरा उनीहरूले देखेका छन् । ....... माओवादीहरूको कामीडाँडा बैठक चलिरहेकै बेला प्रधानमन्त्रीले राजासँग भेट गर्नु र खरदि गरएिको अत्याधुनिक हतियार बोकेको विमान युक्रेनबाट भारतको अहमदावादमा आएर रोकिनु संयोग मात्र नहुनसक्छ । ...... केही गरी वार्ता भङ्ग भइहालेमा पनि जङ्गल नजाने, बरु शहरबाटै गिरफ्तारी दिने माओवादी नेतृत्वको भनाइ शहरमा जोड, वैधानिक सङ्घर्षको बढावा, खुला कार्यमा जोड, देशव्यापी सङ्घर्षको तीव्रता, राजनीतिक भण्डाफोर र प्रचार, मोर्चा सङ्गठनको निर्माण, अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय जनमतको सहयोग, सहायक इलाकाको विस्तार, जनआन्दोलनलाई प्राथमिकता र विश्वव्यापी प्रचारको आवश्यकता नै शहरी विद्रोहका सशक्त कार्यक्रमहरू हुन् । ........ जबसम्म सेना वा प्रहरीमा विद्रोह हुँदैन, तब केन्द्रीय राज्यसत्ता कब्जा गर्न असम्भवजस् तै छ । .......
ँसोझै संविधानसभामा गए र ाम्रो’ ः लक्ष्मणप्रसाद अर्याल

......According to Nepal Rastra Bank, Maoist threat 'a hollow threat': Minister Gyawali NepalNews should they call a mass uprising there is very little likelihood of it getting a good response. ..... the rebel call to keep the movement going had failed to make any impression on the masses which had quickly left the streets once the House was restored. .... “there are elements in the government favouring the status quo.” ..... urged the rebels to stop the politics of fear and intimidation. ..... the government was conducting homework for early constituent assembly elections...... Speaking at the same programme, Maoist negotiator Dev Gurung said the remarks of the minister were irresponsible......
Acharya flays draft interim constitutionnot an interim constitution but a “document of disagreement.” ..... submitted the draft constitution without completing major issues like the fate of monarchy in the interim period and interim legislature among others .....
Take action against willful defaulters: FNCCIDhakal, whose name also appeared in the black list of willful defaulters ..... “In the issue of protecting national industries, the government, the Maoists and the Seven Party Alliance (SPA) are all hopeless”29 individuals and companies have defaulted Rs 10.51 billion from the Rastriya Banijya Bank while the Nepal Bank Limited is yet to recover Rs 4.69 billion from 25 blacklisted willful defaulters.......

Binay Shah Interviews Paramendra Bhagat 4

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