Wednesday, September 20, 2006

KP Oli, September 24

Sushil Koirala 2
Sushil Koirala
Sushil Koirala In Jackson Heights
Sushil Koirala, September 9

Deuba Off To DC
Deuba In Jackson Heights
Deuba At Hotel Pennsylvania
Deuba At Columbia
Gagan's Talk In New York
Krishna Pahadi November 6 Sunday 5 PM
Seven Party Forum In Jackson Heights
Bharat Mohan Adhikari Is In Town

Invitation to a Community Reception and Interaction Program with Hon. Khadga Prasad Oli and Other Members of Nepal's Delegation to the United Nations.
The Nepalese Democratic Youth Council in USA (NDYCUSA), Alliance for Democracy and Human Rights in Nepal (ADHRN) and United Nepalese Democratic Forum (UNDF), would like to invite you to participate in a community reception and interaction program with the delegation of Nepal to the Sixty-First Session of the United Nations General Assembly. The delegation is headed by Hon. Khadga Prasad Oli, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs.

This event will bring our community members together and provide us with an ample opportunity to hear directly from delegation members as well as share our views on the current political development and transformation of Nepal .
Members of Nepal 's Delegation to the UN General Assembly will join us at our event:
Hon. , Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Khadga Prasad Oli
Hon. , Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs.
Narendra Bikram Newang
Hon. , Member of Parliament.
Pradeep Nepal
Hon. , Member of Parliament.
Anand Prasad Dhungana
Hon. , Member of Parliament.
Tek Bahadur Chokhal
Hon. , Member of Parliament.
Mahendra Bahadur Panday

Satyanarayan Mandir hall
(2nd Floor), 75-15 Woodside Avenue, Elmhurst, New York 11373 (The nearest 7, F, E, R & G train stops are 74th Street & Broadway and Roosevelt Avenue station, Jackson Heights, Queens)
Date & Time:
Sunday, September 24, 2006
At 5:00 Pm
Your presence will be highly appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
Anand Bist (President) 917-442-7405
Nepalese Democratic Youth Council in USA (NDYCUSA)
Sanjay Parajuli (President) 917-902-2667
Alliance for Democracy and Human Rights in Nepal
Tek Gurung (President) 917-291-8901
United Nepalese Democratic Forum

On The Web[DOC] In UML, the crafty Madhav Nepal managed to keep both the seniors K.P.Oli and Bamdev Gautam out of the cabinet. Bamdev Gautam is a straight talking, tough individual and the only sin he had committed was in leaving the party for a while. Madhav Nepal perhaps felt that his position will be threatened, if Oli is given an important position. Of late, in the movement against regression, Oli has not been seeing eye to eye with Madhav Nepal. Similarly, there is an attempt to patch up the long standing conflict within the party leadership of the UML with a vertical division between groups supporting Madhav Nepal and those supporting K.P.Oli. The standing Committee of the UML has nominated nine members, all believed Oli loyalists to the party central committee. There were fears that Oli with his group may walk out and take up the ministership in the Thapa government nominated by the King. This has been averted. Visiting Nepali Deputy Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli on Wednesday hailed China's plan to extend Tibetan railway to Nepalese border, saying it will greatly facilitate bilateral trade, tourism and people-to-people contacts. At a meeting of the central committee of the CPN-UML, its general secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal called upon the Maoists to give up arms and reinitiate peace talks. K.P. Oli, a senior leader of the UML, said that "there are other (non-military) options", suggesting constitutional reforms and devolution of power at the local level. But it has got lost in the UML chorus against the Sher Bahadur Deuba government and support for a national consensus government with the Left as a partner. "If the present government is unable to lead the country, it should quit," is the theme song of Madhav Kumar Nepal, which is echoed by the Koirala faction of the Nepali Congress. What did KP OLi just say: 18 months until a constitution? Are you nuts?KP Oli October 1: Sonam Sherpa Event: Movie

Front Pagers Awake Weekly Chronicle (Nepal) - Nepal's No.1 News Portal
People's Daily Online -- Nepali Deputy PM leaves for China Mercantile Communications Pvt. Ltd. Mercantile Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Democracy For Nepal (DFN): Home Minister: Bamdev Gautam
United We Blog! for a Democratic Nepal - We Blog For Peace And ...
United We Blog! for a Democratic Nepal - We Blog For Peace And ...
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Nepal - 7/12/2006
Front Pagers Monday July 26th, 1999 / Shrawan 10, 2056. Awake ...
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Marks News
Mero Sansar » उप प्रधानमन्त्रीको सम्पति ...
Mero Sansar » सात दलको सभामा अमिक शेरचनको ...
Nepal Chiefs of State 2006 - Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography ...
The Telegraph - Calcutta : International
Blogdai: The Big Block Party
BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | UN explores role in Nepal peace
New civil service bill proposes 45 percent reservation
AsiaMedia :: NEPAL: More needs to be done to ensure press freedom ...
Marks News
BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Mass arrests during Nepal curfew
Nepal Daily News Brief
Nepal Daily News Brief
Govt conspiring against Maoists: Mahara
हाम्रो ब्लग::For The People by the people ::A blog in ...
Press Releases: Nepal, Nepal: Honorable KP Sharma Oli, Deputy ...
UN Webcast: Human Rights Council - First session
Switching camps - Nepali Times
NEPAL: Deuba’s ministry finally takes shape: Update 50
NEPAL: Stalemate continues: Who is benefited? - Update 39.
REASON AND REVOLUTION: Visiting Nepali Deputy Prime Minister KP ...
Alliance for a Secular and Democratic South Asia>South Asia Politics
Blogdai: And Now for Some Real Journalism
Taipei Times - archives
Scoop: Vendetta, Appeasement, Confusion And Infighting The only saving grace, as of this writing, is that Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister K.P. Oli has reacted strongly against such activities by the Maoists. Speaking at a public forum in Kathmandu 15 May Oli urged the Maoists to create a conducive atmosphere for dialogue and peace by stopping all activities that adversely impact the peace process.
पालुवा : दरबारीया गर्जन
Faith in Maoists - Nepali Times
Kulgautam.Org - Home Kul Gautam with Foreign Minister Responding to queries about the expected one-month timeframe to manage the arms, Gautam said, "It is impossible
New Nepali Government Ready for Talks With Maoist Rebels
politics: CPN (UML) / CPN (ML)
Pakistan Forum , Woman gangraped, paraded naked in Nepal The atrocity occurred on the same day that Nepal's Deputy Prime Minister KP Oli, who is also the foreign minister, announced the government's plans in Nepal premier unveils new cabinet
Democracy For Nepal (DFN): Shoot At Sight Order: Dead End For The King
China to Nepal: Handle Tibetan Refugees’ Issue ‘Properly’
News Nepal: Oli Presents Annual Policies and Programmes ...
News Nepal: SPA Meeting Underway in
UPDATE (Nepal): List of arrested political leaders and human ...

October 1: Sonam Sherpa Event: Movie

..............................................................................................Nepali Cultural Program

(Organized by Nepal Kirat Rai Association of America)

Date: October 14 ,2006 Saturday. Time: 6 P.M.

Venue: Dhaka Club,59-15 ,37 Ave. Woodside,NY 11377

ENTRY FEE: $ 30 (Ticket Available at VideoMax,Jackson Heights)


Mustang :The lost Tibetan Kingdom

( An Exhibition by Photographer Don Gurewitz and Group)

Date : Through November 30, 2006

Venue:Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art, 338 Lighthouse Ave. Staten Island. Tel.: 718-987-3500

Binay Shah Interviews Paramendra Bhagat 1
Binay Shah Interviews Paramendra Bhagat 2
Binay Shah Interviews Paramendra Bhagat 3
Binay Shah Interviews Paramendra Bhagat 4

My Hood: The Brooklyn Neighborhood I Live In

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