Hello _______,
We are watching how Girija Prasad Koirala plus other BAHUNBADIS are going to include persons of your stature in their over publicized so-called 'inclusive' democracy. We all members of the NIP Forum want proportionate representation to the government based on the population census report 2001.
In case, the Bahunbadis took peoples like you, it becomes our fundamental right to expect, you in your full capacity, will work for the cause of disadvantaged peoples in the first place.
And to those Janajati Bandhus who are issuing PRESS RELEASES one after another; it should be told that such press releases are important but do they indeed have that effect we are hoping for ? So, it is urgent to go to the street or forum[s] and ask our share of the national resources.
If nothing happens to this end; we will have no way other than raising voice upto international level which we virtually can at any time.
Dear ______, I am pleased to thank you for your endeavour in raising relevant issues concerning Janajati groups.
Thank you for the message below. This is what angers us most. The BAHUNBADIS are all responsible for the current crisis in the country. These Bahunbadis must be defeated, as Pawan Chamling or Subash Ghising have done, at every front in the country for social justice, human rights, democracy and development.
I am sorry to hear that the Soaltee Receptionist gave a waiting white guy priority over you and on protesting, exchanged nasty comments with the manager about you in Nepali ?
Thank you,
Good wishes and respects to all,
All this reminds of the Tibetan displacement into India since 1959. IN our case, since the 1800s till today, Nepalis largely, Magars, Gurungs and alongwith Dalits and other siano jaatis(Sorry for the usage ), too have been coming to India and finding a home here. Earlier mostly soldiers and now as cooks, or some domestic. All of them have one thing in common. Illiteracy and lack of opportunities back home. Most of them have not even seen any other Nepali district beyond their birthplace. And straight to the heat and dust of India. Communities have build up in many Indian towns. They are here to stay. An exodus which began nearly two hundred years ago. What is going on? Soon the biggest conglomerate of Magars and Gurungs (Perhaps it already is) will be in India.
PS. With many insurgents-freedom fighters recruited from Indian Nepali towns and some Nepalis sneaking in and making films on retreiving territories from India, has put our fragile community in India under suspicion. Putting a brake on our Gorkha heritage recognition and other community development work. Are they not bothered about our welfare? Madhesis, Parvasis, Lost Nepalis, British and now Indian stooges are the terms generally described of my people. Why did we come here in the first place?
In Kathmandu, the museum (with hardly any visitors) insisted I pay foreign entrance fees. At the Soaltee, the receptionist gave a waiting white guy priority over me and on protesting, exchanged nasty comments with the manager about me in Nepali!
Did not let us live there and do not allow us to live here.
Hello again,
As everyone of us know that there are more women's population then men. Women are excluded in the Interim constitute committee as well. How could party leaders make such a mistake?
I hope the committee will be formed representing women, IPs and dalit.
The Nepal-US Indigenous Peoples' Forum [NIPF] rejects the formation of the committee on discussion here and also believes in that the Himalayan country of Nepal does belong to all people4s rather than the so-called 7 Party Alliance including Nepali Congress and the Maoists only.
Thank you,
Hello there,
The government has formed a committee to draft interim constitution in which no member[s] can be found from disadvantaged communities such as: Janajati [IPs] and Dalit.
Therefore, I feel the committee is incomplete and whatever it brings out may not be acceptable to all peoples of Nepal. You may click the link to read the news how the committee has been formed http://www.kantipuronline.com/kolnews.php?&nid=76802
This also gives a hint that Janajati or Dalit voices have not been heard altogether. Either those voices are �not a united voice� or they are deliberately ignored. Nirmal Lama was there in the draft committee of 1990 constitution. But there is none from IP or Dalit communities in toady�s committee! Should we mean the government wants to ignore IP and Dalit issues and promote Bahunbad even today? Without having any representation from concerned communities, can we hope the interim constitution will address the aspirations and needs of all peoples in the country?
And why would Nepal require an interim constitution in a condition that the House of Representatives [ the government also] is all powerful and can legislate whatever it wants? Given that the Maoists did not accept the idea for prolonging the House of Representatives; is it meaningful to form such an incomplete committee to draft a constitution whether it is interim or otherwise to resolve the crisis the country is facing today ? Why can�t Nepal go into Constituent Assembly at once without having any interim constitution? Someone also opined that, there should be the Constituent Assembly based on the votes parties obtained in the last general election. Does it make a sense to claim that those rigged polls count today? Number counts in democracy. How about asking for a proportionate representation of all caste and ethnic peoples based on the national population census report of 2001?
And do we only require a person with law degrees or background in such a kind of superficial committee? How practical is it to say that only lawyers or law graduates can produce a better constitution to a country with extreme diversity? Don�t we believe that sociologists or anthropologists and others can better explain the contemporary societies of a given country?
Thank you,
One more time again. At least Women's activists staged sit-in at Singh Durbar Gate. I must salute those women's activists.
Where are the Janajati and Dalit activists in the country ?
Where are the Janajati and Dalit leaders or organizations in the country ? What are you doing guys ? Are you sleeping ?
God bless you all,
Thank you,
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