The Maoists Could Do More
The Maoists have refuted allegations of abductions and extortions. It is important that they are hitting back with words like this. They should do more of this and more often. When your enemies spread lies about you, and you don't hit back with rebuttals, the people end up believing the lies.
Maoists refute allegations of extortion, abduction NepalNews .... Krishna Bahadur Mahara said that the entire rank and file of the party were engaged in political and activities aimed at serving people as per the spirit of the ceasefire. He said it was not the policy of his party to `abduct’ teachers and students and that such reports were nothing but the ‘planned propaganda’ of the royal regime...... Mahara has also alleged the security forces of taking into custody their six unarmed cadres at Bahadurpur of Palpa district in western Nepal and executing them last week (Sep. 24). The Royal Nepalese Army, however, said the Maoist cadres were killed in two-way clashes after the security personnel opened fire in self-defense after they were attacked.
This war of words will take them much further. I urge them to offer rebuttals on a regular basis. I think now the question no longer is if there will be elections to a constituent assembly. It is only a matter of when, and which party will win the most votes, and which party will emerge the largest, second largest and so on.
It is only a matter of time that elections to a constituent assembly will be held in the country. The Maoists should function within two parameters.
- Do things that aid the peaceful mass movement for democracy so as to hasten the interim government and the constituent assembly. Continue the ceasefire, no abductions and extortions. Massive grass roots organizing. Major peaceful protest programs. Peaceful co-existence with the seven party coalition.
- Do things to try and emerge one of the largest parties in the country during and after the elections to a constituent assembly. They will also have a lot of time to do this after they have become part of the interim governemnt after the peace talks. So do it step 1, step 2, step 3. The time for competition among the parties will come. But that time is later. And there will be plenty of time.