Sunday, May 06, 2007

मई १२ िदउँसो १ बजे सेन्ट्रल पार्क दक्िषण पूर्व कोणा

ANONYM: Association Of Nepali Organizations In New York Metro

मई १२ िदउँसो १ बजे सेन्ट्रल पार्क दक्िषण पूर्व कोणामा नभम्बर १२ को िमिटङको िनर्णय अनुसार मेरो अध्यक्षता रहेको संगठन हाम्रो नेपालको तत्वावधानमा न्यु यर्क मेट्रोका सबै नेपाली संगठनका अध्यक्ष अथवा प्रितिनिधलाई यसै सन्देश मार्फत म डाक्दछु। कृपया १० िमनेट अगािड नै अाउनुहोला तािक हाम्रो िमिटङ समयमै शुरू हुन सकोस्।

कोहीले भन्लान सेन्ट्रल पार्कमा िकन? जाडो गयो। गर्मी अायो। गर्मीलाई स्वागत गरौं। अमेिरकाको सबैभन्दा पुरानो पार्क सेन्ट्रल पार्क। त्यो ऐितहािसक िमिटङ जसले न्यु यर्क मेट्रोका सबै नेपाली संगठनको छाता संगठनको स्थापना गर्नेछ भन्ने मैले पुर्ण िवश्वास िलएको छु त्यसकालािग सेन्ट्रल पार्कभन्दा बढी उपयुक्त ठाउँ अरू कुन हुन सक्छ? छाता संगठन स्थापना गर्नुपर्ने भनेको न्यु यर्कको मेनस्ट्रीममा नेपाली कम्युिनटीलाई लगौं भन्ने अाग्रह हो। त्यसैले क्वीन्सको कुनै एकान्त कुनामा लुकीिछपी भेंट्नुभन्दा खुल्लमखुल्ला न्यु यर्क शहरको सबैभन्दा केन्द्रीय स्थलमा भेंट्नु उपयुक्त म देख्दछु।

ताराजीले पिहलो कदम चाल्नुभयो, खगेन्द्रजीले त्यस प्रयासमा तल्ला थप्नुभयो। मेरो छाता संगठनको प्रस्ताव वहाँहरूको िवरोधी नभएर वहाँहरूकै काँधमािथ चढेर नेपाली कम्युिनटीलाई अझै संगिठत र बिलयो बनाउन खोज्ने प्रयास हो।

म चाहौंला मई १२ को िमिटङ दुई घण्टाभन्दा बढी नलम्िबयोस्। मैले स्वागत भाषण तीन िमनेट गरौंला। त्यसपिछ िवगत छ मिहनाका कर्िडनेशन किमटीका हाम्रा कर्िडनेटर तारा िनरौलाले तीन िमनेट बोल्नुहोला िवगत छ मिहनाका हाम्रा कम्युिनटीका गितिविधहरूबारे। त्यसपिछ उपस्िथत ३०-३५ जनाले एक िमनेटभन्दा कम लगाएर अा-अाफ्नो नाम, पिरचय, संगठनको नाम भन्नुहोला। यसरी अाधा घन्टा िबत्नेछ।

त्यसपिछ मैले छाता संगठनको प्रस्ताव राख्नेछु। त्यसबारे सबैले पालैिपलो १-१ िमनेट बोल्नुहुनेछ। यसरी ३० िमनेट जित िबत्नेछ। त्यसपिछ यिद सर्वसम्मतबाट प्रस्ताव पािरत हुने नदेिखएमा दोस्रो राउण्ड छलफल हुनेछ। त्यसमा प्रमुख ४-५ जनाले २-२ िमनेट बोल्नुहुनेछ। त्यसपिछ खुल्लमखुल्ला भोिटङ हुनेछ। मलाई पुर्ण िवश्वास छ छाता संगठनको प्रस्ताव भारी बहुमतबाट पािरत हुनेछ भन्ने कुरा। यिद पािरत भएन भने मई मिहनाको िमिटङको कन्िभनरको हैिसयतले म अागामी छ मिहनाकालािग कर्िडनेटर हुन्छु र नभम्बरकोकन्िभनर चुन्नुपर्नेछ।

छाता संगठनको प्रस्ताव पािरत भएर छाता संगठनको स्थापना भएमा हामीले तुरुन्तै केही महत्वपूर्ण िनर्णयहरू गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ। पिहलो हो पाँच पदािधकारीको िनर्वाचन। अध्यक्ष, २ उपाध्यक्ष, सेक्रेटरी, र ट्रेजरर। म अध्यक्ष पदको दावेदार हुँ। म चाहौंला िनर्िवरोध नै िनर्वािचत होअौं। होइन भने चुनाव हुन्छ। उम्मेदवारहरूले २-२ िमनेट बोलनेछन्। त्यसपिछ हात उठाएर खुल्लमखुल्ला भोिटङ हुन्छ। अरूहरू पदहरूकालािग अा-अाफै अगािड अाउनुपर्यो। लुना रंिजत सेक्रेटरी भइिदए हुन्थ्यो, चन्द्र प्रकाश शर्मा ट्रेजरर भइिदए हुन्थ्यो भन्ने त मलाई लागेको हो। जनजाित समुहबाट कोही एक जना उपाध्यक्ष भए हुन्थ्यो जस्तो त मलाई लागेको हो।

त्यसपिछ २-४ वटा किमटी गठन गर्नुपर्ने भएकोछ। पिहलो हो Social Affairs Committee। मेरो प्रस्ताव रहनेछ ताराजीले यसको अध्यक्ता गर्नुहोस्। िविभन्न नेपाली कार्यक्रमहरूमा वहाँलाई मुख्य अितिथको रूपमा डाक्ने गरेको मैले देखेको छु। त्यो कायम रहोस्।

दोस्रो हो Political Committee। यसमा युथ काउन्िसल, अलायन्स, टेक गुरूङवाला फोरम, मेरै हाम्रो नेपाल, लुनाको अिधकार सम्िमिलत रहने छन्। हामीले न्यु यर्कमा नेपालीहरूलाई मतािधकार िदलाउनकालािग खट्नेछौं। यस किमटीको प्रमुख काम हुनेछ मेट्िरक्स बनाउने र दशौं हजारको संख्यामा नेपालीहरूलाई संगिठत गर्ने। मेट्िरक्स ले हामीलाई नेपाली कम्युिनटी बािहर जान पिन सघाउनेछ। अरू दक्िषण एिसयाली, एिसयाली समूहहरू, अफ्िरकी र िहस्प्यािनक समूहहरू। हामीले िवस्तारै सबैलाई नेतृत्व प्रदान गर्नेछौं। Global South को एकता चािहयो।

तेस्रो Community Center Feasibility Committee। कम्युिनटी सेन्टर खोल्ने िक नखोल्ने, खोल्ने भए कसरी खोल्ने जस्ता कुरा छन्।

चौथो, Convention Committee। प्रत्येक मे मिहनामा हामीले एउटा नेपाली कन्भेन्शन गर्ने। हाम्रो छाता संगठनको अाम्दानीको मुख्य स्रोत यही नै हुनेछ।

र यी सबै कामकालािग छ मिहनामा एक पटक हामी भेला हुने, अरू बेलाकालािग मैले एउटा अनलाइन अिफस खोलेको छु। ANONYM: Online Office हामीले इन्टरनेट र इमेलको भरपुर प्रयोग गर्नुपर्छ। मुखामुख भेटेर मात्र काम हुने पिरपाटी त्याग्नुपर्छ नत्र िक त कामै हुँदैन, िक त एकदम िढलो हुन्छ। अनलाइन अिफसमा नेपालीमा लेख्ने सुिवधा पिन छ।

र एउटा महत्वपूर्ण कुरा। अािदवासी जनजाित महासंघलाई डाउन पार्न यो छाता संगठन खोल्न लागेको भन्ने हल्ला पिन यत्रतत्र सुिनन्छ। त्यो सही होइन। नेपालको पिरप्रेक्षयमा जनजाित अिधकारकालािग न्यु यर्कको अािदवासी जनजाित महासंघले एकदमै ठुलो भूिमका खेल्दै अाएको छ र त्यो संघर्ष त जारी नै छ र त्यसप्रित मेरो पुरा नैितक समर्थन छ।

तर यो न्यु यर्कमा छाता संगठन िकन खोल्नुपरेको भन्दा खेिर नेपालमा जसरी मधेशी, जनजाित, दिलत, मिहला राजनीितक रूपले िपछिडएका छन् त्यसै गरी न्यु यर्कमा सबै नेपाली िपछिडएका छन, चाहे त्यो नेपाली बाहुन होस्, क्षेत्री होस्, मधेशी जनजाित जेसुकै होस्। र यो छाता संगठनको अाइिडया र प्रेरणा नै मैले अािदवासी जनजाित महासंघ बाट पाएको हुँ। यो छाता संगठनले न्यु यर्कमा संघर्ष गर्नेछ सबै नेपालीकालािग। अािदवासी जनजाित महासंघको अाफ्नै स्थान छ र त्यो कायम नै रहनेछ।

मई १२ िदउँसो १ बजे सेन्ट्रल पार्क दक्िषण पूर्व कोणामा अाउन निबर्िसनुहोला। १० िमनेट अगािड नै अाउनुहोला।

NYC Nepali
न्यु यर्कमा छाता संगठनको अावश्यकता
New York Metro Nepalis: Organizational Challenges
ANONYM: Association Of Nepali Organizations In New York Metro

In The News

Sushil Koirala, Poudel deplore Maoist attempt to foil NC programme NepalNews transport strike by pro-Maoist elements in Hetauda, Kalaiya and Nijgadh area to affect the NC meeting. .... leftist parties have also made moves to forge larger communist unity – a move that has ruffled the feathers of NC leaders
Police firing kills protester in Sarlahi
Maoists for forming republican alliance: Badal 'third Jana Andolan' will be launched to achieve republic through streets. ..... his party was preparing to declare republic through street, parliament and government. He said an alliance of republican forces would soon be formed. .... his party did not favour immediate replacement of government's leadership. ..... senior Maoist leader Mohan Baidya 'Kiran' had said that republic cannot be announced by isolating Nepali Congress. ..... they were raising issue of leftist unity to foil moves to isolate the Maoists

Students Condemn MJF Decision to Contest Polls Himalayan Times "The government is trying to escape from its responsibility to provide treatment to the people injured during the movement," Jha said. ..... Citing the MJF's submissive attitude and double standards, the students' body officially cut its relation with the MJF.
MJF Essayed Gaur Killings: NHRC Report

Chure-Bhawar Samaj urges govt to create favorable climate for talks Kantipur The Samaj's coordinator Babu Thapa has demanded that the manslaughter charges against nine of the society’s cadres be dropped as well as the formation of a high-level probe to investigate into the loss incurred by the people of hilly origin during the Terai unrest be launched, declaration of Pahades (people of hilly origin) killed during the unrest period as martyrs before sitting down for talks.
EC deadline draws 41 more party registrations
‘60,000 not a cap on Bhutan refugees intake’
Village couple evicted for ‘love marriage’
Parliament can declare a republic at once if parties agree: Speaker

Parliament cannot announce republic, says Poudel NepalNews
Industrialist Mohan Gopal Khetan passes away
Lawyers not held, claim Chure protesters
Home Minister vows to clear highways

UML, Maoists agree to call eight-party meet immediately Kantipur
Madhesi judge to head panel to probe into Madhesi movement
Chure-Bhanwar activists continue highway vandalism
Decision on monarchy through CA polls: Poudel
End impunity: OHCHR
Leaders back republican cause on first Janaandolan II anniversary
OHCHR-Nepal lauds HR activists' role during, after April movement

MJF forms four-member talk team NepalNews led by its chairman Upendra Yadav ..... Sitanandan Raya, Kishor Kumar Bishwas Tharu and Mohammad Nasir Siddiqui
Congress blamed for CA polls uncertainty Mohan Baidya aka Kiran accused that the prime minister had thrown CA into uncertainty at the guidance of the United States and India ...... Stressing the need for larger leftist unity, Baidya went on to castigate PM Koirala as a new "King" ..... Threatening to unite all the leftist forces, the two largest communist parties have asked the NC to toe their line and announce republic through the parliament.
Seven parties registered with EC CPN (Marxist Leninist), Nepal Sadbhawana Party (Anandi Devi), CPN (United), Rastriya Janata Dal, Nepal Samata Party, Dalit Janajati Party and Hariyali Nepal Party. ..... 23 political parties have been registered with the EC till today.
Cabinet decides to form judicial commission to probe atrocities during terai unrest The meeting of the council of ministers held this morning has decided to form a judicial probe commission to investigate into the terai unrest and subsequent reports of atrocities. ..... decided that the commission would be led by retired Justice from Madhesi community
UML, Maoists discuss left unity; bash PM Maoist chairman Prachanda and UML general secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal held meeting Wednesday morning to discuss the possibility of Left unity for constituent assembly polls. ...... finalising the new date for the constituent assembly election and declaring Nepal a republic through the interim Legislature-Parliament. .... at the UML party headquarter in Balkhu ..... blamed Prime Minister GP Koirala for all the delays in holding the election on scheduled time. ..... reached an understanding for formation of the Left alliance for republic. The leaders also agreed that referendum could be another way to end monarchy. ..... Bharat Mohan Adhikari, Bam Dev Gautam, Amirt Kumar Bohara, Dr. Baburam Bhattarai were also present
Civil society leaders question NA salute to King Gyanendra
Maoist lawmakers demand NC's viewpoint on republic announcement accused the Prime Minister for working against the peace process and posing obstacle in the announcement of republic. .... "The declaration of republic (through the parliament) is the only option now. What is NC's viewpoint on this?" asked Janardan Sharma, a Maoist lawmaker. ....... The meeting further asked the government to cancel the recommendations made by Electoral Constituency Delineation Commission (ECDC).
Poudel hints govt's readiness to cast aside ECDC counsel given demands by Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF), Madhesi MPs and even the Maoists, the government faced 'constitutional complications' in implementing the recommendations made by ECDC ..... the press meet organised to inform the MJF of the government's willingness to create conducive environment for talks with them. ...... the government would guarantee security to MJF leaders who come for the talks. "The government urges the MJF to suspend their Madhes bandh scheduled for April 20-22 to create environment from their side"
MJF reiterates old demands, asks govt to stop constituency delineation process reiterating its demands for immediate halt in the electoral constituency delineation process and an inquiry into the loss of lives and property during the agitations in Terai.
MJF, JTMM (Goit) welcome talks offer, demand 'conducive environment' the JTMM led by Jaya Krishna Goit has also urged the government to create a conducive environment for talks. ...... Talking to journalists in Itahari on Sunday, Goit said there was no alternative to talks and that his party was still ready to sit for talks. .... He said the government should announce a ceasefire soon and release all arrested JTMM leaders and cadres unconditionally for talks.
Poudel asks MJF, JTMM to come to the table urged all sides to assist in holding the election to constituent assembly as it is the only way to settle all contentious issues.
Elections postponement not a disaster: Martin Ian Martin has said that "if dealt with properly, the postponement of the polls can provide an opportunity to strengthen the peace process." ..... to hold successful CA elections, mere technical preparations are not adequate. He stressed the need to ensure representation of traditionally marginalised communities. ....... He referred to the comprehensive peace pact ending the conflict; storage of Maoist weapons under UN monitoring; mutual cooperation among Maoist army, Nepali Army and the UN; promulgation of interim constitution; formation of interim parliament and Maoist-included interim cabinet within one year as the evidence of the rapid advancement of peace process, which he added takes time anywhere.

Putting The Peace Process On A Fast Track To Elections

Onus On The Nepali Congress

The goal is to have free, fair, fearless elections in November. No further delay can be allowed. A more activist political leadership has to make up for the near absence of the state in large swathes of the country. I strongly believe it would make great sense to have a younger, healthier Prime Minister.

Girija went to Pokhara to address a mass meeting. That exertion had him in bed for days. It could be Ram Chandra Poudel. That is okay. As the largest party, the NC may decide on any name it wants. And as the duly elected party president Girija may continue to be the senior leader who gets consulted often by his Prime Minister. But the premiership must go into the hands of someone who can put in a dozen active hours into his work every work day.

So, step one, change the Prime Minister.

Then show some political leadership on the major issues of the day. The NC delay in coming out clearly for a republic is hurting the process. Similarly, you can not be for federalism, and not have a map to show for it. Where is your map? Lack of a specific map makes the Madhesi and the Janajati very suspicious.

A unification of the two Congress factions would be a welcome move. But Girija stands in the way. The unification process will do all the things that are necessary for the party to do: bring forth a new generation leader, offer clarity on republic and federalism. But all the individuals who benefit by keeping Girija in the seat of power are doing all they can to make sure unification does not happen. That hurts the party and the country perhaps, but it benefits the small clique.

Onus On The Maoists

Peace Process At Risk
Maoist Money: Number One Threat To Free, Fair, Fearless Elections
Youth Communist League: Prachanda's Brown Shirts

The Maoists are going to have to become a political party. News of the Youth Communist League demolishing houses in Kathmandu to widen roads are proof they think of themselves as a parallel state. That has to stop.

The Maoists have maintained the state of fear in the villages. Gun power seems to have been replaced by muscle power.

Maoist money and muscle are a huge impediment to the idea of free, fair, fearless elections.

Political Work

Some sort of compromise has to be sought.

On their part the Nepali Congress could take a clear stand for a republic and come out with a clear map for federalism. That map thing also applies to the UML.

Some compromise also has to be sought on the seized properties question. (Peace Process At Risk) That is a major sticking point right now. A lot of the Nepali Congress folks think all seized property will come back to them. I don't see that happening, realistically speaking. On the other hand, the Maoists have never been elected to power. They can not legitimately redistribute like they have. So a compromise has to be sought. Put all the seized property under state ownership, the final status to be decided by a duly elected government after a new constitution. That will force all parties to come up with a formula for land reform.


It is good news the two Sadbhavana factions are coming together. It has been easier for them to come together than it has been for the Congress. It is because the Congress has lost steam. It is not taking the lead on anything right now. It is an old party, it is a status quo party. Likely it will stay two factions. It will not take the lead on the republic question, not on federalism, not on land reform, nothing. Parties like the UML, Maoists, and the Sadbhavana will all grow at the expense of the Congress.

The Terai

Things are going from bad to worse in the Terai. Legitimate nonviolent groups that have been disrespected and maligned by the parties in power are being overshadowed by violent groups and criminal elements in the Terai. Lack of political leadership at the center might as well push the Terai into some serious, violent ethnic conflicts.

The speech Girija gave after 21 days of the Madhesi Movement should have been given on day three, or day five. Then we might still have been able to hold elections in June.

Show Me The Money

This might be the single most important thing before elections can take place. All parties must make public how much money they have. And the richest party should not have more than 50% of the second richest party. And after elections, all parties must become state funded.

Maoist Money: Number One Threat To Free, Fair, Fearless Elections

Goal: Federal Republic Of State Funded Parties

I think that is what all parties can agree on.

In The News

NC’s local leaders vocal on republic Himalayan Times

Talks on Maoist-seized properties inconclusive NepalNews protests by Maoist cadres and ‘landless people’ who have been using the seized lands. ...... Senior Maoist leader Dr Baburam Bhattarai, Maoist Rapti Zone in-charge Sudarshan and Nepali Congress leaders Dr Shekhar and Baldev Sharma Majgainya arrived in Dang today to take a decision on seized properties. ....... The Maoists had seized over 3000-hector land in Dang district alone during the insurgency.
UML not to share blame for polls delay
NC district presidents urge clear position on monarchy
Congress district chiefs decry Maoists' continuing atrocities Except for killing people, the Maoists and its Young Communist League have continued with the atrocities and politics of intimidation at villages
Street struggle is top priority, says Maoist leader we cannot accept the monopoly of Nepali Congress in the government ...... Baidya also criticised 'pressures' being applied 'in favour of landlords' to return seized lands and properties. "They only want to resolve problems faced by landlords whereas we speak in favour of farmers," he said. Baidya also termed NC as party of 'landlords.'
Rising India: A View from the Neighbourhood Two point four billion people, or 40 % of the world’s population, live in China and India . ..... these two Asian giants are set to become the second and third largest economies in the world in PPP terms by 2020 next only to the USA ..... likening the rise to the emergence of the U.S. as a world power, a century ago ....... Its nuclear testing in 1998 ...... The checkerboard pattern of the Cold War alliance has long gone and the new India is now in the threshold of claiming its legitimate place in the international arena....... Simultaneous improvements in relations with the U.S., the EU and Russia, Southeast Asia, Japan, and China demonstrates that for the first time in diplomatic history, India is forging significant strategic ties with both the east and the west. ....... 70 percent of its population is literate, many of them speak fluent English and about half of them are under 30. ...... there are more English speaking people in India than in any other country. ........ Motorola, Hewlett-Packard, CISCO systems all rely on Indian teams to devise software platforms and dazzling multi-media features for next generation devices. ...... still contains half of the world’s chronically hungry. ....... hasn’t reached places like North Bihar, North Bengal, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, the entire seven sister states of the Northeast, and many other rural areas of India ........ Dharavi in Mumbai which is Asia’s largest slum ....... The east coast of China is situated in a highly dynamic and rich neighborhood. Neighbors like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore plus Hong Kong and Macau provide capital for investment, markets for Chinese exports, tourists from abroad, more advanced technology, and expertise. .......... There seems to be no middle-ground. But the sooner Indo-Pak relations improve the better for India’s long-term goal of “rising” as a major power. ........ Bangladesh where since January this year, 95,000 have been arbitrarily arrested ....... Bihar, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, parts of Orissa are badly affected by Naxal terror. ...... the Naxal problem has now been regarded as the second most dangerous conflict taking place in India after Kashmir. ...... conflict in the Northeast region. ..... Assam , Manipur, Nagaland and Tripura-- witness scales of conflict that can be categorized as low intensity wars.

Terror In The Terai Nepali Times The appearance of pamphlets in the past week by militant tarai groups giving Nepalis of hill origin a two week ultimatum to leave the plains ....... Here in the tarai, the threat of ethnic cleansing is now real. The trouble is, it is difficult to tell who is in charge and who to negotiate with. An extremist pamphlet from the self-styled ‘Tarai Tiger’ group issued two weeks ago gave hill-ethnic civil servants one month to leave the madhes. On Nepali new year’s day on 14 April the underground JTMM -Jwala also threatened action against hill-ethnic officials who didn’t quit, then the JTMM-Goit in Bara issued a similar threat but gave only a week’s deadline. ..... Bara CDO Bhola Sibakoti says: “Civil servants here are all terrorised by threats from Tarai Tigers, Tarai Cobra, MJF, or the Chure Bhabar Ekata Samaj. Many have simply quit.” ...... No hill-ethnic bureaucrat is left in most districts: some have taken extended leave, others have requested transfers but most have just fled. ....... methods are simple: civil servants of hill origin are first asked to hand over between Rs 25,000-100,000 and if they refuse they are threatened or killed ....... Bara LDO Bishnu Lamichhane hasn’t been in his office for the past two months. ....... Officials in Dhanusa, Sarlahi, Siraha, Mahottari, Rautahat, and Bara report civil servants queuing up waiting for transfers or leaves. ....... The Home Ministry is planning to put 75 additional armed police in each district capital. But many here say it is precisely this attitude in Kathmandu of treating the tarai as a law and order problem that is delaying resolution. .......... many wishing to go abroad can’t get passports and necessary documents, crossborder trade is at a standstill, sales transactions have stopped.
The Wild West Gangs poached timber from Banke’s dense sal forests, taking the logs across the border to India. The Maoists offered them protection during the war and collected their cut.
Bye To A Maverick when he partied, which was quite often ..... During the late 80s and early 90s, the flamboyant Khetan courted controversy and inspired awe. ...... kept up his unconventional ways, ignoring powerful friends who suggested that it didn’t pay to be a Marwari maverick in Nepal. ....... Powerful politicians often refused to acknowledge him publicly—largely because he was a Marwari. ......... Marwaris are a close-knit community and present a unified face, but differences within their ranks are marked. ...... Most began, unglamorously, by trading in textiles, sitting in their shops 365 days of the year. Even big sahujis found it difficult to find respectable Indian grooms for their daughters. ......... Khetan found his true calling in representing multinational corporations. He became a quintessential comprador ........ His successes were legendary and failures spectacular. ...... He courted controversy to the end, always behaving as if he were settling scores for the suffering of his salesmen forefathers.

NC-D Leader for a New Constitution Himalayan Times Nepali Congress (Democratic) general secretary Bimalendra Nidhi ...... The nation is heading for a federal system, proportional election system, the CA polls, stability of democracy and establishment of a republic and nobody will be able to stop the course of its movement
Yami wants transparency in Melamchi contract Yami also said the Nepal Water Supply Corporation (NWSC) was a major department for all physical planning ministers to recruit political cadres.

NSP, NSP-A meeting for unification underway Kantipur
Conspirators out to derail polls fearing leftist majority: Nepal
NC district heads press leadership for pro-republic declaration paper
Dalit priests preside at temples
YCL efforts to win hearts Though newspapers are awash with reports of the newly created Maoist body - Young Communist League (YCL) - taking the law into their own hands, the young Maoist cadres in Kathmandu Valley have also engaged themselves in various kinds of social work. With red bands around their heads, the YCL could be seen planting trees, expanding narrow roads, demolishing illegal structures, cleaning up the city and helping traffic cops manage the traffic, among other things, in the course of their New Kathmandu Valley Campaign during April 8-18. ..... included raiding night clubs in Thamel. ..... has widened the Kalanki-Soaltee Mode section of road where traffic congestion was high, by demolishing dozens of houses. And the Saat Dobato area also got wider roads and a clean-up campaign. ...... planting trees alongside roads including from Ratna Park to Bhadrakali and also in some Ring Road areas, and giving a clean look to the open air theater at Tundikhel. .... YCL cadres also tried to manage traffic jams at different places including Kalanki, Koteshwor, Ratna Park and Gangabu, where the traffic is bad during peak hours. The YCL has plans to construct four lanes along the Ring Road, said Sagar. Recently, they have also launched "Bagmati and Bishnumati campaigns". Besides this, they distributed water at 65 places where the water crisis is acute. ..... these cadres have busied themselves collecting the signatures of 1.2 million people in a bid to pressure the government to declare the country a republic.
NSP (A) and NSP close to unification the Nepal Sadbhawana Party (Anandi Devi) and Nepal Sadbhawana Party (NSP), which split in 2003
ध्रुवीकरण जरुरी ः महरा
माओवादीले चार लाख रूख काटे
चक्रेमिलन पक्राउ
समाधान समानुपातिक प्रणाली

NC district presidents’ meet begins; Koirala accuses UML and Maoists of dual role
Bandh imposed in five western districts; curfew continues in Sanoshree
"Mid-November appropriate time for polls"
Memorandum submitted to PM against YCL
Prachanda criticises Martin, says no preconditions have been set for verification
Maoist minister threatens to walk out of govt

NEPAL: Villagers suffering intimidation, extortion at hands of Maoists Reuters AlertNet "We still have to pay monthly donations [to the Maoists] or face severe penalties at their hands," said Sunita Chettri from Gorkha district, 500 km northwest of the capital. "Where is the peace that we were promised?" she asked.
कांग्रेस ः हिजो, आज र भोलि Kantipur वीपी व्यक्तिको क्ष्ँमता सुरुमै चिन्थे भने किशुनजीले अधिकांश कार्यकर्ताको कम्तीमा दर्ुइ अथवा तीन पुस्तासम्म नालीबेली लगाउने हैसियत राख्थे । ढिलै भए पनि गिरिजाबाबुले कांग्रेसमा भएको घुसपैठ र व्रि्रह राम्रैस“ग चिन्नु र बुझ्नु भएजस्तो लाग्छ । ...... यो त्यही वर्ग थियो, जो पार्टर्ीी सैद्धान्तिक व्याख्याकार नरहरि आचार्यलाई संविधानसभा र गणतन्त्रको मुद्दा उठायो भन्दै रातारात कारबाही गर्न आतुर भयो । अहिले कांग्रेस राजतन्त्र निरपेक्ष्ँ भइसक्दा कसरी कसैले खुलेर राजतन्त्रको वकालत गर्ने छुट पाउ“छ - ....... जनताको नजरबाट समेत साख हराइसकेको राजतन्त्र बोकेर कुन कांग्रेसीजन चुनावमा जाने र संविधानसभापछि कुन हैसियतले सरकार बनाउन ..... कांग्रेसलाई राजतन्त्रको उपादेयता हिजो पनि थिएन, आज पनि छैन र भोलि पनि चाहि“दैन ।
जीपी कोइरालाका नाउ“मा तपाई“ दैहिक र मानसिक दुवै दृष्टिले धेरै बृद्ध हुनुभो । लाग्छ, देह र मनस“गै तपाई“को विवेक पनि बूढो भयो । ज्ञानेन्द्रियहरूको गलानस“गै तपाई“को सम्झना शक्ति क्षीण भएको प्रस्ट छ । ...... गोरु बूढो भए भीर खोज्छ, मान्छे बूढो भए जोरी खोज्छ । ...... तपाई“ नेपालको इतिहासभरिको पहिलो र्सवशक्तिमान् प्रधानमन्त्री हुनुहुन्छ ....... राजालाई जोगाउन रायमाझी आयोगको प्रतिवेदन पहिले लुकाइयो, पछि कारबाहीका नाउ“मा त्यसलाई सारहीन झुत्रो बनाइयो । तपाई“ले राजालाई स्पेस नदिए उपध्रो हुने उद्घोष गर्नुभो । अनि विराटनगर गएर तपाई“ले राजा र युवराजले गद्दी त्यागून्, निकास सहज हुन्छ भन्नुभो । त्यो मेरा नाति पुस्तामाथि हृदयेन्द्र नामक प्रजा मार्ने र पैसा सोहोर्ने राजा थोपर्ने चाल थियो । ........ अहिले प्रधानसेनापति रुक्माङ्गद कटवालले ज्ञानेन्द्रलाई सुटुक्क भेटेको कथा सुनेर मुलुक झस्केको छ । ...... प्रचण्ड कण र माधवजीले राजालाई तह लगाइपाऊ“ र संविधनसभाको मिति तोकिपाऊ“ भन्दा उल्टो भेटघाटको ढोकै बन्द गर्ने - ....... राजतन्त्रले चुसेर सिट्ठा बनाएको अ“ध्यारो नेपाललाई राजतन्त्रविहीन उज्यालो नेपालतर्फ डोर्‍याउन ......... नरहरि आचार्य, कृष्ण खनाल र गगन थापा ...... सहिदका सपना र लोकका आकांक्षालाई क्रूरतासाथ कुल्चि“दै लोकतन्त्र र मुलुकलाई बर्बादीको भीरतिर डोर्‍याउन दक्षिण ढोकाको यात्रा गर्नेको शवयात्रामा मानिस होइन, झि“गा र भुसुनाहरूको बिगबिगीमात्र हुनेछ ।

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

एक मधेशी पार्टी

नाम और झण्डा सद्भावनाका होअध्यक्ष पद फोरमको िमलेमहामन्त्री पद सद्भावना (अानन्दी)को३३सदस्यीय केन्द्रीय सिमित होप्रत्येकको एक ितहाइ िमले२१ सदस्यीय िजल्ला सिमित होप्रत्येककोएक ितहाइ िमलेचुनाव िचन्ह रहेगा पन्जा छाप

पहाडी पार्टीयोमें जो मधेशी सांसद हैं उन सबको इसी पार्टीमें लानेका प्रयास िकया जाए। िजस राजनीितक पार्टीके केन्द्रीय सदस्यमें कमसेकम एक ितहाइ मधेशी नहीं उस पार्टीके िलए मधेशमें कोइ स्थान नहीं।

िजस कदर सात पार्टीनें हितयारधारी माअोवादीसे वार्ता िकया, उसी तरह एकीकृत सद्भावनाको चािहए ज्वाला, गोइत, टाइगर और कोबरा एवं अन्य हितयारधारी मधेशी समूहोंसे वार्ता करेकहेंगे िहंसाको स्थिगत किरए, चुनाव होने िदजीए, बल्िक चुनावमें राजनीितक रूपसे सद्भावनाको मदत किरएचुनावी िजतके बाद केन्द्रमेंसरकार बनाएंगे तब अादरपूर्वक शान्ित वार्ता करेंगे अाप लोगोंके साथ

तराईमें दो राज्योंका बात िकया जाएमधेश और थारूवानराप्ती नदी सीमाना रहेगीदोनों राज्योमें सद्भावना शासन करेगीपहाड और िहमालमें पहाडी लोग राज्योंका बँटवारा िकस कदर करेंगे वो तो उनके अिधकारकी बात हैवो जानें

नाम सद्भावना रखनेसे फायदा ये है िक कल जनजाित लोग हमारे पार्टीमें अा सकते हैंतब पुरे देश पर शासन करेंगे

जो मधेशी जनता सडक पर उतरके दो दो बार क्रान्ित कर सकती है, शहीद हो सकती है, वो मधेशी जनता भोट भी तो दे सकती हैअब भोट और ब्यालट बक्सकी राजनीित िकया जाएचुनावी महासंग्रामकी तयारी शुरू होतराईमें तो स्वीप करेंगे

मैले पिरकल्पना गरेको मधेश राज्य
ज्वाला, गोइत, टाइगर और कोबराको चुनाव क्यों लडना चािहए
चुनावी जंग
समानता अौर अिधकार पर्याप्त नहीं हैं, हमें तो शक्ित चािहए

In The News

The president of the Madhesi Janaadhikar Forum arrived in New-Delhi on Sunday. Reports say that the MJF president had gone to New-Delhi for gathering ...
Talks with Govt not Possible Now: MJF chairman Himalayan Times
Yadav in New Delhi, puts three preconditions for talks
Home Minister Sitaula, MPRF Chairman Yadav in Delhi Kantipur Online
all 5 news articles »
NSP (A) seeks merger of Madhesi parties, Nepal - 7 hours ago
According to Jha, the NSP (A) has asked the government to look into the demands of agitating Madhesi groups and has also urged the two factions of Terai ...
Madhesi Tigers own up responsibility for bombing, Nepal - 13 hours ago
An armed group called Madhesi Tigers has owned up responsibility for hurling the bomb that had narrowly missed a van carrying journalists two days ago in ...
Eight party differences delaying CA date announcement
all 3 news articles »
Nepal's ethnic leader in Delhi to garner support for Madhesi agitation
Malaysia Sun, Malaysia - May 1, 2007
Kathmandu, May 1 : Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) President Upendra Yadav is holding meetings with Indian leaders in New Delhi to garner support for his ...
Madhesi Leaders Want Issues Solved Before Polls
Himalayan Times, Nepal - Apr 30, 2007
Madhesi leaders of the eight political parties on Monday said constituent assembly elections cannot be held without first resolving issues raised by the ...
Referendum by June impossible: EC official Kantipur Online
all 2 news articles »
Nepal: Maoist attack police post in Banke, Nepal - 19 hours ago
The Maoist Party affiliated Madhesi group known as Madhesi Mukti Morcha attacked a police post in Shriya VDC of Banke district, Tuesday. ...
Maoists attack police post, abduct 5 cops Kantipur Online
all 2 news articles »
The Maoist war and the recent Madhesi aandolan were similarly inspired by a desire to fight for the achievement of social inclusion and social justice. ...
Madhesi Tigers banda affects Terai
Kantipur Online, Nepal - Apr 28, 2007
... Life in eastern Terai districts including Morang, Saptari, Siraha, among others, has been affected by the strike announced by the Madhesi Tigers (MT). ...
Complex Questions Remain in Nepal: Ban Ki-Moon
Nepal Monitor, GA - Apr 30, 2007
Groups representing the Madhesi, the people of the Terai plains along Nepal’s southern border, engaged in widening protests throughout the period from ...
MMT, JTMM cadres arrested
Gorkhapatra, Nepal - 18 hours ago
KATHMANDU, May 1: The police have arrested two individuals of Madhesi Mukti Tigers (MMT) including its central army commander and central member from ...

Peace Process At Risk

Federal Republic Of State Funded Parties

It is very possible the peace process could unravel. It does not have to take the form of a renewed civil war. Likely we will not see military confrontations, but political paralysis will be bad enough news, political paralysis accompanied by muscle power violence at the behest of groups like the YCL, and counter moves by groups associated with the other parties.

We democrats can't afford to make it sound like the Maoists finally came around to our way of thinking. Instead we have to offer something akin to an ideological fusion. And that would be a pledge to design a federal republic of state funded parties.

Goal Is Ideological Fusion, Not Mainstreaming Maoists

On the other hand, we have to take a firm stand on the basics of democracy and human rights. We offer a federal republic of state funded parties. The Maoists on their part must become a political party. Their YCL may not act like Hitler's brown shirts. (Youth Communist League: Prachanda's Brown Shirts ) The Maoists may not disrupt the mass meetings by other parties. All political parties should feel free to do their political work.

And if the Maoists will not come around to it, better a civil war than a sham election that the Maoists win because they managed to capture booth after booth. But I don't think we are risking civil war. All we have to do is take a firm stand, and the Maoists will have no choice but to comply. The Maoists do not have the political option to go back to violence. They want to get into power. They don't want to go back to the jungle.

On their part, the parties in the seven party alliance have not played their part either. What is the Congress map for federalism? What is the UML map? You can not be for federalism unless you have a map.

And if all parties including the RJP and the RPP are for a republic, why not declare Nepal a republic now? That way the discussion can shift to the more important issue of the shape and content of federalism.

मैले पिरकल्पना गरेको मधेश राज्य

Political Knots

There are quite a few political knots. A big one is properties seized by the Maoists over a decade. The Congress wants all that given back. The Maoists don't like the idea. They took land away from the landlords and gave it to the poor to till.

This is an issue that might ask for some sort of a political compromise. What about all parties commit to land reform just like they committed to federalism? Your formula for land reform might still be different from mine, but we will agree that land reform of some sort is necessary.

And in the mean time, all the confiscated property instead of going back to the original owners will go back to the state, or an eight party committee in which the Maoists will have 50% membership. After the country gets a new constitution, and new elections for parliament and president are held, the party then in power gets to implement its formula for land reform. Until then, all the Maoist confiscated property is under neutral ownership. How does this sound?

Land Reform, Truth And Reconciliation

Personally I am as strongly for land reform as I am for a republic, as I am for federalism.

Free, Fair, Fearless Elections

On this there can be no compromise. But at the rate things are going, we might not get it even in November. The best thing the country could do to make sure we will have elections in November would be to change the Prime Minister.

UML, Maoist, NC (D) Alliance To Oust Girija Needed
Maoist Money: Number One Threat To Free, Fair, Fearless Elections

In The News

Two-dozen injured in scuffle Kantipur
JTMM-Jwala Singh activist killed in encounter with APF men
Eight-party trust breaking down: Poudel Monday night's Maoist attack on a Banke police post ..... informed that both the government and the Maoists had launched separate investigations into the act. .... the activities of the Maoist wing Young Communist League was apolitical
CPN-Maoist still terrorist organization: US
Referendum by June impossible: EC official
School level text books in 16 languages Awadhi, Gurung, Rai, Chamling, Tamang, Tharu, Newar, Magar, Bhojpuri, Maithili, Rai Bantawa, Limbu and Sherpa languages. ...... for the students of class one up to class five. ..... Reference books have been published in the Awadhi, Maithili and Limbu languages and incorporate the lifestyle, culture and folk tales from these respective linguistic communities.
Pre-conditions on PLA registration unacceptable: Martin
Prachanda warns of fresh pro-republic movement
असार ६ गतेपछि प्रधानमन्त्रीले पनि राजीनामा दिनुपर्छ’ प्रिदीप नेपाल प्रधानमन्त्री गिरजिाप्रसाद कोइराला र वनमन्त्री मातृकाप्रसाद यादव दुवै जना जुध्ने मानसिकतामा प्रस्तुत हुनुभयो । हामी सम्झाउनेहरूको केही जोड लागेन । त्यो कुनै नीतिगत, सैद्धान्तिक, राजनीतिक विवाद थिएन । खस्रो बोली नै विवादको कारण थियो । ........ पछिल्लोपटक उहा“लाई मैले 'तपाईं बिरामी मान्छे पोखरा नजानूस्' भनेको थिए“ । यसो भन्दा काङ्ग्रेसका अरू साथीहरू रसिाए । उहा“ पोखराबाट फर्केर झण्डै एक साता थला पर्नुभयो । म हुन्थे“ भने त्यो हालतमा प्रधानमन्त्री, मन्त्री, नेता केहीको जागीर पनि खान्नथ“े । आरामले जिन्दगी बिताउ“थे“ । ........ प्रधानमन्त्री निवासमा क्याबिनेटको बैठक बस्ने कुरा गलत हो । ..... नेपाली काङ्ग्रेसको शैली यही रहिरह्यो भने चाहि“ एक दिन अरू सबै एकातिर, नेपाली काङ्गे्रस एकातिर हुने सम्भावना छ । ....... माओवादीहरू बन्दुकको राजनीतिक विश्वासबाट मुक्त नभएसम्म सहकार्य हुन सक्दैन भन्ने हाम्रो पार्टर्ीीे निर्ण्र्ााहो । ...... असार ६ पछि यो सरकारको वैधता समाप्त हुन्छ .... प्रधानमन्त्रीले पनि राजीनामा गर्नुपर्छ र नया“ सरकार बनाउनुपर्छ ।
हतारमा तयार पारिएको निर्वाचन क्षेत्र निर्धारण आयोगको प्रतिवेदनमाथि आ-आफ्नो स्वार्थ अनुकूल विरोध बढाइएको छ मन्त्री मातृकाप्रसाद यादव भन्छन्, "प्रतिवेदन अवैज्ञानिक छ, जनताको इच्छाविपरीत छ, त्यो खारेज हुनर्ुपर्छ ।" ..... सरकारको नेतृत्व गर्ने नेपाली काङ्ग्रेस, एमाले, माओवादी, काङ्ग्रेस -प्रजातान्त्रिक) सबैले प्रतिवेदनको विरोध गरेका छन् । ..... जिल्लाका निर्वाचन क्षेत्र घटाउने अधिकार आयोगलाई थिएन, बढाउने मात्र 'म्यान्डेट' थियो । ..... जिल्लाको उत्तरी पहाडी क्ष्ँेत्रमा बस्ती पातलो र जङ्गल पर्ने हुनाले थोरै गाविस तर दक्ष्ँिणमा धेरै गाविस र घना बस्ती हुनाले पनि सबै जिल्लामा उत्तर-दक्षिण क्ष्ँेत्र काट्न सम्भव नभएको उनी बताउ“छन् । ...... ०५८ को जनगणना अनुसार मधेशको जनसङ्ख्या एक करोड १२ लाख १२ हजार चार सय ५३ छ । यो कुल जनसङ्ख्याको ४८.३३ प्रतिशत हुन आउ“छ । "कुल सङ्ख्या दर्ुइ सय ४० मध्ये पहाड र हिमाली क्षेत्रका लागि एक सय २४ निर्वाचन क्षेत्र सङ्ख्या निर्धारण गरएिपछि जनसङ्ख्याको अनुपातमा मधेशका लागि एक सय १६ निर्वाचन क्षेत्र सङ्ख्या निर्धारण गरएिको छ" ......... मधेशमा २८ थप भएको ...... पहाड र हिमाली क्षेत्रका हरेक निर्वाचन क्षेत्रमा औसत ९६ हजार दर्ुइ सय ८२ जनसङ्ख्या र मधेशमा ९६ हजार छ सय ५९ कायम गरएिको ......... तर्राईका आठ जिल्ला मोरङ, धनुषा, महोत्तरी, रौतहट, बारा, नवलपरासी, रूपन्देही र कैलालीमा दर्ुइवटा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र थपिएका छन् । ...... काठमाडौ“मा १० क्षेत्र, मोरङमा नौ क्ष्ँेत्र बनाइएको छ भने झापा, धनुषा, रूपन्देहीमा सातवटा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र कायम ..... पहाडी-पहाडी एक क्षेत्रमा र मधेशी-मधेशी अर्को क्ष्ँेत्रमा पारएिको ....... "मधेशका स्थापित नेतालाई विस्थापित गर्ने गरी क्षेत्र निर्धारण गरएिको छ ।" ....... नेपाल सद्भावना पार्टर्ीी हृदयेश त्रिपाठी पनि मधेशका स्थापित नेताहरूलाई सिध्याउने हिसाबले क्ष्ँेत्र निर्धारण गरएिको आरोप लगाउ“छन् । भन्छन्, "नवलपरासीको मेरो चुनाव क्षेत्र हर्ेदा आयोगका मान्छेले होसमा रहेर क्ष्ँेत्र काटेजस् तो लाग्दैन ।" उनी गाविसहरूसमेत 'जम्प' गराइएको बताउ“छन् । सद्भावनाका त्रिपाठीदेखि राष्ट्रिय जनशक्ति पार्टर्ीी रेणु यादवसम्म, काङ्ग्रेस -प्रजातान्त्रिक) का गच्छदारदेखि काङ्ग्रेसका सुरेन्द्र चौधरीसम्मको एकता संसद् अवरुद्ध गर्नमा देखिन्छ । ......... के अब सबै दलका मधेशी सांसदहरू मिलेर क्ष्ँेत्रीय पार्टर्ीीठन गर्ने तयारी त होइन - गच्छदार भन्छन्, "नेताहरू मधेशप्रति संवेदनशील भएनन् भने त्यहा“का जनता उसैको पछि लागि रह“दैनन् । यसले मोर्चाको रूप पनि लिनसक्छ ।" ...... जनगणना गर्न पा“च वर्षलाग्ने

US says Maoists still a terrorist organisation; JTMM added NepalNews from January to November 2006, Maoists were responsible for the deaths of 165 security personnel and 46 civilians. During the same time period, the government killed 182 suspected Maoist militants ....... murders by Maoists lessened after the ceasefire in April, but still totaled 28 from May until November. Security force killings of Maoist insurgents were also significantly lower after the ceasefire, totaling nine during the same period. ......... "Despite the ceasefire, Maoist rebels continued to conduct abductions, extortion, and violence. In the Kathmandu Valley, Maoists took advantage of their dramatically increased presence and the government's reluctance to upset the peace process to expand their use of extortion and efforts to undermine trade unions and student groups affiliated with the political parties. They also continued forced recruitment of schoolchildren, with thousands targeted after the signing of the initial November 8 peace accord." .... "This year also saw the beginning of a disturbing new trend with the activation of the separatist Maoist-splinter terrorist group called the Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM), which aimed to bring about the secession of the southern Terai plains from the rest of Nepal" ....... The United States provided substantial antiterrorism assistance and training to Nepal's security forces, including courses on crisis management and critical incident management
NSP (A) seeks merger of Madhesi parties a three-member committee led by central leader Anil Jha to hold talks with Mandal-led NSP, the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MFJ) and other parties representing the Madhesi community. ........ the MJF has been agitating for a republic. Earlier known as an 'NGO', the MJF has already applied at the Election Commission for party registration to contest the upcoming constituent assembly polls.
Over dozen injured in Bardiya clash The APF men resorted to using force after the Young Communist League (YCL) activists who were protesting the deployment of security forces for border security, pelted stones at them
Vehicle handed over to UNMIN; Curfew imposed in Bardiya Police handed over a jeep used by Maoists’ People’s Liberation Army...... The jeep, instead of a government-issued registration number, had ‘Third Division-4’ written on it. ....... A Maoist leader, Bibidh, was using the Land Cruiser that was “stolen” from Maharjan eight months ago
Gajurel hints at early pro-republic street movement
Only special convention can decide on republic: Poudel the forthcoming meeting of district presidents of NC will also help the party to shape its agenda on republic.
Seized properties can't be returned: Baidya Baidya reasoned that they cannot seize back the properties that they have already distributed to poor people. ..... the Maoists had agreed to return the seized properties and allow displaced persons to safely return within two weeks when they joined interim government on April 1.
Maoists not meeting their commitment on safe return of IDPs: OHCHR
PM assures he will ensure return of seized properties
Madhesi Tigers own up responsibility for bombing the bomb was hurled since it was plying on bandh day. ...... the bomb hurled by people on a motorbike
King has intensified activism, says Dr Koirala The NC has called a three-day meeting of its district presidents beginning May 4, ostensibly to form its view on monarchy.
Prachanda steps up pressure to declare republic; warns to unleash all round revolt if republic is not declared, the Maoists will unleash agitation from the government, parliament, street and camps. ........ We will explode within the cabinet, we will explode within the parliament and we will explode within the cantonments ........ daring the "reactionaries to come out into the open if they want to see our ruthlessness." ...... Dr. Baburam Bhattarai said that the Maoists had "struck a compromise with the capitalists with the aim of first toppling the monarchy." ....... the Maoists would soon start urban revolt. "We have now entered into cities. The next agitation must be led by the workers
Micro-credit over rated to address poverty The concept of micro-credit to lend small loans to poor people without collateral under the premise that they have skills is noble but what about those who have no survival or entrepreneurial skills? ........ the concept of micro-credit for the poor must be linked with the fundamental principles of business/enterprise. ...... the state of poverty they are subjected to, may force them to direct micro-credit to meet their survival needs for food and shelter. ...... 55% of Grameen's women clients in Bangladesh were not able to meet their basic needs even after 8 years of borrowing and most were using their loans to buy food rather than invest in businesses. ... If private businesses can go on a loss after having to pay interest rates between 10 -18 % what could stop the poor who pay similar interest rates if not more (15 to 25 %) to micro-credit institutions ....... Is micro-credit achievements/success based on poor women/men paying up their micro-credit by any means (re-borrowing from money lenders, selling assets, earning through labour) in fear of social stigmatization and shame which apparently are social collateral for the basis of micro-credit lending? ....... If those who have resources and income source were to upscale their economic and social status to buy a car or a house, the banks will drop the car keys at their door step with a contract paper of between 6 to 7 % in interest rate. If influential business leaders were to seek loans, they are in a position to negotiate with banks for rates ranging from 10 to 18%. However, if the poor were to access micro-credit (if they are lucky) there is no negotiation and could end up contracting a loan for anything between 15 to 24 %. ......... it is but impossible for micro-credit banks to compete with commercial banks ........ if large fishes pay less in interest than micro fishes in commercial competitive businesses, the question we need to open up for discussion is how can micro debtors compete for survival and expansion in markets? ........ what guarantees survival of enterprises is a combination of management, marketing and networking, product development and above all entrepreneurial skills and risks taking aptitude ....... the poor appear to be more vulnerable to failure than large businesses. ........ micro-credit cannot be seen independently and must be taken as one of the components of business development. ........ non-financial services such as entrepreneurship development, skills, technological inputs and marketing services are preconditions which give direction to the constructive use of micro-credit. .........the Small Farmer Development Programme which was implemented more than three decades ago (1975) has a repayment rate of 40.42 %. ........ the repayment rate of Small Farmer Cooperatives Limited stands at 80.05% and the Production Credit for Rural Women stand at 64%. ........ micro-credit programmes such as Centre for Self-help Development and Development Project Service Centre and Chhimek Samaj which claim to have a 100% repayment rate. ......... advocating micro-credit and promoting it as an end in itself to the poor may place the poor in more susceptible situation and danger than they already were.
Maoists have put conditions for second phase registration: Martin the Maoists’ condition that the process should start only after improvement of living conditions in the cantonments, government remuneration to registered combatants and formation of a committee envisaged by the Article 146 of the Interim Constitution to take responsibility for the future of the Maoist army ......... the conditions in the camps which have repeatedly proved to be unsatisfactory for weather conditions, which cannot withstand the fast approaching monsoon ........ Martin reiterated the statement given by OHCHR Monday that Internally Displaced People (IDPs) had not been able to return to their homes which, he said, is the breach of the ceasefire agreement. ....... UNMIN personnel currently stood at 311 including 111 monitors from 26 countries. ...... "All parties must fulfil their commitment to respect the rights of all citizens to participate in public life and political activity freely and without fear."
Arrest warrant issued against FNCCI president Dhakal Dhakal's Memento Apparels – the largest garment manufacturing company in the country – has come under the investigation for evasion of revenue amounting to Rs 8.6 million by forging bank guarantee documents.
Yadav in New Delhi, puts three preconditions for talks Formation of high level judicial commission to probe atrocities during Madhesi agitation; stopping government-encouraged attack against MJF cadres; and resignation of Home Minister ........ Yadav – who has remained semi-underground in recent months ...... "If talks are not held, we will stage agitation again" ....... He also ruled out involvement of Hindu extremists or royalists in MJF agitation. ...... he was in New Delhi to seek moral support and solidarity towards Madhes agitation from Indian leaders, people, parties and media. .... Yadav – who was accompanied by NC-Democratic leader Pradeep Giri – was highly critical of the Maoists
NTUC warns of retaliation against Maoists the thrashing of NTUC leader Sarjeet Tamang ..... Maoist affiliated trade unions and student unions have been continuing their excesses against unions affiliated with other political parties
Nepal’s Democracy And Democratic Forces Are Trapped Nepal’s democracy and democratic forces are trapped in an ambush of extreme leftist force ..... Now, CPN-Maoist is heading with clear mission and agenda. Maoists have been more or less successful on their initiative. There is no visionary, committed and dynamic leadership to counter the Maoists who have their objectives and strategies to accomplish their mission. This is the reason the Maoists are gaining day by day but the country and democracy is gradually failing. ......... Having had several meetings with the King ...... Following the restoration of Loktantra, I was sent to prison three times. I want to congratulate the government for giving me an opportunity to prove as the first political prisoner. Even after the promulgation of this interim constitution, I was the first political prisoner.

NSP-A Forms Talks Team for Unification with NSP Himalayan Times The two other members of the talks team are Kasim Siddhiqqi and Surendra Kurmi. ..... The Karna-led NSP had sent a letter to NSP-A some six months ago expressing its "interest in party unification".