Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Movement Will Not Stop, It Will Go To Step 2

After getting the seven Pahadi parties to meet the basic demands of the Madhesi Movement, it will be a big mistake to think the movement can be put to rest. It will be time to get off the streets, but it will not be time to stop the movement. The movement is going to have to be taken to a whole new level.

We are going to have to come up with a few basic guidelines. Parties that do not meet those guidelines will have to be boycotted at the polling booth.

In the Madhesi majority constituencies, we will only accept Madhesi candidates. Any political party that does not abide by that will have to be boycotted.

Any party that might backtrack from the promise of federalism will have to be boycotted. Paying lip service to federalism is not going to be enough. The parties are going to have to submit specific maps for consideration. We will ask. Is this map satisfactory?

If all Madhesis are not given their citizenship papers before the constituent assembly elections, we will have to organize to defeat Krishna Sitaula in his constituency. We will also have to organize to defeat Madhav Nepal in his. As well as any other politician who has been vocal and hostile to the Madhesi on the issue.

We have to stay political, and we have to stay issue based.

And we have to stay organized.

Members of political parties that might not meet the basic guidelines should be willing to desert their respective parties.

And we have to support parties like the Sadbhavana (Anandi) with gusto.

Most importantly, we have to turn the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum into a full fledged political party, and we have to help grow it as large as possible. That party could possibly ride the wave in Madhesh, and that would be wonderful.

I also urge the two factions of the JTMM to abandon arms and compete in the elections.

Maybe the Sadbhavana (Anandi), the party born out of the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) and the disarmed JTMM should all form an alliance so they do not compete against each other and divide the Madhesi votes. The two JTMM factions should come together and become one.

It is only fair that the eight party government engage the JTMM into disarmament talks. The JTMM battalions also should perhaps be put on standby.

At the least the Sadbhavana (Anandi), the party born out of the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) should either form an alliance or should merge and become one party.

And the Madhesi worldwide should get organized. Launch country chapters of the Madhesi International in as many countries as possible. And grow them fast and wide.

Our goal is to make sure the first president of Nepal is a Madhesi. That is what we should move towards.

I am for totally boycotting Girija Koirala's party. I am for totally boycotting Madhav Nepal's party. We need to electorally annihilate them.

Step 1: Street action to amend the interim constitution, get electoral constituencies based on population.

Step 2: Win the election.

Step 3: First president of Nepal, a Madhesi.

In The News

Terai agitation cripples industries Kantipur The stir, which entered its 15th day Tuesday, has caused severe crisis of industrial raw materials. As a result, one third of industries of the country have shut down their manufacturing units ..... Manufacturing units along the Birgunj corridor and in Biratnagar - the two largest manufacturing hubs - have remained closed due to the ongoing stir and curfew. And industries based in Hetauda and Kathmandu, which rely on raw materials coming through Birgunj, have either closed down or scaled down their manufacturing activities. ....... “On Monday, manufacturing units of Golchha Organization in Biratnagar closed down due to the lack of availability of furnace oil and diesel” ..... The worst hit industries, according to businessmen, are pharmaceutical manufacturers and fast moving consumer goods (FMCGs). ...... “Most of those industries have halved their production” ...... Industries have also not been able to dispatch their finished products to the market. ...... Given that almost all export-oriented industries and trade facilitating infrastructures are located in central and eastern regions, closure of central and eastern Terai has badly hit the country's export trade as well. ...... “Exports of readymade garment and woolen carpet, which are two largest exports of the country, have come to a complete halt over the period” ..... The state coffers have also suffered a drastic decline in revenue collection, as collection through eastern customs such as Mechi and Biratnagar has dropped to almost zero level. ...... “Revenue collection through Birgunj customs has come down to almost zero during the period,” stated an official of Ministry of Finance. Birgunj generates the largest chunk of the state revenue.
Moriarty urges all to resolve terai issue
Maoists on donation drive for ‘Madi victims’
Eight parties reach four-pt decision to resolve Terai unrest the top leaders of the eight parties expressed commitment in principle to create a federal democratic set-up through constituent assembly elections. The structure of the federal set up will be determined by the new Constitution to be drafted by the constituent assembly. ...... The parties also agreed to fix electoral constituencies for the first-past-post election system based on population and geography. New constituencies will also be added in districts where the population has grown, however, without reducing the number of the existing electoral constituencies (205). The number of seats under proportional electoral system will be equal to that of the first-past-post election system. ...... The agreement is expected to be signed on Wednesday followed by an address to the nation by the PM.
संघीय लोकतन्त्रमा आठ दल सहमत
तर्राईमा प्रदर्शन जारी संघीय राज्य घोषणा, समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणाली, जनसंख्या आधारमा निर्वाचन क्षेत्रलगायत माग गर्दै मधेसी समुदायले लहानमा बृहत् पर््रदर्शन गर्‍यो । आदिवासी/जनजाति महासंघ समन्वय परिषद्, थारू कल्याणकारिणी सभा, कुशवाहा कल्याण समाज, रौनियार सेवा समिति, मारवाडी सेवा समिति, डिक्का महासंघ, मेकानिकल कल्याण संघ, मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरम र दलित जनजाति पार्टर्ीीायत सहभागी थिए । जुलुसले लहानस्थित लोकतान्त्रिक चोकबाट विभिन्न क्षेत्र परिक्रमा गरी प्राविधिक शिक्षालयको खुला चौरमा सभा गरेको थियो । वक्ताहरूले मधेसको माग तत्काल वार्ताद्वारा पूरा गर्न माग गरेका थिए । पेसाकर्मी तथा संघसंस्थाहरू र सात दलले पनि मधेसका माग जायज भन्दै छुट्टाछुट्टै ऐक्यबद्धता र्‍याली गरेका थिए । महोत्तरीको जलेश्वरमा आठ दलले समस्या समाधानको माग राखी गरेको धर्ना मंगलबार पनि जारी रह्यो । फोरमले जलेश्वरमा शान्तिपर्ूण्ा पर््रदर्शन गरेको थियो । सिरहा र राजविराजमा दलहरूले शान्तिपर्ूण्ा पर््रदर्शन गरे । त्यसमा आठ दल र प्राध्यापकहरू सहभागी थिए । जनकपुरमा प्रहरी ज्यादतीविरुद्ध बिहानैदेखि पर््रदर्शन भएको थियो । चिकित्सक तथा प्राध्यापकले छुट्टाछुट्टै पर््रदर्शन गरेका थिए । रौतहटमा पर््रदर्शनले तनावग्रस्त स्थिति ल्याएपछि साढे चार बजेदेखि राति ९ बजेसम्मका चन्द्रनिगाहपुर, सन्तपुर र डुमरिया क्षेत्रमा कफर््र्यु लगाइएको थियो । ..... लामो रुटमा मालवाहक ट्रक चलाउने मध्यमाञ्चल र उपत्यकाका चालक र मजदुर ठूलो संख्यामा इटहरीमा रोकिएका छन् । उनीहरू राजमार्गको सडक र पेट्रोलपम्पमा साधन थन्काएर चिसो सडकमा रात काटिरहेका छन् । २ सय ५० भन्दा बढी संख्यामा रहेका मालवाहक ट्रकका चालक, मजदुर र यात्रु बेखर्ची भएका छन् । उनीहरू माघ ४ गतेदेखि सडकमै छन् । ..... धम्कीका कारण विराटनगरबाट प्रकाशित दर्ुइ दैनिक 'उद्घोष' र र्'दर्शन' बुधबारदेखि प्रकाशित नगर्ने निर्ण्र्ाागरिएको छ । दुवै दैनिकका प्रकाशक क्रमशः मोहन भण्डारी र शिवबहादुर कार्कीका अनुसार सञ्चारकर्मीले स्वतन्त्र र भयरहित वातावरणमा काम गर्न नपाएसम्म प्रकाशन बन्द गरिएको हो । 'सुरक्षा ग्यारेन्टी नभएसम्म प्रकाशन गर्दैनौं' उद्घोषका प्रबन्ध निर्देशक बन्धु पोखरेलले भने । .... जनमोर्चाले समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणाली, संघीय राज्य र गणतन्त्र घोषणा तत्काल गर्न माग गरेको छ । .... पार्टीध्यक्ष उपप्रधानमन्त्री अमिक शेरचनले मंगलबार विज्ञप्ति जारी गरी मधेसी समुदायले उठाएका माग सम्बोधनमा ढिलाइ नगर्न पनि माग गरेका छन् । उनले विज्ञप्तिमा केन्द्रीकृत एकात्मक राज्यले मधेसी समुदायमाथि गरेको उत्पीडन र पक्षपातपर्ूण्ा व्यवहारले दबिएको भावना अहिले जनअसन्तोषको रूपमा व्यक्त भएको उल्लेख गरेका छन् ।
आन्दोलन जारी
अन्तरिम संविधान संशोधन गर ः राप्रपा राष्ट्रिय प्रजातन्त्र पार्टी मुलुकमा उठेका असन्तुष्टि सम्बोधन गर्न संघीय शासन, समानुपातिक निवर्ँचन प्रणाली र आरक्षण प्रावधानसहित तत्काल अन्तरिम संविधान संशोधन गर्न माग गरेको छ । 'आफ्ना कमजोरी ढाकटोप गर्न अरूमाथि दोष थोपरेर सरकार चोखो बन्न सक्दैन, मुलुकको समस्या पनि समाधान हुन सक्दैन' उसले भनेको छ ।
नौ विद्यार्थी संगठन पनि सहमत नौ विद्यार्थी संगठनले मधेस आन्दोलनको र्समर्थन गर्दै सरकारलाई संघीय राज्य प्रणाली, भूगोल र जनसंख्याको आधारमा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र र समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणाली लगायतका माग अविलम्ब पूरा गर्न माग गरेको छ । .... सद्भावना-आनन्दीदेवी)को भ्रातृ संगठन नेपाल विद्यार्थी मञ्चको केन्द्रीय कार्यालयमा बसेको बैठकले 'स्वस्फर्ुत रहेको मधेसी सशक्त आन्दोलनले विकराल रूप लि“दै गएको' उल्लेख गर्दै शान्तिपर्ूण्ा आन्दोलन अगाडि बढाउन अनुरोधसमेत गरेको छ । ..... नेपाल विद्यार्थी मञ्चका अध्यक्ष रामबाबु साह, नेविसंघका महामन्त्री, बद्री पाण्डे, अनेरास्ववियु-क्रान्तिकारी)का महासचिव हिमाल शर्मा, अनेरास्ववियुका उपाध्यक्ष रामकुमारी झा“क्री, अनेरास्ववियु-एकीकृत)का अध्यक्ष प्रकाश पोखरेल, नेविसंघ संगठन विभाग प्रमुख नैनसिंह महर, अनेरास्ववियु सचिव गणेश केके, नेपाल क्रावि संघका अध्यक्ष नारायण कोजु र नेविफेका अध्यक्ष विक्रान्त सुवेदी ..... पुल्चोक इन्जिनियरिङ क्याम्पसका मधेसी विद्यार्थीहरूले मधेसको माग पूरा गर्नुपर्ने र आन्दोलनमा दमन गर्नेहरूलाई कारबाहीको मागसहित मंगलबार विरोध र्‍याली निकालेका छन् । ..... मधेसका माग अविलम्ब पूरा हुनुपर्ने, आन्दोलनलाई दमन गर्ने गृहमन्त्रीले राजीनामा दिनुपर्ने, पर््रदर्शनका क्रममा ज्यान गुमाएकालाई सहिदको सज्ञा ....... संयुक्त मधेसी विद्यार्थी संर्घष्ा समिति काठमाडौंले मधेसी आन्दोलनप्रति ऐक्यबद्धता जनाउ“दै सरकारद्वारा जारी दमनको भर्त्सना गर्दै मंगलबार राजधानीमा विरोध पर््रदर्शन गरेका छन् । ....... सरकारले मधेसीको जायज माग पूरा नगरी दमनमा उत्रेकाले त्यसको प्रतिकार गर्न सबै मधेसीलाई आग्रहसमेत गरे । मधेसी जनअधिकार युवा फोरमका बलराम यादवले संघात्मक शासन प्रणाली, जनसंख्या आधारमा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र र समानुपातिक प्रतिनिधित्व हुने गरी संविधान संशोधन नगरेसम्म मधेसमा आन्दोलन जारी रहने बताए । ...... जनतान्त्रिक मधेसी समाज ..... मधेस जनआन्दोलन २०६३ मा शहादत प्राप्त गरेका सहिदहरूको सम्मानमा मैनबत्ती प्रज्ज्वलन गरी एक मिनेटको मौन धारण गरिएको थियो । ...... मधेसको आन्दोलनप्रति मंगलबार सुडी समाजले एक्यबद्धता प्रकट गरेको छ । .... नेपाल मैथिल समाजले मधेस आन्दोलनमा एक्यबद्धता जनाउ“दै घाइते भएका जनकपुरवासीको उपचारको लागि ५१ हजार रुपैया“ सहयोग गरेको छ । माजका अध्यक्ष मिथिलेशकुमार झा ..... नेपाल सद्भावना पार्टी केही सञ्चारमाध्यम, व्यक्ति विशेष र संघसंस्थाद्वारा सद्भावना-मण्डल) भनेर अपमानजनक अभिव्यक्ति प्रायोजित रूपमा दिइएको उल्लेख गर्दै घोर आपक्ति प्रकट गरेको छ । ...... भदौ सात गते राष्ट्रिय कार्यसमितिको बैठकले लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रलाई आत्मसात गरिसके
गाउ“-गाउ“मा उच्चमावि सञ्चालन
स्वायत्त जातीय-संघीय शासन
तर्राईका मागबारे सहमति भइसकेको छ'
प्रेसमाथि आक्रमण
स्वायत्त जातीय-संघीय शासन

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Dragonfly Without A Wing Loses Hearing Capacity

Once upon a time there was a scientist. One day he called up a crowd of onlookers to share one of his newer findings. In his covered palm he had a dragonfly. As he opened his palm, he ordered the dragonfly to "Fly!" The dragonfly flew into the air. He grabbed back the dragonfly, and cut one of its wings, and put the dragonfly back into his palm. Slowly he opened his palm, and ordered the dragonfly to "Fly!" The dragonfly just stayed there on his palm.

He turned to his audience and said, "This proves a dragonfly loses its hearing capacity when you cut off one of its wings."

Same thing in Nepal. Now these Pahadi Bahuns are going to tell you that they were right all along. The royalists and the Hindu supremacists were behind the Terai unrest. But now that they have thrown some royalist former ministers behind bars, the unrest is showing signs of quieting down.

The truth is the unrest is quieting down because the eight parties have finally come around to agreeing to the basic demands of the Madhesi Movement. This the eight parties should have done a long time ago, a week or more ago, and have saved lives and property.

In their singular blindness to the Madhesi plight, these Pahadi Bahuns have matched King Gyanendra himself. The Magre Kranti has produced martyrs just like the April Revolution did. Untold hundreds have been injured all across the Madhesh.

Why could these eight parties not have proactively come up with these configurations in the interim constitution on their own? And if they did not, why did they wait for so long? Why did they not respond to the movement much earlier?

That these Pahadi Bahuns in power continue to talk of the Madhesi Movement, the Maghe Kranti, with disrespect makes me suspicious. I think that means the Madhesi will have to continue the movement by other means. Once the basic demands are met, get off the streets and go to each other's homes, and organize many small gatherings, and build organization.

I urge the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum to become a political party.

The Madhesi Movement now has to focus on sending so many Madhesis into the constituent assembly that the first president of Nepal is a Madhesi. On day one of the constituent assembly, the country is going to be unanimously declared a republic. And there is going to be a need for a president. That president has to be Madhesi.

My personal favorite would be Chitralekha Yadav, but I would settle for any other Madhesi as well. Upendra Yadav himself might be a serious candidate. Maybe Hridayesh Tripathy. Maybe Rajendra Mahto.

We should work to get only Madhesis elected from the Madhesh. We should encourage the same among the Janajati. And we should build a Madhesi-Janajati coalition in the constituent assembly.

The Maoist lip service to the Janajati and Madhesi is highly misleading. The two Maoist Bahuns Prachanda and Baburam want to get Janajati and Madhesi get elected, and then they want to herd them around like goats. That would be insulting to the Madhesi and the Janajati. There is a stark need for a Janajati party.

Or the Sadbhavana (Anandi) could be that vehicle. It could expand to incorporate the Madhesi, the Janajati, the Dalit.

The best scenario would be if all parties compete to be fair to the Madhesi, and the Janajati and the Dalit. When parties compete like that, the people benefit.

Inbox 2
सरिता गिरी: अशान्त मधेस, नया नेपाल
Hamro Nepal Press Release: Only A Political Outlet To The Madhesi Movement
माघे क्रान्ित, राजावादी र िहन्दु कट्टरपन्थीबारे
The Maoist Map Is A Pretty Good Map
Kamal Thapa Should Be Arrested, But Not For The Madhesi Movement
Madhesi Movement Invites The Dalit, The Janajati, The Mahila
The Ball Is In Girija's Court: A Response To Pramod Kantha
Gagan Thapa On The Terai
Anand Jha: Raising Dust At SEBS
Need For A Mahila Movement
ANTA Press Release: Stop The State Terror
Stop The Shooting, Give The Speech
Feedback, NSU, USA Canada Chapter Press Release
डटे रहो
Sahana Pradhan, Sarita Giri, Chitra Lekha Yadav, Pratibha Rana
Ram Sah, Ratan Jha, Lalit Jha, Pramod Kantha: Madhesi Diaspora, Pahadi Diaspora
Why Are The Pahadis Quiet?
B. K. Rana: Carter, Palestine and Apartheid
Girija, Give A Speech Like Gyane Did In April
Stop Shooting, Give Concession Speech, Calm Down The Streets
Brikhesh Chandra Lal: Who Will Take Responsibility?
Madhesh Is Burning
शान्ित वार्ता क्या, िवजय घोषणा करो
8 Parties Need To Declare 205 Constituencies Of Equal Population
Madhesi Movement Is April Revolution Part 2
Look Who Is Talking
Madhesi Movement: Write To The Media
बराबर जनसंख्याबाला २०५ सीट
मधेश जल रही है
Girija Koirala Is A Crook
205 Constituencies Based On Equal Population, And Reserved Seats
New Jersey Madhesi Gathering: Photos
Anand Jha: Slugging It Out At SEBS
Ram Manohar Sah: Madheshi Murmurings
Mihir Thakur: Paper On Madhesh Samasya 2051
Madhesi Gathering, New Jersey
Prabasi Madhesi Are With The Madhesi Movement In Nepal
My Role In The April Revolution: The Butterfly Effect
Typhoid And Typhoid Victims
Madhesi Alert, Nepalgunj Pahadi Attack On Madhesi, Raw Email, Video Footage
िफर से कह दो एक बार इन्िकलाब
पहाडी मधेशी दंगा, मधेशी जनजाित गठबंधन, र िनर्णायक, अिहंसात्मक अन्ितम अान्दोलनको खाँचो
सद्भावना रोडम्याप
नेपालमा दमजम अान्दोलनको अावश्यकता
राजतन्त्र, बाहुनवाद र भर्ष्टाचार समाप्त पारौं
राजतन्त्र, बाहुनवाद र भर्ष्टाचार समाप्त पारौं
प्रस्तािवत संिवधान

In The News

8-parties reach understanding to resolve Terai unrest; PM to address nation on WednesdayNepalNews
Eight-party taskforce discussing draft report
Former Minister Ansari, DDC chairman arrested
Thapa, Mandal arrested for 'instigating' violence in Terai; other royalists under watch
Tripathy resigns amid Terai crisis

Inbox 2


Dear Paramendra ji

I have been giong through your most of the information on the net which you have been providing us.

Why are you not in Nepal at this time.What will you do with the money noly when madhesi do not have any identity in our own land..I had been asked to work in USA but I came back to Nepal Twice. Still may I request you to come back to Nepal till this revolution and total aggrement is established. People can only recognise you on physical presence at this time and not just electronic media.As I have told you in the very beginning how many madheshi in Nepal has gotinternet facility? You can move back again after fulfilment of our goal.I am ready to donate, you should communicate all madheshi people in USA to donate for this cause of madhesh.If posible call me and talk a little.

Dr.B N Yadav
Professor and Head
Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
B P Koirala Institute of Health Sciences. Dharan Nepal

Please, remove me from your list. Thanks.

please take me off your mailing list - thank you.

please remove me from your list. i never subscribed your mailing list. how can you add anyone email address without authorization and claim of being the largest mailing list?

stop sending me f***ing email.

Paramendra dai,

Could you unsubscribe from your mailing list?
Because it goes to a 7 people, it is not possible to unsubscribe it
from the link at the end of your email (tried and failed).

Please refrain from subscribing this address to your mailing list
without checking with us beforehand. As much as we sympathize with
your cause and as much as we are happy to know that yours is the
biggest mailing list in South Asia, it is simply unprofessional of you
to try to force-feed us your stuff. Besides, almost everyone in the
excomm is in your mailing list already--there is no need for you to
send the same thing to us again.

Thanks for taking care of this. I just hope this is the last email I
have to send to you regarding this mailing list thing, because I just
don't enjoy doing it. I am sending this email to both your yahoo and
gmail addresses, so that you can fix this issue soon.

--Yubraj, for SEBS-North America

Dear Hill man,

yo andolan bilkulai jaej chha ra yesma sabai Sarokar wala Madhise haru utpidit dalit ra janajatiharu samlagna chhan ra hune chhan jabasamma ki uni haru ko mag pura hune chhaina, yeslai bibhinna kisimaka adkal baji ra arop lagaunu matra samadhan ko upae hoina.SAMAEMAI RAJJE SATTA LE SAMBODHAN NAGAREMA BIKARAL RUP LINE CHHA YESLE, Please lets take it seriously.

T.B Rana - UK

Kamal Thapaharule Teraima bitanda machhayako ho bhane uslai girfatar gareko thikkai hola.
Kamal Thapaharu matrale tyasto aant garna saklan ? Usko pachhadi aru pani holan. Tin lai pani arrest garnu paryo.
Resolve the Terai crisis at the earliest guys !
Yes, the BJP has won Bihar. Caution !

Hello Nepal Government,
How are you ? Is there any substance in the message below ? What would you tell us about it?
And also, what are the exclusive demands of Madheshi Movement ? Krishna Sitaula claims there is no demands at all !
Violence in any form - from any party whether the goverment or others is always condemned.
No Violence Please !!!
----- Original Message ----
From: Madhesh Alliance
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 9:21:13 AM
Subject: Please send your reporters soon



Nepal. Government and its alliance Maoists do not seem satiated yet by murdering several innocent Madheshi peaceful protestors voicing their opinion against recent constitution (that gives dictatorship power to ruling class and marginalizes Madheshi ethnics that makes half of population in Nepal), firing bullets on thousands of Madheshi peaceful protesters, entering homes of Madheshi people and looting them and raping Madheshi women.

Hundreds of Madheshi are critically injured by bullets fired by government's armed forces and Maoist cadres, and are undergoing treatment, several of them are at the last stage of life. Not to talk of homes, government's armed force even attacked hospitals, attacking doctors and hospital staffs working there (see Kantipur) , yet human-rights organizations and most of media are turning blind eyes.

Even only yesterday, 23 peaceful protestors were seriously injured with many at critical condition when armed-police forced opened fire on Madheshi in Dhanusha, one (Nazeer Alam) was killed and dozens other injured in Bara, scores were injured in Kailaiya with 4 in very critical conditions, 19 demonstrators are at critically injured condition in Rautahat and many more. And atrocities are increasing day by day. Thousands of Maoist cadres have been mixed with armed-police forces and are attacking Madheshi by entering their homes. Yet national media are just suppressing the news, and international media and NGOs are paying no attention at all at such humanitarian crisis.

Home Minister KP Sitaula's statement "Terai situation will be taken under control within few days" suggests possibility of mobilizing Nepal Army with sophisticated ammunitions to further attack on Madheshi ethnics. Similarly, a special meeting of the Council of Ministers has already decided to deploy further tens of thousands of Armed Police Force personnel throughout the Madhesh (Kantipur) to crush Madheshi ethnics and repeat the same brutality.

At such critical condition, please send your reporters to the region and witness the atrocities of the government armed-forces mixed with Maoist cadres.

Girija baboo, Prachand Ji, Babooram Ji (So called great leaders of Nepal )
“How many bullets are in your guns? Our (Madheshis) chests are open.
How intense is your power- thirst? Our (Madheshis) blood is ready for you to drink.”
If, half population of Nepal , Madheshis are asking for their birth-right in national-life, you shamelessly say them ‘Criminal’, and instantly kill them.
There is no change in Madheshi’s condition, whether it was a king rule or the rule of democratic government. They are not better than colonized! Their land is not better than a colony! Government is making them speechless by killing.
The rule of the king like Janak is always acceptable and respectable; and the discriminatory and suppressive rule of a democratic Prime Minister like Girija baboo (Until change the style of rule) in not acceptable. Similarly Prachand Ji or Babooram Ji (Until change their thinking and acting prospective) is not able to be a acceptable Prime Minister or President.
Girija baboo, at this age, when you are waiting for a natural death, you have brought the nation on streets at several occasions; you have shut down the country many times. Just for power gain!
Prachand Ji, Babooram Ji; only for personal power gain you have put guns in the hands of thousands of children; and have filled the youth- mind with violence and hatred. Would you please ask yourself (your inner being)- who is criminal- YOU or MADHESHIS?
Firing on colonized Madheshis is a major national sin; and the nation cann’t escape from the punishment of this sin; as every individual must pays penalty of his/her sin- sooner or latter.
A well tested truth is “No king, no prime minister, no leader, can remain in power if he sets himself against the people.” Democratic leaders are repeatedly failing in Nepal , because they never set themselves for the people. Several others are dew drops, as they have set themselves against the people will dry up as public rise up. Nepal government must stop treating Madhesh as colony.
- Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav

“Who is born will die” is universal truth. They are great who have death of a brave, a death of sacrifice for their fellow brothers. Mother Madhesh is certainly proud of such brave SHAHID SONS. Every drop of their blood is a pillar of freedom of Madheshis and Madhesh from indirect colonization.
Please allow me to quote great Gandhi- address to youth at Varanasi ( Banaras ) during Indian freedom fight.
“If we trust and fear God, we shall have to fear no one,” Gandhi assured them (youths), teaching his passionate message of “love of the country,” and the value of “bravery” and tapas to all the bright-eyed young men, who felt uplifted, instantly inspired by his fearless simplicity, his dauntless courage. “I hope I would be prepared to die,” Gandhi told them, in defense of India ’s freedom. “That would, in my opinion, be an honourable death.”
The Madheshi’s sahadat (sacred sacrifice of life) is milestone not only for Madheshis-freedom, but against global injustice, discrimination and direct/indirect colonization. True homage for these Shahid is many more sahadat including ME for global peace, truth and human dignity.
- Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav

Dear All:

As you may be aware of the recent on going movement in the Terai region to protest the flagrant violation of their basic citizenship rights and denial of their basic human rights through systematic and institutionalized discrimination by the state. Several peoples have been killed and scores are injured and wounded during this ongoing movement. The details of on going agitation can be found at several Nepali Outlet news (web sites, etc..). ANTA has also issues two press releases and posted article on this issue on the it’s web site ( During the teleconference held on Jan 27, 2007 by ANTA executive committee; it was unanimously agreed that ANTA will raise funds to help wounded and dead victims of the ongoing terai movement. The funds will be disbursed through authentic organization and all the financial transaction will be transparent. Following pledge was made by participating ANTA executive committee members during the teleconference call:

Dr. Binod Shah $251.00

Mukesh Singh $100.00

Dr. Pramod Kantha $50.00

Bindu/Ritesh Chaudhary $100.00

Ratan Jha $151.00

Ram Sah $500.00

Lalit Jha $101.00

If you can afford, please consider helping the victims of ongoing movement by sending money to following address:

Lalit Jha

Treasurer, ANTA

P O Box: 242

Wahoo, NE 68066

ANTA has also requested to NAC (Nepalese Americas Council), an umbrella organization of most of the nepali association in North America ); to re-allocate some of the existing fund that was collected to help victim of JA-2 to help victims of ongoing terai movement. We will keep you updated on the funds collected and how it will be disbursed. Please feel free to share this information with your friends. Please feel free to email any excecutive members of ANTA, if you have any questions. Thanks!
Lalit Jha
Treasurer, ANTA

PS: (this email is being to all ANTA members and prospective members, the email addresses are undisclosed except for executive committee members)

Dear Paramendra ji,

Our brothers and sisters from the terai have been marginalized for ages. They deserve equality and justice. Most of their demands are genuine and legitimate. I support them.

Most Nepalis -- from the hills and terai -- want to build an inclusive Nepal. I include myself among them. The goal is a shared one but they might have different ideas about how to attain that goal. That is where the democratic political process, which you have emphasize in your press release, comes in, for there could be only a political settlement to a political problem.

If there are reactionary elements involved, the government should isolate them and bring them to justice. It seems to be doing that now, with the arrest of some of those elements. Unfortunately, among our leaders, there is a tendency to let a genuine problem fester into a crisis before they begin to address it.


Murari Sharma

Dear Paramendraji:
Thank you very much for your kind efforts for Nepal and Nepali people. Pls find herewith our latest update in the attached file.
Conflict Study Center (CS Center)
PO Box 11374, Share Market Complex
Putalisadak, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Say Peace First
CS Center
Conflict Study Center
PO Box 11374, Share Market Complex, Putalisadak, Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: +977-1-6218777 Email:
Situation Update 24 (unedited version) January 30, 2007
Madhes Violence: The Identity Clash in Nepal

Eight people have died and dozens have been injured in the sporadic violence in the eastern Madhes from January 19, 2007 initiated from Lahan Municipality in Siraha district, 400 km to the east of Kathmandu. Madhesi Janaadhikar Forum (Madhesi People’s Rights Forum) or MJF, led by former Maoist leader Upendra Yadav, had called the movement. The key demands of the MJF were federal structure of government with autonomy and proportional election system based on density of caste and ethnicity (more see box). Later, after the Lahan incident three demands have been added: the PM and Maoist Supremo Prachanda should apologize before the Madhesi community; the Home Minister should resign for the conducive environment to hold talks; and provide compensation to the victim’s family. Prachanda has apologized while the PM has not and compensation has been announced one billion Nepalese Currency to each while the Home Minister has not resigned.
The violence has now extended and intensified to the entire eastern and central Madhes in Morang, Sunsari, Saptari, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Sarlahi, Bara and Parsa along with Kapilvastu in the western region. The government has clamped curfew in the sensitive urban centers of these districts. These districts lie on the major East-West Highway where trees have been fallen along the road and traffic have been completely stopped. Even ambulances with patients inside are stopped. Dozens of public and private vehicles including those belonging to UNOHCHR and National Human Rights Commission have been vandalized and many of those torched. Hundreds of passengers have been abandoned along the roads; without food, clothe and shelter. Markets and shops have been vandalized and closed. Because of this, there has been lack of supply of consumer goods and daily necessities and prices have soared. District Administration Offices, District Development Offices, District Courts, District Election Commissions, District Forest Offices, District Agriculture Offices, District Irrigation Offices, Police Posts, etc. have been torched. Pahade-originated government employees have been beaten and have almost gone underground. The Chief District Officers, who are responsible to security of entire concerned districts, are themselves insecure.
The CPN (Maoist) has begged for pardon for killing Ramesh Kumar Mahato, a student of Grade 10 and the government along with the Seven Party Alliance (SPA) has invited the MJF to hold talks. But none of the political party leaders and Parliamentarians of the Madhes have dared to visit violence areas. MJF has called for dignified and peaceful movement for Madhesi rights, which has turned violent. The incidences show that the movement has strayed beyond their call or the movement is without leadership. Due to which loss of private and public property is intensifying day by day. Demonstrators attack some FM stations including media person of Bara, Parsa and Rautahat district (central Madhes). Some of the journalists as they received life threat, left trouble districts. As a result, 12 local papers are closed and general people are being deprived to have right to information.
Background of violence
MJF cadres were campaigning against the detention of 28 MJF leaders in Kathmandu, who were arrested by police after burning the Interim Constitution (IC) the day after it was proclaimed. The MJF cadres had called for strike in the Madhes for their immediate release. From them, 14 were issued warrant to detain for 10 days on the charges of public crime. On the fourth day of the proclamation, MJF called for Madhes strike. CPN (Maoist) had organized a central training (first-ever publicly known) to its cadres at Chitawan in the Central Region. Around 80 MJF cadres were burning tyres on the highway and the mini-buses, with Maoist flag fluttering in the wind, carrying participants to training from Mechi-Koshi Zone escorted by police were stopped at Lahan. The escorting police backed and the Maoist and MJF cadres started tussle. During that time, a gun was fired to the mass by Siyaram Thakur (as reported in Media), which hit Ramesh lethally and died at spot. Police took him into custody. The tension heightened and vandalism took over; 17 vehicles were torched . Curfew was clamped the very day.
Several MJF cadres had cordoned the dead body of Ramesh in the evening; all of a sudden Maoist cadres arrived there in two trucks, one jeep and two dozen bikes and seized the body. They brought his family members and cremated his body. On January 22, 2007, MJF cadres organized a campaign, during which a police post was vandalized. Two policemen were wounded by bullets and then opened fire on the crowd; two bystanders were shot and died instantly and 3 out of 12 severely injured airlifted to Kathmandu for treatment died. After this, the movement spread like a prairie fire within Siraha and to the neighboring districts and turned violent. Violence reigned in all the highway and roadways including urban areas of the seven districts of the eastern and central Madhes. Kudrat Ali, central member of Ekata Parishad led by Nir Sumsher Rana, who was a minister during King’s reign, led the violent movement in Siraha and Saptari districts.
On January 25, the masses defied curfew and wielded domestic weapons in Biratnagar, Morang and vandalized the buses at Bus Park after tussle with transport workers. In Janakpur, masses did not budge from the streets after curfew was clamped and vandalized police posts. The persons who were ‘elected’ in the Municipality during the farce Municipality of the King’s regime before popular movement II led the groups. On January 27, a demonstrator was killed and 26 were injured in police firing in Bara district.
On January 26, the activists of MJF and NSP-M vandalized different government offices including District Administration Office, and offices of NGOs including Maiti Nepal and those of Political Parties in Rauthat. CPN (UML) Secretary General Madhav Kumar Nepal’s native house in Rauthat along with other leaders’ houses were burnt down.
MJF activists vandalized statutes Bharat Bahadur Shrestha, Laxmi Prasad Devkota, BP Koirala, Man Mohan Adhikari, Ganesh Man Singh, including those of late Kings in different places in Madhes. They also torched effigies of PM Girija Prasad Koirala, Home Minister Krishna Prasad Sitaula, Maoist Surpemo Prachanda, Madhav Kumar Nepal, Matrika Yadav and so on leaders.
Who are Madhesis?
Nepal is topographically divided into three areas: Mountains (Himalayan range), Hills (covered by Mahabarat and Shivalik ranges) and Madhes or Madhes (the southern plains). Madhes consists of 22 districts. Historically, most parts of Madhes close to the Sivalik ranges was covered with dense tropical forest. They fought with malaria, wild beasts and humid hot climate to clear the forest and cultivate the fertile food bowl. The communities living alongside the rivers, closely linked linguistically, socially and culturally with northern India are brown in color. The inhabitants of Madhes are called Madhesi, who are the original dwellers of Madhes. The residents of hill are called Pahade. Because of easier life, Pahade have migrated not only to urban but also to rural areas of Madhes, whereas Madhesi have migrated to urban centers of hills. Some of the Madhesis living close to the Indian border have property in both the countries whereas some Pahades have property in hills and Madhes of Nepal. Only after Malaria eradication was initiated in the 50s, Pahades began migrating to Madhes and claimed the fertile land. Similarly, many Indians have migrated into Nepal after the Treaty of 1950 with India. In 1954, the total population of Madhes 35%, but after 25 years it rose to 52% and 2001 census shows it to be 57%. The overwhelming growth of the Madhes population rests not only to migration of the Pahade but also to Indian migrants.
Madhes is divided into Maithili, Bhojpuri and Abadhi in eastern, central and western region respectively along with Tharu in the mid- and far-western according to linguistics. Maithili is the second largest language (11%), Bhojpuri is spoken by 8% and Abadhi by 4%. The Tharu in Mid- and Far-western speak three different dialects.
Although majority of the Madhesis are Hindu, the cultural traditions differ between the Hill and Madhes Hindus. Similarly, the Muslims and Tharus have their own socio-cultural and religious traditions. Madhesi people include different castes/ethnic groups: Tharu, Yadav, Muslim, Teli, Chamar, Koyar, Brahman, Bhumihar, Amat, Mali, Tatma, Kanu, Rauniyar, Rajdhobi, Tamoli, Kathaoniya, Hajam, Sonar, Lohar, Tajpuriya, Bantar, Jhangar, Dhanuk, Rajbanshi, Meche, Satar, Dhimal, Mushar, Dom, Dushad, etc.
The Problem: Since History till Date
The problems of Madhes are a fusion of political, socio-cultural and economic complications, for which Madhesi people have waged movements for definition and identity. The problem has been culminating from time to time due to non-confidence, discrimination and exploitation by the State, political parties and elites. The core issues relate to recruitments in State security forces, language, culture, citizenship, etc.
King of Mithila Hari Singh Dev, defeated by Mugals in 1324, arrived in Bhadgaon (present Bhaktapur) and formed an army of Mithila. Approximately 240 years ago during unification of the small warring states, Prithvi Narayan Shah defeated the Sen dynasty Kings of Madhes and then won Kathmandu valley. When Prithvi Narayan Shah in 1774 attacked Kathmandu, Jaya Prakash Malla had 12,000 strong Mithila army that was known as Tirhoot army. Prithvi Narayan Shah demolished the Tirhoot army upon conquering it. Then, enrolling Mahdesis in army had been stopped and it had been continued in the later regimes. Madhesis have felt not inclusion in the national army as an insult.
In 1816, the colonial British army (then ruling over India) defeated Nepali forces. The then few landlords in Madhes had supported the British during the war. They were then on labeled ‘followers of British and adversary of Nepali’ that also defamed them. The article 7 of the memorandum on Sugauli Treaty between the British and the then King on December 1816 stated that the Nepali government would not take any action against the people living in Madhes, but many Madhes dwellers were ill-treated, tortured and punished on the charges of treason. The consequences of the deception of some of the landlords were poured over the common Madhesis. During the Rana Regime prior to 1950, because of their relationship with the British, the latter was silent to the ill-treatment by the former to Madhesis. The Madhesis had to issue passports to visit Kathmandu from the Badahakim (Regional Administrator).
Madhesi people contributed significantly to the democratic movement during 1951, they did not get what they expected from the State – equal participation. In 1954, the National Planning Commission recommended compulsion of Nepali language for both official and teaching in the schools where Hindi was used in Madhes then. In 1956 Dr. K.I. Singh’s government banned teaching of Hindi, which split the population into pro-Hindi and against-Hindi that led to formation of committees ‘to protect Hindi’. After the first elected Prime Minister BP Koirala introduced Hindi in the curriculum in Madhes in 1959, but was revoked after the coup by King Mahendra and imposed ‘Hamro Bhasa, Hamro Bhesh, Pran Bhanda Pyaro Chha’ (our language and costume are dear to us than life). Even during the Multi Party System after the Popular Movement I, the parliamentarians were bound to wear Daura Surwal and Nepali Topi (Nepali costume) and Nepali Topi (cap) in government offices.
The citizenship issues in Madhes have been complicated due to the Treaty of 1950 with India, because many Indians migrated to Nepal. Most of the Pahades migrating to Madhes have brought their citizenship certificates. Because of language, marital, social and cultural linkages of Madhesis with north India, many have dual citizenship. Similarly, criminals operating along border areas and migrating workers either form Nepal to India or from India to Nepal have dual citizenship. The government is arranging for citizenship certificates to all the people born in Nepal after 1990 prior to Constituent Assembly (CA) elections. All the people, including Madhesis, born or living in Nepal since long should get citizenship without discrimination.

Untouchability between the Madhesi ‘higher’ castes and dalits and within dalits themselves is high in Siraha, Dhanusha, Mahottari and Rauthat districts. Madhesi dalits include Khatwe (Mandal, Khanka), Kakihaya, Kalar, Kori, Khapi, Chamar, Rabidas, Chidimar, Dom, Dushad, Dhobi, Bantar, Mehtar, Tatma, Pattharkatta, Mushahar, Sarbhanga, Hajara, Gaine, Satar, etc.
Different forms of violence against women exist in Madhesi communities, including of ‘witchcraft’, dowry, battering, etc. Dalit women face three pronged discriminations: they are women, they are Dalits and they are Dalit women. Pahade women are more open and mobile as compared to Madhesi women, who are confined within households. Early marriage is in vogue. Child marriage is rampant because of dowry, which involves ‘buying of groom’ through cash and kind.
Behind the Curtain
The MJF President Upendra Yadav (UML) had got 21% votes whereas Bijay Kumar Gachhedar (NC) had 58% in Sunsari Constituency number 4 in the first general elections 1991. Yadav complained that he was offered the constituency where the party was sure to loose and he was less supported for propaganda because he was a Madhesi. He was dissatisfied with the UML vote bank policies towards Madhesis and the rift widened. He was inactive for some years. Later he started an organization MJF, Institute for Madhes Intellectual Political Studies, and became close with the Maoists. In the beginning of 2005, he was arrested together with Matrika Yadav and Suresh Ale Magar at New Delhi. But Upendra was released soon. So the CPN (Maoist) alleged him for the arrest and adopted to punish him physically. Matrika Yadav clarified for him and restored his relationship with CPN (Maoist) but it did not go well. He dissociated with CPN (Maoist) and became close to Rastriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) within umbrella of the Indian Hindu hardliners (e.g. Bajranga Dal, Shiv Sena, etc.) closely linked with Bharatiya Janata Party too.
During the end of December 19, 2006, royalist followers of Hindu religion organized a conference at Gorakhpur, India hosted by RSS Deputy Chief Suresh Sony was chief guest where Upendra Yadav along with Acting President Laxman Lal Karn and member Dilip Dhagedewala of NSP-M were attended as guests. It decided to initiate campaign for Hindu Kingdom in Nepal. (Hindustan Times, Dec 20, 2006 Lucknow edition). All Indian media covered the news. Earlier to that, the RSS had frequently supported the Forum led by Upendra Yadav for food and board during its meetings and seminars.
By the end of December 2006, Youth Women National Conference of NC-D was organized in Birgunj (Parsa). On the charges of lack of participation of Madhesis Nepal Bidhyarti Sangh, its student wing, planned to burn the flag of the party and blacken the face of ex-PM Sher Bahadur Deuba, its President, they were successful for the former only. Central Vice President Umesh Yadav, Zonal Secretary Ranjit Jha and District President Jayaram Sanyog of the student wing were suspended for 15 days from their positions. They have been found actively involved in the current unrest in Madhes.
Nepal Sadhbhavana Party-Anandi Devi (NSP-A) called for Madhes strike demanding for Federal structure government, proportional representative based on population density, etc. On December 25, 2006, some cadres of NSP-A vandalized buses at the bus park in Nepalgunj. The next day, the transport businesspeople took to the streets demanding for punishment to the people vandalizing the buses and compensations. Cadres of NSP-A and the business people clashed on the streets, during which one person died and lost millions worth of public and private property. All top brasses of key political parties went there, organized goodwill procession, and did not let off further communal violence between Madhesi and Pahade.
Currently, there has emerged CD threat in Nepalgunj. The violence in Nepalgunj were filmed and the astonishing fact is that Madhesis are being circulated with CD clips of Pahades looting and vandalizing Madhesi property while Pahades are being given CD clips of Madhesis looting and vandalizing Pahade’s property. Within one month of Nepalgunj incident, when the Lahan mishap occurred, neither any political party leader nor any minister has courage to visit the crisis areas for such a long period.
Ram Rijhan Yadav, ex-central committee member of MJF and editor of Purva Weekly, has stated that he had resigned MJF because royalists have penetrated the MJF. Similarly, the Madhesi Student Front close ally of MJF issued press statement and accepted that royalists have penetrated the movement and carried vandalism for which it has nothing to do. Parsa District President Jitendra Sony of the MJF accepted that there has been penetration of regressive forces at their peaceful movement, which vandalized and torched government offices and vehicles and these forces are responsible to life threat and ill-treatment to journalists.
Concerns and Responses
Louis Arbour, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights urged the government to resolve Madhes dispute through dialogue and consensus. Ian Martin, Special Representative to UNGS, said that all the parties inclusive of Maoists should strive to find solution to Madhes problem. The Indian Ambassador to Nepal also urged all to restrain and Nepal government to peacefully settle the problem in Madhes.
The PM called the concerned parties including Janatantrik Madhesi Mukti Morcha (JTMM) for dialogue to settle the issues of Madhes. Maoist Supremo Prachanda ruled out any dialogue with any organization including MJF that has no capacity and strength of their own but designed by palace and Hindu fundamentalists. All the key political parties, except Maoists, have urged the government to form talks team and initiate dialogue, but it has not been actualized. CPN (Maoist) is pressuring SPA to directly announce Federal Democratic Republic prior to CA elections.
On January 25, 2007 the meeting of Human Rights Joint Forum and Madhes Study and Development Society, which included representatives of MJF, Human Rights Defenders, civil society and Intellectuals decided the following 4-point proposal:
Address the demand put forward by MJF and other classes and groups to declare immediately federal democracy and proportionate electoral system in the IC;
Call for talks to solve the problems existing in the country;
Stop immediately all repressive actions and punish the perpetrators; and
Invites the government and the stakeholders including MJF to form talks teams to initiate dialogue.
The two factions of JTMM, led by Jaya Krishna Goit and Jwala Singh had proclaimed solidarity with the MJF movement and called for their cadres and supporters to join in. Matrika Yadav said that the JTMM had been fighting against the Maoists while all including Maoists had been fighting against the monarchy and asked if not they, who the royalists were.
The Nepal Sadhbhavna Party-Mandal, the ex-Privy Council members, the ex-Pancha (Royalists of Panchayat Regime) were active in the movement. Dr. Baburam Bhattarai alleged that hooligans from India were brought to conduct the movement launched by MJF. Similarly, different organizations such as Adibashi Janajati Mahasangh (Federation of Indigenous/Nationalities), Dalit Organizations and Organizations related to Madhes and Muslims have announced their solidarity with the Madhesi movement.
The old leaders of all political parties carrying old thinking, old style, old methodologies, old culture and everything old on their backs with a purpose to build a NEW NEPAL proclaimed the Interim Constitution on January 15, 2007; opposition to which was started from the following day. People regard the “New Constitution” as no better than old hag in new clothes. Nepal Congress has the concept of inclusive democracy. CPN (UML) has adopted the policy of democratic inclusive republic and the CPN (Maoist) is in favor of Ethnic/Regional/Linguistic Federal Democratic Republic and Proportional Representative Electoral System. But the CPN (Maoist) failed to convince SPA on their demands. Consequently, both Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the IC came on public excluding the interests and voices of people. This sentiment has had an overwhelming impact over the marginalized and disadvantaged communities and groups. In fact, the 11-years armed conflict of the CPN (Maoist) has created massive awareness that could not have been generated within the evolutionary trend of 100 years. However, the IC did not offer rights compared to the consciousness of the masses. Madhes is burning with the slogan ‘no rights without sacrifice.’ There are six types of people involved in the Madhes movement. Firstly, the MJF initiated and led the Madhes movement that was non-violent. But it turned violent as neither their organization and networking nor was leadership strong. Secondly, the common people ushered by their consciousness came together for their rights and duties, which was without leadership leading to increase in violence. The third are the Madhesi activists, who felt insulted by their own leadership within SPAM since long on the course to implement to their demands, have been involved actively in the movement. The fourth is the royalist force comprising of the NSP-M, cadres of RPP and Rastriya Jana Shakti Party, former Pancha (politicians of Panchayat Regime), the ‘elected’ members of Municipalities during King’s sham Municipality elections. These have been intensifying the pockets of and support for the movement. It has been supporting the movement with finance and activism to fish in troubled waters. The fifth force is Hindu fundamentalists, including Indian and Nepali, with the purpose to reestablish Hindu Kingdom have been fueling the fire to reinstate Monarchy in Nepal. The sixth are both the factions of TJMM, which have withdrawn talks with the government and dived into the movement. All the above forces are unfolding violent struggle under the banner of MJF. On the other side, the lack of leadership on the Madhes violence, none of the political and civil society actors pressure enough the government to initiate dialogue.
In the early period, the SPA became viewers to the tussle between the Maoists and MJF that the ‘tiger’ would devour the ‘deer’, but they have become bewildered as the Madhesi movement began targeting SPA. The PM’s statement urging Maoist leaders to apologize for Lahan incident added fuel to violence in Madhes. The sole ‘politics’ of SPA is spearheaded to minimize the ‘image’ of Maoists in public.
The incidences in Madhes have made wounds in the hearts of entire Nepali people and timely dressing and addressing to the wounds is pertinent to stop it spreading, otherwise it may develop into a cancer. The crisis is in reality identity clash in Nepal, which represents castes, classes, gender, regions, religions, cultures, languages, etc. Nepal is a common of all Nepalis. All the political forces should timely and adequately comply to talks, dialogue, negotiations and cooperation for New Nepal. The present need is Federal Democracy and Proportional Election System including geographical representation. Special attention should also be given to sensitive zones like Karnali who occurs about 15% areas of Nepal, but fewer populations. If not, violent conflict will be recurring that could intensify ethnic and communal violence.
Nepal has a legacy of upheaval, violence reigning over dreams of Nepali people at every 10 years’ interval since 1950/51. In order to pragmatically fulfill people’s interest, desires, aspirations and demands people ought to have their due rights, “otherwise Nepal is waiting the other type of war – an ethnic war or civil war”(p. 393).
Contributed by Dr. Bishnu Pathak and Chitra Niraula
Assisted by Shankar Poudyal, Prem Prasad Pathk, Yahsoda Upreti and Krishna Sundar Thapa

CS Center is an academic, policy oriented and research based non-government, non-partisan and non-profit autonomous institution registered with the Government of Nepal. Its purpose is to promote peace, respect human rights, enhance democratic process, and protect the poor, marginalized, disadvantaged and vulnerable (PMDV) people and endorse social justice and dignity through education, training, action research, action advocacy, capacity building and networking as a Think Tank, Center for Excellence. It has networks with 2,000 academic and professional institutions, including TRANSCEND, Woodrow Wilson Center, European Peace University, etc. in 76 countries. It is the TRANSCEND chapter in Nepal. It’s International Advisors are: Professor Dr. Johan Galtung, TRANSCEND; Professor Dr. Virginia E. O’Leary, USA; Professor Dr. David Seddon, UK; Professor Dr. Dietrich Fischer, European Peace University, Austria; Professor Dr. Raymond Saner, Switzerland, Professor Dr. Brigitt Steinmann, France; Dr. Anthony Callow, New Zealand; Associate Professor Dr. Karen Valentin, Denmark; Associate Professor Richard Gendron, Canada; and Associate Professor Dr. Renato Libanora, Italy

daju,i want publish my article in your wabe page about madhes issue.&iwant to be a member of your forum.
Madhesi problem: A burning issue in Nepal
Nepal, never end peace and love, the meaning of this phrase has been lost in the concept of Nepal from a long period of time. This Himalayan country
now is burning in fire due to seeds of discardness brought about by major
Political parties and maoist relating to madhesi problem. The recently held
19 day long revolution which enforced king Gyanendra to inherit sovereignty in
People and took off his direct rule from administration process of the country
showed a great positive response towards the bright future of country. The
Government formed after this incident hold talks with maoist and brought them in peace process. The peace process reached to a land mark deal between
Government and maoist, but the interim constitution brought by Nepal’s government and maoist didn’t address a single problem relating to madhesi and thus the revolution started .
Mainly the people of Terai region are known as Madhesi. This region consist of larg e population of country. They have been discriminated by a long period, from the period of Prithvinarayan shah to recently formed Nepal government rule on the basis of cast ,creed ,color etc. they have been discriminated by calling different names such as biharis, dhotis , bhaiya and other in their own land. The government formed at different periods in history of Nepal became unable to realize Madhes as integral part of the country .Tthe laws which has been made never came in practice but it only got limited in papers which created this situation today.In their country Nepal the Madhesis are living the life of slaves hated by highland communities. There is no equal participation of madhesis in ruling the country. Although Madhes is the main backbone of the country from every point of view . History is great proof that there is no Madhesis in the country largest 90000 army. Educated professionals are a lot in Madhes but their participation in civil services, law making sectors are very rare. Till now no one have become chief judge or the head of planning commission. There is no right of this people to become ViceChancellor of any public university of Nepal, because thy are Madhesi .
The root of crisis is very deep long standing bitterness among the Madhesi people they have been awaiting for along period of time and now they have started the revolution for their rights which they deserves.The whole terai is burning and the government and maoist are putting oil in it .Day and night time curfews are imposd on many towns in madhes region but the people are not following it many of them have been injured, at least 10 have been dead. Violent condition is present at moment .But a single demand has not been address by government of Nepal. The violence has been started but the government is silent in this issue. The government still wants to banish this protests by imposing curfews but this attempt will fail. Old man, young people , children, women have started coming out from their villages to show protest for their rights. The demands of these people should be full filled. Madhes should be made autonomous, Proportional electoral system, the seats of member of parliament should be well defined on the basis of population and 85%tax(approx.) which is collected from this region should be used in great amount for the development of this region. The development should not be limited in capital. If the government didn’t take any initiative step to solve this problem, no doubt Nepal will enter very fastly in internal violence and whole responsibility for creating this situation will go toward Nepal’s interim government and maoist , history will proof it.
The revolution which has started now will surely reach it achievement .the madhesis are now self sufficient to solve their own problem They can develop their own region in a more prosperous way. Till now no one has become Prime Minister in Nepalese
History from madhes region because they have done only one crime i.e. they are madhesis. Thus one day madhes will be made autonomous, seats should be increased in MP’s and their will be equal involvement of madhesis in every sectors. strict laws
should be enforced to end discrimination. If no any better solution taken in time then this revolution will take the country future towards diminished dark light and hoping for peace for the people of this Himalayan kingdom will be a vain.
Ashok kumar Hathi
University of Dhaka

Nepalganj report, for your information. This report was made public by civil
society Nepalganj and Joint Forum for Human Rights in Kathmandu.

With regards

Charan Prasai

Parmendra ji,
We should have combined press release from USA on the behalf of current Terai Situation.
If you think so, please let me know. How can we work together.
In my views, This is not problem in between Pahadi and Madhesi and not only problem in Terai .This is problem of whole Nepal, and big challenge for new NEPAL. This is also big weakness of current government or eight parties. The government is unable to address andolan bahavana. People think all the madhesi, dalit, mahila, janajati, will be addressed ,but instead of that government trying to eliminated people voice. We will talk on phone more about it,

Hi Parmendra:

What's ur phone number? Let's talk and arrange something at the new school.


Never mind- I had it all the times with me, just was not looking at
the right place

On 1/29/07, Shiva Gautam wrote:
> Paramendra ji,
> Do you have Anil Jha ji's phone number in Nepal (home and cell) by any chance?
> Thanks
> Shiva

Do you know any Nepali women in NY who can talk about the current
situation of Nepal women.?
