Friday, October 06, 2006

Loktantrik Madhesi Samaj: Corrections To Interim Constitution

Some comments.
  1. It is positive that the country has been described as tending towards a democratic republic.
  2. The mention of a federal republic is positive.
  3. Nepali has been described as the link language with the federal government. That is more specific than what you often encounter. That means the states might not have Nepali as their official language.
  4. I keep thinking there has not been enough discussion on the language issue. This is where the country's diversity really comes full force. The issue is complex and delicate. (Language Policy)
  5. The part on citizenship is much more clear here than in the interim constitution. This is the number one issue for the Madhesi community. We can not allow them to cut corners on this one. This issue has to be resolved once and for all.
  6. The mention of DaMaJaMa put together is positive. We really have to forge a political coalition of those four groups. There is power in numbers.
  7. An interim parliament that is 425 strong is too big. That is twice as big as the current parliament. That is too many unelected people.
  8. The interim parliament should be one of eight parties.
  9. The constituent assembly that will have one member for every 50,000 Nepali will be too big, perhaps at 540. I believe that to be the size of the Indian parliament and the US House. We need something half that size.
  10. I am glad the proposal is to directly elect all members to the constituent assembly.
  11. But I don't understand why there is no talk of reserved seats for the DaMaJaMa.
  12. The 45% reservation for the DaMaJaMa and the disabled for the civil service should apply across the board. That should apply for the police, the army, the judiciary.
  13. The reservation provision for the DaMaJaMa in the party structures is positive, but what has been suggested is not specific enough.
  14. Adding the Speaker and the Opposition Leader to the committee that governs the army is perhaps positive.
  15. I think the suggestion is to have a president like in India. I am thinking more along American lines.
Proposed Constitution
नेपालको अन्तरिम संविधान
Critiquing The Interim Constitution
Text Of The Interim Constitution
UML Thoughts On Interim Constitution
Critiquing The Nepali Congress Proposed Constitution
Critiquing The Maoist Proposed Constitution
Indigenous Nationalities Peace Commission Nepal: Interim Constitution
Interim Constitution Draft
Zimbabwe: The Constitution Is Faulty
Interim Constitution, Revolutionary Parliament

In The News

Prachanda meets with PM, talks about summit meeting NepalNews The talks between the two was said to be concentrated on the summit talks and how it can be made conclusive. .... Koirala has been saying that the summit talks this time could last for a couple of days until the two sides reach common positions on key sticking points such as arms management, interim parliament and interim constitution.
PM asks for patience
US official stresses for a "meaningful peace" in Nepal
Int'l community ready to help Nepal's peace process: Oli
Military and election specialists to join the UN team
Nepal government 'surprised' with US remarks about refugee resettlement the US is ready to take up to 60,000 Bhutanese refugees. ..... There are around 106,000 Bhutanese living in UNHCR-run camps in the eastern district of Jhapa and Morang. ..... The US proposal has not been received with excitement by the refugee leaders who say that their first priority should be the repatriation.
Prachanda visits Manakamana, inspects cable car system he told reporters that the technology of cable car should be expanded to other parts of the country as well. He met with devotees who had thronged at the temple.
UML's tea reception today, NC to host it tomorrow
PM Koirala discusses Congress unification with KP Bhattarai
RPP leaders come down hard against government Immediately after the incident, the villagers had captured two gunmen and beat them to death. According to JTMM president Jaikrishna Goit, the two gunmen killed by the villagers were Rudal Mahato, Siraha commander of JTMM, and Bihari Mahato, Siraha coordinator.

Differences persist between Maoists, Nepal Govt on arms issue The Maoists have warned of a Thai-like military coup in Nepal if the government kept up its insistence on managing the arms of the rebels before taking into account the weapons of the army.

US pressurises Maoists in Nepal BBC News, UK
US official says Nepal peace talks hold 'great promise' Monsters and
Nepal's Maoists must change to lose US terror tag Reuters
ANALYSIS: High hopes for Nepal talks Bangkok Post
Nepal: Generous US resettlement offer may help break Bhutanese ... Reuters AlertNet, UK
US Offer To Take Refugees Could Break Bhutan-Nepal Deadlock Washington File
Nepal-Bhutan Talks Over Refugees Next Month: Oli Himalayan Times
Nepal's Development Depends On Reforms American Chronicle, CA
UN team expands in Nepal People's Daily Online, China

PM says 'Summit Talks' will be held in several rounds, assures it to be fruitful Kantipur Publications
Prachanda doubts govt intention, accuses it of deviating from 8-point pact
Nepal, Bhutan to hold talks over refugees in November
US official urges govt, Maoists to observe commitments
CPN-UML organises annual tea party
Prachanda visits Mankamana, observes cable car service
Panel to send king questions next week
Living in agony with shrapnel
Leaders optimistic about summit talks, say informal meets positive
Koirala, Bhattarai meet; agree on Congress unification
Two Tibetan refugees said to be killed in an attempt to sneak into Nepal
युवराजदम्पती गोरखामा
शिखर वार्ता तयारी गुणराज लुइँटेल ..... राजासम्बन्धी प्रश्न, हतियार तथा सैन्य व्यवस्थापन, अन्तरिम संसद् निर्माण र राज्यको पुनर्संरचना ...... ती विषयमा समाधान निस्किए अन्तरिम संविधान जारी भई मुलुकमा नयाँ परिस्थिति सिर्जना हुनेछ । ..... माओवादीका सेना र हतियार अलग गर्नुपर्छ भनी राज्यका तर्फबाट राखिएको प्रस्ताव माओवादीले मानेको छैन । 'हतियार छुटाइसकेपछि त्यो सेनै हुँदैन र हतियारबेगरको सेनालाई अस्थायी शिविरमा किन राख्नुपर्‍यो ?' भन्ने माओवादीको तर्क छ । ........ दुवै सेना क्याम्पमा बस्ने र तिनलाई संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघको 'नियन्त्रण' मा राख्न सकिने माओवादीको धारणा छ । माओवादीले आफ्नो र राज्यको दुवै सेना विघटन गर्नुपर्छ भन्ने माग छोड्न एउटा सर्त राखेको छ- दुवै सेना पुनर्संरचनाका लागि भरपर्दो आश्वासन । ...... 'हाम्रो सेनाको हतियार छुटाउने हो भने भोलि दुई सेना मिलाउने, दुवै मिलाएर सानो सेना बनाउने, दुवैका हतियार भण्डारण गर्ने -बरु हाम्रो धेरै र राज्यको सेनाको थोरै गरे पनि हुन्छ) भने समाधान निस्किन सक्छ' ...... दलहरूले अन्तरिम विधायिकामा ३ सयदेखि ३ सय २५ सम्म सदस्य राख्ने र त्यसमा २ सय ५ सदस्यबाहेक अरू माओवादीलाई स्थान दिने प्रस्ताव गरेका छन् । माओवादीले त्यस्तो संरचनामा आफू, नागरिक समाज र सात दल सबैलाई एक/एक तिहाइ हुनुपर्ने अडान राखेको छ । ......... त्यस्तै संविधानसभा निर्वाचन समानुपातिक मतका आधारमा गर्ने माओवादीको धारणा छ भने सात दल प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचनलाई नै निरन्तरता दिर्ने पक्षमा छन् । ...... माओवादीले सामाजिक, आर्थिक, सांस्कृतिक क्षेत्रमा पुनर्संरचनाको प्रस्ताव गरेको छ । सात दल भने राज्य पुनर्संरचनाजस्ता मुद्दा संविधानसभाले टुंगो लगाउने र त्यसका लागि व्यापक गृहकार्य गर्नुपर्ने पक्षमा छन् ।
कांग्रेस वार्ता गृहकार्यमा बैठकमा अन्तरिम संविधान- विधायिका-सरकार निर्माण र हतियार व्यवस्थापनलगायतका मुद्दामा पार्टीले लिनुपर्ने अडान र सहमतिका लागि लचिलो हुनुपर्नेबारे छलफल भएको जानकारी स्रोतले दिएको छ ।
एकीकरणमा कोइराला र भट्टराई सहमत
शान्ति प्रक्रिया
मध्यमस्र्याङ्दीको अबौर्ंको बिजुली खेर जाने
दसैं अर्थात् जातीय एकता
दलहरू चियापानमा व्यस्त
समाजवादी गणतन्त्र हुनुपर्छ ः बिजुक्छे
गाउँलेमाथि सैनिक कुटपिट
गजुरेलको रिहाइ फेरि सर्‍यो
गुरुङको मृत्यु जनजाति आन्दोलनलाई धक्का’
सद्भावनाले मधेसीलाई पत्र पठाउने
'नागरिकताबिना लोकतन्त्र अर्थहीन' कांग्रेस -प्रजातान्त्रिक) का महामन्त्री विमलेन्द्र निधिले मधेसीलाई नागरिकताबिना लोकतन्त्रको कुनै अर्थ नरहने बताएका छन् । 'नागरिकता र लोकतन्त्र एकअर्काको पूरक हुन्, नागरिकता प्राप्तिबिना लोकतन्त्र वा गणतन्त्र बिनाकामको हुन्छ,' लोकतान्त्रिक मधेसी समाजको अन्तरक्रियामा यहाँ बिहीबार उनले भने । मुलुकमा नागरिकता समस्या समाधानका लागि गरिएका सम्पूर्ण प्रयास नियोजित तरिकाले असफल बनाइएको दाबी गर्दै उनले हाल संसद्मा प्रस्तुत नागरिकता विधेयकलाई एमालेले अपेक्षित सहयोग नगरेको आरोप लगाए । ...... समानुपातिक र समावेशीकरणको नारा लगाउने सञ्चारमाध्यमले समेत मधेसी समस्यालाई यथोचित स्थान नदिएको गुनासो गर्दै उनले प्रश्न गरे- 'सरकारको तीन अंगमा मधेसी उपेक्षित भयो, अब चौथो अंगमा उपेक्षित रहने ?' ...... भाषाविद् डा. रामअवतार यादवले मधेसीहरूको वृत्तिविकासमा नेपाली भाषाको एकाधिकार प्रमुुख बाधक रहेको दाबी गरे । 'भाषाकै कारण मधेसीहरू प्रशासनिक सेवाबाट वञ्चित रहँदै आएका छन्,' उनले भने । चिकित्सक रामकेबल साहले २३८ वर्षसम्म उपेक्षित मधेसीको समस्या सरकारले समेत समाधान नगर्ने उल्लेख गर्दै नागरिकतालगायत समस्या समाधान निम्ति राष्ट्रसंघमा जानुुपर्ने धारणा राखे । अन्तरक्रियामा समाज अध्यक्ष गंगाप्रसाद साह, रामनारायण साह, सद्भावना -आनन्दीदेवी) का केन्द्रीय सदस्य रेणुु यादवसमेतले बोलेका थिए ।
डा. हर्कलाई सम्झँदा
शान्तिका लागि नागरिक समाज

Sunday talks: PM strikes note of optimism Himalayan Times
US expert’s charges baseless: Gurung

Thursday, October 05, 2006

ANONYC: Association of Nepali Organizations in New York City

Voting Rights For Immigrants In New York City

I feel like there is a need for it, an association that appreciates the vertical implications of one person, one vote. What we have right now is skewed. We don't have much. The only umbrella organization I am aware of right now is the GFIPN, Global Federation of the Indigenous People of Nepal. (Alliance, GFIPN: Audio, Video, Global Federation Of Indigenous People Of Nepal)

Here is what I am looking at.

Let's say there are 40,000 Nepalis in New York City. And let's say there are 30 Nepali organizations in the city, with anywhere between 10 and 200 members each. Some organizations have membership dues, and some don't, that is their private thing.

We would form this umbrella organization. Any willing organization can become a member. The president or representative of the organization will be the designated member. Each organization will have to reveal how many members it has. You do that by submitting the names and basic contact info such as email address and/or phone number of each member. There should be a provision that each organization must elect its president at least once every two years. All members of that organization should have the option to contest and vote.

Within that umbrella organization, each member organization's weight will be directly proportional to the number of members it has. This is what I call the vertical implications of one person one vote. We have to practice internal democracy. This will also put pressure on the existing organizations to constantly expand their memberships. The umbrella organization concept will also encourage the launch of new organizations so we can get a much larger number of Nepalis to get organized.

This will make the ANONYC the official host of all the visiting Nepali dignitaries.

The KP Oli Event

We have to do this to earn voting rights in the city. If you have a green card, you should be able to vote in the city elections. Those who can vote make more money than those who can't.

Unity is strength. And the internal democracy within that unity makes sure we stay vibrant, makes sure we don't succumb to groupthink, or to the backstabbing, leg-pulling brand of politics. Let there be healthy competition. Let there be transparency.

I for one have no desire whatsoever to run for ANONYC president. Between Hamro Nepal and the Nepali Convention, my plate is full.

Race Relations And The Nepali Diaspora

Everybody is aware of it, but noone hardly talks about it. Race just so happens to be the elephant in the room. The closest thing to discussions on race I have had with Nepalis in the city is where some folks who manage to get "close" to me speak to me like they were the racist white folks from my past. That is perhaps their way of helping me feel the pain they feel through the racism they experience. Here, let me inflict some pain on you so you can feel my pain kind of deal.

I don't put up with it. I don't care if you are white or brown. You don't make racist comments and get along with me.

On the other hand, if you were to talk about issues in race relations, I am all ears. If you want to talk to me about your personal experiences, I am all ears. If you want to seek my advice, I am all ears. And I have political solutions I can suggest. You could say I have something akin to a Ph.D. in race relations. I am a doctor. I can help you. But for that you have to be willing to talk. You don't try to inflict pain on me, you seek a conversation with me. I am all ears.

There is too much internalized anger in the Nepali community. A new solidarity has to be built based on shared stories of experiences in racism. I am perfectly willing to take the lead. I am about to record in audio hours and hours of my stories. Got to vent the anger. That will be good for your emotional health.

We are in such bad shape locally, we don't even miss the fact that we can't vote. We are starving, but we are not even aware we are hungry.

Step one is to realize we are disenfranchised as a community. Step two is to earn the right to vote. Step three is empowerment through that right to vote. Step four would be to see Nepalis run for office.

Hamro Nepal
ANA Convention: My Hamro Nepal Speech
Hamro Nepal Has Three Goals
Hamro Nepal Will Not Be Registered
Hamro Nepal: Free Membership
Hamro Nepal: Membership Drive
Hamro Nepal, Latest
Hamro Nepal: Draft Constitution
Hamro Nepal All Set To Be Launched
Organization: Hamro Nepal

Nepali Convention Leadership Weekly Meeting
Nepali Convention: Management
Nepali Convention 2007: Venue Options: Flushing
Nepali Convention 2007 Shifted To Last Weekend In May

In The News

PM Koirala discusses Congress unification with KP Bhattarai NepalNews
Seven district HQs to be linked by roads within a year eastern districts Sankhuwasabha, Bhojpur and Khotang and western districts Bajhang, Kalikot, Jajarkot and Jumla... Rs.700 million has been earmarked for the road projects launched recently following the adoption of a 20-year master plan by the ministry. The ministry has also planned to construct 27 bridges as part of the road projects linking the seven districts. ... other seven district headquarters would also have roads within 1-2 years. ... there are 14 district headquarters untouched by roads
MP Swar calls on developed countries to fulfil their commitments to LDCs

Leaders intensify efforts to reach common positions before summit talks NepalNews are yet to reach common positions on key issues. ..... On Wednesday, second-rung leaders of Nepali Congress, NC –Democratic and Unified Marxist Leninist (UML) held hours-long talks with their Maoist counterparts in Hyatt Hotel in Kathmandu. .....
Deuba meets with Koirala
Judges suspend their national conference
Law minister addresses UN General Assembly

Maoists continuing abductions: NHRC NepalNews the rebels abducted 11 persons from different places in the last two weeks. Of them, three persons still remain in their control.
Signing of Nepal-India Extradition Treaty deferred due to ‘Maoist objection’ the Maoist demand that no major treaties be signed with foreign countries before the summit talks. .... the new treaty does not allow - as feared by many in Nepal - Indian security officials to come into Nepal and apprehend anybody wanted by them.
US ready to 'absorb' up to 60,000 Bhutanese refugees from Nepal

Prachanda warns of capital-centered 'new revolution' Kantipur Publications

In Nepal, time to check the dangerous drift The Hindu a needless controversy over the disposition of Maoist arms. ..... insisting on the surrender of arms before a political settlement was like putting the cart before the horse ....... the old order and its backers have begun reasserting themselves. ...... Also involved in this anti-Maoist scare campaign are Army officers who have not yet reconciled themselves to the loss of the "Royal" prefix from the name of the Nepal Army. ...... Nowhere do the letters speak of decommissioning. ..... the dangerous drift that has set in on the formation of an interim government. ...... Washington has muddied the waters with its strident anti-Maoist campaign

Deuba stresses on homework for Congress unity NepalNews a lot of technical homework to be carried out before the two Congress parties can unite. ..... "There are 75 districts and in each district there are district presidents and secretaries. Likewise, there are 205 constituencies and in each of those places we have party secretaries. Same is the case with 58 municipalities and thousands of Village Development Committees," Deuba said referring to the huge organization restructuring that would be needed for completing the unity of two Congress parties.
Oli to return home on October 6
PM Koirala returns to Kathmandu
US ready to 'absorb' up to 60,000 Bhutanese refugees from Nepal
Prachanda accuses govt of delaying peace talks accused the SPA government of delaying the peace talks thereby giving chance to regressive forces and foreign powers to play into Nepal's politics. ..... Addressing a training programme for district level Maoist leaders' at Jalbire of Sindhupalchok district, Prachanda said the Maoists were preparing for a “new form of people's revolt strong enough to capture Kathmandu and the state power”. The people’s revolt will be led by local Newars, he said. ...... the Maoists would opt for a peaceful movement than to return to jungle for armed rebellion. ..... “The government is not serious about talks,” he said. ..... Prachanda returned to capital on Tuesday by a Pajero.
Gyawali to Maoists: End extortion, abduction
Nepal's Peace Process: Need to Get Back to the Basics - By Anga R. Timilsina The violation of the spirit of the ongoing peace process by continuing (if not increasing) the activities, such as use of violence against those who do not submit to them, forced donations, forced unionization campaigns, abductions, and even killings, has questioned the Maoists' true intentions. ...... there is no effective mechanism for monitoring the code of conduct and agreements that have been previously signed. ....... there is a need to form a standing peace council at district levels ..... effective peace-building requires a successful reintegration at the community level. ....... effective local governance substantially helps in bringing the rebels into the mainstream by providing a mechanism to deal with the issues related to community-based rehabilitation and reintegration, return of refugees and internally displaced persons, property rights, justice and reconciliation, healing process, and revival of essential infrastructure and services. ....... crucial that consultation, coordination and dialogue mechanisms are established at the local level ........ the lack of practical monitoring and dispute resolution mechanisms at both national and local levels. ....... he inability of the SPA to reach to common positions before going to a submit talk with the Maoists ...... There is little chance that the SPA will buy the Maoist idea for state restructuring because it is widely believed that the Maoist model of state restructuring will contribute towards the ethnic division by threatening age-old secularism and coexistence of multi-ethnicity......... the question regarding what to do with the Maoist militias is likely to be contentious. ....... Some people in the SPA are discussing to have an agreement with the Maoists that anyone who is going to be caught with weapons after the cantonment process will be charged with criminal offenses. On the other hand, the Maoists are arguing that the Armed Police Force of Nepal, a semi-military institution, should be abolished and the Maoist militias should be merged with Nepal Police before the CA elections. It should be noted that the elections will not be held in intimidation-free environment unless the issue of the Maoists militia is resolved........... a comprehensive peace agreement that will include the agreement on the interim constitution, interim parliament, arms management, and state restructuring. They will also announce the date for the CA elections. ...... the Maoists may pull out of the talks and call for mass protests. ..... if the violence breaks out during the protests, Nepal may witness the end of the peace process. If Nepal Army is mobilized to quell down the agitation, Nepal will return to a civil war. The United States, India, and other countries are likely to resume their military aid to Nepal government while the Maoists may go back to jungle and resume their guerilla war............... an agreement to delay the discussion on the state restructuring until the CA elections can not be ruled out. ...... the SPA seems to have spent very little time to do homework ...... Nepal's peace process has experienced deadlock mainly because it has been deviated from the basics of the peace process....... it is very important to have a consensus among the SPA factions before going for October 8 summit talks ........... the success of any negotiation is a matter of both psychology and pragmatism. ............. Confining the Maoist arms and army to the cantonments and Nepal Army to the barracks could reduce the fear but security can not be fully ensured without controlling Maoist militias' atrocities. ..... if both the Maoists and the government do not agree on the scheme to merge these two armies before the CA elections , the complexity will only be added to the disarmament issues. Both parties need to agree on a plan for decommissioning the Maoist arms before the CA elections........ without the return of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and a people-to-people reconciliation at the local level, no election can be meaningful in conflict-emerged countries. ...... establishing an effective mechanism for returning IDPs and forming a truth and justice commission in order to facilitate the reconciliation process.

King Gyanendra terms peace process as nation’s need NepalNews
Nepal’s peace process will be an example for the world, PM says
Maoists abduct former mayor
Maoist leaders busy in ‘party functions’ during Dashain we do not believe in celebrating the festival as a form of religious dogma .... we do not believe that one should wait for Dashain to meet with relatives .... his party’s intention is to keep on continuing holding summit talks until the outstanding issues like interim constitution are settled
Ten injured in clash between Dalit and ‘upper caste’ communities in Bajura
The Interim Constitution - By Prof. Andrew Arato
Girl injured in firing in Kathmandu
PM Koirala hopes successful summit talks
IFJ calls for protection of Nepalese journalists
Mahara reiterates the importance of settling political issues
PM says arms management is main priority; PM, ministers to ‘boycott’ Dashain Tika from King
US Secretary of State against allowing "armed groups in the political process"
Vice-Chairman of People's Front Nepal, Lila Mani Pokhrel speaking


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Monday, October 02, 2006

Pramukh Dar

(sent to Kantipur)

Pramukh Dar
by Paramendra Bhagat
October 2, 2006

Rajako dar chhaina. Desh ganatantramaya bhai sakyo. Sena ko dar chhaina. Kuko sambhavana chhaina. Maobadile communist tanashahi ladne dar chhaina. Dar chha bhane rajnitik party ra netaharooko aba.

April kranti le netalai hoina nagariklai shakti dine bhaneko ho. Shakti nagarikko tahasamma puryauna thuprai karya garna banki chha.

Pahilo kura ta ganatantrako sthapana nai ho. Samanti rajsansthako antya nagari naya Nepalko nirman sambhav chhaina. Kunai jamana thiyo jati bela pratyek deshma euta euta raja hune garthyo. Tyo purano jamanako kura ho. April kranti ko pramukh mandate nai ganatantra ho. Tyo mandate aath party le rajnitik nirnay liyera ahilyai pura garna sakchhan. Hoina bhane ballot box ka marfat rajtantralai milkai dina sakinchha.

Costa Rica ma sena chhaina. Ma ta bhanchhu Nepal lai pani sena chahiyeko chhaina. Hameelai chahiyeko sikchhak, swasth karyakarta ho. Dubai sena ka sainik lai desh ko arthatantra ko niji chhetra ma pasna maddat gardiun. Dosro bishwa yuddha bata pharke pachhi America le tyasari nai afno senalai downsize garnapareko thiyo.

Sena rakhne ho bhane pani 30,000 bhanda badhi chahindaina jasto lagchha malai. Tyasko pani jatiya ra laingik pakchha sochnu paryo. Kamse kam 33% ta mahila hunai parchha. Tyastai ahile samma nabhayeko Madhesi sahabhagita hunaparyo. Kunai pani janatako chhora athwa chhori sena ko mathillo taha samma pugne naya system basalna paryo.

Dosro pramukh kura sanghiya sarkar ko sthapana ho. Ahile tyasko naksa Maobadi sanga matra chha aath party madhye. Tyo lajja ko kura ho. Maobadi ko naksa ma nau wata jatiya rajya ko byabastha chha. Tyo naramro naksa hoina, tara ma tyo naksa sanga asahamat chhu. Maile pesh gardai ayeko naksama euta kendra chha, teen wata rajya chhan, ra jamma 25 wata jilla chhan. Teen rajya Kosi, Gandaki, Karnali. Maile kalpana gareko sanghiya sarkar mukhya roople arthik ho, jatiya hoina. Euta swatantra, loktantrik deshko nagrikle deshbhari jahan sukai basai sarai garna paunu parchha. Euta arthik roople swastha deshma tanna basai sarai hunchha.

Sanghiya sarkar ra bikendrikaran eutai kura hoina. Bikendrikaranle pahila pani pugeko thiyena, ra ahile pani pugdaina. Bikendrikaranma pradeshharoo ta hunchhan, tara tee pradeshka afnai sansad hundainan. Hameelai tyasto bikendrikaran chahiyeko chhaina.

Loktantra bhaneko ek byakti ek matko abadharana ho. Sansarma kahin nabhayeko loktantrako nirman Nepal ma garna sakne mauka hameelai April krantile diyekochha.

Rajtantra samapta garera matra pugdaina. Sena ko loktantrikaran matra garera hundaina. Rajnitik party haroo lai paradarshi ra loktantrik banaunu tyo bhanda kam jaroori chha jasto malai lagdaina. Rajnitik party ra neta bhanda nagarik lai baliyo banauna ke garna paryo ta?

Malai lagchha Nepalma sansar ko sarbottam loktantra ko sthapana garna rajniti bata paisa lai hatauna paryo. Sabai party le afno aya byaya ko sampurna hisab kitab ahile dekhi nai pardarshi garna parne prabadhan antarim sambidhan ma rakhna atyanta jaroori chha. Tyas pachhi rajnitik party le chanda uthauna na paune kanoon lyaunu paryo. Kunai party le euta rashtriya chunavma jati mat lyaunchha tyahi anusar rajya bata nai paisa paune byabastha huna paryo. Rajtantra palna pugyo, aba rajnitik party palne.

Arko pakchha pratyakchha nirbachanko ho. Hamee le belayat ra bharat jasto hoina america jasto sochna paryo. America ma pani na bhayeko sochna saknu paryo. Desh ma rashtrapati ko pratyakchha nirbachan huna paryo. Teen rajya ko Governor ko pratyakchha nirbachan huna paryo. 25 jilla ka adhyakchha haroo ko pratyakchha nirbachan huna paryo. Tallo sadan ra mathilla sadan ko pratyek sansad ko pratyakchha nirbachan huna paryo. Gaun ra shahar ko Mayor ko pratyakchha nirbachan huna paryo.

Aprillai nirbachan ko mahina banai dim. Sambidhan sabha ko nirbachan April 2007 ma garaun. Tyas pachhi dui barsa ko antaral ma April ma nirbachan hos. Jastai yo April ma kendriya star ko chunab hunchha bhane, tyasko dui April pachhi rajya ra jilla star ko chunab hunchha. Ek patak ma matadata le desh ko rashtrapati, tallo sadan ko sansad ra mathillo sadan ko sansad gari teen byakti chunne. Arko patak ma afno rajya ko Governor, tyas rajya ko tallo ra mathillo sadan ko sansad, ra jilla adhyakchha chunne. Tyastai gaun ra shahar level ka padadhikari kunai arko April ma chunne. April kranti lai adar garne tyo euta ramro tarika huna sakchha.

Ticket badne kaam party adhyakchha le garne hoina. Tyas prakriya lai bikendrit garera sthaniya tahasamma puryauna parchha.

Ahile Nepal ma Israel ko jasto samanupatik nirbachan pranali ko guff khubai fashion ma ayeko chha. Tyo ramro lakchhan hoina. Israel mai tyo system apachya bhairaheko chha. Tyas system ma aam nagarikko to shakti rajnitik party ka neta haroo le luchheko prateet hunchha. Hamee tyata tira lagnu hundaina. Sansadharoo netaharoo ko ashirbadle hoina, janatako matle banne byabastha huna parchha.

Tesro pakchha arakchhit seat ko ho. Bharat ma Ram Bilas Paswan arakchhit Dalit seat bata jitne gareka hun. Nepal ko sansad ma pani arakchhit seat haroo ko byabastha huna parchha. Kunai seat Dalit arakchhit seat ho bhane tyo seat ka lagi jun sukai party le ladna paunchha, tara pratyek party ko ummedwar Dalit nai huna parnechha. DaMaJaMa ka lagi arakchhan chahinchha. Tara DaMaJaMa samudaya ka dawedar haroo lai tika laune kaam Bahun netaharoole hoina aam janatale garna parchha.

Maile prastab gareko antarim sansad ma 101 sadasya chhan: Nepali Congress 30, UML 25, Maobadi 24, Congress (D) 15, Jana Morcha 3, Sadbhavana 2, NMKP 1, Left Front 1. 101 madhye 34 seat aimai lai, tyo 34 madhye 2/3 seat DaJaMalai. 101 madhye 16 seat DaJaMalai.

Samabeshikaran phagat euta nara matra hoina. Hamee le samabeshikaranlai sarthak banaunu parchha.

(Paramendra Bhagat Nepali Convention 2007, New York, ka adhyakchha hun, ra sansar ko pahilo digital democracy sangathan Hamro Nepal ka pani adhyakchha hun. Bhagat ko blog ma chha.)

In The News

King Gyanendra terms peace process as nation’s need NepalNews
Nepal’s peace process will be an example for the world, PM says
Maoists abduct former mayor
Maoist leaders busy in ‘party functions’ during Dashain we do not believe in celebrating the festival as a form of religious dogma .... we do not believe that one should wait for Dashain to meet with relatives .... his party’s intention is to keep on continuing holding summit talks until the outstanding issues like interim constitution are settled
Ten injured in clash between Dalit and ‘upper caste’ communities in Bajura
The Interim Constitution - By Prof. Andrew Arato If well designed, it can solve three fundamental problems. It can protect the country from dictatorship for the whole transitional period by subjecting all power holders both to its rules and to the separation of powers. That is why there must be an interim legislature and constitutional court in the document, and not just an interim executive as in older provisional government formulas. Second, being part of a two stage process it can provide the country important learning experiences with what works and what does not on the constitutional level so that the constitutional assembly can then design a better, more permanent constitution. And finally, if enacted through the inclusion of at least the main political forces and with the support of society, the interim constitution can solve the problem of how to begin legitimately a democratic order when a fully democratic beginning is impossible, since elections have not yet taken place and someone has to provide the rules and the framework for their organization........ it is the interim constitution that will establish Nepal’s place among the most advanced forms of constitution making in the modern world.
Girl injured in firing in Kathmandu
PM Koirala hopes successful summit talks
IFJ calls for protection of Nepalese journalists
Mahara reiterates the importance of settling political issues
PM says arms management is main priority; PM, ministers to ‘boycott’ Dashain Tika from King
US Secretary of State against allowing "armed groups in the political process"
Vice-Chairman of People's Front Nepal, Lila Mani Pokhrel speaking

Nepal king in rare public speech BBC News, UK
Nepal king breaks silence for peace
World can learn from Nepal in peace process: Nepali PM People's Daily Online, China
Nepal's isolated king comes out in support of peace Gulf News, United Arab Emirates
US experts to help identify Nepal crash victims Reuters AlertNet, UK

Summit talks after Dashain will be fruitful: PM Koirala Kantipur Publications
NA rules out rumour of compulsory tika from king
Goat demand sluggish this year
Arms management only issue over delay: Mahat
DPM Oli discusses Nepal peace process with US Secretary of State
प्रतिनिधिसभाबारे न्यायाधीश विभाजित
अर्थतन्त्रमा रेमिटेन्सको प्रभाव बढ्यो
शाही मन्त्रीबाट रकम असुल्ने निर्णय
दुई किताब, दुई राष्ट्रपति

Koirala clan converges for Dashain fest Himalayan Times Girija Prasad Koirala’s sister-in-law Nona is busy ever since his arrival in Biratnagar. The Koirala clan members have started coming to Nona’s house to celebrate Dashain. ...... “All the family members, who were staying outside Biratnagar including in Delhi, the US and Bangladesh, are scheduled to come here for Dashain. I am having a tough time managing things,” said Nona, adding: “We are going to celebrate Dashain together, this year, after a long hiatus.” ..... More than 60 members of our family will gather to celebrate Dashain this year ..... all the arriving relatives would be housed and fed at home. ..... late BP Koirala’s wife Sushila would not be able to come due to her physical condition. ..... Koirala is busy associating with relatives. He also urged his party activists, who came to meet him, to come for the Dashain feast. .... Koirala is also doing the daily rounds of different temples in town. This morning, he offered puja at Kali temple. ..... “I too have my private life. I will enjoy this Dashain with my family members.”


30 September 2006, Saturday304

1 October 2006, Sunday200
2 October09:16Citi Corporation, United States
2 October09:16Mahanagar Telephone Nigam, India
2 October09:36Swedish University Network, Sweden
2 October09:46Office of General Services, Albany, United States
2 October09:49The University of St. Andrews, United Kingdom
2 October10:02Verio Inc., United States
2 October10:07Mercantile Communications Pvt. Ltd., Nepal
2 October10:46PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Indonesia
2 October10:56PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Indonesia
2 October10:57HiNet, Taiwan

2 October11:21Bredbandsbolaget AB, Sweden
2 October11:24China Netcom Corp. Ltd., China

2 October12:29United Nations, New York, United States
2 October12:36IP Planet Networks, Israel
2 October12:40Sprintlink, Reston, United States
2 October12:44Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States
2 October13:08Comcast Communications, Washington, D.C., United States
2 October13:23Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad And Tobago
2 October14:13Southern Illinois University, United States
2 October14:22Avaya Corp., United States

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hgcfGbf]ng / jftf{sf] klxnf] k|d'v /fhgLlts Ph]08f xf]– /fhtGqsf] k|Zg . lul/hfk|;fb sf]O/fnfn] ;f]e}m jf s]=jL= u'?ªdfkm{t\ 3'dfP/ hlt;'s} h'g;'s} gfp“sf] /fhtGqsf] jsfnt u/] klg g]kfnL hgtf ca /fhtGqnfO{ cfo{3f6 jf Do'lhoddf afx]s cGoq b]Vg rfx“b}gg\ . b/af/ xTofsf08sf] lbgb]lv tTsfn} u0ftGqnfO{ ;+:yfut u/]/ hfg'k5{ eg]/ nuftf/ s/fp“b} cfPsf] g]skf -dfcf]jfbL_n] hL=kL=;+u s'g} 9+usf] /fhtGqaf/] uf]Ko ;dembf/L u/]sf] 5 eGg] ;km]b e'm6 / Uj]j]lnog / lbUe|dsf] v]tL u/]/ g]kfnL hgtfsf] ;r]tgf / dxfgtfsf] 3f]/ cjd"Nog / ckdfg ug{ vf]Hg] b/afl/of ef6x?n] s] a'‰bf x'G5 eg] dfcf]jfbL /fhtGqnfO{ cfh} / clxNo} pGd"ng ug{ rfxG5 / /fhtGqsf] ;tL hfg rfxg] hL=kL= of cGo sf]xL xf];\ p;nfO{ klg ;+u;+u} cfo{3f6df labf ug{ cft'/ 5 . To;}n] xfdLn] kf6L{sf] tk{maf6 k|:t't d:of}bf cGtl/d ljwfgdf tTsfn} u0ftGq 3f]if0ff u/]/ hfg'kg{] k|:tfj cl3 ;f/]sf xf}+ . k]ml/ klg zflGtjftf{df c? ljifodf ;xdlt aG5 eg] /fhtGqnfO{ tTsfn lgnDag u/f}+ / To;sf] clGtd cf}krfl/s 6'+uf] ;+ljwfg;ef lgjf{rgsf] a]nf 5'§} hgdt ;+u|xdfkm{t\ u/f}+ eGg] sltko kIfn] /fv]sf] k|:tfjdf ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsG5 eGg] dfcf]jfbLl kIfsf] lhDd]jf/k"0f{ wf/0ff /x]sf] 5 / /xG5 . /fhtGqsf] k|Zg g} jt{dfg g]kfnL ;Gbe{df ;fdGtjfbsf] cGTo / ;fdflhs cu|udgsf] k|d'v Ph]08f ePsfn] o;nfO{ olt dxŒjsf ;fy dfcf]jfbLn] p7fPsf] xf] / cGTo;Dd p7fO/xg]5 eGg] s'/fnfO{ cfw'lgs Uj]jN;x?n] ;'Gg a'‰g grfx] klg c?x?n] rflx+ a'lemlbg}k5{ eGg] xfd|f] xflb{s cfu|x 5 .
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zflGtjftf{sf] t];|f] dxŒjk"0f{ Ph]08f cGtl/d Joj:yflksf, sfo{kflnsf / Gofokflnsfsf] lgdf{0f / ;f/tM cGtl/d ;+ljwfg jf cGtl/d /fHo;Qfsf] lgdf{0f xf] . cf7a'“b] ;xdltdf xfnsf] u[xo'4sf] bf}/fg cl:tTjdf /x]sf k'/fgf] / gof“ ;Qfsf ;a} c+ux? lj36g u/]/ gof“ cGtl/d ;Qf lgdf{0f ug{] s'/f ul/Psf] 5 . k'/fgf] ;Qfsf] d'Vo c+u ;+;b / gof“ ;Qfsf] d'Vo c+u :yfgLo hg;Qf b'a}nfO{ lj36g u/]/ ;xdltn] csf{] Joj:yf ug{] eGg'sf] tfTko{ ToxL xf] . k|s6 ?kdf Tolt dfq elgP klg cGto{df uP/ x]bf{ / a'‰bf ;Qfsf tLg k|d'v c+u eGg] ul/Psf Joj:yflksf -;+;b_, sfo{kflnsf -;/sf/ / k|zf;goGq_ / Gofokflnsf -cbfnt_ tLg} yl/sf] k'gu{7g xf] eGg] a'‰g s'g} sl7gfO kb{}g . lsgls clxn];Dd ;fdGtjfb / /fhtGqsf] k[i7kf]if0f ub{}cfPsf] k'/fgf] ;Qfsf oL tLgj6} c+usf] ;dofg's"n / oyf]lrt k'gu{7g gu/L b]zdf ;Rrf nf]stGq of u0ftGq ;+:yfut x'g} ;Sb}g . of] s'“hL k|ZgnfO{ ga'e]m/ jf a'em krfP/ sltko tTjx?n] dfcf]jfbLnfO{ ;d]t k'/fg} ;Qfsf tL tLg j6} c+udf x'Ng] h'g k|oTg ub{5g\ / dfcf]jfbLnfO{ …cf7f}+Ú ;+;bjfbL kf6L{df ?kfGt/0f ug{] h'g ;kgf b]Vb5g\ Tof] w]/} 3fts / vt/gfs 5 / To;df bz jif{sf] eLif0f /Qm:gfgaf6 u'h|]sf] qmflGtsf/L dfcf]jfbL zlQm km:g} ;Sb}g / km:g} x'“b}g . oxf“g]/ c? ;+;bLo nf]stflGqs zlQmx?n] klg /fd|/L cfTd;ft ug{'kg{] s'/f s] xf] eg] ;]gf em}+ k|zf;goGq / cbfntsf] ;d]t ;+:yfut?kn] nf]stflGqs k'g;{+/rgf gu/Lsg b]zdf nf]stflGqs u0ftGq :yfkgf / ;+:yfut ug{ ;Dej} 5}g . To;}n] cGtl/d cjlwdf klg ;a} k'/fgf lgod–sfg'gnfO{ cGtl/d ljwfgcg'?k kl/jt{g gu/L / lghfdlt / Goflos ;]jfsf pRr clwsf/Lx?sf] k'glg{o'lQm gu/L /fHo / ;dfhsf] nf]stflGqs ?kfGt/0f x'g} ;Sb}g . of] k|ZgnfO{ xNsf?kdf lng' cfTd3ftL x'g] lglZrt 5 . To;/L g} cGtl/d ljwflosf / cGtl/d ;/sf/sf] lgdf{0f k'/fgf] ;+;bLo l;6sf cfwf/df xf]Og bzjif{] hgo'4 / P]ltxfl;s hgcfGbf]ngkl5sf] w/ftnLo oyfy{df cfwfl/t gof“ /fhgLlts zlQm ;Gt'ng cg';f/ ul/g' cToGt h?/L 5 . dfcf]jfbLn] /fhtGqlj/f]wL cfGbf]ngsf tLg ;xofqL zlQmx?– ;+;bjfbL, dfcf]jfbL / gful/s ;dfh tyf cGo ;d"x / JolQmTjx?sf] ;d'lrt k|ltlglwTj x'g] u/L gof“ ljwflosf / ;/sf/ lgdf{0f ug{] s'/f p7fpg'sf] tfTko{ ToxL xf] . jftf{sf] qmddf w/ftnLo oyfy{sf] cf“sng ug{]af/] 5nkmn / k|ltlglwTjsf] ;+Vofdf yk36 x'g;Sb5 t/ of] lqkIfLo k|ltlglwTjsf] l;4fGt / k|0ffnLnfO{ ckgfpg' lgtfGt h?/L 5 . zflGtjftf{sf] ;kmntfsf] lglDt Jojxfl/s lx;fan] of] Pp6f cToGt dxŒjk"0f{ kIf xf] .
zflGtjftf{sf] rf}yf] dxŒjk"0f{ Ph]08f ;+ljwfg;efsf] lgjf{rgsf] ljlw / k|ltlglwTj k|0ffnL xf] . xfn ljBdfg PsfTds /fHok|0ffnLdf cfwfl/t k|ltlglwTjsf] ljlw / …lhTg]n] ;a} nfg]Ú lgjf{rgsf] tl/sf nf]stflGqs / j}1flgs 5}g . To;}n] ljleGg ju{, hflt, If]q, lnË / ;d'bfosf] ;dfg'kflts k|ltlglwTj x'g] u/L gof“ lgjf{rg / k|ltlglwTjsf] k|0ffnL ckgfpg cTofjZos 5 . o;sf] lglDt Psflt/ b]znfO{ gf} j6f :jfoQ If]qx?sf] ;+3fTds k|0ffnLdf k'gu{7g u/L hftLo / If]qLo k|ltlglwTj ;'lglZrt ul/g'kb{5 eg] csf{]lt/ bnut cfwf/df ;dfg'kflts lgjf{rg k|0ffnL nfu" u/]/ dlxnf, blnt cflbsf] ;xL k|ltlglwTjsf] Uof/]G6L ul/g'kb{5 . ;du|df tTsfn b]zdf ;+3fTds k|0ffnL nfu" u/]/ / ;dfg'kflts lgjf{rg k4lt cg'z/0f u/]/ ;+ljwfg;efnfO{ ;f“Rr} g} ;a} If]q, hflt, dw]z, dlxnf, blnt, pTkLl8t ju{ cflbsf] ;xL k|ltlglwTj ePsf] ;fj{ef}d lgsfosf] ?kdf :yflkt ug{] Uof/]G6L ul/g'kb{5 h;n] dfq} hgo'4 / hgcfGbf]ngsf] efjgf / dd{sf] sb/ x'g]5 . ;fy} lgjf{rg cufj} gful/stfsf] ;d:of xn ug{' o; ;Gbe{df dxŒjk"0f{ kIf x'g]5 .
zflGtjftf{sf] kf“rf} dxŒjk"0f{ Ph]08f tTsfnLg Go"gtd cfly{s–;fdflhs k'g;{+/rgf xf] . dfcf]jfbLn] rlr{t $) ;"qLo dfukqsf] a]nfb]lv g} qmflGtsf/L e"ld;'wf/, /fli6«o cf}Bf]lusLs/0f, lzIff–:jf:Yo, /f]huf/Lsf] Uof/]G6L cflb tTsfnLg hghLljsfsf k|ZgnfO{ lg/Gt/?kdf p7fp“b} cfO/x]sf] 5 . ax';+Vos hgtfsf hLjg;+u k|ToIf ;/f]sf/ /fVg] oL cfly{s–;fdflhs k|ZgnfO{ 7Ls;+u ;Daf]wg gu/L b]zdf lbuf] zflGt axfnL x'g} ;Sb}g . k|d'v ;+;bjfbL kf6L{x?sf] cfly{s Ph]08f pxL k'/fg} /fhtGqjfbL k~rfotL zf;sx?sf] h:tf] ;fdGtjfb / ;fd|fHojfb k/:t /x“b} cfPsf] l:yltdf sd;]sd ;fdGtL e"ld;DaGwsf] k"0f{ pGd"ng ug{], /fli6«o cy{tGqnfO{ afx\o Psflwsf/ k"“hLjfbL r+u'naf6 d'Qm ug{] / lzIff, :jf:Yo, cfjf; / /f]huf/L df}lns clwsf/sf] ?kdf ;a} gful/snfO{ ;'lglZrt ug{] s'/f casf] zflGtjftf{ / ;Demf}tfsf] cleGg c+u aGg} kb{5 .
zflGtjftf{sf] 5}7f}+ dxŒjk"0f{ Ph]08f ;z:q åGåsf] ;dflKt ;+u;+u} åGåkLl8tx?sf] Joj:yfkg, k'g:yf{kgf / /fli6«o zflGt–;"nx xf] . o; ;Gbe{df ;lxb / ;lxb kl/jf/, a]kQf kfl/Psf gful/sx?, o'4sf 3fOt] / ckf+ux?, lj:yflktx? cflbsf] ;d:of ;dfwfgsf] k|Zg dxŒjk"0f{ x'G5 . ;du|df cf;Gg lzv/jftf{sf] eljio log} d"ne"t ljifox?n] lgwf{l/t ug{] 5g\ . ;a}sf] Wofg To;tk{m hfcf];\ .