Sunday, November 08, 2015

In The News (25)

Few achievements of this visit:•First time in the history, the issues of discrimination and human rights violations in...

Posted by Dipendra Jha on Sunday, November 8, 2015

रोष्टम घेरेर पहिला पनि कम क्षतिमा धैरै कुराको प्राप्त गर्न सकिन्थो । लोकतन्त्रमा सँसद पनि लडाईको एक मंच हो । सदन र सडक द...

Posted by Dipendra Jha on Sunday, November 8, 2015

आज २०७२ कार्तिक २२ । जनकपुर मै आन्दोलनकारीयों ने सांस्कृतिक झलक सहित बिरोध प्रदर्शन किया ।

Posted by Brikhesh Chandra Lal on Sunday, November 8, 2015

तमरा अभियानको पोखरीया सभाका केही दृश्यहरु:

Posted by Jay Prakash Gupta on Sunday, November 8, 2015

हल्का, हल्का मात्रै भएपनि मुस्कुराउन पाइन्छ कि ठुलदाई ? हल्का, हल्का ?+++One is allowed a halka smile, maybe ?

Posted by Kanak Mani Dixit on Sunday, November 8, 2015

आज आइतवार माधव नेपालको निर्वाचन छेत्र गौर्, रौतहट मा मुसलामानहरुको बिरोध जुलुसमा दुइ लाख भन्दा बढीको सहभागइता । कहाँ छन पत्रकारहरु ?

Posted by Mahesh Yadav Adhikari on Sunday, November 8, 2015

दंगाग्रस्त क्षेत्र उल्लंघन गर्दै सप्तरीमा प्रदर्शन ....आज सप्तरीको रूपनीमा उखान तुक्के सरकारद्वारा घोषित दंगाग्रस्त क्...

Posted by Upendra Mahato on Sunday, November 8, 2015

बिहार विधान सभा चुनाव को नतिजा काठमाडौँ को मिडिया ले यसरि अपडेट गर्दै छन् कि मानौं नेपाल भारतको एउटा प्रान्त हो.

Posted by Subhash Chandra Shah on Saturday, November 7, 2015

आज संसद में मधेशी दलों के सांसदों ने संसद की कारबाही चलने नहीं दी । देखें उनका बिरोध

Posted by Brikhesh Chandra Lal on Sunday, November 8, 2015

पत्रकार महासङ्ह को अगुवाइ मा सबै खाले सन्चार अगुवा हरु मधेश जानु पर्ने हो । सबै खाले आन्दोलन कर्मी सँग मिलेर , जनता सँग सोधेर निस्कर्ष निकालौ । सबै लाई दवाब दिउ र देश बचाउ ।

Posted by Rajesh Ahiraj on Saturday, November 7, 2015

Instead of blowing the hollow trumpet of 'nationalism', leaders need to reach out to Madheshis NOW and end the suffering ppl facing.

Posted by Kosmos Biswokarma on Saturday, November 7, 2015

उत्साह मे कोई कमी नही हैनाकाबन्दी अभी थमी नही है। अस्वस्थ होने के वाबजुद आन्दोलनकारी के मनोबल बढ़ाने के लिए सदभावना प...

Posted by Upendra Mahato on Sunday, November 8, 2015

खाने लिए अन्न नहीं पीने के लिए पानी नहीं और लड़ाईं के लिए बोलते हो। पतन तो निश्चित है मूर्ख!!!!

Posted by Manohar Sah on Sunday, November 8, 2015

Urgent appeal to youth organisations, youth clubs, clubs in schools and colleges:Movement: I love Nepal; because I...

Posted by Santosh Shah on Sunday, November 8, 2015
'भारतले मधेसीको मन जित्दा चीनले नेपालीको मन जित्यो'

भारतीय टीभी भन्छ–भारतकै गल्तीले नेपालसँगको सम्बन्ध तार टुट्न लाग्यो । ‘सन् १९६० देखि नेपाललाई आफ्नो तर्फ खिच्न चाहिरहेको चीन त्यो उपलब्धी नजिक पुगेको देखिँदैछ’, आजतक भन्छ, ‘अर्कातिर चीनको यो उपलब्धी भारतका लागि खतराको घण्टी बन्दैछ ।’ (भिडियो)

Posted by Annapurna Post on Friday, November 6, 2015

बिशाल बिरोध प्रदर्शन ....रौतहट, गौरमा मुस्लिम समुदायद्वारा बिशाल बिरोध प्रदर्शन

Posted by Upendra Mahato on Sunday, November 8, 2015

नरेन्द्र मोदी र अमित शाहलाई बिहारका जनताले ल्वाप्पा ख्व्वाये नरेन्द्र मोदीको घमण्डलाई ठुलो ठेस लागेको छ। उनि सत्ताको ...

Posted by Rudra Pandey, PhD on Sunday, November 8, 2015

BJP leads Simanchal and Mithilanchal.

Posted by Subhash Chandra Shah on Saturday, November 7, 2015

These include citizenship & transitional justice. Thank you to everyone who's helping Nepal become democratic.

Posted by Manjushree Thapa on Saturday, November 7, 2015

ग़ज़ब छ हरेक दोष छिमेकि लाई !!! ६० जाना मधेसी लाई किन गोली ठोक़या? के त्यों खेल थियो या त्यों पनि छिमेकि नै?

Posted by Manohar Sah on Sunday, November 8, 2015

भोलीदेखि जनकपुर खुल्लाकात्तिक २२ गतेखि मंसिर १ गतसम्म बजार र वित्तिय संस्था खुल्ला

Posted by C.k. Sah on Saturday, November 7, 2015

IGP लाई हेप्न कसले सक्छ? तर IGP नेवार भएपछि हेपिँदो रहेछ. शसस्त्रका आइजिपी कोष राज वन्त लाई उनकै कनिस्ट अधिकारी ले हेप...

Posted by Subhash Chandra Shah on Saturday, November 7, 2015

दुइ जना दैतेहरुले गर्दा यति दुःख छ कि र पनि काठमाण्डौका नेवारहरु घाँस खाएर नै बाँचेका छन।यि दैते केपि र प्रचण्डेको खोकाइ...

Posted by Narendra Yonjan Tamang on Saturday, November 7, 2015

प्रधानमन्त्रीले सचिवहरुलाई भने, ‘नाकाबन्दी खुल्ने संकेत आयो’
सरकारी तयारी व्यवस्थित बनाउन निर्देशन
एक/दुई दिनमै आपूर्ति सहज हुन्छ : भारतीय राजदूत
भारतले आपूर्ति सहज गराओस् : पौडेल
संसद फर्केपछि मधेसी मोर्चा अब के गर्ला ?
कांग्रेसले सहयोग गर्ने अपेक्षा
सरकार–मधेसी मोर्चा वार्ता भोलि
सीमांकन हेरफेरसम्बन्धी मोर्चाको मागमा सकारात्मक हुँदै कांग्रेसलगायत दलसँग शीर्ष तहमा छलफल गर्ने सहमतिपछि छुटेका नेताहरु भोलिपल्ट १६ गते वीरगन्जको तनावपछि संवादहीन थिए ।

सप्तरीमा विशाल मशाल जुलुस प्रदर्शन
सरकार वार्ताबाट भाग्दैछ, हामी तयार छौं : फोरम
एमालेको प्रशिक्षणमा जय मधेसको नारा लागेपछि…
नाकावन्दी जारी रहे भारतविरुद्ध लड्न तयार हुनुपर्छ : गगन थापा
ओलीको बोलीमात्रै चल्यो, देश चलेन !
मधेसवादी दल र थारुको माग जायज छ , यथाशिघ्र संबोधन गर ः उपराष्ट्रपति पुन
प्रचण्डबारे बाबुराम भट्टराईको एउटा लेख –‘प्रचण्ड– सरल, संवेदनशील, मिलनसार र बहिर्मुखी’
Troubled transition
As Kathmandu hardens its stand against Madhesis and Delhi, protests threaten Nepal's nascent democracy.
Jai Madhes!....... In the dead of night with only the stars for company, that slogan is a greeting on the mobile phone on the Bhittamorh-Janakpur open border between India and Nepal. By the time you reach Birgunj further west, the catchphrase has been transformed into a war cry of scrawny young men fighting a pitched battle with stones against Nepal's armed police, or simply squatting and protesting with raised fists on the Friendship Bridge that connects with Raxaul in Bihar......... Jai Madhes is a slogan strung along the 1,800 km length of Nepal's underbelly, the Terai, giving fair warning to the country's newly elected prime minister, K.P. Oli, that a Molotov cocktail of unmet demands and ethnic discrimination is nigh.......

the truth dawned on the Terai: their protest had entered its 80th day and Kathmandu seemed determined to break it up.

..... Sanjay Yadav, an Indian trucker waiting to cross back, was a few feet away from the incident. "The boy was not a protestor. He was just walking towards the bridge when

this Nepali policeman simply pulled him and shot him at point-blank range

," Yadav says. ........ By dusk, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had called Oli, demanding an inquiry into Ram's death. Within 24 hours, Oli was warning India to mind its own business, telling a public gathering that India was meddling in Nepal's "internal affairs" and "propping up" Madhesi parties. .......... "India wants a resolution of all Nepal's internal problems through dialogue and mutual consultation. Nepal should stop blaming India because she herself is responsible for her suffering," Anju Ranjan, India's consul-general in Birgunj, told india today. ....... The irony is that the last time India had intervened in Nepal's internal affairs was in 2006, when New Delhi supported Nepal's democratic parties, including Oli's Communist Party of Nepal-UML faction, to overthrow the monarchy. In the 19-day "jan andolan", or people's revolution, that ensued, India peremptorily told then King Gyanendra that it had no option but to relinquish his throne and pave the way for a republican Nepal.

Oli had then cheered from the sidelines.

....... Kathmandu's elite, both inside and outside the government, seem to be supporting the recently passed Constitution that discriminates against the people of the "Madhes". .......... the Madhesis also decry the lack of affirmative act-ion, arguing that the police or the government bureaucracy are dominated by the "hill upper castes", the Brahmins and the Chhetris, while the Madhesis occupy 1-2 per cent of jobs in these sectors. ...... Upendra Yadav, chairman of the Madhesi Jana Adhikar Forum, says, "The Pahar (the hill region) has internally colonised the Terai. It is hardly better than what the monarchs once did, or even before them, the East India Company." ....... Yadav is referring to the 1816 Treaty of Sugauli, according to which Nepal was deliberately partitioned by the East India Company and forced to part with several of its fertile lowlands. Some parts were later returned to Nepal in 1860 in gratitude to the Gorkhas for helping suppress India's first war of independence in 1857. But as rulers rose and fell, and with them lands changed possession, the "roti-beti" relationship between the people of the Madhes and Mithilanchal remained unchanged. .........

Nepal's new Constitution has now made sweeping changes to this age-old custom between the two regions, insisting that Indian women marrying into the Madhes will be treated on par with other foreigners. Earlier, Indian women marrying Madhesi men could relinquish Indian citizenship and take their husband's citizenship along with jobs in the country. Popular support to the political campaign is primarily based on the destruction of this ancient tie. Nearly 75 per cent of the Madhes has relatives in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, says Naresh Prasad Singh, president of the Janakpur Red Cross, whose wife is from Sitamarhi.

........ the earthquake in April is said to have knocked Rs 60,000 crore off the economy. The ongoing protest is sure to break its back. ........ "The Terai is the backbone of Nepal's economy. About 77 per cent of its industry is based here. Suffering a huge economic setback, it will take decades for Nepal to get back on its feet," says Shah. With schools shut across the Terai, Arun Kumar Karn, a science teacher at Janakpur's Sankat Mochan School, is a worried man. "Matric exams are supposed to take place soon. We hope our children won't lose a year," Karn said. ......... An infuriated Oli ordered a global tender to supply petrol to Nepal, in an effort to break what he believes is an "India-sponsored" blockade in Birgunj.

Several Chinese companies applied but their quotes turned out to be more than double of what Indian companies quoted.

China has since given a grant of 1,000 metric tonnes of petrol but that is expected to last only a few days. ........ "We have family ties with India, doesn't the Pahar understand that? The government is showing its true anti-Indian feelings by turning to China, but we understand the game Oli is playing," protestors at Birgunj said. .......

Beijing is also keenly aware that it cannot over-reach itself in Nepal and certainly not replace India in the Terai.

An unspoken understanding between Delhi and Beijing about India's geographical, emotional, political and familial ties with Nepal means that Beijing is unlikely to do anything that disturbs this primary relationship between India and Nepal. ........ Rajendra Mahato, president of Nepal Sadbhavana Party, added, "The Jai Madhes movement is akin to the Jai Bangla movement that Bangladeshis adopted in 1971, as it separated from Pakistan. If Kathmandu isn't careful, the Madhes could be headed that way." ....... Yadav pointed out that India should "definitely support our movement as we are people of Indian origin, and we are being beaten up everyday. Otherwise, what is the point of India saying that it is a strong regional power?" ...... The easy way out would be for Kathmandu to recognise that the Madhesis are being treated unequally and it is time to redress their problems, both by amending the Constitution and starting talks to ameliorate their condition. Allowing the Terai to burn much longer is a frightening thought that all sensible heads in Kathmandu and the Madhes must immediately dismiss.

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