Suresh Ale Magar, Prabhakar, Lilamani Pokhrel, Pari Thapa, November 25
An interaction program with Mr. Suresh Ale Magar, Prabhakar and other UN delegates ! Dear friends, You are cordially invited to an interaction program jointly organized by Global Federation of Indigenous People of Nepal, USA, United Nepalese Democratic Forum, USA and Alliance for Democracy and Human Rights in Nepal, USA. Keynote speaker Mr. Suresh Ale Magar A pillar of the indigenous movement in Nepal, founding General Secretary of Nepal Janajati Mahasangh (Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities), former central committee member of CPN (Maoist) and is now Honorable Member of the Legislature, Nepal Government. Moderator Mr. Pradeep Thapa Magar Editor/journalist Guest Speakers, UN delegates: 1. Mr. Janardhan Sharma (a.k.a.Prabhakar) 2. Mr. Govinda Bahadur Shah 3. Mr. Lilamani Pokhrel 4. Mr. Pari Thapa Date: Sunday, November 25, 2007 Time: 3:30 – 7:30 pm sharp Venue: Satya Narayan Mandir At corner of 76th St, Woodside Ave. Elmhurst, NY 11373 Refreshment will be served. Open donation by the local participants will also be greatly appreciated. Please spread this flyer to your family and friends. We eagerly look forward to seeing you all at the program. Sincerely, Mr. Karma Gyalzen Sherpa, President, GFIPN Mr. Anil Shahi, President, ADHRN Mr. Tek Gurung, President, UNDF In The News Badis threaten fresh protest Kantipur Maoists spoiled the CA poll environment: CPN-UML YCL central member in Saptari arrested The YCL central member Mahesh Yadav was arrested by the police after he mishandled some policemen who had gone to resolve a dispute between villagers at Raipur VDC-7. ..... Yadav also tried to snatch arms from the policemen ..... A group of the YCL cadres under the leadership of Yadav had gone to chop down trees in the personal land of Duwilal Yadav at the village. ...... policemen Rajaram Yadav and Dilli ..... the YCL cadres have obstructed the East West highway stretch at Rupani in the district since 3 pm today demanding the Yadav’s release. सडक बन्दा पनि सुख भएन जुम्लीलाई जहाज र हेलिकप्टरको सट्टा ट्याक्टरले सामान ओर्सार्न थालेपछि जुम्लीले झन्डै ४० प्रतिशतसम्म सस्तो खाद्यान्न पाएका छन् । ....... बाटो राम्रो नभएकाले सर्ुर्खेतदेखि खलंगासम्मको १ सय ३२ किलोमिटर दूरी तय गर्न सामान बोकेका ट्याक्टरलाई चार दिन लाग्छ । तिनै ट्याक्टरले खाद्यान्नलगायत अत्यावश्यक सामान ल्याउन थालेपछि यहा“ सामान ढुवानीमा बढी निर्भर हवाई यातायात करिब-करिब विस्थापित भएको छ । कांग्रेसले समानुपातिक र माओवादीले गणतन्त्रमा पुनर्विचार गरोस्' अमेरिकी पर्ूवराष्ट्रपति जिम्मी कार्टरले कांंग्रेसले समानुपातिक र माओवादीले गणतन्त्रमा पुनर्विचार गरेर निकास निकाल्न आग्रह गरेका छन् । ....... अर्जुननरसिंह केसी, मिनेन्द्र रिजाल, शेखर कोइराला, एमालेका खनाल, भरतमोहन अधिकारी, भीम रावल र माओवादीका वरिष्ठ नेता डा. बाबुराम भट्टर्राई, प्रवक्ता कृष्णबहादुर महरा ...... तीन दलस“गको भेटपछि कार्टरलेे माओवादी नेताहरूस“ग छुट्टै भेट गरेका थिए । ..... पिछडिएका आदिवासी जनजाति, दलित, मधेसी, महिलाको विषय उठाएर राम्रो काम गरेको कार्टरले माओवादीस“ग भनेका थिए- 'उनीहरूले अधिकार पाए सा“च्चिकै नेपाल विश्वको नमुना देश बन्नेछ ।' Parties losing credibility, says Nepal NepalNews Addressing the international conference of Asian political parties in Tehran, Iran YCL to launch ‘purification’ drive Terai criminals do not have base in India: Indian envoy NepalNewsMaoists are trying to finish off UML: KP Oli Maoist 'voluntary' donations spread terror Kantipur The CPN Maoist on Tuesday announced formation of separate teams under the leadership of Asare Kaka, Salikram Jamkattel, Lekhnath Neupane, 'Jivanta' and 'Sagar' to mobilize funds in Kathmandu Valley. .... the teams would "jointly work" with contractors of categories A and B, first class hotels, business companies and trading firms for mobilizing financial resources for the party. ....... We will not compel donors and make income-expenditure statements public every six months ," read a statement put out by the party. ...... our first target is to mobilize Rs 100 million - a sum which the party owes in loans to various entrepreneurs Govt change if no consensus: Prachanda Maoists would then launch protest programs if there was no consensus on changing the leadership in the government. ...... Maoists would never give up their demand for fully proportional electoral system . ...... "I had collected some relief package for victims but some big power conspired against me and prevented me from visiting Madi ." ..... forceful donation was against his party policy . "I request you all not to give any donation under force," he said, adding, "If any of our cadre forces you, we will take action against the guilty cadre once we receive complaint." .... "We don't' have any party policy for forceful donation, abduction, intimidation," he said, adding, "If you have faced such activities, just drop a complaint at our party office then we will take action against the guilty." This is not the first time, though, that the Maoist top leadership has denied its hand in extortion drive. There are also no indications that it has acted against cadres 'defying' the party directive on extortion. The Maoist Central Finance Bureau, however, has recently decided to collect donation from businessmen and other people. Govt starts keeping promise to groups a committee comprising the Peace Ministry secretary and representatives from the Home Ministry and the Madhesi People's Rights Forum to monitor implementation of the government's agreement with the MPRF . ..... The government's announcement came a day after the MPRF deadline for implementing the agreements expired. 150 Sunsari families forced out of homes after members of an armed group calling itself Tarai Tigers repeatedly perpetrated violence on the families for the last four months. ...... Most of the victim families deserted every bit of their property including crops and cultivable lands ...... they were forced to flee their homes after madhesi people and even Indian hoodlums started torturing them in the name of Tarai Tigers . They also claimed that all their pleas to the police administration and even human rights groups went unheard. ....... "The gang often looted our cattle, goats, hens, clothing and kitchen utensils . We fled the village after their tortures went way beyond our tolerance," Limbu told the Post. ........ the Tigers' gang members equipped with arms frequently beat up villagers and misbehaved with their daughters. ..... The 150 pahade families were mostly farmers who fad shared the Haripur locality with the madhesi community since the past three decades. However, communal feud erupted between the two communities here after the tarai movement peaked last year. PM Koirala tells Carter he wants CA poll by mid-April next year Massive rally in capital demanding unchangeable CA poll date Strikes continue to cripple Siraha, Saptari, Rautahat India’s SSB personnel enter Nepal, thrash villagers Endorse House motions or step down: Prachanda to Koirala a new leadership for the government leadership would be selected from within the seven parties ..... the Maoists would go to the people to get them enforced. ..... The King still has billions of rupees and more than three thousand soldiers equipped with the state-of-the-art weapons are stationed inside the Narayanhity Royal Palace. ..... the Maoist leaders were moving around inside a security blanket as the King’s money and arms were posing threat to them. माओवादीको च्याँखे ः जनमोर्चा Prachanda says he has no faith in parliamentary system NepalNews "The republic we desire is not like the one in India or US or even China and Russia . (We desire) a republic where there is multiparty competition and where people can be unified," he said. ...... On the issue of his visit to Indian embassy to meet with Indian ambassador, Prachanda said that he had already gone there 'seven times,' but this time he was 'ambushed' (by media exposure). Revenue up by 13 percent, spending up by 36 percent Maoist "People's Court" surface yet again chief of Morang Revolutionary People's Council and Judiciary Department Balidan ..... after the party left the government the department under him has already passed its verdict on more than three hundred cases of monetary dealing, family dispute, fights including crimes like robbery and others in Morang district alone. ....... "Even a DSP (District Superintendent of Police) with the National Investigation Department has been forwarding the cases involving disputes in monetary transaction and minor brawls to the party's judiciary council for swift verdict on it" Rally organised in Kathmandu demanding new election date Bandhs called by different groups hit normal life in Terai Shutdown strikes called by various groups in several Terai districts have badly hit the normal life on the fourth consecutive day today. .... Maoists have called general strike in Siraha .... Maoist cadres Juri Thakur and Hari Narayan Paswan suspecting them in the murder of one Ananda Kumar Yadav. ..... Maoists are enforcing bandh since last three days in Rautahat ..... Sarlahi ... Madhesi Student Forum also has called strike in the district protesting the arrest of one of its cadres by the police on fake charges. ..... government employees in Chitwan have closed down offices on Thursday to protest the manhandling of Sarlahi LDO. .... various Terai groups including Madhesi Janadhikar Forum and Rajendra Mahato-led Nepal Sadbhawana Party have threatened to launch indefinite strike in Terai if the government does not announce the date for constituent assembly polls and implement the agreements reached earlier “Beijing Consensus”: What does it mean for Nepal China’s astonishing rise toward Great Power status and its remarkably coherent existence. ........ a ruthless willingness to innovate and experiment ....... cutting-edge research and development, and therewith catapulted itself to the ranks of the most advanced Western states in several vitally important technologies encompassing outer space applications, aeronautic and transportation, geo-engineering ...... challenge Boeing and Airbus in the global market ...... We must guard against arrogance and rashness, preserve the style of plain living and hard struggle…We must study hard and work diligently ...... the best path for modernization is one of groping for stones to cross the river , instead of trying to make one-big, shock-therapy leap ....... no substitute for collective hard-work, discipline, determination and patience to build and protect a nation. Police arrest 25 YCL cadres on charge of burning down a bus APF arrest 8 JTMM men
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