New CMP, New PM, Fully PR Election, Register More Parties, Elections In April
न्यु यर्कका पहिरयाहरू
Girija gladly accepted Rajendra Mahto's resignation and promptly handed over Mahto's ministry to Kans Sitaula. That is Girija Bahun's way of rubbing salt into the Madhesi wound, in this case a self-inflicted wound by a Hridayesh Tripathy and a Rajendra Mahto who refuse to talk to each other. Girija is not going to give that ministry to Shyam Sundar Gupta like Hridayesh wanted. Girija is the monkey, the ministry is the roti, Rajendra and Hridayesh are the two cats fighting over the roti.
Krishna Sitaula: Appeaser, Not Peacemaker
Sadist Koirala, Kans Sitaula, Pol Pot Prachanda
Krishna Sitaula's Resignation: Why It Is Important
Krishna Sitaula Not Going Risks Everything
38 Martyrs = Go, Krishna Sitaula, Go
Why Krishna Sitaula Has To Go
Sitaula Resign, Koirala Declare Madhesh State, Now
The Madhesi Kranti was spontaneous and it lacked political clarity. Kans Sitaula's resignation and a fully PR election to the constituent assembly should have been the preconditions. You don't meet those two demands, and we don't come off the streets.
Upendra Yadav got hoodwinked by the likes of Sujata Koirala. Sujata sweet-talked Upendra Yadav into calling the people off the streets. Sujata, the reluctant republican, is no friend of the Madhesi people. Her one interest is to maintain the Koirala family's access to power.
Just like the Pahadi parties finally realized after the king's coup that it was upto them to make peace with the Maoists, the king will not do it, and so the nonviolent Madhesi parties like the two Sadbhavana parties, and the two MJF parties have to realize that it is for them to make peace with the armed Madhesi groups like Jwala, Goit and the rest of them, the Pahadi parties will not do it.
There is a very real possibility that Upendra Yadav is going to make Prachanda's mistake.
After the April Revolution 2006, Prachanda had a great opportunity to seek a leftist alliance with the UML, possibly a unification of all communist parties in the country, but he blew it. He blew it because he was too intoxicated by his proximity to Girija. He had the option back then to team up with the UML, but he refused to see the light. He should have teamed up with the UML on the referendum idea on monarchy and also the UML's call for a fully PR election. But he was drunk on his proximity to Girija.
Prachanda could have gone one step further. Together Madhav Nepal and Prachanda could have made the ideological leap that the goal is a federal republic of state funded parties. After that goal is achieved, there is no further revolution, there are only elections. After making that ideological leap, Prachanda could have totally renounced violence as a political tactic. Nowhere is Prachanda and Baburam's anti-Madhesi prejudice more evident than in their not listening to me on this one issue, that the goal is a federal republic of state funded parties. After that goal is achieved, there is no further revolution, there are only elections.
Goal: Federal Republic Of State Funded Parties
Prachanda and Madhav Nepal, if they are truly committed to land reform in Nepal, should have come together before Girija and Deuba came together. But Prachanda did not see the light. He was drunk not on power, but proximity of power, the smell of being "close" to Girija, or so he thought. Girija was not close to Prachanda. Girija's permanent loyalty is to his party.
Just like Prachanda refused to see the political importance of trying to seek common ground with Madhav Nepal and instead played into Girija's divide and rule methods, the Madhesi leaders have similarly refused to talk to each other.
Having differences in opinion is no problem. But you have to be willing to talk to each other. You have to be willing to have long conversations. You have to be willing to pick up the phone. You have to be willing to sit together and work things out.
The concept of a common minimum program comes into play. You can disagree on a thousand issues, but all you have to agree on is a few key points that you can work on together. You talk to each other to create that common minimum program.
My Idea Of A Madhesi Gathering
Congratulations To Rajendra Mahto
Madhesi Movement: Delicate Turn
The Madhesi Cause Is On Fire: Put Out The Fire
To Do List For Sadbhavana And MJF
The MJF Must Stay Intact
The MJF Dispute: Got To Seek Middle Ground
उपेन्द्र यादव: सरकार र फोरमबीच सम्झौता
The Madhesi MPs And The Idea Of A New Party
तराई बन्द नहीं संगठन िवस्तार किरए
जयप्रकाश गुप्ता: मधेस आन्दोलनका आग्रह
What Next For The Madhesi Movement
- Respectful dialogue with Jwala, Goit and the other armed Madhesi groups.
- Fully PR election for 300 seats.
But if that movement is to be launched, the goal of that movement is then going to be the creation of a Madhesh state immediately.
Madhesi Movement Coordination Committee
There is a need for a coordination committee of all unarmed and armed Madhesi groups. It would hash out a common minimum program, it would make sure all groups agree on the slogan Ek Madhesh, Ek Pradesh.
Federal Democratic Republic Guaranteed, Madhesh State Not Guaranteed Yet
Ek Madhesh, Ek Pradesh.
Video: Message To First All India Madhesi Student Association Conference, October 2007
1 comment:
Till and than we (madhesi)think for whole madhesi community, we wont be sucessful and secondly we are not UNITED. We always fight for our own benefits and never look back what our community really expects from us. Shame on all madhesi leaders.............
When will you end up and care about community
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