नेपाली काँग्रेसने बहुत प्रयास िकया देशमें संिवधान सभाका िनर्वाचन न हो। बहुत प्रयास िकया देशमें िकसीन िकसी रूपमें राजतन्त्र कायम रहे। बहुत प्रयास िकया देशमें एकात्मक व्यवस्था कायम ही रहे। नहीं तोसद्भावना तो २०४६ से ही संिवधान सभाकी माग करती अाइ है। संघीय सरकारकी माग करती अाइ है।
अप्िरल क्रान्ितके बाद भी नेपाली काँग्रेस संघीय सरकारके अवधारणा के तरफ मुखिरत नहीं हुइ। तब जा केहम मधेशीयोको मधेशी क्रान्ित करनी पडी। उस क्रान्ितका प्रत्येक संभव िकिसमसे अपमान िकया गया। किपलवस्तु दङगाके पहाडीयो को तुरन्त दो करोड अनुदान रकम घोषणा कर िदया गया। मधेशी क्रान्ितकेघायलोको बारम्बारके सहमितके बाद वैसी कोइ राहत नहीं िद गइ अभी तक।
िशकारी अाएगा, जाल िबछाएगा, तुम चुङ्ना मत। िशकारी अाएगा, जाल िबछाएगा, तुम चुङ्ना मत।
िशकारी अा गया। िशकारीका नाम नेपाली काँग्रस है। जाल भी िबछा गया। जालका नाम है काँग्रेसका घोषणापत्र। अब मधेशी पार्टी एवं नेताअोका काम है िक मधेशी जनताको जगावें तािक वो चुङ्गे नहीं।
नेपाली काँग्रेसने मधेशी जनताके कंधे पर बन्दुक रखके प्रत्येक बार क्रान्ित िकया। नेपाली काँग्रेसने मधेशी जनताके भोट के बल पर प्रत्येक बार शासन िकया। लेिकन नेपाली काँग्ेसने प्रत्येक बार मधेशी जनताका गला काटा है, अपमान िकया है। मधेशी जनताको दबाया है।
उपरसे तो सब अच्छा लगता है। तुम्हे गणतन्त्र चािहए तो ले लो गणतन्त्र। संघीय सरकार चािहए तो ले लो संघीय सरकार। लेिकन ढक्कन उठाके तो देिखए।
नेपाली काँग्रेस संिवधान सभाके मार्फत संघीय गणतन्त्रके तरफ उन्मुख इसिलए है िक उसके पास अब कोइ दुसरा उपाय बाँकी नहीं रह गया है। मरता क्या न करतावाली बात है। उस एजेण्डाको उसनें नेतृत्व नहीं िदया बल्िक उसको िजस तरह मट्ठर बयलको घसीटके लाया जाता है उस तरह लाया गया है। एजेण्डा पर अा तो गया लेिकन उसका बेइमानी बरकरार है।
संघीय राज्य बोल तो िदया है लेिकन एक मधेश एक प्रदेशके नारा पर नहीं गया है। कह िदया है दो सदन रहेंगे केन्द्र में। उपल्लो सदनमें प्रत्येक राज्यका बराबरका िहस्सेदारी रहेगा। याने िक उपल्लो सदनमें पुरे मधेशके िजतने प्रितिनिध रहेंगे, महाकाली, सेती, भेरी, कर्णाली अगडम बगडम के पहाडी िजल्लाअोंको िमलाके जो खसान राज्य बनाएंगे खस लोगोंका उस खसान राज्यके भी उतने ही प्रितिनिध रहेंगे।
उस एक प्रावधानमें इतना दम है िक उसके बल पर पहाडी लोग अपना वर्चस्व सदा के िलए कायम रख सकेंगे।
लोकतन्त्र तो एक व्यक्ित एक मतका िसद्धान्त है। उस िसद्धान्त पर तो कोइ compromise तो करनी ही नहीं है। मधेशी अान्दोलनको चािहए िक इस िकस्मका proposal सामने लाए। उपल्लो सदनके िलए पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन हो, १०० सीटोके िलए। जो पार्टी १% मत लाएगी उसको १ सीट िमलेगी।
अौर नेपालमें राष्ट्रपितका प्रत्यक्ष िनर्वाचन होना जरुरी है। राज्यके तीन अंग अलग अलग रहेंगे। संसद कानुन बनाएगी। न्यायपािलका अपने जगह पर है। कार्यपािलका अलग हो। िवधाियका अौर कार्यपािलकाका जो िखंचडी अभी तक बनता अाया है वो गलत है।
एक मधेश एक प्रदेश का नारा अौेर एक व्यक्ित एक मतके िसद्धान्तके बल पर काँग्रेसको तराई से िबल्कुल सफाया ही िकया जाए, लालुने िबहारसे िजस तरह काँग्रेसका सफाया िकया उस तरह।
िगिरजाले अप्िरल क्रान्ितको श्रेय िलन िमल्दैन
संिवधान सभामें मधेशी मोर्चाका रोल
मधेशी मोर्चाका िनर्माण अौर तराई खुला रखनेकी रणनीित
अन्धेर नगरी चौपट िगिरजा
पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन अौर एक मधेश एक प्रदेशका नारा पर्याप्त है
डा देवेन्द्र राज पाण्डे: अन्तिरम प्रधान मन्त्री?
न्यु यर्कका पहिरयाहरू
In The News
Parties Continue Talks; UML Team Meets NC Leaders Himalayan Times
Govt Begins Works for Int'l Airport in Bara The government is now preparing to move ahead with land acquisition and the Build, Operate, On and Transfer (BOOT) plan for the construction of the second international airport at Nijgarh in Bara district. ........ Although the Nijgarh forest area has already been identified for the building of the airport, it has been learnt that the people inhabiting this particular jungle area have shown strong resentment towards the government proposal. Some 2000 squatters families would be displaced if an airport comes up there. ....... land acquisition for the construction of the international airport of regional level in Bhairahawa and Pokhara
Dalit Leaders Back PR System of Election Claiming that no Dalit can win if they were to contest first past the post system (FPPS) of election, Dalit leaders and activists on Sunday demanded all-out proportional election system for the constituent assembly. ...... the Dalit NGO Federation Nepal (DNF-N). ....... Dalit activist Dharma Biswokarma said only all-out proportional election system can ensure proper representation of deprived Dalit communities in the constituent assembly. ....... Another Dalit activist Hira Biswokarma ........ President of National Dalit Commission Ram Lal Biswokarma, Dalit activist Shambhu Hajara Paswan, Jeevan Pariyar, Gajadhar Sunar and Bijul Biswokarma urged the government to adopt all-out proportional election system. ......... "Dare to fight for the rights of your communities by crossing the party line," said senior Dalit rights activist pointing at the Dalit leaders who were reluctant to go against their party politics. ....... Padam SundasTilak Pariyar, president of the Maoist-affiliated Dalit body, said election is not possible if all-out proportional election system is not adopted. ... During the function, Asmita KC, a ninth-grader at Rosebud School presented her views on the state of the Dalit communities of the nation.
PLA cadres don’t feel like celebrating Dashain
A Saturn moon holds ‘hope of life’ They are visions of a really unique family of worlds on the other side of the solar system: a moon with lakes of liquid methane — a tiny, rocky world with geysers of water that are being sprayed into space and a strange mottled moon that has been splattered with dark, organic-rich gunk. ..... Titan, the only moon in the solar system with an atmosphere. ....... jets of fine, icy particles are spraying from Saturn’s moon Enceladus and originate from a hot ‘tiger stripe’ fracture that straddles the moon’s south polar region. The discovery raises the prospect of liquid water existing on Enceladus, and possibly life.
Russian wants to traverse the world by 2010
UML trying to bridge rift between NC, Maoists He appealed to both the parties to give up their respective rigid stands for the sake of the nation and the people.
Aid Agencies Publish BOGs: Projects in 6 Tarai Districts Suspended UN, EU, DANIDA, SDC, Canadian International Development Agency, Norwegian Embassy, DFID, Aus AID, Embassy of Finland, JICA, GTZ, SNV, and the Association of International Non-governmental Organisations of Nepal (AIN). ..... Bird also sited a recent example in Dhading district when a certain political party pressurised the development workers to provide them vehicles for party campaining. ..... The aid agencies have suspended development projects mainly in the troubled Tarai region since July this year. Because of the rise in violent activities and pressure on the development workers, projects have been suspended mainly from six districts namely Sunsari, Morang, Dhanusa, Siraha, Rautahat, and Sarlahi.
PM vows to keep intact 7-party unity; parleys over deadlock continue NepalNews “I want to assure that the unity of the seven parties will not collapse,” the Prime Minister said addressing the opening ceremony of the 3rd Global Non-resident Nepali (NRN) Conference in Kathmandu Monday.
UML tables amendment proposals on Maoist motion UML’s amendment proposal seeks directive from the House to the government to start political process "for implementing’ federal democratic republic". A second proposal filed by the party seeks legal provisions to adopt fully proportional electoral system.
3rd NRN Global Conference kicks off at the Birendra International Convention Centre in Baneshwor. ...... The Prime Minister further said he was supportive of the NRNs’ demand for dual citizenship. ...... Some 500 NRN representatives from over 40 countries are participating ...... dual citizenship, voting right in proposed constituent assembly elections and laws that would facilitate NRN investment in Nepal. ..... According to Mahato, NRNs have already invested an estimated of $300 million in health, education, hydropower, banking, IT and others.
Aid agencies express commitment to maintain transparency in their operation Basic Operating Guidelines (BOGs) ....... The United Nations, bilateral donors and international non-government organisations have agreed to and signed a single set of guidelines this time. They also reaffirmed their commitment to operate in all areas of Nepal in transparent and inclusive manner. ...... determined to focus on development activities that include the diverse groups that together constitute Nepali society ..... Association of International Non-governmental Organizations of Nepal (AIN), an umbrella of international NGOs.
OHCHR chief raises human rights concerns with Maoist leadership Prachanda said the Maoists would not function as a parallel authority ..... legitimate concerns in relation to weaknesses of law enforcement agencies and other state institutions
Second stage PLA verification to complete in two months
Sitaula confirms Maoist involvement in journalist Shah’s abduction
Abduction and murder cases on the rise incidents of murder and abduction of children have increased with the police not being able to combat the issue. ...... Eleven year old Rohit Gupta, son of Basudev Gupta, permanent resident of Sitamadi in India, was found dead at Kamaladi last night. The child was abducted a few days ago from Kamaladi. The Gupta family had paid ransom of Rs 200,000 to the demands of the abductors for a sum of Rs 250,000.
CA polls must take place within B.S 2064: MK Nepal The Maoists have said they are ready to go for the UML’s option on republic, but stick to their demand for fully proportional system. The Nepali Congress has not yet reacted to the UML proposal.
Will Maoists sober up after republic and proportional system? what communist parties campaigned during referendum; it was “Either boycott the election or vote for Yellow” which was in clear support of the Panchayat regime. As the Nepali Congress led by BP Koirala was fighting against the autocratic rule of King, most communist parties ended up helping the “almost dead Panchayat” regime. ......... It is highly unlikely that Maoists will support UML general secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal as the next PM. It is also impossible to get this position for them as both UML and NC will not support them. Hence, the alternative left is one of the leaders from NC. ......... it is likely that Sher Bahadur Deuba could be the next PM .... The other frustration with Maoists while they were in government was that they could not bring a single change in their respective ministries. Their performance was not any better than those from NC or UML, or Sadbhawana
India to review Nepal policy The government has also asked the experts if the 1950 bilateral treaty is still relevant. ...... the experts have also been told to find answers on what the ground would be for Nepal-India relations if Maoists win in the upcoming constituent assembly elections.
NRN investment could change Nepal within a decade:Dr Mahato He urged the leaders to change the national priority from politics to economic development. ...... The Ashram was constructed at the cost of Rs 1.4 crore. Fifty NRNs from 13 countries donated for the construction of the old-age home. .... German based Nepali Friendship Society coordinated by a non-resident Nepali based in Germany, Ram Prasad Thapa, will provide Rs 20 lakh for the supply of drinking water in the old-age home.
INLS organises poets' conference in Kathmandu satirised the kind of nationalism witnessed during the recent reality show ‘Indian Idol’ on Sony TV.
Consensus still a far cry Kantipur
Next House session on Tuesday
NFIN renews demand for PR system Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NFIN) has renewed its demand for a proportional representation (PR) system for the Constituent Assembly (CA) elections. ..... A few days back, the NFIN and the Madhesi People’s Rights Forum (MPRF) had sought resignation of Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala for failing to hold the CA elections on the scheduled date and had demanded formation of a caretaker government to hold the elections. ...... Issuing a joint statement, both the groups seeking regional and ethnic autonomy added that the agreements they had reached with the government had lost their significance.
CPN-Mashal calls for fixing a fresh date for CA
संस्थागत हुने तयारी नयाँ नेतृत्व चयनका साथै गैरआवासीय नेपाली सङ्घलाई संस्थागत गर्ने पहल ...... विश्वभरकिा चार सय गैरआवासीय नेपालीहरू सहभागी हँुदैछन् ...... करबि छ वर्षअघि लन्डनबाट सुरु भएको विश्वभर रहेका नेपालीहरूको सञ्जाल बनाउने अभियान अहिले ३८ देशमा पुगिसकेको छ । ...... प्रवक्ता जुगल भूर्तेल भन्छन्, "गैरआवासीय नेपालीसम्बन्धी विधेयक आइसकेको सन्दर्भमा यसपालि सम्मेलनमा सङ्घकै आन्तरकि कुरामा बढी छलफल हुनेछ । विशेषतः विधेयकका बारेमा, सङ्घको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय समन्वय परष्िाद् तथा विभिन्न मुलुकमा रहेका राष्ट्रिय समितिहरूका बीचको सामञ्जस्यताबारेमा छलफल हुनेछ ।" ..... रुसमा बसोवास गर्ने जीवा लामिछाने भन्छन्, "अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय समन्वय परष्िाद् -आईसीसी) र राष्ट्रिय समितिहरू -एनसीसी) बीच सामञ्जस्यतामा कमी देखिएकाले त्यो हटाउन सम्मेलनमा सुझाव मागिनेछ ।" ....... सम्मेलनमा समावेशीकरण तथा रूपान्तरणका बारेमा छुट्टै सेसन राखिएको छ, जसमा उपेन्द्र महतो, पासाङ शेर्पालगायतको सहभागिता रहनेछ ...... लगानी कोष, जलविद्युत् आयोजना दुवै अघि बढ्न सकेका छैनन् । ..... सङ्घका युरोप उपाध्यक्ष राम थापा ..... एनआरएन-आईसीसीका अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय संयोजक भीम उदास, एनआरएन-आईसीसीको पूर्वी एसिया र युरोपका उपाध्यक्षहरू क्रमशः देवमान हिराचन तथा राम थापा र अमेरकिाका डा श्याम कार्कीले अध्यक्ष पदमा उठ्ने बताएका छन् । हिराचन र उदासले त अरूभन्दा अगाडि नै काठमाडौँ आएर आफ्नो अभियान सुरु गरसिकेका छन् । ........ भीम उदास .... हाल लेथोसोमा विश्व खाद्य कार्यक्रमको 'कन्ट्री डाइरेक्टर' का रूपमा छन् उनी । .... डा श्यामध्वज कार्की ३० वर्षदेखि अमेरकिामा छन् । सङ्घको २००३-२००५ को कार्यकालको उपाध्यक्ष पनि रहिसकेका कार्की नेपाली अमेरकिन पब्लिक अफियर्स काउन्सिलका सभापति हुन् । ....... महतो नै पुनः अध्यक्ष बन्ने सम्भावना पनि त्यत्तिकै छ । ...... तर, महतोको ठाउँमा अरू नै अध्यक्ष भएमा सङ्घको कार्यशैलीमा परविर्तन गरनिुपर्ने धारणा थापाको छ । भन्छन्, "त्यसो भएको खण्डमा पोर्टफोलियो बाँडेर अगाडि जानुपर्छ, वन म्यान सो हुनु हँुदैन ।" ........ वाचा गरएि अनुरूपको कानुन नआएको भनाइ जीवा लामिछानेको छ । ....... "ऐनमा गरएिको परभिाषाले खाडी मुलुक तथा मलेसियामा रोजगारका लागि जानेहरूलाई निराश बनाएको छ । साथै, यसले गैरआवासीय नेपालीहरूबीच विभाजनको खतरा पनि बढाएको छ ।" ......... विश्वभर िछरएिका नेपालीहरूलाई छोटो समयमै एउटा सञ्जालभित्र पार्न सफल एनआरएनले आफूलाई एउटा सङ्गठनभन्दा पनि अभियानका रूपमा प्रस्तुत गर्दै आएको छ ।
UML seeks deferral of House debate by two days NepalNews
Leaders intensify discussion to reach consensus Nepali Congress has agreed only for commitment resolution. Maoists constantly violating peace accord: NC as they continuously engage in violence, abduction and extortion. ..... the Maoists have been repeatedly engaging in murder, abduction and extortion and claimed that they have intensified such activities in recent times. According to the statement, manhandling and abduction of teachers, political workers and journalists have grown of late. ...... the Maoists have not fulfilled their past commitments to allow displaced people to return to the villages.
Kapilvastu riot victims to get relief package worth Rs 20 million
Maoists seek NRN support in favour of republic

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