राजाको कुपिछ मैले भनेको िथएँ, नेपालको राजनीितका तीन शक्ितहरू राजा, सात पार्टी र माअोवादीको एक मात्र िमलनिवन्दु भनेको संिवधान सभा हो। त्यित बेला काँग्रेस र एमाले त्यो िवचारमा अाइसकेका िथएनन्। त्यस बुँदामा अाफ्नो सहमित जनाउने अन्ितम व्यक्ित शायद िगिरजा हो। त्यसैले हो मैले िगिरजालाई नेतानमानेको। त्यो महा कन्जरवेिटभ मान्छे। अिहले पिन उसले न गणतन्त्रको कुरामा नेतृत्व देखाएको छ नसंघीय सरकारको कुरामा। बेबी िकङको कुरा उसले झुक्िकएर गर्न पुगेको होइन। उसलाई मात्र पद चािहएकोछ। चुनाव नगराएर यसै संसदलाई संिवधान सभा बनाउन पाए मेरो पद कायमै रहने िथयो भन्ने लोभ छ उसलाई। अथवा चुनाव नै हुन्छ भने पिन अाठ पार्टी एकताको नाममा जनतालाई अल्मल्याउन पाए पद कायम नैरहन्थ्यो िक भन्ने लागेको छ उसलाई। बाहुनवाद, भ्रष्टाचार, भाइभितजावाद, पार्टीहरूिभत्र लोकतन्त्र रपारदर्िशताको कमी अािद इत्यािद जित रोग छ ती सबको प्रतीक िगिरजा।
राजनीित गर्ने पावर र पदकालािग हो, त्यसैले िगिरजाको कुर्सी मोहको िशकायत गर्न िमल्दैन। तरिगिरजाको दादािगरी सहेर बसेका माधव नेपाल र प्रचण्डहरूको व्यवहार बरू अचम्मको छ। अन्तिरम संसदमाएमाले र माअोवादीको बहुमत छ। एमाले पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनको पक्षमा छ। माअोवादी पिन त्यसकोपक्षमा छ। तर ती दुई त्यस बुँदामा िमल्न सकेका छैनन्। त्यसलाई वर्गीय चेतनाको कमी भन्ने िक केभन्ने? कमजोर वर्ग र जातजाितमा एकता कायम गर्नु गार्हो काम हो।
जसरी राजाको कुपिछ संिवधान सभा एक मात्र िमलनिवन्दु िथयो अिहलेको एक मात्र िमलनिवन्दु पुर्णसमानुपाितक िनर्वाचन हो। त्यस िवन्दुमा चाँडो भन्दा चाँडो अाठ पार्टी नअाउने हो भने नभम्वरमा चुनावहुँदैन। नभम्बरमा चुनाव भएन भने देशको राजनीित लथािलङ हुन्छ।
अाठ पार्टीको एकता हुनु कुनै गलत कुरा होइन, तर देशमा अाठदलीय लोकतन्त्र स्थापना गर्ने प्रयास चािहंबेठीक हो।
नभम्वरमा जसरी भए पिन संिवधान सभाको चुनाव हुनुपर्छ। त्यो पुर्ण समानुपाितक अाधारमा गिरनुपर्छ। चुनावपिछ बहुमत पाउने समीकरणले सरकार बनाउँछ। दुइ ितहाइ बहुमतले देशको संिवधानको प्रत्येक धारापािरत गर्दै लान्छ। अगािड जाने बाटो त्यो हो।
प्रािविधक कारणले पिन पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनमा जानुपर्ने अवस्था छ। पुर्ण समानुपाितकिनर्वाचनमा गए िनर्वाचन क्षेत्रहरू पिन कोर्न परेन। त्यो कोर्दा अर्को बखेडा शुरु हुन्छ। अिहले कोिमस्रीत प्रणालीको फर्मुलामा समस्या नै समस्या छन्। िमस्रीत प्रणालीको िभत्रको समानुपाितककोफर्मुलामा नाना थिर समस्या छन्।
२४० जना प्रत्यक्ष िनर्वाचनबाट ल्याउने, २४० जना समानुपाितकबाट, १७ जना क्यािबनेटले मनोिनत गर्नेभन्या छ। प्रत्यक्ष िनर्वाचनकालािग िनर्वाचन क्षेत्र चािहयो, त्यो कोर्न सक्या छैन। समनुपाितकमामधेशीलाई यित प्रितशत, जनजाितलाई यित प्रितशत भन्िदया छ तर त्यो सबै जोड्दा ११६% हुन्छ। मधेशीलाई ३२% भन्िदया छ। त्यो िदने कसले? यो एकदलीय िनर्वाचन हुन लागेको हो? रामचन्द्र पौडेलबाहुनले अोम गुरुङलाई भन्िदयो, प्रत्येक जाितको कमसेकम एक जना संिवधान सभामा राख्िदन्छौं भनेर। त्यो पौडेल बाहुनले पुरा गर्ने कसरी? उसले काँग्रेस पार्टीको तर्फबाट बोलेको हो िक? अाठ पार्टीको तर्फबाटबोलेको हो िक? चुनाव लड्ने प्रत्येक पार्टीको तर्फबाट बोलेको हो िक? मानौं चुनावका दौरान दलीयप्रितस्प्रधा नै हुँदैन। अािदवासी जनजाित महासंघले पौडेल बाहुनको बकम्फुसे वाचाका अाधारमा गएर सरेन्डरगर्िदयो।
पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनमा ब्यालट पेपर एउटा मात्र हुन्छ। जनतालाई सुिवस्ता हुन्छ। िमस्रीत िनर्वाचनको दुई ब्यालटमा जनता हराउँछन्।
पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनको घोषणा हुनुपर्यो। अिन सबैले अा-अाफ्नो िलस्ट जनताकोमा लानुपर्यो। राजतन्त्रको बारेमा अाफ्नो स्पष्ट धारणा जनताका सामु स्पष्ट िकिसमले राख्नुपर्यो। त्यसै गरी प्रत्येकपार्टीले संघीय सरकारको मोटामोटी नक्शा चुनाव अगािड नै जनताका सामुने राख्नुपर्यो। अिहले खुसुक्क भोटदेउ अिन हामी चुनाव पिछ किमशन गठन गरौंला भन्न भएन। त्यसो भन्नु त जनताप्रित बेइमानी हो।
No Point Talking, Got To Get Down To Protests
तीन लाखले सरकारी जागीर खाने, तीन करोड कता जाने?
Best Possible Scenario: How It Could Unfold
मधेशी मोर्चाके िलए फर्मुला
महेन्द्र, वीरेन्द्र र प्रचण्डका सीडीअो अञ्चलाधीशहरू
In The News
The view from New Delhi Nepali Times, Nepal the Nepali political parties trying to dodge elections and endanger the peace process ..... Missing the November date can have extremely destabilising consequences. ..... the polls can lock the Maoists irreversibly into the mainstream, pave the way for stability, provide a platform to address other grievances and demands, and limit the role of the internationals, especially the UN. ..... Shiv Shankar Mukherjee has told Prime Minister Koirala that the government would face a severe legitimacy crisis if elections do not take place. ...... Pranab Mukherjee is reported to have personally shot down the proposal by Koirala and Dahal idea of converting the present interim legislature into a constituent assembly ....... UNMIN is angling for a political role in the tarai, and even goading madhesi groups to ask for international mediation. ..... New Delhi also blames Koirala for delaying taking a personal lead to appease madhesi groups while the crisis was still manageable. They have tried to get the message across to the prime minister, but say when it comes to the tarai Koirala refuses to listen to them. Officials say they don’t want a further proliferation of madhesi groups and reportedly discouraged mainstream madhesi politicians, including NC and NSP dissidents, from forming a separate party. There have been allegations that India is supporting madhesi armed groups because Goit and Jwala Singh live in Bihar. ....... Nepal is overshadowed by some global crisis or other and this week it is the fallout from the India-US nuclear deal.
Disrupt polls to have polls There are now hardly 90 days to polling date. Minus a month of Dasain-Tihar-Chhath slack in between it’s only two months of serious campaigning. We assumed the legislators would be in a tearing hurry to get back to their electorates. Not so. ...... Compared to the discredited UML and the divided NC, the Maoists have retained their core support base among the dalits and the marginalised section of janjatis. Despite the anti-Maoist tone of the Madhes Uprising, economic disparity in tarai is conducive to the brand of leftwing radicalism espoused by ideologue Baburam Bhattarai. ....... With its middle-class support base, the MJF will offer a political challenge to Rambaran Yadav and Mahantha Thakur rather than to Matrika Yadav and Prabhu Sah. ..... The international community wasn’t terribly enthusiastic about polls in the steaming heat of June. November is different matter altogether. It’s peak tourist season, and every probable international monitor is looking forward to election tourism in the Himalaya in autumn.
Govt did not address Madhes movement: MPRF Kantipur Online, Nepal
MPRF warns of further protests
Govt-MJF Talks Fail to Resume
Nepal: MP’s, Ministers must resign prior to October 5; NCP-United those who wish to face the polls must resign prior to the October 5 date schedule recently publicized by the Election Commission. .... “The current MP’s, ministers in the current cabinet and others who have been in public service must resign prior to October 5, if they wish to be a candidate for the CA polls”, the statement concludes. A close look at what this communist party indicates that the party would wish for the establishment of a sort of neutral government prior to the CA polls.
Nepal: Congress and UML MP’s lambaste at Maoists
Nepal: Keep force options open in Madhesi crisis, Deuba Telegraphnepal.com, Nepal Nepal’s ex-Prime Minister and the President of NC (Nepali Congress)-Democratic, Mr. Sher Bahadur Deuba talking to reporters in the Western Terai town of Bhairawaha has bluntly said that the government should not completely shy away from the use of “force” in resolving the Madhesi dispute. He said, groups opting for peaceful solutions should be invited for talks however, those outfits rejecting repeated talks offer from the government must be dealt with properly by using even arms option if the situation so demanded. “The government has failed so far to provide security to its citizens and the CA polls still remains elusive”, Deuba said. He said, nevertheless if security environment becomes stable, his party will actively participate in the CA elections. The country is seen divided over the issue of “unique” representation in the state structure, this may ultimately invite catastrophe, Deuba threatened. “It is only the Maoists’ nuisance the country could not smoothly proceed for the CA elections”, Deuba concluded. To recall, it was Prime Minister Deuba who first initiated KILO-SHERA-2 operation against the Maoists insurgents.
Nepal: Government miserably fails in tackling Madhesi issue Telegraphnepal.com, Nepal Criticizing the Koirala government’s performance, Rana added that it has miserably failed to tackle the Madhesi issue that needed rapid response.
Roundtable conference needed to resolve Madhesi issues, says Tripathy Nepalnews.com, Nepal
Madhesi Tigers Bandh Hits Life in Terai on Day II Himalayan Times, Nepal
Govt did not address Madhes movement: MPRF Kantipur Chairman of Madhesi Peoples' Rights Forum (MPRF) Upendra Yadav accused the government of being indifferent to the issues raised by the tarai movement. ...... the MPRF has decided to take to the streeet if the government fails to address its demands within a week. .... Yadav alleged that the government was not serious about MPRF demands. There would be no alternative to launching a movement if the government failed to address the madhesi peoples' movement ..... "The country's situation would not have been entangled in such serious complications, had the government addressed the madhesi movement in time" ...... Yadav clarified that MPRF was ready for talks. He also stated that the Forum was in favor of Constituent Assembly (CA) election with fully proportional electoral system.
YCL submits 28-point memorandum to PM Koirala demanding the declaration of a republic, round table meeting, setting up autonomous regions on basis of ethnic groups and federal governance and proportional electoral system ..... make necessary provisions so that Non-resident Nepali citizens could also cast their votes in the upcoming CA elections. ..... young people over 16 should get the right to cast votes in the Constituent Assembly elections. ..... scrap all agreements including the Sugauli Treaty and Delhi Agreement of 1950 ..... formulate necessary regulations to ensure that the Nepali youth could work in foreign lands without losing national pride ..... implementation of the revolutionary land reform programme, relief packages to flood victims
Over a dozen injured in Dalit, non-Dalit clash in Parsa Over a dozen people, including women, were injured Thursday when a clash ensued between Dalit and non-Dalit communities over the distribution of Brahma puja prasad in Sabaithawa VDC in Parsa district.
Maoists will roll back protests if they impede elections: Nepal they have launched the protest programme to create an environment for the elections. They will stop the protest if they feel that they will affect the elections ..... “Those in power cannot take the law into their own hands. The Maoists have to demonstrate democratic behaviour” ..... Nepal added the ruling eight-party alliance had no choice but to collectively fight the elections. .... The EU, including Norway, stated that the credibility of the Nepal government and the Interim-Legislature Parliament would come into question if the Constituent Assembly polls are not held on the re-scheduled date
तोकिएकै समयमा चुनाव होस्: भारत
क्षेत्र निर्धारण आयोगले प्रतिवेदन बुझाउन पाएन
'मधेसलाई सम्बोधन छैन' मधेसी जन अधिकार फोरम अध्यक्ष उपेन्द्र यादवले सरकारले मधेस आन्दोलनका सवाललाई सम्बोधन गर्न नचाहेको आरोप लगाएका छन् । वीरगन्जमा जारीे केन्द्रीय कार्यर्समिति बैठकमा उनले आरोप लगाएका हुन् । सरकारले अविलम्ब सम्बोधन नगरे आन्दोलनमा जानुको अर्को विकल्प नरहने उनले बताए । सरकार मधेसी, जनजाति र दलितको आन्दोलनप्रति गम्भीर नभएकोे आरोप लगाउँदै नटेरे आन्दोलनमा जाने बताए । उनले सरकार गम्भीर नबनेकोे प्रमाण सरकारी टोली हालसम्म वार्तामा नआउनु रहेको बताए । उनले सरकारले मधेस आन्दोलनलाई पहिले नै सम्बोधन गरेको भए अहिले मुलुक यो गम्भीर मोडमा नआउने जनाए ।
MJF divided over CA election NepalNews A serious dispute has cropped up among the top leadership of Madheshi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) regarding whether to contest for the Constituent Assembly elections or not during its two day central working committee meeting that concluded on Thursday ..... In the meeting which started in Rani Sati Dharmashala in Adharshanagar of Birgunj amidst tight security from Wednesday, there was a serious dispute between party chairman Upendra Yadav and vice-chairman Kishor Biswas’s coterie on whether the party should partake in the constituent assembly election or not. While Yadav is in favor of constituent assembly election with fully proportional electoral system, Biwas was clearly against it. ...... reports quoted reliable party sources as saying that in the meeting, MJF has also decided to organize fresh protest programmes across the country if the government fails to address it demands within a week.
CPN-UML taking suggestions for its election declaration
Seven royal palaces to come under govt ownership
NA will never challenge political and state authority, says Gen Katawal
UNMIN chief urges political efforts to create election climate
Speaker meets Prachanda Speaker Nemwang is said to have also asked Prachanda to agree on ending the parliament session so that the lawmakers could be sent to villages to make preparations for the elections. ..... it is the only platform through which the country can be declared a republic before elections.
UML chief returns from European tour; says intl community wants timely polls a 12-day long European tour ...... The interim government and the eight-party alliance will lose their legality if the polls are not held on the stipulated date
Maoist programmes terrorising people: Sitaula
MJF warns of fresh stir The agitating Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) on Thursday threatened to wage fresh round of protest in Terai if the government doesn’t become serious towards fulfilling its demands soon. Addressing the two-day central committee meeting of the party in Birgunj, MJF chairman Upendra Yadav accused the government of using delay tactics to lengthen the talks between them and said there was no point in holding constituent assembly elections without first solving the problem in Terai. The meeting which is due to conclude in Birgunj today is expected to decide on whether to sit for next round of talks with the government scheduled for August 26 or go ahead with their protest programme. The fifth round of talks between the government and the MJF on Tuesday ended without reaching to any conclusion after the latter called off the meeting citing government’s apathy towards its demands which include fully proportional representational election system and federal system of governance with right to self determination.
Madhesi Tigers target vehicles on second-day of terai bandh On the second day of their strike, the cadres of Madhesi Tigers vandalised four vehicles in terai on Thursday accusing them of not complying with the bandh. In Ramgram of Nawalparasi, the cadres of the Madhesi Tigers, who came in motorbikes with Indian registration number, set three bikes to fire this morning. In Kushaha area of Siraha district, along the east-west highway, Tigers vandalised a passenger bus. In Morang, a bomb has been exploded near the district office of the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) last night. Stating that the government has ignored the issues related to Madhesis, the Tigers announced five-day bandh from Wednesday. The bandh has affected the lives in terai districts – Morang, Siraha, Saptari, Mahottari, Bara and Parsa among others. Industrial activities, education institutions and commercial hubs remain shut due to the bandh.
Government issues transfer orders to 850 V.D.C secys
US trying to save monarchy, India trying to take advantage from Nepal’s situation: CPN-UML
NA withdraws portraits of King and Queen
Japan mulls sending monitors for CA polls Kantipur
People’s action will be peaceful, says Dr Bhattarai
Congress, NC-D, UML MPs want House prorogued for polls
Rats snap NT back panels; 70,000 cell phones dead in eastern Nepal
Unidentified group detonates bomb in Gaur
Efforts on to merge RPP, RJP: Rana Rana also claimed that most of the factions of the ruling eight-party alliance were opposing the Constituent Assembly elections. “Only the Election Commission and the RPP have geared up the elections,” he added.
Sarlahi, Rautahat affected by Tigers-called banda
24 names for secys agreed 1. Tana Gautam 2. Rameshwor Prasad Khanal 3. Gyan Chandra Acharya 4. Bhagirath Basnet 5. Chhabiraj Pant 6. Purna Prasad Kadariya 7. Punya Prasad Neupane 8. Bala Nanda Paudel 9. Shyam Prasad Mainali 10. Shankar Prasad Koirala 11. Ram Kumar Shrestha 12. Bhagawati Prasad Kafle 13. Sushil SJB Rana 13. Sushil SJB Rana 14. Ram Sharobar Dube 15. Shankar Pandey 16. Tek Bahadur Thapa 17. Brinda Hada 18. Ganga Dutta Awasthi 19. Baman Prasad Neupane 20. Niranjan Baral 21. Yubraj Bhusal 22. Bajra Kishor Sah 23. Uma Kant Jha 24. Shankar Chaudhari ..... agreed to form all-party committees at all levels and hand over leadership to each party on rotation basis if they fail to agree on a senior most leader. ...... scrap the roaming charge of Nepal Telecom mobile phones nationwide.
Police thwart heist in capital Gyanu Lama. the gang leader, was a former Maoist area in-charge
Maoists face flak left, right and center Maoist lawmaker Bamdev Chhettri said that his party put forth pre-conditions as the seven-party alliance and government did not honor past pacts and understandings. The Maoists have demanded, among other things, proclamation of the country as a republic and adoption of a fully proportional electoral system prior to the CA polls. .... "I have become frustrated," Thapa said.
स्थानीय निकायमा सर्वदलीय संयन्त्र सरकारले कर्मचारीले चलाउँदै आएका जिल्ला विकास समिति, नगरपालिका र गाविसलाई सर्वदलीय संयन्त्र बनाएर सञ्चालन गर्ने भएको छ । ...... गाविस सचिवसहित स्थानीय निकायका कर्मचारीले सर्वदलीय संयन्त्र नबनेसम्म आफूहरूले काम गर्न नसक्ने जानकारी गराउँदै तत्काल संयन्त्र बनाउन सरकारलाई दबाब दिँदै आएका थिए ।
मोबाइल अब देशभर लोकल प्राधिकरणले छिट्टै नेपाल टेलिकमको फोनमा रहेको एसटीडी शुल्क समेत हटाई देशभर लोकल दरमा सेवा सञ्चालन गराउने गृहकार्य गरिरहेको छ ।
गोइत वार्तामा बस्ने सुनसरी, भदौ ४ - पूर्वी तराईमा सशस्त्र आन्दोलनरत जनतान्त्रिक तराई मोर्चा -गोइत) राष्ट्रसंघसहित चाँडै वार्तामा बस्ने भएको छ । मोर्चाका सुनसरी-मोरङ इन्चार्ज संकेतले मंगलबार विज्ञप्ति जारी गरी तराईको समग्र समस्या र मधेसीको वर्षौंदेखिको पीडाबारे समाधान खोज्न वार्ताको तयारी भइसकेको दाबी गरेका छन् । विज्ञप्तिमा भनिएको छ- 'वार्ता कहाँ र कहिले हुने निश्चित भइसकेको छ ।' विज्ञप्तिमा मिति र स्थानबारे केही खुलाइएको छैन । राष्ट्रसंघको मध्यस्थतामा वार्ता गर्ने धारणा राख्दै आएको मोर्चाले मोरङ वा सुनसरीको कुनै स्थानमा हुने वार्ता कुन तहमा हुने भन्नेबारे खुलाएको छैन । 'राष्ट्रसंघसित हुने पहिलो चरणको वार्तापछि मोर्चा सरकारसित वार्तामा बस्नेछ,' संकेतले विज्ञप्तिमा भनेका छन्- 'हामी वार्ताद्वारा समस्या समाधान होस् भन्ने चाहन्छौं ।' मोर्चाले मधेसलाई अलग्गै राज्य घोषणालगायतका माग अघिसार्दै सशस्त्र आन्दोलन गरिरहेको छ । मंगलबार अज्ञातस्थलमा पत्रकारसित कुरा गर्दै इन्चार्ज संकेतले मोर्चाले हत्या, अपरहरण, चन्दा संकलन लगायतका सबैखाले क्रियाकलाप बन्द गरेको दाबी गरे ।
जनसभा होइन, चुनावी सभा
Bandh called off after 5 pm; normal life affected in Valley throughout the day
Sharma sees little possibility of free and fair election next to nil possibility for the holding of free and fair election in fearless environment. ..... "They know that they will lose in the election and they also do not believe that republic can be established from the election. ..... there is 70 to 80 percent possibility that Constituent Assembly (CA) elections will not be held ..... at the current juncture, the Unified Marxist Leninist (UML) stands to gain the most if elections are held. "The Congress, too, knows that it will lose
MJF central committee meet starts in Birgunj Rani Sati Dharmashala of Birgunj ..... a thorough review of the achievements from the negotiations with the government, party’s future strategy and preparation for the party’s upcoming general convention and constituent assembly election ...... MJF had been holding negotiations with the government demanding adoption of proportional representation based election system and federal restructuring of Madhes ..... the MJF would also decide on whether to sit for next round of talks with the government scheduled for August 26 or go ahead with their protest programme ..... Many rounds of talks between government and MJF has failed to bear any fruit after the latter has stuck with its demand for fully proportional representation based election system and federal autonomy with the right to self-determination before Constituent Assembly elections.
Whips fail to reach consensus on House session differences arose with the Maoists demanding withholding the session whereas the Nepali Congress proposed the termination of the session. ..... The NC is of the view that continuing the House session would hamper the election campaign.
Madhes also under the grips of bandh While the valley bandh imposed by the Samyukta Ganatantrik Dalit Mukti Morcha and Tamang Rastriya Mukti Morcha has thrown the normal life out of gear in Kathmandu valley, the one launched by Madhesi Mukti Tigers has disrupted lives in several Terai districts. ... in Rautahat, Sarlahi, Birgunj and in sections of Mahendra highway.
Gajurel says Maoists want to resolve issues in one package
"Black cloud" hovering over CA election: Thapa
Maoist protest programmes draw worries from different quarters
RPP convention deferred
Badi women stage protest in front of Singha Durbar
Medicine entrepreneurs go on strike
NC veep says he will not stand in the way of Congress unification
PM commends NA role in safeguarding nation's independence
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