ICG Report On The New Alliance
Indian Support For Democrat-Maoist Alliance A Must
Alliance Of Steel
Caution: Alliance Approaching
Possible Framework For A Maoist-Democrat Alliance
For Democrats Reinventing Self More Important Than Any Alliance With Maoists
Indo-US-EU Alliance Needs To Do A US-In-Haiti In Nepal
Indo-US Alliance For Democracy In Nepal Needed
Name: Madhesi Alliance (Madhesi Morcha)
Convenor: Upendra Yadav
Members: Madhesi Janadhikar Forum, Sadbhavana (Anandi), Goit, Jwala, and the other 10 armed Madhesi groups.
Two Step Agenda: Give an ultimatum to the government. Hold elections in November according to the following formula, or prepare for the elections to be disrupted.
- Completely proportional elections for 300 seats.
- Every third name on a party's list must be female. Other than that there are no rules. Lists must be submitted to the people.
- Majority coalition forms the government after the elections.
If the government does not agree to this formula, organize the April Revolution's third, final chapter to coincide with the elections slated for November 22. Launch it a week before that date.
Seek a Madhesi-Janajati-Dalit coalition for that movement.
- Girija resign.
- Form a new interim parliament, 300 strong, 145 from the seven parties, 155 from the Madhesi-Janajati-Dalit Alliance.
- Form a new interim cabinet.
- The country is declared a federal republic.
- Upendra Yadav becomes first president of Nepal.
- The Yadav administration takes the country through elections to a constituent assembly according to the formula above, slated for April 2008.
- The constituent assembly is to get two years to hammer out a constitution whose provisions will have to pass through two third majorities.
Tehelka: Madhesi
Ridiculous Bahun Poudel
Talk To Goit
एक मधेश एक प्रदेश
Bahun Conspiracy To Hijack Constituent Assembly Elections
उपेन्द्र यादव: संवाद
Rajendra Mahto: Three Hours Of Video
मधेशी अान्दोलनको गन्तव्य: नभम्बर चुनाव
Rajendra Mahto In Town
Violence Is No Solution In the Terai
ICG: Nepal's Troubled Terai Region
Upendra Yadav: Five Hours Of Video
Nepal Weekly: Front Cover Story On Madhesi
िगिरजालाई पदमुक्त गर
Unification Formula For The Sadbhavana And The Communists
समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनको बाहुन फर्मुला मधेशी िवरूद्धको षडयन्त्र हो
तराईमा िहंसाको राजनीितक समाधान छ
जनजाित र दिलतले पार्टी नखोल्नु मानिसक दासता हो
Nepali Times Poll: A Lot Of Room For New Parties
In The News
Leave it to us Nepali Times Prashant Jha
“The madhes wants options” We tried to make the new Congress more democratic, but the old ways and the old culture continued. ..... If the current law and order situation continues, a November election is impossible. Law and order must improve and the Maoists must honour their commitments. They have to sincerely tell us how they regard the election. The demands of different agitating groups including the madhesis have to be addressed, and the eight parties have to prepare a joint electoral program. ..... Despite major changes in the country, the mentality of the eight-party leaders has not changed. If they continue like this, the madhes will reject them. The Madhes has traditionally been the Congress’s vote bank, but even this party will find it hard to salvage a decent position if it does not internalise the changes and adopt a new approach. The same goes for the UML. The madhes is looking for options. ..... The big parties are more focussed on partisan interests, than madhesi rights. Instead of supporting the Madhes Movement, they are suppressing it. Madhesis are looking for a party that will represent them. We’ve frequently met with MPs from different parties, but I am yet to decide on a new party. My colleagues and public opinion are both in favour of a new party. .... Our fight is with state not with the region or pahadi people.
Brain deficit CK Lal When a society’s best and brightest move away in pursuit of better opportunities, the prospects of progress in their home countries diminish. Nepal’s experience is similar to that of any other Least Developed Countries (LDCs) dealing with a crippling outflow of competent individuals. And no amount of remittances compensates. An adequate pool of skilled professionals is as important as aid and investment for LDCs to get out of poverty. ....... 65 percent of all newly graduated doctors in Bangladesh seek jobs abroad. ..... Leaders, planners, and administrators have less and less emotional stake in national development as their entire families too start lining up at embassies. ...... in Nepal there is a contradiction: both unemployment of trained manpower and a shortage of skilled professionals. ..... returnee professionals are the most frustrated lot in any capital city in the developing world. ..... when more women, dalits, janajatis, and madhesis become doctors, engineers, technologists, and scientists, it will matter a lot less that the Bahun-Chhetri-Newar elite is trooping out of the country. As it is, we could do with fewer of them in almost every discipline.
PM Koirala 'rests' while Nepal drowns Times of India In political circles, however, Koirala's "ill health" has become a matter of scepticism, being regarded as a ploy to defer unpleasant issues or express his annoyance with the Maoists.
Nepal to probe abuses during civil war Hindustan Times, India Nepal has started setting up a South Africa-style truth commission to tackle rights abuses during a bloody civil war, officials said, as the UN warned offenders could go unpunished. .... will allow those behind atrocities to confess without fear of punishment .... Both the Maoists and government security services committed serious human rights abuses during the war, including disappearances, rape and torture.
Nepal Maoists; Hallowed Under Hallucinations American Chronicle, CA Why should a disciplined, loyal, responsive, united and democratic institution; the National Army plot a coup at this juncture, when, all the instruments of national power are seriously supporting the peace process. ..... Discharge of the General Manager of the National Television, expulsion of 49 innocent GORKHAPATRA employees, imposing of restrictions over the publications of daily national broad sheets SAMACHAR PATRA and ANNAPURNA POST suffice prove of Maoist Coup in Mass Communications.
Nepal: Goit for UN facilitated talks Telegraphnepal.com, Nepal This sudden change in their hearts has come at a time when the entire Terai has been hard hit by the flood that has inundated thousands of villages.
Nepal: India ready to assist unlock Terai deadlock, Koirala Indian leaders believed that it was necessary first mainstreaming the armed groups such as Jwala and Goit .... is ready to provide logistic supports for the CA elections and that further delay in the conduct of all important CA elections could bring an imaginable crisis, Sujata quoted Mukherjee as saying. .... During her stay in New-Delhi Sujata was reported to have met Nitish Kumar-Chief Minister of Bihar and other leaders such as Surendra Bhadauriya, Rambilash Paswan, and Sharad Yadav.
Government-Chure Bhawar talks on The CBES organizing a press conference this morning had said that the dialogue was cancelled as the government responded indifferently to their demands set as precondition for talks. .... The government is yet to release our arrested cadres, declare those killed during the agitation as martyrs and form a commission to investigate the damage done during the protest programs .. The government’s indifference is baffling, if this behavior continues, we are ready to carry weapons, Mainali threatened. .... The CBES, among other things, has been demanding an autonomous region for themselves.
After Floods, Famine Stalks Nepal NEWSPost India, India

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