Only the form of struggle has changed, says Prachanda NepalNews his party has not abandoned the long-term people's war strategy .... his party was following the dictum of Mao Zedong that struggle does not end even if the party joins government. .... if their method becomes successful that could trigger waves across the world. ..... Prachanda also mocked the remarks made by Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala recently at SAARC Summit in New Delhi. "He said that he has mainstreamed terrorists but it is clear that the coming days will show who has (mainstreamed) whom," Prachanda said. He also termed seven parties as spineless.
The major ideological clash in the last century was between communism and capitalism. The official story is communism got defeated. The Maoists of Nepal bucked that trend. They grew like wildfire for a decade. The war was bloody. Thousands of lives were lost. A triangle emerged. One angle was the feudal monarchy, another was the Maoist party, and the seven parties that represented west style multi-party democracy and mixed economy were the third angle. The king's coup of February 2005 started a process that forged an eight party alliance that made the April Revolution possible. The credit goes to the people.
I do not see Girija Koirala as the leader. He has been a cork in the water. When the water moves, he moves. Take the cork out and the water will still move. At best he has been the "constitutional monarch" of the April Revolution.
Girija Koirala was the father of the concept of a military solution to the Maoist insurgency in Nepal. He never had the knowledge or the imagination to have even tried a political solution. Deuba and the king just went further down that road.
It was not Girija Koirala who saw that the plank of a democratic republic might forge an eight party alliance and might help the Maoists ditch their vision of a one party state, and make no mistake, a one party state is what they had in mind for the longest time. It was not Girija Koirala who saw that a constituent assembly was the only meeting point for the three forces in the country. Girija did not lead. He has followed. He has not created waves. He has been pushed around by the waves. It is just in a traditional, patriarchal society like ours, his age seems to give him an edge.
Those who claim credit for the April Revolution - be it in the Congress camp, or the communist camp - have never really articulated as to the enormity of what happened. Nepal is about to become a multi-party democracy of state funded parties. Nepal's mixed election system will have the best features of proportional representation, and representation tied to geography and based on constituencies of roughly equal population.
The Maoists are not about to become just another political party in an Indian or British or American style democracy. When you say mainstreaming, you make it sound like they are. What is about to happen in Nepal is not a defeat of communism or a victory of western style democracy. What is about to happen in Nepal is something fundamental, something that has not happened anywhere, not in any country at any point in history. This is too big.
Nepal is about to become the number one democracy on the planet. And in that sense the April Revolution is bigger than the French Revolution was. Nepal, more than any other country on the planet, more than America with all its military might and riches, is best positioned to take the lead on ensuring a total spread of democracy on the planet. Nepal is going to spread revolution like Cuba never was able to, like China never was able to, like the Soviet Union was never able to.
The first step was to throw away the old order through sheer people power. The second step has been to design the number one democracy. Soon enough we are going to have to get into the business of exporting. I am thinking Zimbabwe, I am thinking Burma, I am thinking Bhutan. I am thinking Pakistan. I am thinking every country that is not a democracy. And our message is you don't need outside help. You are sufficient unto yourselves. Just rise up, come out into the streets, shut the country down for a few weeks. And you can do it too. You can also have the latest edition of democracy, democracy the way it should be, democracy that is one person one vote in its purity.
New York Metro Nepalis: Organizational Challenges
I am working to organize the Nepalis in New York City so we can build The Matrix and spread revolution.
The Matrix, Vision, Spread Democracy, Revolution
The idea of peace in Nepal has been to follow the South African model. You set up a Truth And Reconciliation Commission. But otherwise you are not seeking punitive justice. Let bygones be bygones. Let's start afresh.
Heck, I am thinking India and China. As soon as Nepal formally becomes a federal, multi-party democracy of state-funded parties, both India and China are going to come under immense pressure to emulate. That will be the only way to cure India of its number one security threat, its Maoist insurgency. And that will also be a way for China to take up democracy without making it look like they caved into western pressures.
What is happening in Nepal is super exciting. It is cutting edge. Mount Everest is just landscape, so it does not really count. Otherwise the political fermentation in Nepal is comparable to when Buddha was born, and he set out a religion that went to take over the world. That is how huge it is that which is happening in Nepal. But there still is major work to do. And we have to keep at it.
Free, fair and fearless elections must be held in June. All the agitating Madhesi groups have to contest elections or they stand to get sidelined.
Another thing I give Maoists the credit for is their map for federalism. I myself started out with a three state federalism: Koshi, Gandaki, Karnali. Now I stand by a map that is a slightly modified one of the Maoist map. They have nine states, I have eight. I have a Khasan. In hindsight I see they put a lot of work into it. I am admiring of that. And I openly give them credit where credit is due. As a Madhesi I am thankful for that map. A Madhesh state from Rapti to Mechi is what I want as a Madhesi.
But even the Maoists have not done much work on the separation of powers between the center and the states. Each state will have its three branches of government, that is for sure.
In short, things are exciting. I watch developments in Nepal with abated breath.
In The News
Only the form of struggle has changed, says Prachanda NepalNews his party has not abandoned the long-term people's war strategy .... his party was following the dictum of Mao Zedong that struggle does not end even if the party joins government. .... if their method becomes successful that could trigger waves across the world. ..... Prachanda also mocked the remarks made by Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala recently at SAARC Summit in New Delhi. "He said that he has mainstreamed terrorists but it is clear that the coming days will show who has (mainstreamed) whom," Prachanda said. He also termed seven parties as spineless.
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बन्दले तराई प्रभावित
'I Gambled 60 years of my Career for Peace in Nepal': Koirala Himalayan Times "I wanted to have a dialogue with the Maoists but was told by many that 'terrorists are not to be believed'," Koirala said.
Gang Kills One, JTMM Blasts Govt Office in Rajbiraj activists of the Terai Janatantrik Mukti Morcha led by Jaykrishna Goit (JTMM-J) exploded a bomb at the District Forest Office at Rajbiraj on Monday night. The bomb went off at around 8:40pm .... Local JTMM leader Bikas claimed responsibility for the blast.
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Dalit Families Flee Homes Due to JTMM Threats the JTMM activists who had come on two motorbikes
April 8 time limit for giving up illegal arms The Home Ministry today called upon individuals, parties and groups to surrender illegal weapons and explosives they possess at the district administration offices or the nearest police outposts within April 8. .... the government would hold talks with the United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) on the management of weapons held by the Maoists outside cantonments for the security of their leaders ....... the government will provide security to Maoist ministers. “No ministers and lawmakers will be allowed to keep private security personnel and arms in the changed context” ...... Minister for Information and Communication Krishna Bahadur Mahara also said today that the Maoist talks team would be dissolved. He also said that the government is ever ready to hold talks with the Madhesis and the Janajatis.
MJF bandh cripples life in Tarai The MJF called the bandh to protest “the apathy of the government towards the problems of the Madhes” and the re-appointment of Krishna Prasad Sitaula as Home Minister. ...... Traffic halted in Biratnagar and shops remained shut. In Birgunj, the main bazaars, factories and academic institutions remained shut. Vehicles stayed off the road, while main bazaars remained shut. Daily work at the Birgunj Customs Point was halted. In Janakpur, MJF activists staged protest demonstrations at different chowks. In Rautahat, academic institutions, shops and factories were shut. Vehicles remained off the roads in Kalaiya of Bara and shops in the district headquarters remained shut. Normal life was also hit in Sarlahi.
1 comment:
Madhesh means terai and we all are fighinting for our terai. I believe there is a very easy solution to get our demands addressed. Madhesh is between India and Nepal. The point is -- without crossing the boundary of Madhesh -- no one will be able to trade anything from India which is a need for Nepal. Madhesh can seal Nepal in this way. If Nepal is sealed, certainly people of Pahad do not produce enough to eat and there wont be anyone to collect their "Khali Sisi and Purano Kagaz". Let the time show them what Madhesh means, and their dependence on Madhesh.
I hereby propose the JTMM or any order Madheshi advocates to declare Madhesh as "The Republic of Madhesh" and we need to start the formation of our own government. Madhesh is no longer a part of Nepal. We are an independent nation.
The Government of Madhesh can start recruiting army and create the respective ministries to operate the country. Passport and visa system must come in effect ASAP so that no Pahade infiltrator can come in again.
Jai Madhesh
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