Association of Nepali Teraian in America (ANTA) has noted with concern the continuing disruption of normal life in the Terai region of Nepal. ANTA believes that the recent success of negotiations between the Seven Party Alliance (SPA) Government and the Communist Party of Nepal (M) leading to the promulgation of an Interim Constitution, Interim Parliament and the forthcoming Interim Government offers the best opportunity ever to restructure the Nepali state so as to reflect the best interests and aspirations of all Nepalis, including the traditionally marginalized people of the Terai region. ANTA firmly believes in democracy, fair political competition and proactive policies by national government as means to overcome the disadvantaged position in which the people of Terai have been relegated by the past regimes. Keeping a forward looking approach, ANTA sees the holding of the Constituent Assembly (CA) elections as central to forming an inclusive democratic system in Nepal.
Aware of the high stakes in a successful transition, ANTA calls on all the political leaders and Nepali people to show highest levels of tolerance, restraint and accommodation at this critical juncture of political transition. Welcoming the statements, as reported in the media, by the government leaders as well as the leaders of both factions of Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM) to engage in negotiations to resolve outstanding issues, we call for expedited negotiations to end violence and strengthen the democratic process. ANTA also shares The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Nepal’s concern over the arrest of Madhesi activists and political party members and calls for their immediate release. In the best interest of Nepal’s national unity and democracy, ANTA also calls on the government to respond promptly to the legitimate demands of the people of Terai region including speedy distribution of citizenships to all those eligible, population as the basis of representation, greater autonomy to the people of Terai region and better and visible representation of Terai people in all aspects of government. ANTA firmly believes that the overall development of Terai can only result in a stronger Nepal.
For further information or queries in this regard, contact Mr. Mukesh Singh, Spokesperson, ANTA at (614) 370-9652 or ileshsingh@gmail.com.ANTA Press Release On Madhesi Movement
The movement is for total equality for the Madhesi in Nepal.
िफर से कह दो एक बार इन्िकलाब
In The News
One killed in Lahan over MPRF protests, administration clamps curfew NepalNews The local administration has clamped curfew in and around Lahan municipality from 6 pm this evening till 4 am on Saturday morning after one person was killed when the workers of Madhesi People's Rights Forum (MPRF) and Maoists clashed with each other in Lahan ...... clash ensued after a group of Maoist cadres were stopped by MPRF cadres in Lahan as they had announced chakkajam – traffic blockade – in the area. ...... One Ramesh Mahato, 16, was killed when a Maoist cadre opened fire at the MPRF workers. Following the killing, the workers of MPRF torched over one dozen vehicles. ..... Transport in Siraha and Saptari districts as well as in several places in the East West highway have been disrupted by the MPRF cadres who are demanding that their central leaders be immediately released. ...... Around 14 leaders of MPRF including its chairman Upendra Yadav were arrested from Kathmandu on Tuesday after they burnt copies of interim constitution claiming that it failed to address the concerns of people of Terai. Some of these leaders have been slapped with charges under Public Offense Act. .... a delegation of Terai MPs belonging to various parties today met with Home Minister Krishna Sitaula. The MPs urged the minister to release the MPRF leaders who they say had been arrested without any legal basis. ....... leaders of eight parties including Maoists, have decided to hold a joint peace and goodwill rally in Birgunj on January 21
No one can check CA polls: Nepal
Goit withdraws talks offer; launches divisive campaign here is no justification for holding talks with the government when the latter is engaged in oppression against Terai region. ...... conditions like declaring Terai as independent state; fresh delimitation of electoral constituencies based on population; eviction of non-Terai officials and administrators from Terai region, among others, to start the dialogue. They had also said they wanted the United Nations to mediate the talks. ........ JTMM-Goit faction has launched a divisive campaign in eastern Terai region by writing letters to the industries and enterprises asking them to immediately remove people from Pahade (hill) origin from jobs and replace them with Madhesis (people from Terai region). ...... The campaign has triggered panic among the business community. The Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FNCC) held a meeting to discuss the issue on Thursday. "We urge all concerned to understand the sensitive position of the business and industry sector, which has just began to recover from violence and instability," said FNCCI president Chandi Raj Dhakal. The FNCCI has urged the JTMM to withdraw its demand and help in maintaining communal harmony.
PM lands in swearing in controversy
Government mobilising civil servants to collect voters name
Madhesi activists call indefinite vehicular strike in Janakpur The Forum for Madhesi Peoples’ Rights has called on an indefinite chhakajam (vehicular strike) in Janakpur from Thursday protesting the arrest of Madhesi activists. ....... Activists of the Forum brought traffic movement of Janakpur region to a halt protesting against the arrest of their Chairman Upendra Yadav and other Madhesi leaders, from a protest rally organized against the recently promulgated interim constitution. ........ Members of the forum also prevented the morning services of the Janakpur Railways from operating. ....... The agitated forum members burnt tyres this morning at city’s major thoroughfares including Ramanand Chowk and Vidhyapati Chowk. ....... The forum members also burnt a tractor belonging to Janakpur Municipality on Wednesday evening at Shiv Chowk. ....... They have demanded that the Madhesi leaders be released and the charges against them be withdrawn immediately. ...... The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Nepal has also expressed concern over the arrest Madhesi activists from Maitighar, Kathmandu on Tuesday.
Goit against interim constitution Talking to BBC Nepali Service, Goit said that the interim constitution was "prepared by Nepalis" and had not addressed issues of "people of Terai." ... The two factions of JTMM – one led by Goit and another led by Jwala Singh – have intensified their violent activities in eastern Terai region in recent months. ..... have put forth identical preconditions, which include declaration of Terai as independent state and eviction of Pahades (people from hilly region) from civil service, army and police organisation in Terai, among others. They have also demanded fresh delimitation of electoral constituencies based on population and have demanded that Madhesi (Terai) administrators be allowed to distribute citizenship to Madhesi people. ....... deputy prime minister Amik Sherchan ...... "This issue is too serious to be engaging in war of words."
OHCHR flays arrest of Madhesi activists, political party members
Student dies as Maoist cadre opens fire, curfew clamped in Lahan Kantipur
Protraction in CA elections may incur constitutional crisis: Experts
JTMM cadres kill robber in Rautahat
Traffic on Mahendra highway blocked over 7-yr old's death
We raised weapons to end monarchy: Mahara
2100 PLA troops verified
Absence of VDC secys hampers work
Maoists obstruct police post restoration
PM administers fresh oath to Chief Justice, says interim govt within 3 weeks
Maoists formally dissolve people's governments, courts
ँप्रधानमन्त्रीले पार्टी सभापति छाड्नुपर्छ’ कांग्रेस केन्द्रीय सदस्य नरहरि आचार्यले लोकतान्त्रिक मान्यताअनुरूप पार्टी प्रमुख र राष्ट्रप्रमुख एउटै व्यक्ति हुन नमिल्ने दाबी गर्दै प्रधानमन्त्री गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइरालालाई पार्टी नेतृत्व छाड्न आग्रह गरेका छन् । ..... 'अन्तरिम संविधानले प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई कार्यवाहक राष्ट्रप्रमुख बनाइसकेकाले उहाँ कुनै पार्टी विशेषको सभापति बनिरहन मिल्दैन,' आचार्यले भने- 'मुलुकको नेतृत्व गर्ने र संविधानसभा चुनाव गर्ने जिम्मेवारी लिइसकेको सन्दर्भमा कोइरालाले सभापतिबाट राजीनामा दिनु जरुरी छ ।' ..... कोइरालाले कांग्रेस केन्द्रीय समिति या संसदीय समितिको बैठकसमेत नगरी पार्टीबाट अन्तरिम संसद्मा १० जना सदस्य मनोनीत गरेकामा रोष प्रकट गर्दै आचार्यले त्यसले पार्टीको लोकतान्त्रिक छविलाई धुमिल पारेको टिप्पणी गरे ।
दलहरू गृहकार्यमा माओवादी ससदीय दलले कृष्णबहादुर महरालाई नेता र देव गुरुङलाई उपनेता चयन गरेको छ । दिनानाथ शर्मालाई प्रमुख सचेतक र जनार्दन शर्मालाई सचेतक पदको जिम्मेवारी दिएको छ । ..... माओवादी सांसदहरूले पार्टीले व्यवस्था गरेअनुसार समूहमा बस्ने र सँंगै सिंहदरबार आउने-जाने गरेका छन् । ..... अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिकाको पहिलो बैठकमा सिट निर्धारण नगरिएकाले सबै छ्यासमिस भएर बसेका थिए ।
भुइँमा पढ्छन् दलित विद्यार्थी
छोराछोरी पढाउन फुटपाथमा पसल
छुवाछूत कायमै
थुनामुक्त नगरे मधेसभरि आन्दोलनको चेतावनी काठमाडौं, माघ ४ - विभिन्न मधेसी संगठनहरूले प्रधानमन्त्री गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइरालालाई संविधानको विरोधमा आन्दोलन गर्दा पक्राउ परेका १४ राजनीतिक व्यक्तिहरूलाई शनिबारसम्म मुक्त नगरे मधेसभरि आन्दोलन सञ्चालन गर्ने चेतावनी दिएका छन् । 'अन्तरिम संविधानका मधेसविरोधी दफा संशोधन गर' ...... पाँचजना मधेसी सांसदको उपस्थिति थियो । सांसदहरूमा रामजनम चौधरी, उमाकान्त चौधरी, रामचन्द्र राय, रेणु यादव र महेन्द्र मिश्र थिए । ....... 'झूटा मुद्दा फिर्ता गरी थुनामुक्त नगरिए मधेसभरि जनस्तरमा सञ्चालन गरिने व्यापक आन्दोलनबाट उत्पन्न असहज स्थितिका लागि सरकार जिम्मेवार हुनेछ,' ज्ञापनपत्रमा उल्लेख छ । यस्तै समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणाली, संघीय शासन, जनसंख्याको आधारमा संविधानसभाको निर्वाचन क्षेत्र, स्वायत्त मधेस प्रदेशलगायतका मागसहित अन्तरिम संविधान संशोघन हुनुपर्ने जनाइएको छ ।
व्यापार सन्धिका लागि भारतीय राज्यमन्त्री आउने
ँनागरिक समाजलाई धोका’ अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिकामा नागरिक समाजलाई ४८ सिट छुट्टयाए पनि आफ्ना पार्टी निकट व्यक्तिहरु मात्र दलले लिएको उनको भनाइ थियो । 'दलहरुले नागरिक समाजलाई लिनै चाहेन, दलहरुले नागरिक समाजको प्रतिनिधित्व गरायौं भनेर जति दाबी गरे पनि संसदमा नागरिक समाजको प्रतिनिधित्व छैन'- उनले भने । ..... ढुङ्गानाले माओवादीमा अझै पनि हतियारको दम्भ रहेको बताउँदै त्यसलाई त्याग्न उनीहरुसँग आग्रह गरे । माओवादीमा पनि अन्य राजनीतिक दलको जस्तै लोभी प्रवृत्ति देखापरिसकेको संकेत आफूले पाएको समेत उनले बताए । .... पद्मरत्न तुलाधरले केन्द्रमा जति वार्ता र सहमति भए पनि गाउँसम्म ती सहमति आउनै नसकेको बताए ।
मधेसका माग
मधेसका माग
शान्तिपर्ूण्ा पर््रदर्शन गरिरहेका मधेसी आन्दोलनकारीहरूलाई पक्राउ गरी र्सार्वजनिक अपराधको मुद्दा लगाउने सरकारी तयारीले अन्तरिम संविधान, २०६३ लाई थालनीमै व्यंग्य गरेको छ । आधारभूत नागरिक अधिकारहरू ग्यारन्टी गरिएको भए पनि त्यही संविधानका प्रति जलाउनुलाई गैरकानुनी करार दिन सकिन्न । सरकारले संविधानको सम्मान हासिल गर्न र बढाउनतर्फभन्दा त्यसलाई जसरी पनि पालनै गराउने कठोर व्यवहार अपनाएको छ ।कुनै पनि नागरिकको शान्तिपर्ूण्ा पर््रदर्शन गर्ने अधिकार खोस्नु भर्खर लागू भएको संविधानकै पनि उल्लंघन हो । यसमा व्यवस्थित गरिएका मानव अधिकारसम्बन्धी विश्वव्यापी मान्यताहरूबाट सरकारको कुनै पनि निकाय वञ्चित हुन पाउ“दैन । कसैलाई पनि हिरासतमा राख्नुको कानुनी प्रस्टीकरण र पर्ुर्जीमा ठोस आधार आवश्यक हुन्छ । यसको स्थानीय प्रशासनले बेवास्ता गरेको छ ।
लोकतन्त्रात्मक राजनीतिक प्रणाली भएकै अवस्थामा जनताले निर्धक्कसाथ आफ्ना आकांक्षा र्सार्वजनिक गर्ने गर्छन् । मधेसको सही प्रतिनिधित्व प्रणाली र पहु“च तथा सहभागिताको समान अवसरका लागि हाल भइरहेका विरोध कार्यक्रमलाई त्यही सर्न्दर्भमा लिनर्ुपर्छ । यसअघि प्रकट नभएका असन्तुष्टि धमाधम प्रखर रूपमा देखिनुको रहस्य दबाबबाट राज्यको दृष्टिकोण परिवर्तन गर्न सकिन्छ भन्ने स्वीकारोक्तिमात्र होइन । नया“ नेपाल निर्माणको संकल्प गर्ने दलहरूले विशाल मधेसको ठोस समस्याप्रति आ“खा चिम्लेर नया“ नेपाल बन्दैन भन्ने सम्झाउन पनि हो ।
राष्ट्रिय तथा अन्तर्रर्ााट्रय क्षेत्रमा देशको चिनारी प्रस्तुत गर्ने क्रममा नेपाललाई पहाडै पहाड भएको देश अनुभूति हुने किसिमको शासकीय प्रस्तुतीकरणले गर्दा पहाडी अनुहार मात्रै नेपाली हुन् भन्ने भ्रम छ । मधेसीहरू आफ्नै मातृभूमिमा आप्रवासीझैं दोस्रो दर्जाको नागरिकसरह ठानिएका छन् भन्ने आवाज अस्वीकार गर्न सकि“दैन । बहुभाषिक, बहुसांस्कृतिक र बहुधार्मिक मौलिक चरित्र राज्य संरचना तथा पहिचानमा स्थापित हुन सकेको छैन ।
त्यसैगरी मधेसबाट सत्तामा समानुपातिक साझेदारी र सही प्रतिनिधित्व प्रणालीको माग स्वाभाविकमात्र होइन, अधिकारका दृष्टिले समेत अपरिहार्य छ । जनसंख्याको आधारमा प्रतिनिधि छान्ने विश्वव्यापी मान्यता संविधानसभा निर्वाचनमा बेवास्ता गर्न मिल्दैन । निर्वाचन क्षेत्र पुनर्विभाजन गर्न नसकिने कुनै कारण छैन । निर्वाचनलाई सही प्रतिनिधित्व सुनिश्चित गर्ने अभ्यास सावित गर्ने हो भने प्रणाली परिवर्तन गर्न सकिन्छ । मिश्रति प्रणाली तय गरिसकेपछि निर्वाचन क्षेत्र पुनर्निर्धारणको मागको समुचित जवाफ अर्को हुन सक्दैन ।
मधेसका माग सम्बोधन गर्नेतर्फदलहरूको हिच्किचाहट देखिएपछि मधेसी आन्दोलनकै माझ अशान्तिपर्ूण्ा प्रक्रिया उदाउन थालेको छ । मधेसको समस्या नागरिकताबाट सुरु भई राज्य प्रणालीमा समान अवसर, पहु“च र पहिचान स्थापनाबाट मात्र समाधान हुन सक्छ । नागरिकता ऐनलाई सरकारले समग्र मधेसको समस्या समाधान गर्ने पर्ुजाका रूपमा प्रस्तुत गर्न खोज्नु स्थितिको सटिक विश्लेषण गर्नबाट पन्छिन चाहनु हो । मधेसको माग राज्य सत्तामा भागिदारी र नेपाली पहिचान परिवर्तन हो । तर उल्टै मधेसी आन्दोलनकारीलाई पक्राउ गरी थुनुवा पर्ुर्जीसमेत दिने व्यवहारले सरकार खास समस्याको शान्तिपर्ूण्ा समाधानप्रति सकारात्मक नहुने लक्षण देखाएको छ । यो दर्ुभाग्यपर्ूण्ा छ ।
- Maithil Mahasangh Mr.Amresh Narayan Jha chairperson 01-4331785
- Nepal Maithil samaj Mr.Mithlesh Jha chairperson 98510-23319
- Maithil Bikash Manch Mr.Dhirendra premarshi chairperson 01-5536994
- Maithil Mahila samaj Mrs. Anjala Jha chairperson 01-6637061
- Akhil Nepal Yadav Mahila Sangh Mrs. Prabha Yadav chairpersan 01-4472471
- Gopal Sewa Samiti (kathamndu Branch) Mr. Suryanath Gope chairperson 01-4331284
- Abdhi sanskriti bikash parisad Mr. Biswanath Pathak chairperson 01-4479873
- Nepal Bhojpuri Pratisthan Dr. Bansidhar Mishra chairperson 01-4378790 98510-65500
- Nepal Bhojpuri Samaj Mr.Deep Narayan Mishra chairperson Birgunj
- Nepal Bhojpuri Sahitya kala Parisad Mr. Nagendra Prasad Kanu chairperson Birgunj
- Sudee Samaj Mr. Rameshwor Shah chairperson 01-4482339 01-4488951
- Teli Kalyankarini Sameti Mr. Shree Govinda Shah chairperson 01-5526903
- Tharu kalyankarini Sameti Mr. Narendra Chaudhari chairperson 01-5011021
- Chitra Gupta Sewa Sameti Mr. Rajeev Singha chairperson
- Nepal Kushwaha Mahasangh Mr. Bharat Prasad Mahto chairperson 01-4490329 98510-36960
- Brahmarshi Samaj Mr. Saligrame Mishra chairperson 01-4771951
- Maithil Brahman Sabha Mr. Bhagwan Jha chairperson 01-6633220 98510-23094
- Maithil Nava Yuba Sahitya Parisad Mr. Kesab kumar Jha chairperson 01-4484099 9841-280734
- Maithil nava jagran Sahitya Parisad Mr.Rakesh Kumar Rosan chairperson 01-2002734 9841-311241
- Kalwar sewa Sameti Mr.Kishori Chaudhari chairperson 01-4412099
- Tajpuriya Samaj kalyan Parisad Mr. Nitya Nanad Tajpuriya chairperson
- Nepal Deo Samaj Mr.Rajkumar Deo chairperson
- Nepal Mandal Dhanuk Samaj Mr. Rambali Mandal chairperson 9841-324256
- Mithila Samaj Mr. Nabin Jha chairperson 9841-262953
- Nepal Millat Paresad Mr. Raj Mohmad chairperson 98510-24015
- Nepal yadav sewa samiti Pro.Dr. umakant yadav chairperson 01-4330852
- Madheshi Dalit Development Fedration Bisheshwor Rajak Chairperson 031-552093 98510-08013
- Media Action & Research Group 'MARG" Mr. Rajesh Ahiraj chairperson 01-2043418 9841-219169
- Madhesh Adyan Tatha Bikash Samaj , Nepal Mr. Ramchandra Prasad Barnawal chairperson 01-4350073 98510-06279
- Madhesh Jagran Abhiyan Mr.Pasupati Mishra chairperson 01-4471264
- Terai Bikash Manch Mr.Jaya prakash sahni chairperson 01-4272643
- Nepal Terai Baudhik samaj Mr. Ramkishor Singh chairperson 01-4464109 9841-297508
- Terai Bikash Pratisthan Mr.Ramesh Jha chairperson 01-4771413
- Terai Baudhik Samaj Mr.Abdhesh Singh chairperson 01-4244980 98510-98092
- Nepal Terai Engineeyar Samaj Mr. Sitaram Shah chairperson 01-4272895
- Madheshi Dalit Jana Adhikar Forum Mr.Rajendra Ram chairperson 01-4480453
- Madheshi Jana Adhikar Forum Mr. Upendra Yadav chairperson 01-4480453
- Santi r Bikashka lagi Madhesh pratisthan Mr.Bindeshwor Yadav chairperson 01-4331107
- Madheshi Rastriya Manch Mr.Ramchandra Ray chairperson 01-4490329
- Madheshi Manav Adhikar Kendra Mr.Jaya prakash Gupta chairperson 01-4480453 98510-35799
- Nepal Pichhdavarg Mahasangh Mr.Bharat Prasad Mahto chairperson 01-4490329 98510-36970
- Awam Sahara Nepal Mr.Mohmad Nijamudeen chairperson 01-4243274 98510-30148
- Nepal Madheshi Bikash Parisad Mr.Shiva Sankar Yadav chairperson 01-4249832
- Madheshi Maitry Kendra Mr. Kesori Mahto chairperson 01-5591303 98510-81030
- Madheshi Nagrik Samaj Dr. Dambar Narayan Yadav chairperson 01-4472900 01-4472471
- Madheshi Manav Adhikar Sarokar Kendra Mr.Bishwonath Yadav chairperson 01-5551176
- Terai sanskritik Pratisthan, Nepal Mr.Shree Prasad Shah chairperson 01-4231827 9841-390809(sanjiv)
- Mahila Jagriti Samaj Sewa Kendra Mrs. Asha Chaturbedi chairperson 01-4483716
- Jagriti Nepal Mr. Bijay Kant Karn chairperson 01-5521797 01-5542344(Res)
- Nepal Madhesh Bikash Parisad MR. Ram Awatar Yadav chairperson
- Acadamy of social justice & Human Rights Dr. Ram Kewal Shah vice-chairman 01-4781557 98510-23999
- Madheshi Bidyarthi front Mr.Kesab Jha chairperson 9841-280734
- Teli Kalyan Samaj Dr. Chandeswar Shah Chairman 4222-226 (W)
- Sudi Samaj Rameshwar Shah Chairman 4488-951 /98412-98042
- Madhesh Dalit Samaj Bishweswar Ranjak
- Tajpuriya Kalyan Samaj Parisad Nitya Nand Tajpuriya Chairman 4256 569/ 98510-86932
- Tharu Kalyankari Sajha Kem Narayan Chaudhari 4477-688
- Muslim Samaj Khalil Miyan
- Muslim Samaj Lal Babu Kabadi 2043 390/ 98510-91836 Madheshi student Org….
- Nepal Madheshi Bidyarthi parisad Mr. Chandramauli Prasad Chaudhary chairperson 98030-49623
- Terai Bidyarthi Parisad Mr.Saroj Yadav chairperson 98030-27177
- Terai Bidyarthi Samaj Mr.Saroj Yadav chairperson 98030-27177
- Madheshi Student Society of Law Mr. Rajesh Jha chairperson 98510-59018(Raman)
- Tharu Bidyarthi samaj Mr. Chandra Narayan Chaudhary chairperson 01-2021871
- Madheshi Bidyarthi front Mr. Keshav Jha Chairperson 9841-280734
1 comment:
JTMM reject Talks with Nepal Government
Kathmandu, Jan 19: The JTMM in the Terai region on Friday rejected the possibility of holding any dialogue with the Nepal government.
"There is no relevance in holding talks with the government as it has used a policy of suppression in the name of composite dialogue," central coordinator of the Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM), Jai Krishna Goit said in a statement here.
The JTMM has also opposed the recently promulgated interim constitution, saying it has failed to address the cause of the Terai people.
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