30 November 2006, Thursday | 106 | |
1 December 2006, Friday | 344 | |
2 December 2006, Saturday | 260 |
Girija For Republic
I knew this all along. He might dilly dally, but he is going to come around. He knew the monarchy will still be there until the constituent assembly elections, so he thought he had a few months in which to take positions all over the floor.
That the historic House Proclamation did not declare the country a repubic told him the MPs are not there yet. There was still fear. The king might still mess up. He might have allies.
But slowly Girija is opening up.
Girija played it real good. During the peace talks, even the Maoists took him for someone who wants to retain the monarchy in some form.
"Your Majesty, have patience. Time is the best healer," a cunning Girija reportedly told the king not long after the revolution. Now the monarchy is going to be healed out of existence.
Federal Republic Guaranteed
Federal Republic Guaranteed (August 8, 2006)
I don't see any party arguing against federalism either.
Federal Republic: Mantra To Unite The Congress
Now that Koirala has come out more openly for a republic, any ideological roadblock in the unification effort is gone.
But by now I am philosophical about the unification effort. I am fine either way. As I said before, it will be good for the country to have four similar sized large parties. During the 1990s, the Congress was too big. The second largest party should be almost as big as the largest. Otherwise the largest party acts like there was one party rule in the country.
What Shape Federalism?
I trust the people to make the right choice. There are a few different maps on the table. One of them is mine. Mine is designed to give Nepal a double digit economic growth rate.
All the parties are going to be forced to come out with maps before they go to the polls. I am curious as to what they will come up with.
Federalism: Four Layers Or Three Layers
Interim Federalism
Federal Republic Guaranteed
Critiquing Pitambar Sharma's Federalism
Federalism: Competing Maps
RPP For Federalism Ahead of UML, NC And NC(D)
My Federalism Is Economic, Scientific, Not Ethnic
Why It Is Important To Me The Congress Takes Up A Federal Republic
UML Inching Towards Federalism
Monarchy, Army, Federalism
I think it would be hard for the Maoists to abandor their map and adopt mine, because they are so invested in it and are wed to it. But none of the other parties have maps. I think they should take a hard look at mine.
Number One Issue Now: Transparent Party Finances
This is the key issue now. If the leaders do not insert this provision, I am going to say they have betrayed the spirit of the April Revolution.
Managing arms is not entirely enough. If you don't also manage money - by making transparency mandatory - the elections are not going to be free and fair in the truest sense of the word.
Riding The Nepal Wave To An Obama Victory
Obama's Weapon On Clinton: Iraq
That is what I intend to do myself.
In the mean time, I offer Nepal my Muna Madan: प्रस्तािवत संिवधान
In The News
Signing of Comprehensive Peace Accord (Video)
NC won't shoulder king, says PM Koirala Kantipur "In a meeting today, PM Koirala asked all our party organizations to deliver a message to the people that the Nepali Congress doesn’t need to shoulder the king," said Binod Kayastha, president of the NC's youth wing -- Nepal Tarun Dal (NTD). ..... Koirala directed all party cadres to initiate campaigns on the issues of interim legislature, interim government, peace and constitutional assembly in all 75 districts. ..... Koirala's statement came when his party has been facing allegations from other members of the ruling alliance that the NC attempted to give a ceremonial role to the king at a time when republican sentiment is rising among the Nepali people.
UNSC meeting on Dec 1 demonstrates urgency we feel about Nepal: Bolton
PM directs Tarun Dal to prepare for CA
Borrowing Revolution: A tale of two eras
Nepal-US team to do major heart study
NEPSE up by an astounding 22.45 points
87 percent Nepalis favour democratic republic: Survey
विभिन्न जिल्लामा प्रदर्शन र तोडफोड
निजामती विधेयकमा सचिवहरूको आपत्ति
बालबालिकालाई कार्यकर्ता नबनाउन आग्रह
माओवादी र जमिनदारद्वारा धान लुट
जनमोर्चाले नागरिकता विधेयकविरुद्ध आन्दोलन गर्ने केन्द्रीय सदस्य पुनले सीमा व्यस्थापन नभई नागरिकता समस्या समाधान हुँदैन भने । अब मुलकको राष्ट्रियता खतरामा पर्ने भएकोले आन्दोलनमा उत्रने जानकारी सञ्चारकर्मीलाई दिइएको थियो ।
माओवादी कार्यकर्तालाई कारबाही माग
महिला हिंसामुक्त जिल्ला बनाइनेे
निःशुल्क शिक्षा माग
राप्रपा नेपाल राजा जोगाउने अभियानमा भेलामा शाही सत्ताका मनोनीतहरू र नगर निर्वाचनका पदाधिकारीहरूको उल्लेख्य सहभागिता थियो । ... भेलाको उद्घाटन गर्दै अध्यक्ष रवीन्द्रनाथ शर्माले राजसंस्था नभए देशको विखण्डन हुने बताए । .... 'त्यस्तो मोर्चामा कांग्रेसको नेतृत्व स्वीकार्य छ,' शर्माले भने । उनले 'हिजोभन्दा आज' राजतन्त्रको आवश्यकता बढेको विचार व्यक्त गरे । ...... शाही सत्ताद्वारा रोल्पा जिविसमा उपसभापति मनोनीत मोहन परियारले लोकतन्त्रको सत्ता सर्वसत्तावादी र निरंकुश भएको टिप्पणी गर्दै यस्तै रहे सशस्त्र विद्रोह हुनसक्ने बताए । ..... 'संविधानसभाबाट राजतन्त्रको फैसला जनभावनाविपरीत छ । जनमतसंग्रहबाट हुनुपर्छ, त्यो पनि गणतन्त्रवादी आठदलीय सरकारले हैन सर्वपक्षीय सरकारले गराउनुपर्छ ।' राजपरिषद्का पूर्वसदस्य मोहम्मद इकवाल इराकीलगायतका राजावादी पनि भेलामा पुगेका थिए । उपाध्यक्ष पद्मसुन्दर लावती, नेता जगत गौचनलगायतले भेलालाई सम्बोधन गर्दै राजतन्त्र र प्रजातन्त्रका लागि आफ्नो पार्टीले संघर्ष गर्ने बताए ।
'समस्या समाधानको नेपाली मोडल उत्तम'
माओवादीको विरोधमा चक्काजाम
धरापमा परेको राज्यको पुनर्संरचना
चुनावी प्रणाली र मतपत्र
महिलामाथि जारी विभेद
Blast in Nepal Maoist camp, four injured Times of India, India
Nepal should go for federal system: CPN People's Daily Online, China
LeT, JeM use Bangladesh, Nepal for anti-India activities Zee News, India
Nepal's Maoists Morph for 21st Century New California Media, CA
Nepal faces power shortage Hindu, India
Assembly will determine fate of people: Nepal Gorkhapatra, Nepal
Royalists begin 'save King' campaign in Nepal India eNews.com, India
Int’l Press Flayed for 'Distorting' Facts about Nepal Himalayan Times, Nepal "We found the situation of Maoists heartland exactly opposite of what we have heard from the international press," Peter Grant, one of the participants at the brigade, said at a press conference organised by the IRBB. .... The IRBB team comprised individuals from 10 countries, namely the USA, the UK, Canada, Germany, France, Chile, Iran, Italy, India and Sri Lanka. Grant also said the people of Rukum and Rolpa had been neglected by the government for the last 240 years..... the international media are portraying Maoists as a small group of terrorists "giving false impression to the people of the world".
Nepal in a mood to discard monarchy DailyIndia.com, FL
PM not in favor of shouldering monarchy against people's wishes, says Tarun Dal leader NepalNews Nepali Congress (NC) youth wing Nepal Tarun Dal ..... Binod Kayastha, president of the Dal ..... He said there is no need for Congress to shoulder the monarchy against people's desire
Mid-term report on civil service's 10-year vision paper submitted
Maoist violate pact, manhandle a hotel union leader
Property worth Rs 7m looted from businessman's house in Kathmandu
Interim constitution will be ready within a few days, says Gyawali
The Zero Hour: Wolf, Shepherd and the Missing Sheep
Far-western women demand end to discrimination
Secretaries against provision of new Civil Service Bill
Women leaders to launch agitation if 33 percent reservation is not implemented
UML will be in majority in constituent assembly, claims Nepal The UML had secured 37 percent votes in the last general elections even when the party had just witnessed split. ..... there would be strong majority of left parties in the CA if they stood united in the polls to be held by mid-June 2007.... the 425-member constituent assembly ... Oli said that the parties should not yet assume that monarchy was in its death bed
UNSC adopts plan to assist Nepal
Students continue protests against govt decision on temporary teachers against the decision of the government to given permanent status to all temporary schoolteachers..... open competition should be held for recruitment of qualified teachers in public schools.
Majority of people are in favour of democratic republican set up: survey only a negligible number of respondents backed ceremonial monarchy and constitutional monarchy. .... "About 88 percent of the people surveyed by the INSEC in fifty-six districts opted for a democratic republican set-up," said chairman of INSEC Subodh Raj Pyakurel. ..... 88 percent of the interviewees were for inclusive democracy .... about 92 percent were for bringing the human rights violators to book, thereby giving justice to the victims of the decade-long conflict. .... Arjun Narsingh KC said that INSEC's survey would help the government and political parties in their efforts to draft new constitution and restructuring the state.
Asian Games starts in Doha, Nepal taking part in 14 events
Property Worth Rs 30m Damaged in Birgunj Factory Fire Himalayan Times
At Least 15 Hurt as Students Clash with Cops
Gang Loots Property Worth Rs 10m from Lainchaur House
Students Obstruct Prithvi Highway in Dhading
Koirala Highlights Youths' Role in CA Poll
Autonomy, Federalism Main Issues Now: Prachanda autonomy, federalism and right to self-determination should be the crucial issues in restructuring of the state. ...... The federal democratic republican system in Nepal would be one of its kind and not a replication of any system. ....... we defeated all regressive and reactionary forces by showing flexibility ...... there would be 40 per cent women representation from his party in the upcoming interim legislature ..... "Ethnic issues are the real issues to be addressed at the moment. We will propose addressing these issues in the interim constitution because these were the issues we raised while launching people's war" .... a programme organised by National Forum Against Ethnic Discrimination to hand over to him a draft of 'Federal Democratic Republic Constitution 2006'. The draft was prepared by an alliance of 12 different ethnic organisations.
Int’l Press Flayed for 'Distorting' Facts about Nepal
Education Bill Draws Flak; TU Panel Warns of Strike
Work Resumes at Mid-Marsyangdi Hydel Project
Sushil Koirala Calls Maoists to End Atrocities
UML men vandalise NC leader’s house after the Parliamentary Probe Committee investigating the MP Hem Narayan Yadav murder case gave his name and that of Jay Prasad Upadhyay of Siraha as ‘informants of the army’ in the case. ...... Property worth around Rs 1 million was damaged ..... a civil society committee was formed under the coordination of Abhay Chandra Jha to seek immediate action against Yadav and Upadhyay.
Nepal’s call to form republican alliance as “plots are afoot” to give continuity to the monarchy .... the UML itself would lead the republican front ..... “If all parties join in a republican front and go for election to the constituent assembly (CA), it would lead to the establishment of a republic in the country” ...... form a new Nepal, end impunities, eliminate corruption and address the problems of the indigenous and Janajati communities ..... “UML will get the majority of the votes in the CA election.”
Published on Saturday, December 2, 2006 by the Guardian/UK |
Nepal's Farmers on the Front Line of Global Climate Change Himalayan communities face catastrophic floods as weather patterns alter |
by John Vidal in Kathmandu |
Schoolteacher Sherbahadur Tamang walks through the southern Nepalese village of Khetbari and describes what happened on September 9: "During the night there was light rain but when we woke, its intensity increased. In an hour or so, the rain became so heavy that we could not see more than a foot or two in front of us. It was like a wall of water and it sounded like 10,000 lorries. It went on like that until midday. Then all the land started moving like a river." When it stopped raining Mr Tamang and the village barely recognised their valley in the Chitwan hills. In just six hours the Jugedi river, which normally flows for only a few months of the year and is at most about 50 metres wide in Khetbari, had scoured a 300 metre-wide path down the valley, leaving a three metre-deep rockscape of giant boulders, trees and rubble in its path. Hundreds of fields and terraces had been swept away. The irrigation systems built by generations of farmers had gone and houses were demolished or were now uninhabitable. Mr Tamang's house was left on a newly formed island. Khetbari expects a small flood every decade or so, but what shocked the village was that the two largest have taken place in the last three years. According to Mr Tamang, a pattern is emerging. "The floods are coming more severely more frequently. Not only is the rainfall far heavier these days than anyone has ever experienced, it is also coming at different times of the year." Nepal is on the front line of climate change and variations on Khetbari's experience are now being recorded in communities from the freezing Himalayas of the north to the hot lowland plains of the south. For some people the changes are catastrophic. "The rains are increasingly unpredictable. We always used to have a little rain each month, but now when there is rain it's very different. It's more concentrated and intense. It means that crop yields are going down," says Tekmadur Majsi, whose lands have been progressively washed away by the Tirshuli river. He now lives with 200 other environmental change refugees in tents in a small grove of trees by a highway. In the south villagers are full of minute observations of a changing climate. One notes that wild pigs in the forest now have their young earlier, another that certain types of rice and cucumber will no longer grow where they used to, a third that the days are hotter and that some trees now flower twice a year. Anecdotal observations are backed by scientists who are recording in Nepal some of the fastest long-term increases in temperatures and rainfall anywhere in the world. At least 44 of Nepal's and neighbouring Bhutan's Himalayan lakes, which collect glacier meltwater, are said by the UN to be growing so rapidly they they could burst their banks within a decade. Any climate change in Nepal is reflected throughout the region. Nearly 400 million people in northern India and Bangladesh also depend on rainfall and rivers that rise there. "Unless the country learns to adapt then people will suffer greatly," says Gehendra Gurung, a team leader with Practical Action in Nepal, which is trying to help people prepare for change. In projects around the country the organisation is working with vulnerable villages, helping them build dykes and set up early warning systems. It is also teaching people to grow new crops, introducing drip irrigation and water storage schemes, trying to minimise deforestation which can lead to landslides and introducing renewable energy. Some people are learning fast and are benefiting. Davandrod Kardigardi, a farmer in the Chitwan village of Bharlang, was taught to grow fruit and, against his father's advice, planted many banana trees. It has paid off handsomely. As other farmers have struggled he has increased his income. But Nepal as a country needs help adapting to climate change, says Mr Gurung. Its emissions of damaging greenhouse gases are negligible, yet it finds itself on the front line of change. "Western countries can control their emissions but to mitigate the effects will take a long time. Until then they can help countries like Nepal to adapt. But it means everyone must question the way they live," he says. · The average Briton produces 126 times more carbon dioxide than someone living in Nepal · CO2 emissions from using an electric kettle for one year in the UK are equivalent to average person's total annual CO2 emissions in Nepal |
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