Some people have described me the virus of the April Revolution. I believe that to be an accurate description.
I surprised myself by the way I reacted to the 2/1 coup. When I moved to New York City a few months later, my express goal was to cultivate my business ideas. Instead I found myself working towards the April Revolution - days, nights, weekends. I did not find the movement. The movement found me. It had me in its grips. I did not have a choice.
Only now after the eight party peace agreement do I feel a sense of relief. I feel like now I can let go. Peace and democracy are here. I still will be following the developments on a daily basis, and I still hope to help shape the constitution. My one point agenda is to end up with state funded political parties. I also have a proposal for federalism. I have a language policy to suggest. I was there for the hard part. I am not going to chicken out for the easy, more important part. I will be there.
What was my motivation? I guess I am a political person. Democracy is the goal. Once it is achieved, that is fulfillment enough. There is nothing more to ask for.
This is the most important work I ever did in my life to date.
I am still very much tied to the social justice agenda. I envision a Madhesi-Janajati coalition, kind of like Laloo's Muslim-Yadav coalition in Bihar. New York City is great for that. There are too few Madhesis in the city. And the few suffer from too much internalized prejudice to be of much political value to me. But the Janajatis are different. They are numerous. And they treat me right, unlike the Bahuns whose idea of getting along is that you do not unruffle the feathers and we are all going to be just fine.
My work towards the April Revolution has been transparent. It has been there for all to see. Nobody put in as much time as I did. Nobody reached the highest echelons of American power as I did on behalf of Nepal. Nobody studied the ground situation in Nepal on a daily basis like I did. Nobody put as much strategic thinking into the April Revolution like I did. I was the one who pushed the idea of a continuous movement for months. I was the one who originally pushed for an alliance with the Maoists.
I functioned within the ecosystem concept. The beauty of that workstyle is that leaves little room for the backstabbing kind of politics. As long as you are for democracy, we are all fine and dandy. Keep working. We will get there.
A lot of people all over the world played a huge role, Nepalis and non-Nepalis alike. The prime credit goes to all those who came out into the streets in April. They are the real heroes. They came with such gusto, even the eight party leaders were blindsided.
The April Revolution more than any other revolution in world history is going to be the role model revolution for the goal of a total, global spread of democracy. I am already more interested in countries like Bhutan and Burma than I am in Nepal. Nepal is done.
It is the April Revolution I cash to make my foray into American politics. It gives me identity.
Nothing like it has ever happened before. In a country of 27 million, the second poorest country, a country that has little in the name of physical infrastructure, eight million people came out into the streets over a period of 19 days to ensure a total shutdown of the country, all towns, all villages. Nobody saw this coming. It was the ultimate flash flood.
During the course of my work, some tools have been generated, like the world's first digital democracy organization, Hamro Nepal. It throws a lot of people off balance. It is not registered. It has no budget. Membership is free. It has members also in Nepal.
The Matrix grows out of that.
Drinking Liberally: Session X
New Orleans: 2008 Democratic Convention
Child Adoptions: My Number One Reason To Be For Gay Marriage
Next Stop: White House
On November 7: In Harlem: For Obama
Democratic Vision For The 21st Century
The Energy Solution: Nuclear Energy
Obama 2006
The Matrix
Events To November 7 Victory
The Audacity Of Gravitas: Restore Intelligence To The White House
Barack Is A Deaniac
Voting Machines On The Upper West
Barack Obama: This Is A New Century
Barack Obama: New Approaches To Old Problems
DFA Event: A Forum On Voting Machines
Switching To Obama
In The News
PM, Prachanda discuss SPA-Maoist deal, its implementation NepalNews
Blast kills three minors in Tehrahum
Deuba says interim cabinet leader not chosen yet
Maoist organize victory meeting in capital; leaders caution against reactionary forces
Leaders commit to press freedom
Workers demanding pay rise lock up managers of Surya Nepal
Nepal's HDI goes down
EU, Australia and China hail SPA-Maoist agreement
Truth and Reconciliation Commission most of the truth commissions around the world have been established as non-judicial investigative bodies with certain mandate for the statement taking, investigations, research and public hearings. ..... The truth commissions are designed to offer same form of accounting for the past in situations where prosecutions for gross violation or massive crimes are impossible or unlikely due to lack of capacity of the judicial system or amnesty. In the past, more than 30 truth commissions around the world have various structure, mandate and proceedings. ....... the atmosphere where victims or witnesses can freely express their experiences about the details of violations or atrocities with their full protection from intimidation or harassment from any side
SPA, Maoist agreement: Challenges lie ahead Implementing the agreements is an uphill task as Maoists not abiding by most of the agreements signed in the past and are continuing their excesses despite their commitment not to do so. ...... The recent acts of the Maoists to continue extortion and intimidation despite their commitment not to do also raises questions about the implementation of the agreements reached on Tuesday. ..... Nilambar Acharya said that the future of the agreement depends on the cultural and structural reforms of the Maoists and bureaucratic and military reform of the Nepal government. ....... reach into other agreements as mentioned ...... all the past accords reached between the ruling SPA and Maoists are publicity oriented ....... “Recent activities of the Maoists in the capital and their compulsion to stop the proposed mass meeting is a case in point.” ....... Minister for Local Development Rajendra Pandey, said that he did not believe that the Maoists would implement the agreement sincerely. ......... Minister Pandey said, “Lets see if their cadres follow them or not. ........ Maoist militia might create fear during the election of the constituent assembly as the agreement only talked about the Maoist armies.
Constitution of 1990 will continue to guide future constitutions, says Acharya if the 1990 constitution had been a little more flexible on amendment issues, there might not have been the need to go for a new one ..... five constitutions in last six decades.
Sitaula directs security agencies to stem criminal activities
Sitaula also asked the district administrators of the central region to start works to update the electoral list of voters who are eligible for exercising their adult franchise in the constituent assembly polls. He further said the district administration should also begin preparations for distribution of citizenship to Nepalis who have not received it before the election to constituent assembly polls are held as per the agreement reached among the eight parties.
Maoists force school students to participate in victory rallies
Government formally appoints two ECs
US and EU delegations to visit Nepal
Government formally appoints two ECs
US and EU delegations to visit Nepal
Indigenous communities cautiously welcome SPA-Maoists agreement the Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NEFIN) said the agreement did not adequately address the issues raised by indigenous communities like establishment of a federal republic with ethnic guarantee of self-determination, inclusive state mechanism, proportional representation in the constituent assembly and restructuring of the state. .... The organisation has accused that major four constituents of the alliance of trying to ignore the issues of the indigenous communities as they failed to mention janajatis in the agreement.
PM stresses unity among all for sustainable peace
Maoist leaders, Martin discuss technicalities of arms management
Government approves SPA-Maoist agreement
UK, Denmark welcome SPA- Maoist agreement
UN intends to respond promptly; Annan calls all sides to maintain the momentum of peace process
Various organizations hail SPA, Maoist agreement
ANNFSU warns of retaliation against ANNISU (R)
NRNA New Zealand welcomes the pact
PM stresses unity among all for sustainable peace
Maoist leaders, Martin discuss technicalities of arms management
Government approves SPA-Maoist agreement
UK, Denmark welcome SPA- Maoist agreement
UN intends to respond promptly; Annan calls all sides to maintain the momentum of peace process
Various organizations hail SPA, Maoist agreement
ANNFSU warns of retaliation against ANNISU (R)
NRNA New Zealand welcomes the pact