Monday, October 16, 2006

Summit Talks And Maoist Nonsense

Seven Party Delegation
Summit Talks: Four Heads Talking
Televise The Summit Talks
The Summit Talks Will Succeed


The eight parties do have the option to take a political decision now and end the monarchy. That option can be exercised should there be any foul play by the king or the monarchists. And it is perfectly legitimate to hold a referendum on the topic. However, the 12 point agreement asked for neither. We now have a situation where parties like the Nepali Congress and the Sadbhavana have come forth strongly for leaving all issues including that of the monarchy upto the constituent assembly. That is a perfectly legitimate stand. The Maoists may not break the talks based on such a stand by the Nepali Congress and other parties.

Arms Management

It is obvious the Maoists have been misbehaving at the grassroots. Abductions, extortions and killings have been reported on a regular basis. If the Maoists have something akin to a parallel state, that parallel state obviously does not believe in rule of law. That goes contrary to the agreeements so far.

Actually it is this misbehavior that provides a strong argument against ending the monarchy through a swift political decision immediately. Power flows through the ballot box. If the Maoists want an end to the monarchy, let them win votes in a free and fair manner.

The climate of fear has to end. Then elections have to be held. The fate of the monarchy has to be decided electorally.

Girija's Argument

Koirala's argument is that holding a referendum will give too much importance to the monarchy. It might also provide a pretext to the monarchy to get active again. What he is saying is it helps the republican cause to not hold a referendum on the monarchy.

Constituent Assembly: The Only Meeting Point

Holding free and fair elections to a constituent assembly as early as possible should be our immediate goal. The rest can be achieved in the aftermath.

The republican goal is not to convince Girija Koirala to the republican viewpoint. Girija Koirala is only one out of 27 million Nepalis. The Maoists should stop acting like Girija is the reason the country is not a republic.

The difference between Prachanda and Girija is Prachanda is a blunt republican, Girija is a sophisticated republican. Both are republicans.

And so I come to the conclusion arms management is indeed at the center of the ongoing summit talks. It is not the monarchy.

100,000 Maoist Militia Must Disarm
Pramukh Dar

Mero Sansar

राजा बचाउन सशस्त्र विद्रोहको घोषणा
शान्ति सिखरवार्ता र निसैनिकिकरणको प्रश्न
शिखर बैठक अनिश्चित कालका लागि स्थगित
शिखर बैठकपछिको पत्रकार सम्मेलनको अडियो ब्लग
लाइभ अपडेटः आजको बैठकमा के भयो ?
शिखर बैठक आइतबारसम्मका लागि स्थगित
“बिहीबारसम्म ऐतिहासिक सहमति हुन्छ”
आज पनि कुरा मिलेन,पर्सि फेरि बैठक बस्ने
वीरेन्द्रको सम्पति राष्ट्रियकरण गरिने
आजको बैठक सकियो, अब पर्सि बस्ने
हतियार व्यवस्थापन हुँदैमा समस्याको हल होला ?

In The News

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Nepal: Summit Talks Stalled OhmyNews International
Nepal: return still a trickle despite ceasefire Reuters AlertNet, UK
Nepal's business community calls off general strike Monsters and, UK
Nepal refutes UN report on custodial disappearance of Maoists Zee News, India

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शिखर बैठक अनिश्चित
सञ्चारकर्मीमाथि माओवादी दुव्र्यवहार
आजदेखि फोहोर उठ्ाइने
राप्रपामा दुई सदस्य थप
सिमानामा अभद्र व्यवहार
सुदूरपश्चिममा नयाँ भूमिगत पार्टी
माओवादी कब्जामा प्रहरी
माओवादीमाथि कुटपिट
'राजतन्त्रको टुंगो संविधानसभाबाटै'
ँसरकार कर्तव्यबाट विमुख’
जातीय आधारमा राज्य पुनर्संरचना
नयाँ संविधानमा स्वरविहीनको अधिकार

Another round of peace talks soon: SPA leaders NepalNews the leaders said the talks was postponed not because they failed to find consensus in the issues of monarchy and arms management, but to do more homework in these issues to restore sustainable peace in the country. ...... they are holding another round of talks before Tihar (October 24), adding all issues like finalizing the interim constitution and forming interim legislature and government will be completed by November 16 ........ NC is in favour of providing space to the ceremonial King during the interim period as per the historic proclamation of the parliament ....... fate of monarchy in new Nepal should be decided through the election of the constituent assembly ..... “Holding referendum to decide the fate of monarchy will establish monarchy, which was striped from all powers, as a force.” ....... Jhal Nath Khanal said that the talks is not getting momentum due to failure of the NC to take decision in some key issues. ...... the talks will succeed if NC agrees to decide the fate of monarchy through referendum or present another model that is acceptable to other political parties. ....... Maoists are still continuing excesses on the basis of their weapons. ........ though the Maoist leaders are ready to join the peaceful political mainstream and showing flexibility in the talks, the mindset of their cadres and armies was yet to be changed, which was the obstacle for the peace talks.
Maoists close down their ‘customs posts’ in eastern districts
Court orders FNCCI to call off Tuesday's general strike
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Govt refutes disappearance of 49 from Bhairav Nath
Transport workers strike along the Araniko Highway
Reviving Nepalese Ladies Football
Nepal’s Bid in the UN Security Council Elections
NJP warns of armed struggle in support of King the Nepal Janatantrik Party (NJP), a small 'political' outfit, has said that it will launch an armed struggle in support of the king from the far west. ..... has its headquarters in Kailali’s Dhangadhi .... a ‘sabotage programme’ will be launched from mid-December to mid-February in support of the King ........ the party had warned that the party would embark on an armed struggle. ...... in the context that all others except the seven political parties and Maoists are being treated badly ..... the Nepal Janatantrik Party was formed on May 24, 2006. The CDs distributed to the journalists contained the party’s declaration. ...... Rana Bahadur Chand ‘Samrat’, Shailendra Dhami ‘Jeevan’, Tapendra Bhatta ‘Smriti’, Janak Bhandari ‘Basant’ are the central president, vice-president, general secretary and secretary of the party ....... Narendra ‘Bam’, Sudarshan Damai ‘Surya’ and Sanyog Bhat ‘Sansar’.
Parliamentary FC directs NRB to take action against willful defaulters
NSP organises protests in Terai districts Nepal Sadbhawana Party (NSP), a constituent of the ruling seven-party alliance (SPA), organised protest programmes in several Terai districts on Sunday, saying that the issues raised by the party were being sidelined in summit talks. ....... The NSP central office said the party organised protests in all Terai districts as its demands like distribution of citizenship certificates and a census in Terai districts before the election to constitution assembly were not getting priority in the SPA-Maoist summit talks. ....... In Jaleshwor of Mahottari, NSP activists locked out the District Administration Office (DAO), disrupting the administrative works at the DAO. ..... NSP general secretary Rajendra Mahato said his party was not in favour of a referendum to decide the fate of monarchy. “Decision on monarchy should be taken by the constituent assembly. Referendum is not necessary,” he said revealing that the NSP would, however, go for democratic republic.
Summit meeting today, talks at difficult crossroads
Maharjan calls on PM Koirala Principle secretary of His Majesty King Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev Pashupati Bhakta Maharjan has called on Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala at the latter's residence on Baluwatar, Saturday. ...... after the high level probe commission (HLPC) formed to probe the atrocities committed to suppress the April movement sent questionnaires to the King to clarify his role during the suppression of people's movement as then head of the government.

कृष्णबहादुर महरा, माओवादी वार्ता संयोजक Himal Publications
काङ्ग्रेस एकतामा पारिवारिक 'सेयरहोल्डर' को खेल

Breakthrough Unlikely in Today's Talks: Leaders Himanalayan Times There are strong indications that the final breakthrough could still be two-three talks sessions away "unless something dramatic happens," leaders said on Saturday. ....... the NC has not yet agreed to the idea of "a suspended monarchy" for the interim phase. ...... Nepal Sadbhavana Party (Anandi) leader Sarita Giri, who also expressed doubts on Sunday's talks bringing desired results, backed the idea of a referendum, saying the election to a constituent assembly "does not given any clear-cut option to voters, leave alone decide the fate of monarchy." ........ The idea of a referendum on monarchy is not admissible to the Nepali Congress (NC) president and Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala, who has been in favour of deciding the fate of monarchy through a constituent assembly. ...... A highly placed NC source wondered: "Why should the CPN-UML leadership insist on a referendum on monarchy rather than going for the election to a constituent assembly right away." ....... NC leadership is against the idea of a referendum on monarchy, and says it will give the monarchy one more chance to campaign during the CA election, "which cannot be a good idea." ...... Rather, the NC leadership is in favour of going for a referendum after drawing up a new statute. The post-constituent assembly referendum would choose the head of state from among the monarch and a presidential aspirant "if the constituent assembly election fails to give the 'final verdict' on monarchy," the NC source said. ...... Sooner or later, the Maoist leadership is expected to settle down for decommissioning of arms, with high chances of decommissioning coming to a finish at least four months short of the election date." ........ they would not agree to arms managerment until there is guarantee of a political change.
NC-Maoist Tug-of-war Crippling Talks: Gyawali the Maoists' are too besotted with their weapons while the Nepali Congress revels in kowtowing to the idea of monarchy. ...... "NC should make up its mind. It should agree either to a republic or a constituent assembly." ..... Gyawali alleged that more than the Maoists it was the NC, which was responsible for stretching the summit talks process to ad infinitum. ..... "Elections to the constituent assembly should be held after the management of arms of both the Maoists the Nepali Army under UN supervision." ..... both armies and their arms should not only be kept in temporary camps but also locked up until the process of the constituent assembly polls and referendum is over ....... The monarchy would become active again if elections to the constituent assembly were not held soon ..... Chairperson of the Nepal Janabadi Morcha, Ram Raja Prasad Singh, on Saturday said that as "international intervention" persists in the country, the seven parties and the Maoists should be alert against such activities. ....... Talking to journalists at his residence in Rajbiraj, Singh said that different avenues for development would open up after the abolition of monarchy. "Had Jana Andolan-II continued a little longer, monarchy would surely have been abolished," said Singh. ...... He said that all dissatisfied sides should be involved in the ongoing peace talks. ...... The song-and-drama of raising the issue of Madhesh from all sides now is only the politics of getting votes, said Singh, adding that the Madhesh region should be viewed not just as Madhesh but as one of the main regions of the country.
Madhesh, where civilisation and cultures originated, should be considered the main region of the country, said Singh.
Parties' Support Sought to Solve Valley Garbage Problem
SPA-Maoist Talks Postponed Indefinitely
Prachanda, Bhattarai meet PM Koirala
Talks will succeed: Nepal
Talks may not end soon, says Tripathi Minister for Industry, Commerce and Supplies Hridayesh Tripathi said today that the peace talks may not end soon as some technical issues are there to be resolved before the teams come up with a declaration. ..... Minister for Industry, Commerce and Supplies Hridayesh Tripathi said today that the peace talks may not end soon as some technical issues are there to be resolved before the teams come up with a declaration. .... “It does not matter if the talks continue for some days. What we must be careful of is that no question should be left unanswered,” he said. ..... Tripathi also added that both the sides — the seven-party alliance and the Maoists — have agreed that arms management will be conducted in phases ....... the issue of monarchy should not be linked with the election of Constituent Assembly in the form of referendum; rather, it should be left for the Constituent Assembly. ......

SPA-Maoist summit talks postponed until further notice Kantipur
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Public Health Office shows negligence on dengue threat in Siraha
Sadbhavana activists gherao Jaleshwor DAO Protesting against the Citizenship Bill-2063, Nepal Sadbhavana Party (NSP) activists gheraoed Jaleshwor District Administration Office (DAO), in Mahottari on Sunday. .... secretary of Nepal Youth Forum, Chandan Singh said that they have a plant to stage the sit-in whole day today. ..... NSP has put forward demands like a census before constituent assembly polls, proportional election system
SPA-Maoist summit talks postponed indefinitely
Rebels abduct 10, send into ‘labor detention’
शंकास्पद’ ढंगले सैन्य जहाज खरिद प्रक्रिया
मन्त्री सात घन्टा घेराउमा
कुनै पनि विषयमा टुंगो लागेनकोइराला-प्रचण्ड भेटवार्ता हतियार व्यवस्थापन तथा अन्तरिम संविधानको अन्तर्वस्तुमा सरकारी पक्ष एक कदम अगाडि र माओवादी एक कदम पछाडि हट्ने सहमति बनेपछि वार्ता निणर्ायक बिन्दुमा पुग्ने स्थिति देखिएको हो । ...... अन्तरिम सरकार र संसद् बन्नुअघि हतियार व्यवस्थापनको टुंगो लगाउने र त्यसमा राष्ट्रसंघले दिएका विकल्पअनुरूप अघि बढ्ने, अन्तरिम संविधानमा राजालाई अधिकारविहीन बनाएर राख्ने र राजतन्त्र राख्ने/नराख्ने निर्णय जनमत वा संविधानसभाले गर्ने विषयमा वार्ता केन्दि्रत हुने भएको छ । ..... माओवादीले राजाको सम्पत्ति पूर्ण राष्ट्रियकरण गर्न सात दल तयार भए राजतन्त्रको भविष्य संविधानसभाबाट टुंग्याउन आफ्नो दल तयार हुने स्पष्ट संकेत गरेको छ । ..... अहिले माओवादीका चारवटै डिपुटी कमान्डर राजधानीमा छन् । ..... वार्ता प्रक्रियामा भएका सबै विषयलाई लिएर शनिबार साँझ कांग्रेसको बैठक बस्यो । पार्टीका सबै कुरा स्पष्ट रूपले आएकाले थप नयाँ विषयमा छलफल नभएको केन्द्रीय सदस्य महेश आचार्यले बताए ।
एमालेको लोकतान्त्रिक अभियान
हतियार र माओवादी छुट्टयाउने प्रयास ः देउवा पार्टी संसदीय दलको बैठकलाई शनिबार सम्बोधन गर्दै उनले हतियारसहितको माओवादीले संविधानसभामा समस्या खडा गर्न सक्ने बताए । .... बैठकमा सांसदहरूले माओवादी कार्यकर्ताले गाउँ-गाउँमा जबर्जस्ती गरेको तथा दुःख दिए पनि सरकारले वार्तामा भने ती विषयलाई दह्रो ढंगले उठाउन नसकेको भन्दै आलोचना गरेका थिए । उनीहरूले वार्तामा जानुअघि पार्टीभित्र छलफल नगरेको भन्दै पार्टी नेतृत्वको पनि आलोचना गरे ।
अब वार्ता उपलब्धिमूलक हुन्छ ः नेपाल एमाले भ्रातृ संगठन नेपाल लोकतान्त्रिक आदिवासी थारू संघको राष्ट्रीय भेलाको शनिबार उद्घाटन गर्ने क्रममा नेपाल .... माओवादीलाई हतियारविहीन राजनीति सिक्न उनले आग्रह गरे । 'माओवादीले बन्दुकका भरमा जनमत आफूतिर छ भन्न्ो भ्रम पालेका छन्,' उनले भने- 'हतियार छाडेर चुनावमा जाऔं, जनताले सबैको स्थान निर्धारण गरिदिन्छन् ।' .... गत आम निर्वाचनको आधारमा एमाले सबैभन्दा ठूलो पार्टी भएकाले त्यसैको आधारमा अन्तरिम संसद्मा प्रतिनिधित्व हुनुपर्ने उनको भनाइ थियो । २६ जिल्लाका दुई सय प्रतिनिधिको सहभागिता रहेको थारू राष्ट्रिय भेलाले संघको नयाँ नेतृत्व चयन गर्नेछ ।
माओवादीको विरोधमा बजार बन्द
डेंगीको बेवास्ता
महानगरीय प्रहरी व्यवस्था
ल्हासाको रेल खासा आउने दिन
ज्यादती उस्तै त्यसरी स्थानीय निकायको एउटा महत्त्वपूर्ण कार्यालयको गेटमा थुनछेक गर्ने नगरपालिका कर्मचारी वा प्रहरी थिएनन् । त्यहाँ त माओवादी पो तैनाथ थिए । ....... नगरपालिकाभित्र वैवाहिक कार्यक्रम रहेछ । राजनीतिक प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रमका लागि माओवादीको मागबमोजिम शनिबार नगरपालिकाले हल उपलब्ध गराएको थियो । तर, आइतबार पूर्वजानकारीबिना नगरपालिका कार्यालय बन्द गरी चार जोडीको विवाह गरियो । खर्चबिना विवाह गरी सरल र समतामूलक समाज निर्माण गर्न खोजिएको भनी माओवादीले खुसी हुँदै समाचार र प्रतिक्रिया दिए । ......... हलभित्र झापा, मोरङ र सुनसरीका करिब दुई सय कार्यकर्ता थिए । त्यसैलाई 'समाज' ठानियो । ....... काठमाडौंको परिवेश हेर्दा, सुन्दा लाग्छ आचारसंहिता पालना त परैजाओस् मुलुकमा शान्ति नै आइसक्यो । तर, जिल्ला, गाउँतर्फ माओवादीको व्यवहार निकै फरक छ । विभिन्न किसिमले आचारसंहिता उल्लंघन भइरहेको छ । ........ 'हामी विपक्षीलाई कुटपिट, गालीगलौज केही पनि गर्दैनांै । थुन्दैनौ पनि । हामी मानसिक दबाबमात्र दिन्छौं ।' यसले पुष्टि गर्छ 'न्याय समिति'ले विपक्षीलाई कति धम्की दिँदो रहेछ । मानसिक दबाबको परिभाषा के हो ? स्मरणरहोस् मानसिक दबाबका कारण धेरैले आत्महत्या गरिसके । कतिपयले मानसिक सन्तुलन गुमाएका छन् त केही दीर्घकालीन रोगी बनेका छन् । ......... एक माओवादीले गरेको निर्णय अर्काले नमान्ने, बोली र व्यवहार फरक हुने, गाउँलेमाथि विभिन्न झूटा मुद्दा लगाएर यातना दिने, पैसा असुल्ने, छिमेकीबीचको असमझदारीलाई माओवादीसँग जोडेर कुट्नेजस्ता विगतका यातना गाउँलेले खुलेर ओकले । ......... तर, जिल्ला इन्चार्जको स्वीकृतिमा जमिन फिर्ता घोषणा गरेका शर्मालाई दसँैको बीचमा सोही जमिनको विषयलाई लिएर अन्य कार्यकर्ताले अपहरण गरेका ....... माओवादीका एक कार्यकर्ताले भनेको कुरा अर्काले मान्दैनन् । कुरा एक व्यवहार अर्कै छ । हिजो शाही पालाका टीके तथा सात दलको कालो सूचीमा परेकाहरूलाई आज माओवादीले जिल्ला तहका विभिन्न कार्यसमितिमा चयन गरेको छ । ........ जिल्ला र गाउँमा माओवादीले मन जित्न त परै जाओस् मन जित्ने प्रयाससमेत गरेको देखिँदैन । बरु हतियार र धम्कीको आडमा अदालत, ठेक्का, कर, अपहरणका काम अहिले पनि जारी छन् । ..... झापामा माओवादीले जिल्ला विकास, नगरपालिका र गाविसका सम्पूर्ण स्रोतहरू ठेक्का लिएर रकम संकलन गरिरहेका छन् । ......

Nepal govt, Maoists hold fourth round of peace talks Daily News & Analysis, India
Nepal King consults Koirala on peace talks Times of India, India
Nepal government hopeful of breakthrough in peace talks with ... International Herald Tribune
Nepal govt, rebels try to overcome rift before talks Reuters AlertNet
Nepal peace talks begin amid 'difficulties Telugu Portal
Summit Talks in Snail’s Pace in Nepal United We Blog, Nepal Baluwatar area, the official residence of Prime Minister of Nepal, was virtually captured by Maoists. In the bizarre twists of events, it seems that Maoists not the SPA is in the helm of Kathmandu..... As photojournalist Shailendra and I drove towards PM residence, an aggressive Maoist cadre blocked our way. We told him that we were journalists. Another one came and said that journalists should understand that the milieu is crowded and should not venture past. ...... That the whole nation is keenly awaiting an agreement to hold the election of CA is crystal clear. ....... the comrades are hell bent on taking laws in their hands, directing people while the state’s security mechanism was just a reluctant observer ....... Few militia-looking girls were reading slogans from pamphlets. Similarly, Rastriya Madhesi Mukti Morcha was there with the chirpy slogans of inclusiveness and equal rights. ....... the Maoists’ victims. They staged protests just outside the gate of PM residence. .....
Concrete Progress Gorkhapatra
NEPAL: Peace talks to continue as progress remains elusive Reuters AlertNet The Maoists said that they will disarm themselves only if the government agrees to completely remove the remaining state powers of the king from the constitution. The seven main parties which make up the interim government on the other hand want to make that decision only through a public referendum.
Nepal’s Bid in the UN Security Council Elections, Nepal

Summit talks postponed indefinitely; Maoists to move ahead with patience NepalNews began at Prime Minister GP Koirala’s residence at Baluwatar Sunday afternoon were postponed indefinitely as no consensus could be reached on monarchy and the issue of arms management. ...... no new date has been fixed for the next meeting ...... The summit meeting today started amid intense demonstrations by various sister organizations of the Maoists along with civil society organizations outside the Baluwatar residence of Prime Minister – who demanded for immediate announcement of date of Constituent Assembly elections, among others. ......... The summit meeting though scheduled to start from 2 pm was delayed because the Maoist leaders including Prachanda and Dr. Baburam Bhattarai arrived at Baluwatar at only around 3:15 pm. Reports say the meeting was called off after discussions were held among Prachanda, Prime Minister Koirala, Unified Marxist Leninist (UML) general secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal and Nepali Congress (Democratic) president Sher Bahadur Deuba. ........... Dev Gurung, a member of Maoist talks team, said the meeting could not become conclusive because the seven parties could not "come out of pressure from pro-palace and foreign elements." He accused them of failing to firmly move ahead in the direction of democratic republic. ..... the Maoists would move ahead with "patience and restraint." He added that next meeting would possibly be held in near future after proper homework.. He claimed that his party had been demonstrating maximum flexibility.
Maoists misbehave with journalists covering summit talks
Summit meeting today, talks at difficult crossroads
Maharjan calls on PM Koirala
Rana asks govt. to be serious about rebels' arms management
Demonstrators outside Baluwatar have a message to leaders
Fourth round of summit talks get underway
Minister Chaudhary resigns from his party position
Maoist central committee meeting gives five-point options to SPA on monarchy has proposed that the seven parties and the Maoists should right away declare republic; or keep the monarchy in suspended position till its fate is determined through Constituent Assembly elections or referendum. Listing other alternatives, the meeting has proposed to build a broader consensus to go for democratic republic through CA elections; or nationalize the properties of the King. If none of these options are accepted by the seven parties, then the meeting decided that the Maoists would stay away from the interim government but demand immediate announcement of the date of CA elections – through which people would give their decision on monarchy.
Prachanda meets with PM after chairing crucial meeting of his party
Bandh hits normal life in five Terai districts Normal life in some eastern Terai districts was badly affected due to the bandh (general strike) called by the Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM) on Saturday. ..... Marketplaces and industries remained closed while transportation was out of gear on the last day of the 24-hour bandh called in five districts – Saptari, Siraha, Morang, Sunsari and Jhapa. The effect of the bandh was felt more in Saptari and Siraha ..... Issuing a press statement, the JTMM had called the bandh on Friday to protest against the activities of the army and the Maoists. The JTMM led by Jwala claimed that the Maoists and the Nepali Army have been terrorizing the people in these districts.
Maoists dissatisfied over EC recommendation
Lawmakers hail HLPC for sending questionnaire to King
Sunday’s meeting will make some breakthroughs: Sitaula
Thapa floats a separate faction of PFN
Maoist leaders Gajurel, Baidhya meet
Peace process going well: ADB rep
Nepal's peace talks will succeed: Gautam
Prime Minister, Prachanda hold meeting; discuss political issues
Constitutional council recommends names for CEC, ECs
Normal life affected due to ‘terai bandh’

Maoists throw out Indian tourists from Nepal hotel "I could not understand what they were saying until I, along with the other guests, were asked to vacate our rooms for the new arrivals," Sharma said. ..... "I later came to know that they were Maoist cadres who wanted to stay in the hotel for free." ..... Both the incidents occurred less than a month after the Maoist chief Prachanda apologised to a top French climber's widow for his cadres' misdemeanour, refunded the money extorted from her and said that tourists would not be harmed by his party.
contrary to the hype generated by the parties and the Maoists before the talks that it might be over as soon as they sat at the table .... Before the talks, the parties were giving the impression that everything will be done with a twist of a finger. .... the Nepal Sadhvabana Party, one of the factions of the SPA, and others, including groups that with overt support of India are launching campaigns for autonomous Terai, saying that they would first want to have all Terai people have citizenship papers followed by a census to update the voters' list. ..... the leaders of the political parties instead of facing journalists after the talks on Sunday exited in silence through the other gate. Nepal: SPA and Maoists May Take Rash Decisions
NepalNews at the prime ministerial residence in Baluwatar, Friday 15 October 2006, Sunday95
Prime Minister, Prachanda hold meeting; discuss political issues
Constitutional council recommends names for CEC, ECs
UN team will work as per the agreement between political parties of Nepal: Martin
Nepal's peace talks will succeed: Gautam
Normal life affected due to ‘terai bandh’Normal life in the eastern terai districts was crippled Friday due to the terai bandh (shut down) called by the Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM) .... vehicular movement on the local roads was at a complete halt .... The JTMM called the bandh demanding to declare an independent terai state in the present changed context of the nation and against the Maoist atrocities in the terai region.
Prachanda terms Thursday's talks as qualitatively more positive
Queries provide opportunity to King to clarify his position, says Birahi
Maoists capture government office; order DDC not to collect tax
Bank officials seek impeachment motion against Justices


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