In The News
UML central committee meeting begins NepalNews In his 27-page long report, Nepal has expressed discontent over the activities of the government as well as the actions of Maoists ..... Nepal ‘lamented’ the dominance of Nepali Congress in the government and criticized the Maoists for violating the ceasefire code of conduct by continuing their forceful activities. “The Maoist leadership must act seriously to stop unruly activities of its rank and file” ....... will finalise the party’s vision for the constituent assembly, the proposed campaign for democratic republic, restructuring of the state and the future course of the party .... The central committee meeting will run for four days.
PM Koirala to discuss arms management with Maoist leadership "An agreement with the Maoists will be reached and a common letter of consent will be sent to the UN very soon" ......
NC-D for federal democratic republican set up "The prime objective of the Constituent Assembly (CA) elections is to establish a federal democratic republican state system and make it an inclusive and participatory democratic system in practice," reports quoted NC-D General Secretary Bimalendra NidhiNidhi as saying....... Nidhi added that the NC-D might call a Mahasamiti meeting to endorse its proposal ....
A Nepali industrialist writes to the UN Secy General Rajendra Kumar Khetan ...... while UN mission was in Nepal, just 20 km away from the capital, Kathmandu , the Himalayan Snacks and Noodles Industry – owned by the Khetan Group-- was forced to close down as armed militia of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) manhandled factory manager, Gokul Dahal, caused damage to the industry........ “It is the right of the businessmen to carry out businesses and run the factories freely. ....... Article 12 of the Code of Conduct says: “Both the parties will create an environment for the smooth functioning of schools, colleges and universities, hospitals, health centres and industrial institutions.” ....... Article 15 of the Code of Conduct says: “Donation or financial assistance in cash, kind or in the form of services will not be collected or mobilised against one’s will.” .......
UN team holds consultations with Indian officials
Parliament should issue interim constitution: PFN suggested forming a comprising representatives of parliamentary parties, other political parties who took part in the movement but do not have representation in the House, ‘High Parliament’women, dalit, ethnic communities, disabled, Madhesis and backward communities and eminent personalities.... constituent assembly polls held on a direct, proportional and reservation basis
A Nobel Protest for Nepal
Nepali tea producers endorse Code of Conduct
High-level Commission summons Katawal, Rana
Govt. makes public details of land owned by the royalties over 3,400 ropanis of land (approx. 1,700 hectares) owned by King Gyanendra and other members of the royal family ....... over 20,000 ropanis of Nagarjun at the outskirts of Kathmandu was owned by the king as his private property. He said the king owned nearly 9,000 ropanis of land in Kathmandu alone. ...... king owned 34 bighas of land in Latikoili VDC in mid-western district of and land holdings in SurkhetMakwanpur, Gorkha, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur and Kathmandu districts also........ late king Birendra owned over 3,000 ropanis of land as forest area in Kathmandu ...... people are allowed to own 25 ropanis of land in the capital valley, up to 70 ropanis of land in the hills and up to ten bighas of land in the terai.
CA elections not possible with existing HoR, says Gurung Kantipur Publications at a programme organised by Chitwan-Kathmandu Republic Communication Forum in Kathmandu.
Nepal, Paraguay establish diplomatic ties
NC-D for federal democratic republic
Govt to relax grip on foreign employment the manpower agencies will only need to inform the government about the number of labor demands they received from overseas employers, but will not have to wait for the government's nod to send workers abroad. ..... “The new act has incorporated provisions which will prove beneficial to the government, workers and genuine people involved in this business,” said General Secretary of Nepal Association of Foreign Employment Agencies, Hansha Raj Wagle. ...... the government can fine individuals up to Rs 500,000 for swindling money by giving job aspirants false hopes of employment abroad. ..... setting up of a separate Foreign Employment Department, autonomous quasi-government Foreign Employment Promotion Board, Foreign Employment Welfare Fund and a Foreign Employment Tribunal......
Illegitimate kids of armymen in a lurch Villagers know her as "Basnet", as she was born of an illegitimate relationship between her mother and an army serviceman of that surname. She is eight years old, but still does not have a proper name. She doesn't know who her father is. Neither does she have any information on her mother who left for Kathmandu two years ago. She awaits an uncertain future living with her octogenarian grandmother. ...... The elderly say that there are some two dozen such children in villages including Lekhani, Maiyankhu and Hardeni. In Lekhani alone, there are a dozen such children fathered by then Royal Nepalese Army soldiers who came here a decade ago to build Siddhicharan Road that stretches from Katari to Okhaldhunga. The road is 72 kilometers long. The two dozen children live in villages along 30 kilometers of the road. There are more in the rest of the villages. .... These children, fathered by soldiers who were here from 1995 to 2001, lead a pitiful life. Villagers treat them as outcasts. ..... soldiers who came to build the road belonged to Kaliprasad Battalion, Kalibaksh Battalion and Karyadal Battalion. ...... under the command of then Colonel Dipak Gurung, who is now a brigadier general. The group of 150 to 500 soldiers were sent from Kathmandu....... "After the birth of illegitimate kids, we stopped sending our daughters alone to collect wood and fodder," he said. ...... Most of the exploited girls are from the Magar, Bhujel and Rai communities...... After the soldier left never to return, villagers married off pregnant Phulmaya to Bishnu Bahadur Bhujel, who was 54 then. The daughter was born just two months after their marriage. Phulmaya was just 16...... one of the exploiters had identified himself as Nanda Raj Basnet of Khotang. The soldier belonged to Gorakh Bahadur Battalion. ..... Unable to tolerate social ostracism, others left for Kathmandu, towns in the Terai or Indian cities, leaving the children with their grandparents. ..... the two rarely come to school "because other children look down upon them," she explained. The children are hostile and often violent. ..... Villagers still recount stories of drunken soldiers chasing innocent village girls, mistreating then and raping them in the open.
Youth seeks shelter with police from Maoists Twenty-one-year-old Bishnu P Dhungana fled from a house in Sangam Tole, Naya Baneshwor to find refuge at Naya Baneshwor Police Post at around 3a.m. Friday morning. ..... he was tortured and tormented physically as well as mentally for two consecutive days by Maoist cadres at a house at Sangam Tole.......Maoist cadres including central member of ANNISU (Revolutionary) Himal Sharma and office secretary Suresh Gautam of beating him with pipes, rods and belts accusing him of "spying" for the army..... Dhungana, a former Maoist cadre but now working as a cook
No major differences, a few technical ones, says Sitaula the government and the Maoists have reached an agreement over the issues of UN monitoring of Constituent Assembly elections and management of weapons of both the armies. ..... the present report by the commission would not take the route of the report by the Mallik Commission that was formed after the 1991 pro-democratic movement.
राजपरिवारको जग्गा ३४ हजार रोपनी
बाटो खन्न गएका सैनिकहरूद्वारा यौनशोषण
मोडालिटीमा मात्र सहमति बाँकी’ राष्ट्रसंघीय टोलीले महासचिव कोफी अन्नानलाई प्रतिवेदन बुझाउनुअघि सहयोगका लागि दुवै पक्षले संयुक्त पत्र पठाउने उनले बताए । एक-दुई दिनमा टुंगोमा पुगेपछि सबै कुरा सार्वजनिक गर्नेछौं ।' शुक्रबार दिनभर दुवै वार्ता टोलीबीच छलफल भए पनि सहमति हुन सकेन ।
१२ कक्षासम्म माध्यमिक र ८ सम्म निःशुल्क प्रस्ताव
King and Royal Palace own 34,000 ropanis of land: Govt
PM Koirala to negotiate with Maoists
NA not responsible for April atrocities: Lt General "The (erstwhile) government should take up the responsibility for the suppression" ...... "the NA was only following the orders to maintain peace and security in the country." ......
सहभागिता स्पष्ट पार्न राष्ट्रसंघको आग्रह
दमनमा भूमिका छैन ः कटुवाल
ँसंक्रमणकाल लम्ब्याउनु हुन्न’
स्थानीय निकायको पूर्वाधार निर्माण
आदिवासी सम्मेलन सुरु सात सय आदिवासी जनजाति अगुवा सम्मेलनमा सहभागी छन् । पछिल्लो जनगणनाअनुसार मुलुकको जनसांख्यिक बनोटमा आदिवासी जनजाति, बाहुन, क्षेत्री, दलित, मधेसी र अन्य समूह रहेको उल्लेखसहित उनीहरूको जनसंख्या आधारमा समानुपातिक प्रतिनिधित्व हुने गरी दलहरूले उम्मेदवार तय गर्नुपर्ने उनको प्रस्ताव छ । सात दल सम्बद्ध आदिवासी जनजातिको साझा मोर्चा संयुक्त संघर्ष समितिले प्रस्तुत गरेको प्रस्तावमा राज्यको संरचना समावेशी लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्र हुनुपर्ने र त्यसमा जातिहरूलाई आत्मनिर्णयको अधिकारसहित स्वशासनको व्यवस्था हुनुपर्ने उल्लेख छ । संघात्मक राज्य प्रणालीअन्तर्गत केन्द्रले रक्षा, परराष्ट्र र मौदि्रक नीतिमात्र हेर्ने र अन्य विषय प्रादेशिक सरकारको क्षेत्राधिकारभित्र पर्नुपर्ने उल्लेख छ । सहभागीहरू १० समूहमा विभाजित भई छलफलमा जुटेका छन् । उनीहरूले शनिबार दिउँसोसम्म अन्तिम प्रारूप तयार गर्नेछन् । महासंघ महासचिव डा. ओम गुरुङले आदिवासी जनजातितर्फबाट संविधानसभ्ाा र राज्यको पुनर्संरचना सम्बन्धमा ठोस प्रारूप दिन सकियोस् भनी सम्मेलन गरिएको बताए । एमालेका केन्द्रीय सदस्य पृथ्वी सुब्बा गुरुङले सम्मेलनले जातीय स्वायत्ततासहितको संघात्मक राज्य संरचनाको खाका कोर्ने विश्वास लिएको बताए ।
टेलिकमका इन्जिनियरद्वय मुक्त राजविराज, साउन १९ - जनतान्त्रिक मुक्ति मोर्चाका कार्यकर्ताले चार दिनअघि अपरण गरेका नेपाल टेलिकमका दुई इन्जिनियर शुक्रबार साँझ मुक्त भएका छन् । उनीहरूको रिहाइका लागि मोर्चाका कार्यकर्ताले १० लाख रुपैयाँ फिरौती माग्दै आएका थिए । फिरौती नदिई बिनासर्त रिहा भएको साहले दाबी गरेका छन् । स्रोतका अनुसार उनीहरूलाई सात लाख रुपैयाँ फिरौती दिएर मुक्त गरिदिएको हो ।
छोराबाट तिरस्कृत वृद्ध बाबुआमा सडकमा
Indian origin industrialist shot at in Nepal Daily News & Analysis, India
Palace-owned excess land in Nepal to be seized, redistributed Hindu, India After taxing King Gyanendra's assets and income, the Nepal Government is planning to place a ceiling on land owned by him and distribute the remaining among poor farmers. ...... the King and his family members own over 1,730 hectares of land, nearly half of it consisting of valuable real estate in the capital ...... The combined area of Narayanhiti Royal Palace situated in Kathmandu and the Nagarjun hill resort in the outskirts of the city comes to around 750 hectares. .... The area of tea estates Gyanendra owns in eastern Nepal is yet to be calculated, but they are estimated to be spread over some 2,250 hectares. .... many records of lands registered in the name of the palace are messy because no one could inquire about royal property in the past.
Nepal eyes king's property for its landless
A Nobel Protest for Nepal Nepalnews.com, Nepal
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