In Moriarty's Defense
Moriarty is not for or against a constiutional monarchy in Nepal. He respectfully says that is a decision for the Nepali people to take.
And he makes it clear it is for the Nepali people to decide if they want the Maoists in an interim government or not. It is just that if the Maoists do join the interim government without disarming, US law says the US will not give any aid to that government. Moriarty did not design that law. The US Congress did. As someone working for the US government, it is his job to make sure that law gets respected. It is called professionalism.
Moriarty perhaps happens to be the top specialist in the US foreign policy establishment when it comes to ultra left groups. The Maoists are not only an ultra left group, they are perhaps the top ultra left group in the world today. If you have heart problems, it makes sense to lend your ears to a heart specialist, especially when he respectfully insists the decision making powers stay with you. Moriarty is a heart specialist.
Let The Seven Parties Judge The Maoists
The seven parties owe it to the people to judge the Maoists. Do they trust the Maoists? Do they not trust the Maoists? What does trusting the Maoists mean?
The idea here is not to please Moriarty or Mukherjee. I don't get the impression either is trying to get pleased at any personal level. Both just want peace and democracy for Nepal, that's all.
The seven parties are best positioned to judge the Maoists. Are their cadres allowed into all villages to do political work? If not, Prachanda should be kicked out of Kathmandu.
Both Sides Have Deviated From The 12 Point Agreement
A federal republic has been guaranteed: enough parties are for the idea. So the Maoists should stop suggesting the seven party alliance is trying to keep the monarchy, or that it is against restructuring the state.
The key issue is arms management. Both armies have to be put into barracks. What that means is there should not be any armed Maoists roaming around anywhere. I am alarmed by the talk of some kind of a militia overseeing the elections. Is that the Maoist way of saying they do not trust the people to vote for them if armed Maoists are not around?
The Maoists may not participate in any elections as a parallel state. The electoral contest is going to have to be between political parties.
The Maoists Are Going To Have To Make Up Their Mind
Either they have come around to multi-party democracy, rule of law and human rights, or they have not. That multi-party democracy could be one where the political parties are state funded. But power through the barrel of a gun is over for good.
The Seven Parties Have To Deliver On Social Justice
How do they propose to restructure all organs of the state to include the so far excluded DaMaJaMa? Why will they not compete with the Maoists on that political agenda?
On The Web
Wikipedia - Hamas Hamas' charter (written in 1988 and still in force) calls for the destruction of the State of Israel and its replacement with a Palestinian Islamic state in the area that is now Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. ...... When Hamas took control, the Palestinian territories experienced a period of sharp internal conflicts, known as Fauda (anarchy), in which many Palestinians were killed in internecine fighting. ..... Hamas - Council on Foreign Relations Hamas is the largest and most influential Palestinian militant movement. In January 2006, the group won the Palestinian Authority's (PA) general legislative elections, defeating Fatah, the party of the PA's president, Mahmoud Abbas, and setting the stage for a power struggle. Since attaining power, Hamas has continued its refusal to recognize the state of Israel, leading to crippling economic sanctions. Hamas maintained a cease-fire brokered in March 2005 until June 9, 2006, when it ended the truce after reports that errant Israeli shell killed several civilians on a Gaza beach.
ICT - Hamas
HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement)
MidEast Web - Hamas Charter
ham as - hamas - hamas.org
BBC NEWS | In Depth | Israel and the Palestinians | Profiles | Who ... Hamas does not recognise the right of Israel to exist. ..... The grass-roots organisation - with a political and a military wing - has an unknown number of hard-core members but tens of thousands of supporters and sympathisers. ..... The leadership of the organisation has long been divided, with some emphasising Hamas' eventual absorption into the political scene as a legitimate opposition party.
Hamas - The New York Times
Wikipedia - Hezbollah a Shia Islamist political party in Lebanon, comprising a militia and extensive front programs for social development ....... It originally sought to bring the Islamic Revolution to Lebanon, and wanted to transform Lebanon's multi-confessional state into an Iranian-style Islamic state. According to a BBC analysis, "This idea was eventually abandoned and the party today is a well-structured political organisation with members of parliament". It continues to call for the elimination of “the Zionist entity” (i.e. The State of Israel), a founding objective of the organization.
Council on Foreign Relations - Hezbollah
BBC News - Who are Hezbollah? Hezbollah - or Party of God - emerged in Lebanon in the early 1980s and became the region's leading radical Islamic movement, determined to drive Israeli troops from Lebanon. ..... the idea that the whole of Palestine is occupied Muslim land and it has argued that Israel has no right to exist. ..... The party was long supported by Iran, which provided it with arms and money. ..... For many years, Hezbollah was synonymous with terror, suicide bombings and kidnappings. In 1983, militants who went on to join Hezbollah ranks carried out a suicide bombing attack that killed 241 US marines in Beirut. ..... Over the two decades, Hezbollah evolved into a movement with thousands of trained guerrillas, members of parliament and a dynamic welfare programme benefiting thousands of Lebanese. ..... While, the US listed the group as a terrorist organisation, the government in Beirut declared it a national resistance movement.
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Who are Hezbollah?
Global Security.org - Hizballah / Hizbollah / Hizbullah ...
Hezbollah News - The New York Times
CNN.com - Hezbollah: Violence Mixed with Social Mission
Maoism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia On February 13, 1996 it launched what it refers to as the "Nepalese People's War", and it now controls much of the country. Its work was crucial to overthrowing the monarchy and as part of a general reconciliation process the party is entering the political mainstream of Nepal"New Democracy"....... The CPN (M) is a member of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement and the Coordination Committee of Maoist Parties and Organizations of South Asia. ...... In 2006 the CPN (M) signed a 12 point agreement with the Seven Party Alliance in order to further the Loktantra Andolan. Following this, a three month ceasefire was declared yet the process of 'forced donations' is alleged to be continuing. ...... Although the Maoists say that they are liberating the population from the caste system, giving women equal rights, and overthrowing an oppressive monarchy, critics point to alleged human rights abuses such as extrajudicial killings and conscription at gunpoint. To the poor masses of Nepal, however, the Maoists' social work and proposal of introducing socialism have been welcomed by immense popular support that at least calls into question allegations of excessive violence and human rights abuses.
Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Maoist Internationalist Movement
BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Who are Nepal's Maoist rebels?
This site is operated by Communist Party Of Nepal(Maoist),central ...
Nepal Terrorist Groups - Maoist Insurgents
Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist) - Left Wing Extremism ...
In The News
Rayamajhi hints at 'timely' questioning of King NepalNews “People’s awareness level is very high this time around. .... The King would be interrogated as the chairman of then Council of Ministers, not as the head of state .....
High-level commission grills King Gyanendra’s principal secretary
Strong connection between Nepal and Japan before establishment of diplomatic ties: Hiraoka
Students set ablaze central department of Education Police had to use force to disperse the students as they tried to block the fire brigade from putting off the fire. ...... Angry students also set ablaze the department two years back citing similar reasons. US envoy compares armed Maoists with Hezbollah and Hamas In a letter to the editor carried by The Kathmandu Post daily on Thursday, ambassador Moriarty said," The recent experience of Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine suggests strongly that armed-groups within a government will pursue their own agenda, no matter what the cost to the people or to the broader national good." ....... The US ambassador said the Nepalis themselves must decide whether the armed Maoists should join the (interim) government or not. "In doing so, Nepalis will need to ask themselves whether armed-Maoists within a government would follow democratic norms or would seek to intimidate the other members of the government" ..... "Similarly, Nepalis will have to ask whether it will be possible to have a free and fair election if the Maoists retain their weapons and their ability to intimidate the average voter." .......
Pregnant woman dies in Maoist captivity
Russia Played Key Role in Secret Nepal Arms Deal — Report MOSNEWS, Russia On Aug 8, someone called Alexei Afanisiev wrote to Indian civil aviation authorities from an address in New Delhi seeking permission for a Russian AN-12 aircraft to land in Mumbai for refueling. The aircraft was carrying cargo that was classified as “dangerous goods”. Afanisiev said it comprised aircraft equipment and anti-aircraft missiles ....... Two western manufacturers had sold the cache to the Nepal Army. Sue Orsha of Belarus and Emco Ltd in Sofia, Bulgaria, were the consigners whereas the intended recipient was the Master General of Ordnance of Nepal Army. ...... The arms cache incident occurs almost a year after King Gyanendra’s foreign minister Ramesh Nath Pandey visited Russia in October 2005.
Nepal king's aide denies role in killing activists Reuters AlertNet, UK "I had no role in the suppression. I only worked as a bridge between His Majesty and constitutional organs" ..... It has so far questioned more than 200 people including ministers in the ousted royalist government, army generals and senior police officers. ..... Most of them blamed the royalist government of the day for the crackdown, panel members say.
936 people remain missing in Nepal conflict: Rights group Hindustan Times, India
Nepal welcomes China's plan to extend Tibetan railway to Nepalese ... People's Daily Online, China
Over 2500 Disappeared by State, Rebels in Nepal Nepal human Rights News, Nepal
OHCHR Calls Govt, Maoists To Clarify Fate of Missing People
After inundation, locals of Bardia hit by starvation
Party unification a publicity stunt, says Deuba the "much hyped" party unification was nothing but a hoax promoted for cheap publicity. ...... "I don't think spreading rumors and hitting the headlines in newspapers are enough for unification between two parties" ...... "I am not against unification but Girijababu's (NC President Girija Prasad Koirala's) heart should be big enough to match his stature, age and past history" ..... "If it is respectful, there is going to be unification of feelings. Otherwise, it will be nothing but a repetition of conspiracies, betrayals and divisions.' .....
OHCHR calls on govt, Maoists to clarify whereabouts of missing people
माओवादी बैठक जारी शान्ति वार्तालाई कसरी अगाडि लैजाने, संसद् विघटनपछि अन्तरिम सरकारको गठन कसरी गर्ने, राज्यको पुनर्संरचना कसरी गर्नेजस्ता एजेन्डा बैठकमा छन् । सात राजनीतिक दल र सरकारसँग सम्पन्न भएका १२ बुँदे र ८ बुँदे समझदारी र सम्झौताप्रति प्रतिबद्ध हुँदै मुलुकमा शान्ति, प्रगति र लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्र स्थापना गर्ने जनइच्छा पूरा गर्न जस्तोसुकै त्याग गर्ने दृढता व्यक्त गर्दै बैठक सुरु भएको हो । वार्तालाई यथावत् राख्दै नयाँ संघर्षका कार्यक्रमसमेत माओवादीले अघि सार्न सक्ने सम्भावना पनि एकथरीले व्यक्त गरेका छन् । बैठकमा अन्तरिम संविधानको अन्तर्वस्तु, संसद् विघटन, संविधानसभाको मुद्दालाई समेत माओवादीले आफ्नो प्राथमिकतामा पारेको पार्टी स्रोतले जनायो ।
मेलम्ची सुचारु हुने
पार्टी एकीकरण झूटो प्रचार ः देउवा
कर्मचारीको जञ्जालमा सरकार
प्रतिक्रान्तिको जालोमा नेताहरू
जताततै फोन
भूमि बाहिर हिसिला भारतको कानपुरस्थित 'आइआइटी' बाट उच्च शिक्षा हासिल गरेर नेपाल फर्किदा .... ४६ वषर्ीया हिसिला ..... त्यसबेला उनी महिलावादी पत्रिका 'मानुषी' सँग सम्बद्ध भैसकेकी थिइन्, जहाँ माक्र्सवादीहरूको जमघट हुन्थ्यो । ..... काठमाडौंको सम्पन्न घरानामा जन्मिएकी हिसिला परिवारकी कान्छी छोरी हुन् । ..... दिल्लीको 'स्कुल अफ प्लानिङ एन्ड आर्किटेक्चर' मा स्नातक ..... चण्डीगढबाट बीई आर्किटेक्चर सकेर दिल्ल्ाीमा उही कलेजमा भर्ना भएका बाबुराम भट्टराईसँग हिसिलाको पहिलो भेट छात्रावासको खाना खाने मेचमा भएको थियो । दुवैबीच परिचय भयो, हिसिलाका पिताका बारेमा उनीभन्दा बाबुरामलाई धेरै जानकारी रहेछ । बाबुरामले नै उनका पिता राजनीतिमा आबद्ध छन् भनेर बताए । त्यतिखेर उनी छक्क परिन् । त्यसअघि बुवा राजनीतिमा संलग्न भएको कुरा उनलाई थाहा थिएन । ....... अखिल भारतीय नेपाली विद्यार्थी संघ ...... त्यतिखेर संघका अध्यक्ष बाबुराम थिए भने महासचिव हिसिला थिइन् । .... बाबुरामले बताए, 'त्यो राजनैतिक सहकार्य र एउटै कलेज, एउटै होस्टल आदिका कारण हामीहरूबीच वैचारिक परिपक्वतामा प्रेम चल्यो, अनि विवाह गर्यौं ।' ...... डा. बाबुराम भट्टराई 'नेपाली एकता' पत्रिकामा काम गरेर डेरा र्फकने क्रममा पछाडिबाट मोटरले हिर्काएकाले ४८ घन्टासम्म बेहोस भए । त्यो बेला हिसिलाले ठूलो सहयोग गरेकी थिइन् । त्यसपछि उनीहरूबीचको सम्बन्ध प्रगाढ हुँदै गयो । २०३७ सालमा भारतमा उनीहरूको विवाह भएको थियो । ....... दिल्लीको पढाइ सकेर हिसिला काठमाडौं आइन् । लगत्तै इन्स्िटच्युट अफ इन्जिनियरिङ क्याम्पस पुल्चोकमा पढाउन थालिन् । त्यहाँ झन्डै १३ वर्षसम्म पढाइन् । क्याम्पसमा प्राध्यापन गरे पनि उनको राजनैतिक क्यारियर भने चालू नै थियो । ०३७ सालमा नेकपा -मसाल) को सदस्यता पाएपछि उनी यसमा अझ कटिबद्ध भएर लागिन् । ०४६ साल भदौमा तीजको पूजा गर्न पशुपति गएकी रानी ऐश्वर्याको गाडीमा ढुंगा बर्साउँदा हिसिला केही दिन पक्राउ परेकी थिइन् । ...... ०५२ फागुन १ गतेदेखि नेकपा माओवादीले दीर्घकालीन जनयुद्धको उद्घोष गरेपछि हिसिला आफ्ना पति बाबुराम भट्टराईसँगै भूमिगत भइन् । ...... त्यतिखेर बाबुराम संयुक्त जनमोर्चा नेपालका अध्यक्ष थिए भने हिसिला अखिल नेपाल महिला संघ -क्रान्तिकारी) की अध्यक्ष । ..... 'सुरु-सुरुमा त गार्हो भयो । शिक्षण पेसामा थिएँ, पैसा आउँथ्यो, त्यसैले घरपरिवार चलाउँथे त्ार भूमिगत हुँदा सार्वजनिक रूपमा हिड्न नपाइने, बाहिरी दुनियाँ देख्न नपाइने भएकाले केही अप्ठ्यारो महसुस भयो । पछि बानी पर्दै गयो, यसैमा रमाउन थालें ।' ....... १० वर्षे जनयुद्धका दौरान हिसिलाको अधिकांश समय भारतमा बित्यो ..... भारतमा छँदा उनी माओवादीको मुखपत्र मासिक पत्रिका 'दी वर्कर' को सम्पादन गर्थिन् । पार्टीसँग सम्बन्धित विभिन्न सँचनाहरू अनुवाद गरेर वेवसाइटमा राख्नेदेखि विश्वभरि फैलाउनु उनको दायित्य थियो । बीचबीच्ामा नेपाल आउने-जाने क्रम चलिरहन्थ्यो । ०६१ भदौमा भएको रोल्पाको फुन्टिवाङ बैठकपछि बाबुराम र हिसिला हिँडेरै गोर्खा पुगेका थिए । यो त्यही बैठक हो, जतिखेर बाबुराम र प्रचण्डबीच तीव्र विवाद भएको थियो । ........ छोरी मानुषी यमी भट्टराई पनि बाबुआमालाई भेट्न बीपीनगर आइपुगिन् । २० वषर्ीया मानुषी अहिले दिल्लीस्थित एक कलेजमा राजनीति शास्त्र अध्ययन गर्दैछिन् । ...... 'प्रतिक्रियावादीहरूले भन्छन्, बाबुरामले छोरीलाई बेलायत पढाइरहेका छन् । यथार्थ त्यो होइन । उनी भारतमा पढ्दैछिन्, पार्टीको संगठनमा आबद्ध छिन्, उनी कहिलेकाहीँ पार्टीको डकुमेन्टको भाषा अनुवाद गर्न मलाई सघाइरहेकी छिन् ।' ...... बेलायत जाँदा ... त्यहाँको स्कुलमा मानुषीलाई भर्ना गर्दा पाकिस्तानी भनेर उसलाई निकाल्न दबाब दिइएको थियो, पछि अर्कै स्कुलमा भर्ना गर्नुपर्यो । त्यहाँ पनि हामीहरू भेदभावको सिकार भएका थियौं ...... 'बरु बाबुरामजी अन्तर्मुखी स्वभावको मान्छे । म बारम्बार भन्थंे, अलिकति वाइड हुनुपर्यो, अलिकति हाँसिदिनुपर्यो, भेटिदिनुपर्यो मान्छेसँग, सोसलाइज हुनुपर्यो । मलाई गौरव लाग्छ, अहिले बाबुराम जसरी हँास्नुहुन्छ, ओपन देखिनुहुन्छ, त्यसमा मेरो पनि भूमिका छ ।' ......बाबुरामको अनभुव छ, 'सानैदेखि भारतमा पढेकीले पहिले प्रस्ट नेपाली बोल्न आउँदैनथ्यो । त्यतिखेर हामीहरू माया-प्रेमका कुरा पनि अंग्रेजीमै गथ्र्यौं ।'..... हिसिलाको जवाफ थियो, म जहाँ पढेँ, त्यो एकदमै धनी मान्छे पढ्ने ठाउँ हो । कार चढेर पढ्न आउँथे त्यहाँ । फेरि ०४६ सालको जनआन्दोलनपछि हामी अमेरिकालगायत थुप्रै मुलुक घुम्यौं । ...... उनले आफ्ना पति बाबुरामसँग मिलेर 'माक्र्सवाद र महिला मुक्ति' पुस्तक पनि लेखेकी छिन् ।
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