Moriarty opposed the talks that lead to the 12 point agreement, and he opposed the agreement when it finally came about. It is that 12 point agreement that made the April Revolution possible. Moriarty was so off the mark, it is not even funny. The April Revolution is one for world history.
Moriarty is part of an administration in the US that has managed to create quite a mess in Iraq. $320 billion, over 2400 American lives, over 100,000 Iraqi lives, and Iraq, a country of 27 million people like Nepal, still does not have peace and democracy. The American right wing is full of people who look down upon people who are not white. It is those right wingers that waged the war in Iraq.
America: Number One
August 16
Hakeem Jeffries: Principled Compromise
Barack The Glass Walls, Ceilings, Smash 'Em
Three Pillars, Draft 2
Immigration, Duh
Race, A Few Different Angles
Dean, DFNYC, Daily Kos, Justin, Brooklyn, Nepal
Hillary 2008
Immigrant Power
May 1 Immigrants Rally: Great American Boycott With Jesse Jackson 3
Anti War Rally With Jesse Jackson 4
The First Major Revolution Of The 21st Century Happened In Nepal
The Unthinkable: Nuclear Weapons Are Not Made To Be Used
2008 Countdown: Hillary-Obama
Immigration Makes Economy Sense, Democracy, Justice, Family Sense
Critiquing A Critique Of The Iraq War Critiques
Hate Speech, Free Speech: Europe Needs To Learn The Difference
Bill Frist's Ancestors Came From The Moon
The Nepali way of spreading democracy is superior to the American neocon way. Moriarty should humble himself and learn. Moriarty has read tomes on Lenin, Mao and Pol Pot, but he refuses to read the ground realities in Nepal, and he refuses to learn the lessons of the April Revolution.
Now he has come out opposing the 8 point agreement. What does he mean?
Political Decisions, House Dissolution, Maoist Transformation
Moriarty In The Soup
Baburam Moriarty Debate
Moriarty Deserves Your Ears
Moriarty's Irresponsible Mainstream
Maoist, Moriarty, Madhav, Manmohan: Get Behind The 3 Point Program
Moriarty Going The Bloomfield Route
When it comes to Nepal, Moriarty has a huge blind spot. Obviously his graduate school training did not prepare him for Nepal. He kept trying to forge an alliance between the king and the seven parties. That defied logic and gravity both at once. How can you forge an alliance between a dictator and the persecuted?
Only a seven party alliance with the Maoists could have done the trick, as it did. Moriarty will have to admit that.
Moriarty said America will not recognize an interim government that the Maoists are part of unless the Maoists "renounce violence." That phrase makes even less sense than his previous attempt at the king-seven party alliance.
Does Moriarty understand the term ceasefire? What about constituent assembly? What about a democratic republic? The superpower ambassador seems to have lost his sense of direction.
If you form an interim government with the Maoists, many good things will happen.
- The seven parties can hope to have joint command over the Maoist army.
- An eight party parliament could be formed. The Maoist leaders would learn the basics of parliamentary democracy.
- There would be eight party governments at the center and at the local levels. Maoist governments at the local levels would be dissolved. How is that not a wonderful proposition?
- The "extortions" would stop. The country will have only one government instead of a seven party government in Kathmandu and Maoist governments in the villages. How is that not good?
The seven party leaders and MPs need to stop dragging their feet. If the Maoists are not to be trusted, they should say so to the people. But being neither here nor there is not going to fly.
For Moriarty to give the kid treatment to the Nepali leaders and people is offensive. There is this constant suggestion on his part that the Nepali people do not realize the huge danger the Maoists are. If it were not for Moriarty, the Nepali people will walk straight into the mouth of the tiger. That patronizing attitude has to stop.
Instead people like Moriarty should help with the financial aspects of arms management, army integration, perhaps downsizing if they can. If not then they should just get out of the way of the peace process.
रामचन्द्र पौडेलसंग-28.06.06 BBC
Pokhara FM Interviews
Baburam Bhattarai
Mohan Bikram Singh
Mero Sansar Audio
Dan Bahadur Shahi
Shirish Shamsher Rana
KP Oli
Girija Koirala
Rajendra Bahadur Singh
Salim Miya Ansari
Madhav Thapa
Durja Kumar Rai
Sachit Shamsher Rana
Niranjan Thapa
Krishna Basnet
Badri Mandal
Nikchha Shamsher
Tulsi Giri
Bharat Keshar
KP Oli, Amik Tussle
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Citizens' Movement for Democracy and Peace
The Resolution Passed by Consensus
The Citizens' Movement for Democracy and Peace (CMDP) has been zealously supporting every agreement and understanding reached between the seven-party alliance (SPA) and the NCP (Maoists) in the interest of the country's progress, sustainable peace and democratic aspirations of the people. In particular, the citizens' movement has welcomed the 12-point understanding and the 8-point agreement between them and is, accordingly, engaged actively in the mission to take the current political developments forward to the elections for the Constituent Assembly as per the mandate given by the sovereign people. CMDP is committed to fulfil its responsibilities to allow the Nepali people to have the democratic republic they wish for through the constituent assembly.
We saw how the supporters of status quo within and outside the political parties rose against the 8-point agreement in defiance of the popular will and the dignity of the party leaderships. We see other examples of the vested interests that have never cared for citizens' rights and for peace and justice for all people becoming active. The people of Nepal participated and made sacrifices for democracy in the Janaandolan in a manner that dazzled the world and made us all proud. Now the interests favouring the status quo and regression are conspiring against the forward-looking engagements and achievements by abusing even the floors of the House of Representatives, which, after all, has been reinstated for a specific purpose and period. The principal objective of the opposition to the 8-point agreement is to obstruct the peace process initiated by the representatives of the SPA and the Maoists as per the mandate of the Janaadolan. If left alone, these forces will make every attempt to create an environment that would discourage and dislocate the prospects for the all-important elections to the constituent assembly.
The House of Representatives and the SPA leadership must understand that in the name of the Janaandolan they do not have the mandate to give perpetuity to the House and allow it to function in a manner that reflects all the weaknesses, interests and characters carried over from the past. The sovereign people will not tolerate any such attempt against their just aspirations for peace and their basic rights. The people want to see the successful conclusion of the ongoing talks between the SPA and the Maoists as soon as possible. They want to see the early constitution of the interim government and the peaceful settlement of the issue of the management of the arms and the personnel of the armies of both sides. And they want to see an early election to the constituent assembly. The ultimate quest is the dawn of a new era of peace and development in which every democratic section of the society is productively involved.
We are concerned that the NCP (Maoists), too, have not fulfilled their obligations in the 12-point understanding and the Ceasefire Code of Conduct. The acts of omissions and commissions on their part can only provide the ground for regressive forces within and outside the House of Representatives that wish to engage in reactionary missions. It is imperative for both the Maoists and the Government to abide by the commitments they have made to the people in these understandings so that the talks can proceed and conclude with the expected results. The CMDP wishes to ensure that both the Government and the Maoists respect their commitments to the people. It wants to defeat the forces of regression and status quo that dare to raise their heads against the mandate of Janaandolan. With these objectives, we are going to the people and to the streets and assemblies with the following specific demands.
- Execute the 8-point Agreement
- Drive the Peace Process to its Purposeful Conclusion
- Announce the Date for the Election to the Constituent Assembly
- Dissolve the House of Representatives
- Respect the Ceasefire Code of Conduct in Letter and Spirit
- Punish the High-Level Army Officers Responsible for Human Rights Abuses during the Peaceful Janandolan
- Viva la Republique
You have got it right at last Moriarty is no friend of the Nepalese people you must have listened to comrade Trueman.
You are absolutey right about Moriarty. It is none of his/their business what is going on in Nepal. They always interfere in the matters and try to exploit our leaders. Mr. Moriarty! it is not your internal affairs so please get out of this and do your own business". You've done a lot for Iraq and Afghanistan. I think Nepal does not deserve that situation.
1. The seven parties can hope to have joint command over the Maoist army.
It does sound like you have pandered to the comrade. The keyword here is "hope". The seven parties are barely in command of the Nepal Army. That they could have command of the Maoist army is being naive at best.
2. An eight party parliament could be formed. The Maoist leaders would learn the basics of parliamentary democracy.
What Parliament? The Maoist want the Parliament dissolved, not to be part of it. Maoists leaders already know more than the basics of parliamentary democracy -- and they don't like it. That is why they chose a different route. Prachanda has openly stated that they are not for parliamentary republicanism. You can only guess what he would have instead. Let's stop fantasizing and start reading the writing on the wall.
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