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The seven parties have not even begun discussing the questions.
- Does Nepal need an army or is it better without one?
- If it is to have one, what should be its size?
- What should be its ethnic composition? Gender composition?
- How do you redesign the hiring, firing and promotion processes to make the institution meritocratic?
He has been confusing me with this word militia. All armed Maoists are soldiers. He may not distinguish. All Maoist cadres have to be divided into two: those who do political work, do not carry arms, and those who are battle ready.
Otherwise if he intends to send half of his armed cadres for peace talks details, and retain the other half because they are "militia," then that is not acceptable.
By the time the peace talks conclude, there are not going to be any armed Maoist groups.
The least complicated option I think is to demobilize both the armies, and to reorganize the state police to make it inclusive and meritocratic in terms of gender and ethnicity.
The Law And Order Situation
After every major revolution, the law and order situation gets a little questionable for a little while. That is expected. But then the new government has to get back on its feet as soon as possible. And that is why it is very important for the eight parties to work hard on the peace talks. The transition should not feel like it is going on forever.
Maoist Activities In The Villages
It is for the seven parties to report to the world if the Maoists are doing their part or not. Have their old ways changed?
The government has to start feeding the Maoist army and get the Maoists to halt their taxation completely. Then there has to be no public display of their arms. And send all their armed folks to barracks.
On The Web
Militia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A militia is a group of citizens organized to provide paramilitary service. .... a militia is distinct from a national regular army. .... In many cases the role, or even the existence of a militia, is controversial.
In The News
Probe commission summons three former ministers NepalNews has summoned no. two in the royal government, Dr. Tulsi Giri, former minister Badri Prasad Mandal and former assistant minister Nikshya Shumsher Rana. ...... At least 21 people were killed and nearly five thousand others were injured during the nationwide pro-democracy movement
Prachanda meets UML gen secy the meeting, which started at around 9:00 a.m., took place “at a place in Kathmandu”. Senior Maoist leader Dr Baburam Bhattrai was with Prachanda during the meeting....... Prachanda and Dr Bhattrai arrived in Kathmandu Saturday evening after a series of training programs to Maoist cadres in the far-western districts. They are expected to hold discussions with other leaders of the SPA.
RJP laments disputes within SPA Lack of preparations and failure to include all concerned sides as well as some grave procedural mistakes from the responsible parties have led to uncertainty, Thapa said.
Interim Constitution Drafting Committee to begin formal work from Monday Sunday’s meeting agreed to induct one woman member and another member in the committee by Sunday afternoon....... the committee will complete the work of preparing interim constitution within 15-days from the date of starting work...... Other people from Dalit and indigenous communities have also been organizing protests demanding their representation in the committee.......
Row among top officials over statement of NA Serchan .. said, “The army should not raise political issues. The government is there for raising political issues.” ...... Home Minister Krishna Prasad Sitaula asserted that as the army is an organ of the state ...... Minister for Agriculture and Cooperatives, Mahantha Thakur, has alleged that the Nepali Army was trying to sabotage the peace process. ......
Judiciary must execute its work in accordance with the changing situation: CJ Poudel "Judiciary should also keep abide by the laws passed in the parliament." ..... Poudel said the government forms law and the court has to follow it.
Prachanda proposes merger of Maoist army with Nepal Army Hindu, India Prachanda has proposed merging the armies of the rebels and Government ahead of the Constituent Assembly elections .....
Rebels, Nepal regular army may be merged
An American writes his experience of having close encounter with ...
Understanding Nepalese Politics: Playing the Game of Peace Though the media had reported that the government will be requesting the UN for its assistance in decommissioning arms, the 8-point agreement has not thrown much light in the issue of arms management. ... Other leaders, representing the SPA, sat there devoid of any emotion or expression in their faces. Most of them were listless and simply disinterested. The very next day, the regular columnists and political analysts in the national media wrote hagiography of Prachanda; perhaps they were awed by his presence. The write-ups clearly showed that they were impressed with the ‘clarity of his thoughts’, ‘profound knowledge of the Nepalese politico-social condition’, and his ‘serious intent to end centuries-old inequalities and perforce social justice’.......... others within the Prime Minister’s party were not amiable to his view regarding the Ceremonial King and strongly favored democratic republic. They cited the party’s official policy, which had adopted neutrality (rather than positivity) on the issue of the King’s role in the future Nepal......... Krishna Pahadi and Mathura Shrestha) went overdrive to criticize the Prime Minister and warned of new ‘people’s movement’ if the King was given the ceremonial role........ federalism to correct all anomalies prevalent in Nepal; reservation to uplift marginalized sections of the society, etc....... New jargons – participatory democracy, federalism on basis of tribes and community, reservation, secularism – are quickly adopted and abused whether they convey any meaning or not........ continuous bickering within the constituent parties of the SPA..... For the most, ground realities had not changed at all ....... The first immediate change, of course, that most of them experienced is manifold multiplication of the Maoists activities with new found legitimacy - what was done by the Maoists discreetly earlier had come over the ground. The second change, which is positive, is the drastic reduction in the Army excesses and abuses......... The Maoists are busy in establishing their kangaroo courts to issue edicts in the name of social justice, extorting indiscriminately in the name of levying tax by the People’s government, ferrying hapless villagers to mass rallies and indoctrinating them forcefully in the name of political activity, display weaponry publicly in the name of providing security, interfering in the development works such as road building etc. And these actions are in direct violation with the various ‘historic’ declarations between the Maoists and the SPA........ Sensing state of confusion, they are continuing their activities unabated with a single purpose – to fill political vacuum either by coercion or by indoctrination..... the local level Maoists’ leaderships are running their own shows, contradicting finer points of the various declarations...... there is no one to question or check their activities – neither the Maoist leadership nor the local-level SPA leadership...... the Maoists are widely perceived to be in the driving seat and the SPA relegated to the background because of lack of sound homework.
No Farewell to Arms? Krishna Sitaula remarked that Maoists can not participate in interim government unless they allow UN body to monitor their arms. Krishna Bahadur Mahara said that they could not do so before the election of Constituent Assembly. ...... the peace process has become stagnant. The issue of management of Maoist’s arms has become the intriguing aspect of dialogue now. Given that their power lies in the barrel of the guns, Maoists unwillingness to withdraw arms until the CA election may result in yet another stalemate....... April’s mass protest was hailed as exemplary and extra-ordinary from around the world...... Nowhere in the world does a rebel force agree to participate in the government while their guerillas still carry guns....... Is a government with parallel armed force possible? ...... Prachanda.. invoked Lord Buddha in his first public rendezvous with media persons. But, he failed to realize that his cadres have not ceased gun-wielding, killings and exhortations..... government can consider feeding the Maoists in barracks ...... the sides to negotiation have agreed not to demonstrate arms in public...... When prodded whether action would be initiated against the King, Sitaula said, “We will take action against everyone based on the commission’s report.” ..... UN’s lengthy process of decisionmaking
Eight Point Something An 8-point agreement was declared that effectively placed a stamp of approval on 12 years of methodical murder, political cleansing and intolerance for anything that remotely resembles western-style, liberal democracy....... India’s political left is keen on leveraging the Nepali Maoists as an example that political power need not “flow from the barrel of a gun.” ....... Nepal’s Maoist insurgency is a potent exhibition of how the mobilization of frustrated civil society elements, ideologically imprisoned intellectual capital and like-minded global elements can yield a position of strength from which to dictate terms...... what transpired between the Maoists and the SPA reads more like the state’s admission of defeat than a process of substantive give and take. The level of sophistication and finesse with which the Maoists have forwarded their agenda finds no intellectual counter-weight from either the political class or civil society in Nepal ........ the Maoist strategy appears to be based on three tactical pillars: the ascendancy to power through key positions (ministry of education, local development, land reform and agriculture), the forwarding of peace as a Maoist initiative, and the dismantling of the only effective deterrent to their final victory – the state’s military apparatus........ some may interpret the Maoist maneuverings as continued and shameless exploitation of a fragile situation....... it is the Maoists who are best positioned to be in full swing campaign mode..... the Maoist leadership has shifted its focus to harnessing Nepal’s thirst for peace ....... As convoluted as this line of reasoning may be, it is on par with Pushpa Dahal’s (otherwise plausible) assertion that a country like Nepal does not need a standing army of 90,000, that both the state’s army and the Maoist army should be dissolved and that elections are possible under a security blanket provided jointly by the police and Maoist militia........ There’s a reason why the Maoists are intent on mobilizing their militia – it’s because there’s no distinction between the Maoist army and their militia; there’s a reason why the Maoists are so keen on involving the UN – especially when it’s abundantly clear who’s word carries real weight in Nepal’s politics. One can absorb the rationale the Maoists are applying because given the position they’re in, there’s no way to decipher truth from propaganda or reality from perception........ The only way to understand the Maoists’ intent with certainty is to ask them (and their representatives in Washington DC, Brussels and London), piercing questions in public. Questions, similar to those fielded by leaders in democratic societies the world over. The time to test the water is now. Not tomorrow, not after constituent assembly elections, but now....... It’s time for Nepal’s political masters (especially the Nepali Congress) to re-mobilize its global resource base, from New York to Washington, from London to New Delhi........ trading “apples” for “orange peels” just isn’t smart and pretending that “orange peels” is better than nothing at all, is plain and simple stupid......
Maoists and Main Stream Politics of Nepal Instead of joining the mainstream the Maoists intend to define the mainstream..... The 19 day strike and protest program defied all conventional expectations ....... Elections to a constituent assembly with the authority to draft a new constitution.... These elections have even been hailed by the U.S. state department as an acceptable way to bring the Maoists into the main stream........ In what has become my favorite Maoist quote, Prachanda said in a 1999 interview: “My main thrust is that I hate revisionism. I seriously hate revisionism. And I never compromise with revisionism. I fought and fought again with revisionism. And the party’s correct line is based on the process of fighting revisionism. I hate revisionism. I seriously hate revisionism.”......... it isn’t a compromise, and they aren’t joining the mainstream........ The constituent assembly has been the consistent minimum demand of the Maoists since they first agreed to talks in 2001......... A state, according to Max Weber is nothing but a monopoly on the legitimate use of force....... Calls for the Maoists to give up their arms in order to “join the mainstream” both from domestic sources and abroad are the height of disingenuousness......
Six soldiers court marshaled Kantipur Publications
Maoist leaders Prachanda, Dr Bhattarai in capital to discuss political issues
Police involved in abduction, OHCHR concerned
Compensation sought for property used by army
Maoists yet to return seized property
Regressive elements 'pushed aside' after 8-pt deal, says Nepal
Homework on rebel, Nepali Army arms management underway: Home Minister
Probe gives clean chit to Inspector Timilsina, finds Bharat Keshar guilty
Merger of two armies problematic: Gautam
Govt asks army to keep mum
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गाउँका ढोका खुले
नागरिकता नहुँदा सहिद पत्नी समस्यामा
हात्ती उभ्याई चक्काजाम
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जनआन्दोलनका घाइते भन्छन् ँमन बढी दुखेको छ’
संविधानसभामा जान राजा बाधक’
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दिगो शान्ति र बर्दिवाला
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