Asia Society cordially invites you to:
Endgame in Nepal: Crisis Averted?
Mahendra Lawoti, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Western Michigan University
Tamrat Samuel, Senior Political Affairs Officer, United Nations
Kanak Mani Dixit, Editor, Himal Southasian
After weeks of vociferous, country-wide pro-democracy demonstrations daily life in Kathmandu and the rest of Nepal is gradually creeping back to normal after King Gyanendra agreed to restore the elected parliament, which he had suspended four years ago. The reinstatement of the dissolved House has for the time being not only averted what could have been a more violent showdown, but also renewed hope for the establishment of a secure, peaceful, inclusive and democratic Nepal. The parties are now preparing for the unenviable challenge of maintaining peace, drafting a new constitution, co-opting the Maoist insurgents, and determining a role for the king, all of which will shape the future of Nepal. Join us to discuss Nepal's new political landscape, examine the prospects and challenges for continued peace and restoring democratic norms, explore the root causes of the decade-old Maoist insurgency and ways to address their concerns, among other urgent tasks.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Registration
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Program
Asia Society, 725 Park Avenue at 70th Street, New York
Policy programs at the Asia Society are generously supported by the Nicholas Platt Endowment for Public Policy.
Please register in advance. $10 Members; $15 Nonmembers
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Or email: Box Office@asiasoc.org
*Advance registration or ticket purchase is highly recommended. A credit card is required to hold a reservation.*
Guest list will be closed at 3:00 p.m. the day of the program.
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725 Park Avenue at 70th Street NY, NY 10021 | 212-288-6400
The Graduate Program in International Affairs @ The New School Invites you to
Nepal at the Crossroads: Restructuring the State and Indigenous Nationalities (Janajati)
One of the most prominent social movements to emerge in the 1990s was the indigenous people's, the janajati, movement. With the reinstatement of the parliament in late April 2006 and plans for the formation of a constituent assembly, the Janajati are presented with an opportune moment to achieve many of their goals for restructuring the state. This panel will discuss some of the key issues and questions related to the needs, the aspirations, and the challenges of the Janajati.
v Om Gurung, General Secretary, Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities
v Mahendra Lawoti, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Western Michigan University
v Susan Hangen, Assistant Professor of Anthropology and International Studies, Ramapo College
5 PM - 6:30 PM, Saturday, May 20, 2006
Venue: Theresa Lang Hall (2nd Floor), 55 West 13th Street (Between 6th and 5th Avenue), The New School
For additional information contact : Ashok Gurung at 212 229 6812 or gurunga@newschool.edu
Meet And Greet With Surya Bahadur Thapa.May 21, 2006, Sunday. 12-4 in the afternoon.
Malika Restaurant
43rd street
Between 2nd and 3rd Avenue
in Manhattan.
Private event. By invitation only.
Time: Sunday May 21, 2006, 7:30 - 9:00 PM.
Venue: Nepali Mandir, 34-11 62nd Street, Woodside, NY 11377.
Between 34th Avenue and Broadway.
Nearest Train Station: 65th Street.
For more information: 718 429 0313
Dipawali to celebrate the new positive change in Nepal. Bring sweets and refreshments if
you can.
May 31: 6pm (sharp) Clearview Cinema "Defining Comfort" ($5)
"Defining Comfort" - Writer/Director: Rajiv Gurung
When: May 31st (Wednesday), 2006
Time: 6 PM sharp
Where: ClearView Cinema on 62nd St. and Broadway
How much: $5.00 (We have a few guest passes, please let us know if would like to come.)
More information about the Movie:
Schedule and other movie information:
"If you have some power, it is your job to empower somebody else." -
Toni Morrison
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