Namaste, everyone.
I must confess that I do not deserve this great honor. I am humbled by your gratitude for my small role in the andolan, but I do not see my part in this historic, nonviolent revolution as any greater than that of the millions of Nepalis who braved bullets, tear gas and lathis to demand peace, democracy and human rights. Although I and my team were able to give medical assistance to many persons, my Nepali colleagues did a heroic job of caring for thousands of injured people in hospitals here in Gongabu and all over Nepal.
One snowflake falling on the Himalayas seems insignificant, but with the warmth and energy of the sun millions of snowflakes become the mighty rivers of Nepal that have sustained great civilizations since prehistoric times. So it was with the andolan.
The most honored guests of this occasion are those who lost their lives for the freedom of the nation. Let us today resolve to honor them by redeeming their dream of a just, equal, free and progressive society; we must not allow their noble sacrifice to be in vain.
Let us honor those who were gravely injured and promise to do all within our power to restore them to health, that they might fully participate in the new nation.
Let us honor all who participated in this great andolan by cooperation rather than conflict, by progress rather than stagnation, by inclusion rather than exclusion.
But as we look back with justified pride on the success of the movement, let us also look forward to our future. I say "our future", because I intend to continue in my small way to care for the good people of Nepal by creating, in the place of greatest need, an institution to train young doctors and nurses and provide medical services to those who most need and can least afford them. It is my dream to take a professorship and bring a team to a zonal hospital in the far west of the country and bring trainees on rotation there, if I can find the necessary support for doing so.
With you, the people of Gongabu, I feel a bond that will last my lifetime. But you have fine medical professionals already. The candle is needed most in the darkest place, and the most war-torn, impoverished and deprived region is where, if democracy is to survive, we must focus our efforts. As President John F. Kennedy said, "If a society cannot serve the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich."
The people of Nepal are a peace loving people. They have had enough of war. They have shed too much blood and too many tears. As my hero, the great Dr Martin Luther King, Jr, said:
"The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral,
begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy.
Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it.
Through violence you may murder the liar,
but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth.
Through violence you may murder the hater,
but you do not murder hate.
In fact, violence merely increases hate.
So it goes.
Returning violence for violence multiplies violence,
adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness:
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."
People ask me why I took leave from my work and came to Gongabu. I want to share with you some personal history. Three years ago I was climbing to a village in Kavre to treat the people there, carrying a heavy backpack full of medicines and equipment—the same big, red one you saw me carrying here. The ground gave way under my feet, but I was able to grasp the limb of a tree and avoid plunging to my death. My companion, Bijay Lama, who is here today, reached to grasp my arm. I told him, "No, don't do that, I don't want to take you down with me." But he grasped by arm anyway and pulled me to safety.
After my team and I were arrested here in Gongabu the efforts of a UN Human Rights team, who happened along at the right moment, saved us from what I am sure would have been an ugly fate at the hands of the vicious armed police under orders from a criminal syndicate that arrogated to itself the powers of government and promulgated a shoot-to-kill curfew only to silence the cries of the people.
So, you see, I was in a sense repaying past and future karmic debts. This is what friends do: they help one another in times of need. It was the warmth, gentleness, hard work and open hearts of the people of Nepal that drew me back here and that inspire my dream of contributing to the new nation, that I might leave a legacy of well trained professionals who will continue to do good long after I retire, even after I die.
As the great American president Abraham Lincoln said at the end of my country's civil war:
"With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan--to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations."
Loktantra jindabad.
Santi jindabad.
Nyaya jindabad.
Nepal jindabad.
Cobb To LeahyBrian Cobb: Savagery On The Roof Of The World
Brian Cobb, Brave Man
Gongabu Massacre
In The News
May 15
Finance Minister presents 'White paper;' warns of serious "fiscal crisis" NepalNews Dr. Mahat said successive governments since October 4, 2002—when King Gyanendra dismissed a multi-party government—had spent scarce resources recklessly and security expenses had spiraled. Four years ago, the strength of security forces stood at over 121,000 -- which rose to over 165,000 now. Similarly, security related expenses rose to nearly Rs 19 billion—up from nearly Rs 12 million four years ago. This year, the government has already spent nearly Rs 16.5 billion in security related expenses by mid-April this year....... budget allocated for the royal palace had gone up by over six times over the last four years. In the fiscal year 2058/59 B. S., the government had allocated Rs 126.3 million for the royal palace. But, this year the government has already allocated Rs 751.2 million for the royal palace ....... the royal government created a liability of Rs 3.30 billion by purchasing plane and helicopters and an annual expenditure of Rs 1.21 billion by recruiting additional 10,000 soldiers this year. Rs 360 million was spent in high-level visits while Rs 280 million was spent in organizing controversial municipal level elections early this year.........
Samuel Tamrat holds second-round parleys
SPA fails to arrive at consensus regarding HoR proclamation
NWPP asks parliament to move ahead as per people’s aspiration
Commission asks details of expenditure; recommends suspension of Malego
NTB strike is undemocratic: Tourism entrepreneurs; PM urged to intervene
NHRC team meets detained former ministers
Youth leaders demand clear policy on restructuring of state
Maoists express commitment not to attack journalists
Forum established to aid stir victims
Nepal defers push for republic Daily News & Analysis, India
Nepal parties put off move to check king's powers Washington Post, United States It was expected to be presented to parliament on Thursday ...... "The cabinet is not complete yet. By Tuesday or Wednesday it will be expanded and the expanded cabinet will give a final shape to the draft and it will be presented to parliament," said Madhav Kumar Nepal ...... Kantipur TV said some politicians were not comfortable with the idea of also stripping the king of his formal title of supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces. ..... The administration would no longer be known as "His Majesty's Government" and the king's key advisory body, the Raj Parishad or privy council, is likely to be abolished........ the draft aims to tax the king's income and property and allow his actions to be challenged in court....... "This will be above the constitution," said Lila Mani Pokharel, a legislator. "The provisions of the existing constitution that contradict the proposed proclamation will be ineffective." ....... Political parties are also under pressure to turn Nepal, the world's only Hindu nation, into a secular state......
Nepal to be a secular state: PM Xinhua, China
Maoists will take Nepal into Dragon’s trap Organiser, India
Nepal's parliament sets fast-paced agenda Christian Science Monitor, MA
Finance Minister reveals embezzlement of state fund by royal govt Kantipur Publications
India to announce waiver of additional duty on Nepali exports soon
House Proclamation deferred, cabinet expansion 'in a couple of days'
Past security deals to be scrapped
Govt to ensure women’s rights
Maoists extort from Indian pilgrims
Grand wedding for RNA chief’s daughter
Talks with Maoists soon: Home Minister
We are committed to press freedom, says senior Maoist leader
Judicial Commission recommends govt to suspend Malego
शाही सरकारद्वारा ३ अर्ब १७ करोड गैरबजेट खर्च
दूतावास शाही नातेदारको निवास
प्रधानसेनापतिविरुद्ध उजुरी
मतदाता नामावली संकलनमा रोक
हुम्लाका विस्थापित नफर्किने
युद्धविराममा पनि हुलाक प्रभावित
माओवादीले लुटेको फिर्ता दिने
मल्लिक प्रदिवेदन कार्यान्वयन गर्न आग्रह
एमालेको दौडाहा
तीर्थयात्रीसँग जबर्जस्ती चन्दा
जनआन्दोलनपछिको आर्थिक मार्गचित्र
दिगो शान्तिका पूर्वाधार
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