Maoist Reaction To Democratic Victory: Not Right
माधवकुमार नेपालसंग-25.04.06
डा. बाबुराम भट्टराईसंग-25.04.06
I don't have the slightest doubt in my mind that the 12 point agreement has made the progress thereafter possible. And it was the Maoists who took the lead on that one. The 12 point agreement stands out in the past half century of Nepali history. There is not another document in the same league.
I am very willing to give generous credit to the Maoist leaders. I want to give credit where credit is due. I am eager to do so.
The First Major Revolution Of The 21st Century Happened In Nepal
And no, I don't fear the Maoists are trying to use the seven parties to finish off the king so they can then turn on the seven parties and finish them off and then declare a communist republic. I really do believe the Maoists want a democratic republic. That is what they want with or without the seven parties. That is what they have ended up with after analysing many things like the current socio-economic status of the country, among other things. That is not a position of compromise for them. That is their first choice option.
Friday is when the parliament meets. The SPA needs to form a seven party government immediately. And the first decision that parliament should take on its first day is to decide formally to go for a constituent assembly. I wish the Maoists had called off their blockade immediately. But since they have not, I urge them to do so after the constituent assembly elections are declared formally.
There we have to find a new meeting point between the SPA and the Maoists.
The Maoists are committed to a democratic republic. So am I. So is Hamro Nepal. (Hamro Nepal, Latest) The Maoists are committed to a constituent assembly, so am I.
I am for dismantling both the armies. I don't know where the Maoists or the SPA stand on that one.
We democrats have to do all we can to build confidence, build trust between us and the Maoists. If they want phone calls, give them phone calls. If they want to be consulted before the SPA makes important decisions, consult. There is no harm in consulting. Why only Maoists? Consult widely. As widely as possible. Talk extensively and regularly before the formal peace talks.
Don't Forget The Dead And The Injured
There is an urgent need to set up a Martyrs Fund with a bank account number that gets made available to the Nepalis worldwide. These martyrs made the ultimate sacrifice. There is no compensation possible. But we have to try our very best. Their families need to be supported to the fullest. Many of them have left wives and kids behind.
Human Rights Abuses
Neither the RNA nor the Maoists ever formally endorsed violation of human rights. One option would be to set up a commission to bring specific individuals to justice.
Another option is to set up a Truth And Reconciliation Commission. You don't necessarily go and punish, but you do document all atrocities. You do allow all the aggrieved to be heard.
And there are various combinations of the two approaches that are possible.
I defer to the seven party alliance government on the details. It is for them to decide as to exactly what.
In The News
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