SUNDAY, January 29th, 2006
Lafayette Park, Washington DC
King Gyanendra staged a coup d'état on Feb 1, 2005. Within a year this small Himalayan Kingdom has witnessed an ever downward spiraling of political, economical and social conditions. Extra judicial killings, daily disappearances of innocent Nepalese, harassment to media and journalists and ban on peaceful protests have become the daily norms. People's democratic rights have been completely replaced by Gyanedra's military might. His handpicked cronies in the government continue to enhance his campaign of terror and destruction of Nepal. King Gyanendra continues along his dictatorial path and has turned deaf ears to the pleas of International Community including UN, USA, UK, EU, India and others democratic countries.
As you may be aware, the May 15, 2005 Washington, DC Rally and September 16, 2006 New York Rally for Democracy in Nepal unquestionably and unequivocally sent a strong message to King G and his government that we are for a lasting positive impact on our struggle for democracy, civil liberties, and human rights in Nepal. DC Rally Coordination Committee once again requests the Nepali Diaspora of North America to stand in SOLIDARITY with our fellow citizens of Nepal who continue to oppose the dictatorial rule of King Gyanendra. Let's participate in this massive protest rally to send a clear message to King Gyanendra that ignoring the mainstream political parties is NOT in his best interest. We call upon all freedom and democracy loving people to come and join our protest rally. Our Struggle for Democracy continues in Nepal.
Date Sunday, January 29, 2006, at 11:30 AM
Place Lafayette Park, Washington DC (In front of the White House. See map below)
. For more information, visit www.dcrally.org or e-mail : webmaster@dcrally.org
Or Call us toll Free: 1-877- 666-0008
See the Green button marked 1 for Rally Venue
Program Details
10:00 am – 11: 15 am AV Equipment Set-Up
11:30 am – 12 noon Assembly
12 noon - 12:30 pm Display of Protest Materials (Banners/Pamphlet/Posters)
12:30 pm - 1 pm PROTEST RALLY
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm Awareness Moments
1:30 pm - 2:15 pm Poetry Recitation
2:15 pm - 2:30 pm Park Clean Up
(We encourage individuals and organizations to bring their banner and other display materials. Organizing committee will provide you with BLACK protest bands. Water will be provided in the venue. Those coming from out of state and needs a place to stay are welcome to e-mail the above contact info. Please wear appropriate clothing depending on the weather to keep yourself warm. )
Show your SOLIDARITY with the people of NEPAL
Rally to mark February 1,2005 as a "Black Day"
New York City
Nepalese Democratic Youth Council in USA (NDYCUSA) invites you to join us at a rally to mark February 1, 2005 as a "Black Day" in Nepal's democratic history. The main purpose of this rally is to condemn King Gyanendra's autocratic rule and show our support and solidarity with the Nepali people's movement to establish full democracy in Nepal. As the situation is getting progressively worse, we want to draw International Community's attention to it and urge them to extend their full support for democratic movement in Nepal.
The event will take place.
Date: Wednesday, February 1st 2006 from 3PM to 5PM.
Place: Ralph Bounch Park, 42nd street and First Avenue, in front of United Nations Headquarter.
We urge you to make a special priority to attend this rally and extend your full support to the Democratic Movement in Nepal. Please also share this information with people in your network and urge them for their participation.
I thank you for your continuing support for democratic movement in Nepal.
Anand Bist
For more information contact.
Anand Bist 917-442-7405 anand_bist@yahoo.com
Mridula Koirala 917-604-6260 mridula@hotmail
Shailesh Shrestha 646-334-2158 shyless97@hotmail.com
Dr.Tara Niraula 212-491-0378 drniraula@yahoo.com
Pramod Sitaula 917-690-4465 prasitaula@hotmail.com
Bishwa Shah 917-774-7198 god77biraj@hotmail.com
Sanjaya Parajuli 917-902-2667 parajulis@hotmail.com
Mohan Gyawali 646-299-0447 mohan_gyawali@yahoo.com
Bansha Lal Tamang 917-519-5223 moktanbl03@hotmail.com
Minmar Sherpa 917-254-9252 mingmarsherpany@yahoo.com
Rally Co-sponsored by- Alliance for Democracy and Human Rights in Nepal
The autocrat, Gyanendra Shah has imposed yet another emergency decree to suppress the freedom and fundamental human rights in Nepal. The Hundreds of political, student, and civic leaders have been either put in Jail or confined to a house arrest. This comes immediate after the government of Gyanendra completely ignoring the Maoist's unilateral ceasefire. Instead of taking advantage of the Maoist's ceasefire and reciprocating with their own for a genuine peace, the illegitimate regime has decided take a confrontational path, which everyone believes is going to bring more misery to Nepalis for a longer time to come. Gyanendra's one year direct rule and three years rule from behind the scene has clearly shown that this man has no intension of restoring peace and democracy and improving the lives of the Nepalis.
Therefore, hundreds of thousands of people have been risking their lives in Nepal and telling him enough us enough. In recent months, more than one hundred thousand people have come to the street of Mahendra Nagar, Butwal, Janak Pur and Kathmandu, to oppose his direct rule.
Had he not imposed the curfew and put hundreds of leaders in Jail, by some estimate, a half million people would have participated in the street protest on Jan 20th, against his unlawful cease of the government. Our brothers and sisters from a small village to the big cities and capital have been risking their lives to restore human dignity, which we Diasporas in the Northern California and elsewhere take for granted. Although, our options to help the cause for peace and democracy in Nepal is limited, we can show our solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Nepal with the available means; protesting against Gyanendra and supporting democracy and peace is one of the few options we can exercise here in America. Therefore, on February 1st 2006 , on the first anniversary (The black day) of the coup, we will be protesting in front of the U.N. plaza building in San Francisco (the birth city of the U.N.) . Please Come join us and let the freedom fighters in Nepal know that we are with them in their struggle for peace and democracy.
Nepal Enterprise Forum
Oakland, CA
For further information please call:
Bhakta Thapa - (510) 734 - 1499
Biswo Poudel - (225) 937 - 5677
Roger Adhikari - (209) 640 - 1284
Date: Wednesday, Feb 1st, 2006
Time: 5:30 PM
In front of the U.N. Plaza building
Place: Corner of 7th and Market Street
San Francisco, CA
Note: Please bring your friends and family and own placard with a good slogan reflecting support for peace and democracy in Nepal and opposing Gyanendra's tyranny. Finally, please do not criticize the US government in your placard because we are asking them to support the democratic cause and such criticism may only defeat our purpose.
We regret to inform you that since Kanak Mani Dixit had to cancel his trip to the US given the recent political developments in Nepal, we have been compelled to postpone the event with him and Rhoderick Chalmers scheduled for Wednesday, February 1st. We will inform you of the new date and time when they become concrete. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this unexpected turn of events, and hope to see you at a later date for this particular event, and at future events of the Alliance for Democracy & Human Rights in Nepal, USA.
To mark the "black day" (the "Royal coup" of February 2005) in Nepali political history, please join us for a rally in front of the UN Headquarters in NYC if you can.
Venue: Ralph Bounce Park, E. 42nd Street and 1st Avenue, 3pm-5pm.
Again, the following event has been postponed!
Alliance for Democracy & Human Rights in Nepal, USA and The South Asia Forum (The New School) cordially invite you to a discussion:
Nepal at the Crossroads: A Year of Worsening Political Quagmire
Speakers and sub-topics
Kanak Mani Dixit
"Chairman Gyanendra vs. The People of Nepal"
Mr. Dixit is a prominent Kathmandu-based journalist who is the editor of the Himal Southasiaa and publisher of the newsmagazine Himal Khabarpatrika . He is also a children's author and a cultural activist.
Rhoderick Chalmers
"Prospects for Peace: International Perspectives"
Dr. Chalmers is the Deputy South Asia Project Director at the International Crisis Group.
The program will start with a 10-minute performance art by Ashmina Ranjit , a prominent Nepali artist and activist, who is currently a Fulbright Scholar at Columbia University.
Moderator: Professor Carol Breckenridge , Founder, South Asia Forum
Wednesday, February 1st, 2006
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Lang Cafeteria (ground floor), The New School
Entrance on 66 West 12th Street, (between 5th and 6th Avenues)
Nearest Subways : F (6th Avenue Line) train to 14th Street Station; 1, 2, 3, 9 (7th avenue line) trains to 14th Street Station.
Free Admission!
February 1st marks the completion of the first year of King Gyanendra's direct rule in Nepal. To many, this day is seen as a black day since, in the name of the "war on terror," the government of King Gyanendra has resorted to curbing civil liberties and heavy-handed crackdowns on the democratic forces in the country. The speakers will highlight some of the key aspects of the political and human rights situation in Nepal over the past year and discuss possible ways out of the morass. Questions and answers will follow the presentations from the speakers.
Sanjay: parajulis@ hotmail.com, Ph. 917-602-2667
Anil: anil_shahi_et@ hotmail.com, Ph. 917-670-1057
08:20 | Department of State, United States |
08:23 | Department of State, United States |
10:35 | Wipro NET Ltd., India |
14:22 | Google Inc. |
14:36 | C.P.R.M., Cape Verde |
14:43 | The World Bank Group, Washington, D.C., United States |
15:01 | Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium |
15:05 | Chello, Sweden |
16:02 | University of Georgia, Athens, United States |
16:34 | The World Bank Group, Washington, D.C., United States |
16:53 | Telecom Italia Group, Italy |
17:03 | The World Bank Group, Washington, D.C., United States |
17:12 | Williams College, Williamstown, United States |
17:23 | The World Bank Group, Washington, D.C., United States |
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