Now the BJP in India has come out for sealing the Nepal-India border. Looks like some common ground has emerged between the ultra "nationalists" in Nepal and the second largest party in India.
Sure this is election talk for the all-impotant forthcoming elections in Bihar. But then all talk by parties in democracies is election talk. It has to be taken seriously.
This also shows the BJP is not buying the line that the Nepali Maoists were not involved in the recent Maoist attack in Bihar.
I don't know one way or the other on that particular topic, but if the Nepali Maoists were involved, they are following in the king's footsteps of 2/1: opening up fights on several fronts at once.
Even a military power like the US admist it can only fight two and a half wars at any one point in time.
The king since 2/1 has been fighting three "wars." With the Maoists, the democrats, and the international community.
Phone Talk With Rajendra Mahto In Delhi
Audio Clips, My Reflections: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
In The News
- BJP for sealing Indo-Nepal borders Hindustan Times, India handing over the affected areas to central para-military forces and immediate sealing of the border...... naxal attacks had lowered the morale of the police force
- Seal Indo-Nepal border to curb naxal menace: BJP Expressindia.com, India
- BJP for sealing Indo-Nepal border in Bihar
Chennai Online - Maoists force journo to quit his job Kantipur Online, Nepal Ilam-based reporter of Radio Nepal Umesh Gurung has been restricted to move out of the district by the Maoists recently
- Nepal releases former deputy PM from detention Sify, India
- Garment exporters urge govt to ensure duty free entry of Nepali ... BharatTextile.com, India
- SSB vested with special powers to curb Maoist insurgency Outlook (subscription), India Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) has been vested with special powers within five kilometres of the Indo-Nepal border
- Royal move setback for democracy: Camp Kantipur Online, Nepal the King’s Feb. 1 actions to have been a big step backward for democracy..... leaders who stand in the way of democracy do no service to the people ..... the United States has delayed a shipment of M-16 rifles..... The Maoists must realize that they will not win an armed struggle..... dismissed suggestions that the US could go for a policy review in its treatment towards the Maoists..... “Political party leaders recently have taken steps toward unity,” Camp said. “and we believe the King should respond to their initiative and reach out to them.”.... Camp met with various political leaders including Nepali Congress President Girija Prasad Koirala..... scheduled to meet the King before his departure late evening today
- BJP for sealing Indo-Nepal borders Outlook (subscription), India
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